Fix for issue when pressing navigating while at root or node where no movement possible in requested direction

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Paul Chiusano 2015-09-22 15:07:20 -04:00
parent ce63c596aa
commit 81169f63c8

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@ -492,16 +492,13 @@ navigate dir by box p = do
BEmpty -> nav dir by r' tl
BEmbed _ -> nav dir by r' tl
BFlow dir' _ | dir /= dir' -> nav dir by r' tl
BFlow _ bs -> case elemIndex r (map (snd . root) bs) of
Nothing -> error $ "region not contained in parent: " ++ show r ++ "\n"
++ show (map snd $ preorder =<< bs)
Just i -> advance i where
advance i = case by i of
j | j >= 0 && j < length bs -> -- we can advance at this level
-- skip over unselectable stuff
if not (any (/= Path.root) (map fst . preorder $ bs !! j)) then advance j
else Just (bs !! j)
_ -> nav dir by r' tl
BFlow _ bs -> advance =<< elemIndex r (map (snd . root) bs) where
advance i = case by i of
j | j >= 0 && j < length bs -> -- we can advance at this level
-- skip over unselectable stuff
if not (any (/= Path.root) (map fst . preorder $ bs !! j)) then advance j
else Just (bs !! j)
_ -> nav dir by r' tl
segment :: Direction -> Box e p -> [Box e p]
segment dir b@(_ :< box) = case box of
@ -512,7 +509,7 @@ navigate dir by box p = do
up', down', left', right' :: (Eq p, Path p) => Box e (p, Region) -> p -> Maybe p
up'= navigate Vertical (\i -> i-1)
down'= navigate Vertical (\i -> i+1)
down' = navigate Vertical (\i -> i+1)
right'= navigate Horizontal (\i -> i+1)
left'= navigate Horizontal (\i -> i-1)