IR.compile now handles if, a slight oversight

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-02-21 17:05:32 -05:00
parent 5ef2488fe9
commit 8b4d680ea1

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@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ compile0 env bound t =
Term.Float' n -> Leaf . Val . F $ n
Term.Boolean' n -> Leaf . Val . B $ n
Term.Text' n -> Leaf . Val . T $ n
Term.And' x y -> And (ind "and" t x) (go y)
Term.And' x y -> And (toZ "and" t x) (go y)
Term.LamsNamed' vs body -> Leaf . Val $
Lam (length vs)
(Specialize $ void t)
(compile0 env (ABT.annotation body) (void body))
Term.Or' x y -> Or (ind "or" t x) (go y)
Term.Or' x y -> Or (toZ "or" t x) (go y)
Term.Let1Named' _v b body -> Let (go b) (go body)
Term.LetRecNamed' bs body ->
LetRec ((\(v,b) -> (underlyingSymbol v, go b)) <$> bs) (go body)
@ -231,15 +231,17 @@ compile0 env bound t =
con 0 r cid [] = Leaf . Val $ Data r cid []
con _ r cid args = Construct r cid args
Term.Request' r cid -> ctorIR (const Request) (Term.request()) r cid
Term.Apps' f args -> Apply (go f) (map (ind "apply-args" t) args)
Term.Handle' h body -> Handle (ind "handle" t h) (go body)
Term.Apps' f args -> Apply (go f) (map (toZ "apply-args" t) args)
Term.Handle' h body -> Handle (toZ "handle" t h) (go body)
Term.Ann' e _ -> go e
Term.Match' scrutinee cases -> Match (ind "match" t scrutinee) (compileCase <$> cases)
Term.Match' scrutinee cases -> Match (toZ "match" t scrutinee) (compileCase <$> cases)
ABT.Abs1NA' _ body -> go body
Term.Var' _ -> Leaf $ ind "var" t t
Term.If' cond ifT ifF -> If (toZ "cond" t cond) (go ifT) (go ifF)
Term.Var' _ -> Leaf $ toZ "var" t t
Term.Ref' (toIR env -> Just ir) -> ir
Term.Vector' vs -> MakeSequence . toList . fmap (ind "sequence" t) $ vs
_ -> error $ "TODO - don't know how to compile this term:\n" ++ show (P.render 80 . TP.prettyTop mempty $ void t)
Term.Vector' vs -> MakeSequence . toList . fmap (toZ "sequence" t) $ vs
_ -> error $ "TODO - don't know how to compile this term:\n"
<> (P.render 80 . TP.prettyTop mempty $ void t)
compileVar _ v [] = unknown v
compileVar i v ((v',o):tl) =
@ -267,8 +269,8 @@ compile0 env bound t =
ir = con arity r cid (reverse $ map Slot [0 .. (arity - 1)])
unknown v = error $ "free variable during compilation: " ++ show v
ind _msg t (Term.Var' v) = compileVar 0 v (ABT.annotation t)
ind msg _t e = case go e of
toZ _msg t (Term.Var' v) = compileVar 0 v (ABT.annotation t)
toZ msg _t e = case go e of
Leaf v -> v
e -> error $ msg ++ ": ANF should have eliminated any non-Z arguments from: " ++ show e
compileCase (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) = (compilePattern pat, go <$> guard, go rhs)