fix issue in synthesizeApp where existentials were refined to pure function types, not allowing for possibility of effects

Still need to do some cleanup, will do that with separate commit
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-04-04 13:25:58 -04:00
parent 4b9ed50042
commit 8e304435e2
4 changed files with 35 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -356,6 +356,9 @@ lam' a vs body = foldr (lam a) body vs
lam'' :: Ord v => [(a,v)] -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
lam'' vs body = foldr (uncurry lam) body vs
isLam :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Bool
isLam t = arity t > 0
arity :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Int
arity (LamNamed' _ body) = 1 + arity body
arity (Ann' e _) = arity e

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@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
import Unison.Var ( Var )
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import qualified Unison.TypePrinter as TP
type TypeVar v loc = TypeVar.TypeVar (B.Blank loc) v
type Type v loc = AnnotatedType (TypeVar v loc) loc
@ -681,11 +682,15 @@ synthesizeApp (Type.Effect'' es ft) argp@(arg, argNum) =
abilityCheck es
o <$ check arg i
go (Type.Existential' b a) = do -- a^App
[i,o] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
[i,e,o] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "synthsizeApp-refined-effect", ABT.v' "o"]
let it = Type.existential' (loc ft) B.Blank i
ot = Type.existential' (loc ft) B.Blank o
soln = Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc ft) it ot)
ctxMid = context [existential o, existential i, Solved b a soln]
et = Type.existential' (loc ft) B.Blank e
soln = Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc ft)
(Type.effect (loc ft) [et] ot))
ctxMid = context [existential o, existential e,
existential i, Solved b a soln]
modifyContext' $ replace (existential a) ctxMid
synthesizeApp (Type.getPolytype soln) argp
go _ = getContext >>= \ctx -> failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx
@ -801,10 +806,17 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $
et = Type.existential' l B.Blank e
appendContext $
context [existential i, existential e, existential o, Ann arg it]
body <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Term.var() arg)
withEffects0 [et] $ check body ot
body' <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Term.var() arg)
if Term.isLam body' then do
traceM $ "Nested lambda taking arg: " <> show (ABT.variable body)
withEffects0 [] $ check body' ot
else withEffects0 [et] $ check body' ot
ctx <- getContext
pure $ Type.arrow l it (Type.effect l (apply ctx <$> [et]) ot)
let t = Type.arrow l it (Type.effect l (apply ctx <$> [et]) ot)
traceM $ "Lambda with arg " <> show (ABT.variable body) <> " was synthesized."
traceM $ "It had type: " <> TP.pretty' (Just 80) mempty (apply ctx t)
-- todo - generalize over `et` if its unsolved?
pure t
go (Term.LetRecNamed' [] body) = synthesize body
go (Term.LetRecTop' isTop letrec) = do
(marker, e) <- annotateLetRecBindings isTop letrec
@ -1145,6 +1157,9 @@ check e0 t0 = scope (InCheck e0 t0) $ do
go e t = do -- Sub
a <- synthesize e
ctx <- getContext
traceM $ "In check, the Sub case, which just uses subtype `a <: t`"
traceM $ "a = " <> TP.pretty' (Just 80) mempty (apply ctx a)
traceM $ "t = " <> TP.pretty' (Just 80) mempty (apply ctx t)
subtype (apply ctx a) (apply ctx t)
-- | `subtype ctx t1 t2` returns successfully if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
use Optional None Some
unfold : s -> (s ->{z} Optional (a, s)) ->{z} [a]
unfold s f =
go s acc = case f s of
None -> acc
Some (hd, s) -> go s (acc `Sequence.snoc` hd)
go s []
> unfold 0 (n -> if n Nat.< 5 then Some (n, n + 1) else None)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@