uncommenting more of check and removed redundant loc parameter from subtype

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-07-16 13:14:49 -04:00
parent 8347983776
commit 810a1de7f5

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@ -478,18 +478,18 @@ check e t = withinCheck e t $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
let Type.Effect'' es _ = o
withEffects0 es $ check (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Term.var x)) o
doRetract $ Ann x i
-- go (Term.Let1' binding e) t = do
-- v <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
-- tbinding <- synthesize binding
-- modifyContext' (extend (Ann v tbinding))
-- check (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation e (Term.var v)) t
-- doRetract $ Ann v tbinding
-- go (Term.LetRecNamed' [] e) t = check e t
-- go (Term.LetRec' letrec) t = do
-- (marker, e) <- annotateLetRecBindings letrec
-- check e t
-- doRetract marker
-- go (Term.Handle' h body) t = do
go (Term.Let1' binding e) t = do
v <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
tbinding <- synthesize binding
modifyContext' (extend (Ann v tbinding))
check (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation e (Term.var v)) t
doRetract $ Ann v tbinding
go (Term.LetRecNamed' [] e) t = check e t
go (Term.LetRec' letrec) t = do
(marker, e) <- annotateLetRecBindings letrec
check e t
doRetract marker
--go (Term.Handle' h body) t = do
-- -- `h` should check against `Effect e i -> t` (for new existentials `e` and `i`)
-- -- `body` should check against `i`
-- [e, i] <- sequence [freshNamed "e", freshNamed "i"]
@ -503,9 +503,9 @@ check e t = withinCheck e t $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
-- let (_, i') = Type.stripEffect (apply ctx (Type.existential i))
-- check body (Type.effect ambient i')
-- pure ()
-- go _ _ = do -- Sub
-- a <- synthesize e; ctx <- getContext
-- subtype (apply ctx a) (apply ctx t)
go _ _ = do -- Sub
a <- synthesize e; ctx <- getContext
subtype (apply ctx a) (apply ctx t)
e' = error "todo" -- minimize' e
in case t of
-- expand existentials before checking
@ -515,9 +515,9 @@ check e t = withinCheck e t $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
-- | `subtype ctx t1 t2` returns successfully if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`.
-- This may have the effect of altering the context.
subtype :: forall v loc . (Eq loc, Var v) => loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
subtype _ tx ty | debugEnabled && traceShow ("subtype"::String, tx, ty) False = undefined
subtype loc tx ty = withinSubtype tx ty $
subtype :: forall v loc . (Eq loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
subtype tx ty | debugEnabled && traceShow ("subtype"::String, tx, ty) False = undefined
subtype tx ty = withinSubtype tx ty $
do ctx <- getContext; go (ctx :: Context v loc) tx ty
where -- Rules from figure 9
go :: Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
@ -529,24 +529,24 @@ subtype loc tx ty = withinSubtype tx ty $
| v1 == v2 && wellformedType ctx t1 && wellformedType ctx t2
= pure ()
go _ (Type.Arrow' i1 o1) (Type.Arrow' i2 o2) = do -- `-->`
subtype loc i1 i2; ctx' <- getContext
subtype loc (apply ctx' o1) (apply ctx' o2)
subtype i1 i2; ctx' <- getContext
subtype (apply ctx' o1) (apply ctx' o2)
go _ (Type.App' x1 y1) (Type.App' x2 y2) = do -- analogue of `-->`
subtype loc x1 x2; ctx' <- getContext
subtype loc (apply ctx' y1) (apply ctx' y2)
subtype x1 x2; ctx' <- getContext
subtype (apply ctx' y1) (apply ctx' y2)
go _ t (Type.Forall' t2) = do
v' <- extendUniversal =<< ABT.freshen t2 freshenTypeVar
t2 <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation t2 (Type.universal v')
subtype loc t t2
subtype t t2
doRetract (Universal v')
go _ (Type.Forall' t) t2 = do
v <- extendMarker =<< ABT.freshen t freshenTypeVar
t <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation t (Type.existential v)
ctx' <- getContext
subtype loc (apply ctx' t) t2
subtype (apply ctx' t) t2
doRetract (Marker v)
go _ (Type.Effect' [] a1) a2 = subtype loc a1 a2
go _ a1 (Type.Effect' [] a2) = subtype loc a1 a2
go _ (Type.Effect' [] a1) a2 = subtype a1 a2
go _ a1 (Type.Effect' [] a2) = subtype a1 a2
go ctx (Type.Existential' v) t -- `InstantiateL`
| Set.member v (existentials ctx) && notMember v (Type.freeVars t) =
instantiateL v t
@ -554,11 +554,11 @@ subtype loc tx ty = withinSubtype tx ty $
| Set.member v (existentials ctx) && notMember v (Type.freeVars t) =
instantiateR t v
go _ (Type.Effect'' es1 a1) (Type.Effect' es2 a2) = do
subtype loc a1 a2
subtype a1 a2
ctx <- getContext
let es1' = map (apply ctx) es1
es2' = map (apply ctx) es2
abilityCheck' loc es2' es1'
abilityCheck' es2' es1'
go _ _ _ = failNote TypeMismatch
instantiateL :: Var v => v -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
@ -566,19 +566,19 @@ instantiateL = error "todo" -- may need a loc parameter?
instantiateR :: Var v => Type v loc -> v -> M v loc ()
instantiateR = error "todo" -- may need a loc parameter?
abilityCheck' :: (Var v, Eq loc) => loc -> [Type v loc] -> [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck' loc ambient requested = do
abilityCheck' :: (Var v, Eq loc) => [Type v loc] -> [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck' ambient requested = do
success <- flip allM requested $ \req ->
flip anyM ambient $ \amb -> (True <$ subtype loc amb req) `orElse` pure False
flip anyM ambient $ \amb -> (True <$ subtype amb req) `orElse` pure False
when (not success) $
failNote $ AbilityCheckFailure ambient requested
abilityCheck :: (Var v, Eq loc) => loc -> [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck loc requested = do
abilityCheck :: (Var v, Eq loc) => [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck requested = do
enabled <- abilityCheckEnabled
when enabled $ do
ambient <- getAbilities
abilityCheck' loc ambient requested
abilityCheck' ambient requested
instance (Var v, Show loc) => Show (Element v loc) where
show (Var v) = case v of