Inline builtin literal type reference tags

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2024-09-26 13:55:30 -07:00
parent df6b493f29
commit 82dcf20b24
6 changed files with 45 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 qualified as Ed25519
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 qualified as RSA
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.|.))
import Unison.Runtime.Builtin.TypeNumbering
import Data.ByteArray qualified as BA
import Data.ByteString (hGet, hGetSome, hPut)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as L
@ -3619,14 +3620,6 @@ verifyRsaWrapper (public0, msg0, sig0) = case validated of
sig = Bytes.toArray sig0 :: ByteString
validated = Rsa.parseRsaPublicKey (Bytes.toArray public0 :: ByteString)
typeReferences :: [(Reference, Word64)]
typeReferences = zip rs [1 ..]
rs =
[r | (_, r) <- Ty.builtinTypes]
++ [DerivedId i | (_, i, _) <- Ty.builtinDataDecls]
++ [DerivedId i | (_, i, _) <- Ty.builtinEffectDecls]
foreignDeclResults ::
Bool -> (Word64, [(Data.Text.Text, (Sandbox, SuperNormal Symbol))], EnumMap Word64 (Data.Text.Text, ForeignFunc))
foreignDeclResults sanitize =
@ -3647,9 +3640,6 @@ builtinTermBackref :: EnumMap Word64 Reference
builtinTermBackref =
mapFromList . zip [1 ..] . Map.keys $ builtinLookup
builtinTypeNumbering :: Map Reference Word64
builtinTypeNumbering = Map.fromList typeReferences
builtinTypeBackref :: EnumMap Word64 Reference
builtinTypeBackref = mapFromList $ swap <$> typeReferences

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module Unison.Runtime.Builtin.TypeNumbering (typeReferences, builtinTypeNumbering) where
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Ty (builtinTypes)
import Unison.Builtin.Decls qualified as Ty
import Unison.Prelude hiding (Text, some)
import Unison.Reference
builtinTypeNumbering :: Map Reference Word64
builtinTypeNumbering = Map.fromList typeReferences
typeReferences :: [(Reference, Word64)]
typeReferences = zip rs [1 ..]
rs =
[r | (_, r) <- Ty.builtinTypes]
++ [DerivedId i | (_, i, _) <- Ty.builtinDataDecls]
++ [DerivedId i | (_, i, _) <- Ty.builtinEffectDecls]

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@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ import Unison.Runtime.ANF
pattern TVar,
import Unison.Runtime.ANF qualified as ANF
import Unison.Runtime.Builtin.TypeNumbering (builtinTypeNumbering)
import Unison.Util.EnumContainers as EC
import Unison.Util.Text (Text)
import Unison.Var (Var)
@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ data GInstr comb
| -- Push a particular value onto the appropriate stack
Lit !MLit -- value to push onto the stack
| -- Push a particular value directly onto the boxed stack
BLit !Reference !MLit
BLit !Reference !Word64 {- packed type tag for the ref -} !MLit
| -- Print a value on the unboxed stack
Print !Int -- index of the primitive value to print
| -- Put a delimiter on the continuation
@ -1487,8 +1488,18 @@ doubleToInt :: Double -> Int
doubleToInt d = indexByteArray (byteArrayFromList [d]) 0
emitBLit :: ANF.Lit -> Instr
emitBLit l@(ANF.F d) = BLit (ANF.litRef l) (MI $ doubleToInt d)
emitBLit l = BLit (ANF.litRef l) (litToMLit l)
emitBLit l = case l of
(ANF.F d) -> BLit lRef builtinTypeTag (MI $ doubleToInt d)
_ -> BLit lRef builtinTypeTag (litToMLit l)
lRef = ANF.litRef l
builtinTypeTag :: Word64
builtinTypeTag =
case M.lookup (ANF.litRef l) builtinTypeNumbering of
Nothing -> error "emitBLit: unknown builtin type reference"
Just n ->
let rt = toEnum (fromIntegral n)
in (packTags rt 0)
-- Emits some fix-up code for calling functions. Some of the
-- variables in scope come from the top-level let rec, but these

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@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ putInstr pCix = \case
(Pack r w a) -> putTag PackT *> putReference r *> pWord w *> putArgs a
(Unpack mr i) -> putTag UnpackT *> putMaybe mr putReference *> pInt i
(Lit l) -> putTag LitT *> putLit l
(BLit r l) -> putTag BLitT *> putReference r *> putLit l
(BLit r tt l) -> putTag BLitT *> putReference r *> putNat tt *> putLit l
(Print i) -> putTag PrintT *> pInt i
(Reset s) -> putTag ResetT *> putEnumSet pWord s
(Fork i) -> putTag ForkT *> pInt i
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ getInstr gCix =
PackT -> Pack <$> getReference <*> gWord <*> getArgs
UnpackT -> Unpack <$> getMaybe getReference <*> gInt
LitT -> Lit <$> getLit
BLitT -> BLit <$> getReference <*> getLit
BLitT -> BLit <$> getReference <*> getNat <*> getLit
PrintT -> Print <$> gInt
ResetT -> Reset <$> getEnumSet gWord
ForkT -> Fork <$> gInt

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@ -254,16 +254,12 @@ unitValue = Enum Rf.unitRef unitTag
lookupDenv :: Word64 -> DEnv -> Closure
lookupDenv p denv = fromMaybe BlackHole $ EC.lookup p denv
buildLit :: Reference -> MLit -> Closure
buildLit rf (MI i)
| Just n <- M.lookup rf builtinTypeNumbering,
rt <- toEnum (fromIntegral n) =
DataU1 rf (packTags rt 0) i
| otherwise = error "buildLit: unknown reference"
buildLit _ (MT t) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.textRef t)
buildLit _ (MM r) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.termLinkRef r)
buildLit _ (MY r) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.typeLinkRef r)
buildLit _ (MD _) = error "buildLit: double"
buildLit :: Reference -> Word64 -> MLit -> Closure
buildLit rf tt (MI i) = DataU1 rf tt i
buildLit _ _ (MT t) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.textRef t)
buildLit _ _ (MM r) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.termLinkRef r)
buildLit _ _ (MY r) = Foreign (Wrap Rf.typeLinkRef r)
buildLit _ _ (MD _) = error "buildLit: double"
-- | Execute an instruction
exec ::
@ -504,9 +500,9 @@ exec !_ !denv !_activeThreads !ustk !bstk !k _ (Lit (MY r)) = do
bstk <- bump bstk
poke bstk (Foreign (Wrap Rf.typeLinkRef r))
pure (denv, ustk, bstk, k)
exec !_ !denv !_activeThreads !ustk !bstk !k _ (BLit rf l) = do
exec !_ !denv !_activeThreads !ustk !bstk !k _ (BLit rf tt l) = do
bstk <- bump bstk
poke bstk $ buildLit rf l
poke bstk $ buildLit rf tt l
pure (denv, ustk, bstk, k)
exec !_ !denv !_activeThreads !ustk !bstk !k _ (Reset ps) = do
(ustk, ua) <- saveArgs ustk

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.37.0.
-- see:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ library