patterns now checked against scrutinee inferred type

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-06-13 21:48:39 -04:00
parent 8d1e6c22f7
commit 88d62e43c4
2 changed files with 6 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -524,10 +524,7 @@ synthesize e = scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ logContext "synthesize" >> go e whe
fail $ "type annotation contains free variables " ++ show (map (Set.toList s))
go (Term.Ref' h) = fail $ "unannotated reference: " ++ show h
go (Term.Constructor' r cid) = getConstructorType r cid
go (Term.Ann' e' t) = case ABT.freeVars t of
s | Set.null s -> t <$ check e' t -- case ABT.vmap TypeVar.Universal t of t -> t <$ check e' t -- Anno
s | otherwise ->
fail $ "type annotation contains free variables " ++ show (map (Set.toList s))
go (Term.Ann' e' t) = t <$ check e' t
go (Term.Float' _) = pure Type.float -- 1I=>
go (Term.Int64' _) = pure Type.int64 -- 1I=>
go (Term.UInt64' _) = pure Type.uint64 -- 1I=>
@ -614,19 +611,18 @@ let x = _
x +_Int64 y
checkCase :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Term.MatchCase (Term v) -> M v ()
checkCase _scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) =
checkCase scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) =
-- Get the variables bound in the pattern
let (vs, body) = case rhs of
ABT.AbsN' vars bod -> (vars, bod)
_ -> ([], rhs)
-- 1a. make up a term that involves the guard if present
-- Make up a term that involves the guard if present
rhs' = case guard of
Just g -> Term.let1 [(Var.named "_", Term.ann g Type.boolean)] body
Nothing -> body
-- 1b. convert pattern to a Term
-- Convert pattern to a Term
patTerm = evalState (synthTerm pat) vs
-- TODO: Annotate patTerm with scrutinee type
newBody = Term.let1 [(Var.named "_", patTerm)] rhs'
newBody = Term.let1 [(Var.named "_", patTerm `Term.ann` scrutineeType)] rhs'
entireCase = foldr (\v t -> Term.let1 [(v, Term.blank)] t) newBody vs
in check entireCase outputType

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ type Optional a = None | Some a
Optional.isEmpty : ∀ a . Optional a -> Boolean
Optional.isEmpty o = case o of
Optional.None -> true
_ -> false
Optional.Some _ -> false
increment x = x +_UInt64 1