tweaks to hit testing

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2014-09-17 13:08:28 -04:00
parent d1c8bbbd62
commit 8676c3830b
2 changed files with 32 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ scene : Int -> (Int,Int) -> Element
scene w (x,y) =
let layout = E.layout expr { key = "bar", availableWidth = w - 50, metadata h = MD.anonymousTerm }
dummy = S.codeText "w00t"
paths = L.atRanked (Array.length . .path) layout (L.Pt (x-50) (y-100))
paths = L.atRanked (Array.length . .path) layout (L.Region (L.Pt (x-48) (y-98)) 2 2)
isPrefix a b = a.hash == "bar" && Path.startsWith a.path b.path
region = case paths of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> L.selectableLub .selectable (L.region isPrefix layout (last paths))
_ -> L.selectableLub .selectable (L.region isPrefix layout (head (head paths)))
selection = maybe Element.empty (S.selection layout) region
in flow down
[ spacer 50 1 `Element.beside` Element.height 100 (S.codeText ("paths: " ++ show paths))

View File

@ -134,13 +134,22 @@ region prefixOf l ks =
in go (Pt 0 0) ks l
{-| Find all tags whose region contains the given point. -}
at : Layout k -> Pt -> [k]
at l pt =
at : Layout k -> Region -> [k]
at l r =
within : Pt -> Int -> Int -> Pt -> Bool
within topLeft w h pt =
pt.x >= topLeft.x && pt.x <= topLeft.x + w &&
pt.y >= topLeft.y && pt.y <= topLeft.y + h
bx1 = r.topLeft.x
by1 = r.topLeft.y
bx2 = bx1 + r.width
by2 = by1 + r.height
-- See for why this works
intersects : Pt -> Int -> Int -> Bool
intersects topLeft w h =
let ax1 = topLeft.x
ay1 = topLeft.y
ax2 = ax1 + w
ay2 = ay1 + h
in ax1 < bx2 && ax2 > bx1 && ay1 < by2 && ay2 > by1
distinctCons : a -> [a] -> [a]
distinctCons h t = case t of
@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ at l pt =
ht :: tt -> if ht == h then t else h :: t
go origin (Layout layout e k) =
if not (within origin (E.widthOf e) (E.heightOf e) pt)
if not (intersects origin (E.widthOf e) (E.heightOf e))
then []
else k `distinctCons` case layout of
Beside left right ->
@ -164,14 +173,21 @@ at l pt =
in go (Pt 0 0) l
{-| Find all tags whose region contains the given point,
ordering results by the given ranking function
(the highest rank k will be last in the returned list).
{-| Find all tags whose region intersects the given region,
ordering and grouping results by the given ranking function.
The first group returned will consist of elements with the
highest rank, followed by elements with the next highest rank, etc.
atRanked : (k -> Int) -> Layout k -> Pt -> [k]
atRanked rank l pt =
let ks = at l pt ++ at l { pt | x <- pt.x + 1, y <- pt.x + 1 }
in sortBy rank ks
atRanked : (k -> Int) -> Layout k -> Region -> [[k]]
atRanked rank l r =
let f k = (rank k, k)
g (i, k) (i2, cur, acc) =
if i == i2 then (i2, k :: cur, acc)
else (i, [k], reverse cur :: acc)
done (_, cur, acc) = reverse cur :: acc
in case map f (at l r) |> sortBy fst of
[] -> []
(i,k) :: tl -> foldl g (i, [k], []) tl |> done
lub : Region -> Region -> Region
lub r1 r2 =