more work on ooo-sync downloading entities

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2022-04-07 16:51:34 -05:00
parent fd839e4fa4
commit 85770e12f4
2 changed files with 95 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -9,16 +9,13 @@ module Unison.Share.Sync
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map.NonEmpty as NEMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as NESet
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (unCausalHash))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Causal (DbCausal, GDbCausal (..))
import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Causal as Sqlite.Causal (GDbCausal (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (CausalHashId (..), HashId)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (HashId)
import qualified U.Util.Base32Hex as Base32Hex
import qualified U.Util.Hash as Hash
import Unison.Prelude
@ -135,24 +132,41 @@ upload conn repoName =
pull :: Connection -> Share.RepoPath -> IO (Either PullError CausalHash)
pull _conn _repoPath = undefined
decodedHashJWTHash :: Share.DecodedHashJWT -> Share.Hash
decodedHashJWTHash = undefined
decodeHashJWT :: Share.HashJWT -> Share.DecodedHashJWT
decodeHashJWT = undefined
download :: Connection -> Share.RepoName -> NESet Share.HashJWT -> IO ()
download conn repoName =
let loop :: NESet Share.HashJWT -> IO ()
download conn repoName = do
let inMainStorage :: Share.Hash -> IO Bool
inMainStorage = undefined
let inTempStorage :: Share.Hash -> IO Bool
inTempStorage = undefined
let directDepsOfEntity :: Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.HashJWT -> Set Share.DecodedHashJWT
directDepsOfEntity = undefined
let directDepsOfHash :: Share.Hash -> Set Share.DecodedHashJWT
directDepsOfHash = undefined
let loop :: NESet Share.DecodedHashJWT -> IO ()
loop hashes0 = do
let elaborateHashes :: Set Share.HashJWT -> Set Share.HashJWT -> IO (Maybe (NESet Share.HashJWT))
let elaborateHashes :: Set Share.DecodedHashJWT -> Set Share.HashJWT -> IO (Maybe (NESet Share.HashJWT))
elaborateHashes hashes outputs =
case Set.minView hashes of
Nothing -> pure (NESet.nonEmptySet outputs)
Just (hash, hashes') ->
let inMainStorage = undefined
inTempStorage = undefined
directDepsOf = undefined
in inMainStorage hash >>= \case
Just (Share.DecodedHashJWT (Share.HashJWTClaims {hash}) jwt, hashes') ->
inMainStorage hash >>= \case
False ->
inTempStorage hash >>= \case
False ->
inTempStorage hash >>= \case
False -> elaborateHashes hashes' (Set.insert hash outputs)
True -> elaborateHashes (Set.union (directDepsOf hash) hashes') outputs
True -> elaborateHashes hashes' outputs
-- we need the entity, it's not in main or temp storage
elaborateHashes hashes' (Set.insert jwt outputs)
True ->
-- entity already in temp storage
elaborateHashes (Set.union (directDepsOfHash hash) hashes') outputs
True ->
-- hash already in main storage
elaborateHashes hashes' outputs
elaborateHashes (NESet.toSet hashes0) Set.empty >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
@ -166,25 +180,24 @@ download conn repoName =
missingDependencies0 <-
NEMap.toList entities & foldMapM \(hash, entity) -> do
let inMainStorage = undefined
let inTempStorage = undefined
let putInMainStorage hash entity = undefined
let putInTempStorage hash entity = undefined
let putInMainStorage :: Share.Hash -> Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.HashJWT -> IO ()
putInMainStorage _hash _entity = undefined
let putInTempStorage :: Share.Hash -> Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.HashJWT -> IO ()
putInTempStorage _hash _entity = undefined
let insertMissingDependencies = undefined
-- select dependency
-- from temp_entity_missing_dependency
-- where dependent = <this entity>
let getTempEntityMissingDependencies = undefined
let directDepsOf :: Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.HashJWT -> Set Share.HashJWT
directDepsOf = undefined
let getTempEntityMissingDependencies :: Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.HashJWT -> IO (Set Share.DecodedHashJWT)
getTempEntityMissingDependencies = undefined
inMainStorage hash >>= \case
True -> pure Set.empty
False ->
inTempStorage entity >>= \case
inTempStorage hash >>= \case
True -> getTempEntityMissingDependencies entity
False -> do
missingDependencies <- Set.filterM inMainStorage (directDepsOf entity)
missingDependencies <- Set.filterM (inMainStorage . decodedHashJWTHash) (directDepsOfEntity entity)
if Set.null missingDependencies
then putInMainStorage hash entity
else do
@ -195,8 +208,58 @@ download conn repoName =
case NESet.nonEmptySet missingDependencies0 of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just missingDependencies -> loop missingDependencies
in loop
in loop . decodeHashJWT
-- * we need hashjwts to make subsequent requests to the server
-- * when look up missing dependencies, it's because we anticipate making a subsequent request to the server for them,
-- so they should also be hashjwts
-- * before making a subsequent request to the server, we elaborate the request set,
-- which requires knowing hashjwts for the dependencies of the request set;
-- so we need some way of looking up missing dependency hashjwts from a hash or hashjwt
-- * one way of looking these up would be to include dependency hashjwts in the temp-entity-missing-dependency table
-- (dependent -> (dependency, dependencyjwt))
-- * we need `hash` to find entity in temp or main storage
-- * different entities may arrive with different variations on the same dependency jwts
-- * we need dependency hash (not only hashjwt) in temp-entity-missing-dependency so that we can also look up dependents
-- of a hash without knowing which hashjwt was stored for it
-- Mitchell is on team: add a column to temp-entity-missing-dependency that includes the jwt
server sqlite db
-> sqlite object bytes
-> U.Codebase.Sqlite.decomposedComponent [(LocalIds' TextId ObjectId, ByteString)]
-> Sync.Types.Entity.TermComponent
-> cbor bytes
-> network
-> cbor bytes
-> Sync.Types.Entity.TermComponent
|-> temp_entity_missing_dependencies
|-> U.Codebase.Sqlite.decomposedComponent [(LocalIds' Text HashJWT, ByteString)]
(not Unison.Sync.Types.LocallyIndexedComponent)
-> serialize -> temp_entity (bytes)
-> time to move to MAIN table!!!!
-> deserialize -> U.Codebase.Sqlite.decomposedComponent [(LocalIds' Text HashJWT, ByteString)]
-> traverse -> U.Codebase.Sqlite.decomposedComponent [(LocalIds' TextId ObjectId, ByteString)]
-> serialize -> sqlite object bytes
-- if we just have a hash for the localids (as opposed to a TypedHash)
-- Do this at the top of the procedure.
-- deps0 = hashes we kinda-maybe think we should request

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@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ newtype RepoName = RepoName Text
newtype HashJWT = HashJWT Text
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data DecodedHashJWT = DecodedHashJWT
{ claims :: HashJWTClaims,
hashJWT :: HashJWT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HashJWTClaims = HashJWTClaims
{ hash :: Hash,
entityType :: EntityType