Factored out non-explorer stuff into Unison.Panel

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-01-29 15:31:00 -05:00
parent 38d8812c60
commit 8e1b0d5fa4
3 changed files with 101 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -1,49 +1,25 @@
module Unison.Editor (Model) where
import Dict
import Dict (Dict)
import Elmz.Layout (Containment,Layout,Pt,Region)
import Elmz.Layout as Layout
import Elmz.Selection1D as Selection1D
import Elmz.Trie (Trie)
import Elmz.Trie as Trie
import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import Graphics.Element as Element
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Result
import Graphics.Element as Element
import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import List
import Elmz.Selection1D as Selection1D
import Elmz.Layout as Layout
import Elmz.Layout (Containment, Layout, Pt)
import Unison.Explorer as Explorer
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Metadata as Metadata
import Unison.Path (Path)
import Unison.Path as Path
import Unison.Scope (Scope)
import Unison.Scope as Scope
import Unison.Styles as Styles
import Unison.Panel as Panel
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Styles as Styles
import Unison.View as View
import Signal
type alias Model =
{ overall : Term
, scope : Maybe Scope
{ panel : Panel.Model
, explorer : Explorer.Model
, explorerValues : List Term
, explorerSelection : Selection1D.Model
, dependents : Trie Path.E (List Path)
, overrides : Trie Path.E (Layout View.L)
, hashes : Trie Path.E Hash }
type alias Action = Model -> Model
viewTerm : Int -> Term -> Layout View.L
viewTerm availableWidth term =
View.layout term { rootMetadata = Metadata.anonymousTerm
, availableWidth = availableWidth
, metadata h = Metadata.anonymousTerm
, overrides x = Nothing }
, explorerSelection : Selection1D.Model }
type alias Sink a = a -> Signal.Message
@ -52,27 +28,17 @@ type alias Context =
, searchbox : Sink Field.Content
, explorerActive : Sink Bool }
-- view : Context ->
-- clicks : Signal () -> Signal (Int,Int) -> Signal Action
-- clicks click pos =
-- let f click xy pos
view : Context -> Model -> (Layout View.L, Layout (Result Containment Int))
view ctx model =
let termLayout = viewTerm ctx.availableWidth model.overall
highlighted : Maybe Region
highlighted = case model.scope of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just scope -> Layout.region Path.startsWith .path termLayout scope.focus
|> Layout.selectableLub .selectable
highlightLayer : Element
highlightLayer = case highlighted of
Nothing -> Element.empty
Just region -> Styles.selection region
highlightedTermLayout : Layout View.L
highlightedTermLayout =
Layout.transform (\e -> Element.layers [e, highlightLayer]) termLayout
let (panelLayout, selected) = Panel.view ctx.availableWidth model.panel
explorerTopLeft : Pt
explorerTopLeft = case highlighted of
explorerTopLeft = case selected of
Nothing -> Pt 0 0
Just region -> { x = region.topLeft.x, y = region.topLeft.y + region.height }
@ -91,7 +57,7 @@ view ctx model =
highlightedExplorerLayout =
Layout.transform (\e -> Element.layers [e, explorerHighlight]) explorerLayout
in (highlightedTermLayout, highlightedExplorerLayout)
in (panelLayout, highlightedExplorerLayout)
-- viewExplorer : Model -> Layout
-- view : Int -> Term -> Layout View.L

View File

@ -14,27 +14,30 @@ import Unison.Path as Path
import Unison.Styles as Styles
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.View as View
type alias E = Path.E
type alias Path = Path.Path
type alias Scope = { focus : Path, ups : List Path, downs : List Path }
type alias Model = Maybe Scope
type alias Action = Scope -> Scope
type alias Action = Model -> Model
scope : Path -> Scope
scope focus = Scope focus [] []
view : Term -> (Path -> Maybe Region) -> Scope -> Element
view e region scope = case region scope.focus of
Nothing -> Element.empty
Just r ->
let bounds = Layout.bounds r
in Element.container bounds.width
(Element.topLeftAt (Element.absolute (r.topLeft.x))
(Element.absolute (r.topLeft.y)))
(Styles.highlight r.width r.height)
view : { tl | term : Term, layout : Layout View.L } -> Scope -> (Layout View.L, Maybe Region)
view ctx scope =
let highlighted : Maybe Region
highlighted = Layout.region Path.startsWith .path ctx.layout scope.focus
|> Layout.selectableLub .selectable
in case highlighted of
Nothing -> (ctx.layout, highlighted)
Just region ->
let l = Layout.transform (\e -> Element.layers [e, Styles.selection region])
in (l, highlighted)
actions : Signal Term
-> Signal (Layout { a | path : Path })
@ -51,8 +54,8 @@ resets mouse layout =
let go (x,y) layout =
let paths = Layout.atRanked (List.length << .path) layout (Region { x = x, y = y } 2 2)
in case paths of
(h :: _) :: _ -> always (scope h.path)
_ -> identity
(h :: _) :: _ -> always (Just (scope h.path))
_ -> always Nothing
in Signal.sampleOn mouse (Signal.map2 go mouse layout)
movements : Signal Term -> Signal Movement.D2 -> Signal Action
@ -65,27 +68,39 @@ movements e d2s =
in Signal.sampleOn d2s (Signal.map2 go e d2s)
up : Action
up {focus,ups,downs} = case ups of
h :: ups -> Scope h ups (focus :: downs)
[] -> let f = Term.up focus
in if f == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope f [] (focus :: downs)
up m = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just {focus,ups,downs} -> Just (case ups of
h :: ups -> Scope h ups (focus :: downs)
[] -> let f = Term.up focus
in if f == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope f [] (focus :: downs)
down : Term -> Action
down e {focus,ups,downs} = case downs of
h :: downs -> Scope h (focus :: ups) downs
[] -> let f = Term.down e focus
in if f == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope f (focus :: ups) []
down e m = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just {focus,ups,downs} -> Just (case downs of
h :: downs -> Scope h (focus :: ups) downs
[] -> let f = Term.down e focus
in if f == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope f (focus :: ups) []
left : Term -> Action
left e {focus,ups,downs} =
let p = Term.siblingL e focus
in if p == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope p [] []
left e m = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just {focus,ups,downs} -> Just (
let p = Term.siblingL e focus
in if p == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope p [] []
right : Term -> Action
right e {focus,ups,downs} =
let p = Term.siblingR e focus
in if p == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope p [] []
right e m = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just {focus,ups,downs} -> Just (
let p = Term.siblingR e focus
in if p == focus then Scope focus ups downs
else Scope p [] []

editor/Unison/Terms.elm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Unison.Terms where
import Unison.Term as E
-- helper functions for building terms
ap = E.App
builtin s = E.Ref (R.Builtin s)
derived s = E.Ref (R.Derived s)
int n = E.Lit (E.Number (toFloat n))
vec es = E.Vector (Array.fromList es)
nums : E.Term
nums = vec (List.map int [0..20])
rgbTerm : Int -> Int -> Int -> E.Term
rgbTerm r g b =
builtin "Color.rgba" `ap` int r `ap` int g `ap` int b `ap` int 1
-- expr = E.App (E.App (E.Ref "foo") nums) (E.App (E.Ref "baz") (E.Builtin "View.cell" `ap` E.Builtin "View.swatch" `ap` rgbTerm 230 126 34))
expr0 = derived "foo" `ap` nums `ap` (derived "baz" `ap` rgbTerm 230 126 34)
expr = derived "foo" `ap` nums `ap` (derived "baz" `ap` (builtin "View.cell" `ap` builtin "View.swatch" `ap` rgbTerm 230 126 34))
-- this bombs
-- expr = E.Ref "uno" `ap` E.Ref "dos" `ap` E.Ref "tres" `ap` E.Ref "quatro" `ap` E.Ref "cinco" `ap` E.Ref "seis" `ap` E.Ref "siete" `ap` E.Ref "ocho"
-- expr = E.App (E.App (E.Ref "foo") nums) (E.App (E.Ref "baz") (rgbTerm 230 126 34))
cell f x = builtin "View.cell" `ap` f `ap` x
panel v e = builtin "View.panel" `ap` v `ap` e
function1 f = builtin "View.function1" `ap` f
source e = builtin "View.source" `ap` e
verticalPanel es = panel (builtin "View.vertical") (vec es)
string s = E.Lit (E.Str s)
text s = builtin "View.text" `ap` s
centered s = builtin "View.textbox" `ap` builtin "Text.center" `ap` full `ap` s
h1 s = cell (text E.Blank) (E.Lit (E.Str s))
body s = cell (text E.Blank) (E.Lit (E.Str s))
full = E.Lit (E.Distance (Distance.Fraction 1.0))