move handling of update command to top level of HandleInput

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2021-12-03 13:35:55 -05:00
parent ae27ca6e3b
commit 907432f1dd

View File

@ -462,8 +462,6 @@ loop = do
ps' = p' . Path.unsplit'
stepAt = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.stepAt inputDescription
stepManyAt = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.stepManyAt inputDescription
stepManyAtNoSync =
updateRoot = flip Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.updateRoot inputDescription
syncRoot = use LoopState.root >>= updateRoot
updateAtM = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.updateAtM inputDescription
@ -486,95 +484,6 @@ loop = do
ppe <- PPE.suffixifiedPPE <$> prettyPrintEnvDecl names
respond $ Typechecked (Text.pack sourceName) ppe sr uf
-- Add default metadata to all added types and terms in a slurp component.
-- No-op if the slurp component is empty.
addDefaultMetadata ::
SlurpComponent v ->
Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
addDefaultMetadata adds =
when (not (SC.isEmpty adds)) do
let addedVs = Set.toList $ SC.types adds <> SC.terms adds
addedNs = traverse (Path.hqSplitFromName' . Name.unsafeFromVar) addedVs
case addedNs of
Nothing ->
error $
"I couldn't parse a name I just added to the codebase! "
<> "-- Added names: "
<> show addedVs
Just addedNames -> do
dm <- resolveDefaultMetadata currentPath'
case toList dm of
[] -> pure ()
dm' -> do
let hqs = traverse InputPatterns.parseHashQualifiedName dm'
case hqs of
Left e ->
respond $
(Path.absoluteToPath' currentPath')
(show dm')
Right defaultMeta ->
manageLinks True addedNames defaultMeta Metadata.insert
-- Add/remove links between definitions and metadata.
-- `silent` controls whether this produces any output to the user.
-- `srcs` is (names of the) definitions to pass to `op`
-- `mdValues` is (names of the) metadata to pass to `op`
-- `op` is the operation to add/remove/alter metadata mappings.
-- e.g. `Metadata.insert` is passed to add metadata links.
manageLinks ::
Bool ->
[(Path', HQ'.HQSegment)] ->
[HQ.HashQualified Name] ->
( forall r.
Ord r =>
(r, Metadata.Type, Metadata.Value) ->
Branch.Star r NameSegment ->
Branch.Star r NameSegment
) ->
Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
manageLinks silent srcs mdValues op = do
runExceptT (for mdValues \val -> ExceptT (getMetadataFromName val)) >>= \case
Left output -> respond output
Right metadata -> do
before <- Branch.head <$> use LoopState.root
traverse_ go metadata
if silent
then respond DefaultMetadataNotification
else do
after <- Branch.head <$> use LoopState.root
(ppe, outputDiff) <- diffHelper before after
if OBranchDiff.isEmpty outputDiff
then respond NoOp
respondNumbered $
(Right Path.absoluteEmpty)
(Right Path.absoluteEmpty)
go :: (Metadata.Type, Metadata.Value) -> Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
go (mdType, mdValue) = do
newRoot <- use LoopState.root
let r0 = Branch.head newRoot
getTerms p = BranchUtil.getTerm (resolveSplit' p) r0
getTypes p = BranchUtil.getType (resolveSplit' p) r0
!srcle = toList . getTerms =<< srcs
!srclt = toList . getTypes =<< srcs
let step b0 =
let tmUpdates terms = foldl' go terms srcle
go terms src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) terms
tyUpdates types = foldl' go types srclt
go types src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) types
in over Branch.terms tmUpdates . over Branch.types tyUpdates $ b0
steps = srcs <&> \(path, _hq) -> (Path.unabsolute (resolveToAbsolute path), step)
stepManyAtNoSync steps
delete ::
(Path.HQSplit' -> Set Referent) -> -- compute matching terms
(Path.HQSplit' -> Set Reference) -> -- compute matching types
@ -1337,126 +1246,7 @@ loop = do
<$> slurpResultNames
previewResponse sourceName sr uf
_ -> respond NoUnisonFile
UpdateI maybePatchPath hqs -> case uf of
Nothing -> respond NoUnisonFile
Just uf -> do
let patchPath = fromMaybe defaultPatchPath maybePatchPath
slurpCheckNames <- slurpResultNames
currentPathNames <- currentPathNames
let sr =
applySelection hqs uf
. toSlurpResult currentPath' uf
$ slurpCheckNames
addsAndUpdates = Slurp.updates sr <> Slurp.adds sr
fileNames = UF.typecheckedToNames uf
-- todo: display some error if typeEdits or termEdits itself contains a loop
typeEdits :: Map Name (Reference, Reference)
typeEdits = Map.fromList $ map f (toList $ SC.types (updates sr))
f v = case ( toList (Names.typesNamed slurpCheckNames n),
toList (Names.typesNamed fileNames n)
) of
([old], [new]) -> (n, (old, new))
_ ->
error $
"Expected unique matches for "
++ Var.nameStr v
++ " but got: "
++ show otherwise
n = Name.unsafeFromVar v
hashTerms :: Map Reference (Type v Ann)
hashTerms = Map.fromList (toList hashTerms0)
hashTerms0 = (\(r, _wk, _tm, typ) -> (r, typ)) <$> UF.hashTerms uf
termEdits :: Map Name (Reference, Reference)
termEdits = Map.fromList $ map g (toList $ SC.terms (updates sr))
g v = case ( toList (Names.refTermsNamed slurpCheckNames n),
toList (Names.refTermsNamed fileNames n)
) of
([old], [new]) -> (n, (old, new))
_ ->
error $
"Expected unique matches for "
++ Var.nameStr v
++ " but got: "
++ show otherwise
n = Name.unsafeFromVar v
termDeprecations :: [(Name, Referent)]
termDeprecations =
[ (n, r) | (oldTypeRef, _) <- Map.elems typeEdits, (n, r) <- Names.constructorsForType oldTypeRef currentPathNames
ye'ol'Patch <- getPatchAt patchPath
-- If `uf` updates a -> a', we want to replace all (a0 -> a) in patch
-- with (a0 -> a') in patch'.
-- So for all (a0 -> a) in patch, for all (a -> a') in `uf`,
-- we must know the type of a0, a, a'.
let -- we need:
-- all of the `old` references from the `new` edits,
-- plus all of the `old` references for edits from patch we're replacing
collectOldForTyping :: [(Reference, Reference)] -> Patch -> Set Reference
collectOldForTyping new old = foldl' f mempty (new ++ fromOld)
f acc (r, _r') = Set.insert r acc
newLHS = Set.fromList . fmap fst $ new
fromOld :: [(Reference, Reference)]
fromOld =
[ (r, r') | (r, TermEdit.Replace r' _) <- R.toList . Patch._termEdits $ old, Set.member r' newLHS
neededTypes = collectOldForTyping (toList termEdits) ye'ol'Patch
allTypes :: Map Reference (Type v Ann) <-
fmap Map.fromList . for (toList neededTypes) $ \r ->
(r,) . fromMaybe (Type.builtin External "unknown type")
<$> (eval . LoadTypeOfTerm) r
let typing r1 r2 = case (Map.lookup r1 allTypes, Map.lookup r2 hashTerms) of
(Just t1, Just t2)
| Typechecker.isEqual t1 t2 -> TermEdit.Same
| Typechecker.isSubtype t1 t2 -> TermEdit.Subtype
| otherwise -> TermEdit.Different
e ->
error $
"compiler bug: typing map not constructed properly\n"
<> "typing "
<> show r1
<> " "
<> show r2
<> " : "
<> show e
let updatePatch :: Patch -> Patch
updatePatch p = foldl' step2 p' termEdits
p' = foldl' step1 p typeEdits
step1 p (r, r') = Patch.updateType r (TypeEdit.Replace r') p
step2 p (r, r') = Patch.updateTerm typing r (TermEdit.Replace r' (typing r r')) p
(p, seg) = Path.toAbsoluteSplit currentPath' patchPath
updatePatches :: Branch0 m -> m (Branch0 m)
updatePatches = Branch.modifyPatches seg updatePatch
when (Slurp.isNonempty sr) $ do
-- take a look at the `updates` from the SlurpResult
-- and make a patch diff to record a replacement from the old to new references
[ ( Path.unabsolute currentPath',
pure . doSlurpUpdates typeEdits termEdits termDeprecations
( Path.unabsolute currentPath',
pure . doSlurpAdds addsAndUpdates uf
(Path.unabsolute p, updatePatches)
eval . AddDefsToCodebase . filterBySlurpResult sr $ uf
ppe <- prettyPrintEnvDecl =<< displayNames uf
respond $ SlurpOutput input (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe) sr
-- propagatePatch prints TodoOutput
void $ propagatePatchNoSync (updatePatch ye'ol'Patch) currentPath'
addDefaultMetadata addsAndUpdates
UpdateI maybePatchPath hqs -> handleUpdate input maybePatchPath hqs
PreviewUpdateI hqs -> case (latestFile', uf) of
(Just (sourceName, _), Just uf) -> do
sr <-
@ -1778,19 +1568,6 @@ loop = do
notImplemented = eval $ Notify NotImplemented
success = respond Success
resolveDefaultMetadata :: Path.Absolute -> Action' m v [String]
resolveDefaultMetadata path = do
let superpaths = Path.ancestors path
xs <-
( \path -> do
mayNames <-
eval . ConfigLookup @[String] $ configKey "DefaultMetadata" path
pure . join $ toList mayNames
pure . join $ toList xs
case e of
Right input -> LoopState.lastInput .= Just input
_ -> pure ()
@ -1972,6 +1749,257 @@ handleShowDefinition outputLoc inputQuery = do
Nothing -> Just "scratch.u"
Just (path, _) -> Just path
-- | Handle an @update@ command.
handleUpdate :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => Input -> Maybe PatchPath -> [HQ'.HashQualified Name] -> Action' m v ()
handleUpdate input maybePatchPath hqs = do
use LoopState.latestTypecheckedFile >>= \case
Nothing -> respond NoUnisonFile
Just uf -> do
currentPath' <- use LoopState.currentPath
let defaultPatchPath :: PatchPath
defaultPatchPath = (Path' $ Left currentPath', defaultPatchNameSegment)
getPatchAt :: Path.Split' -> Action' m v Patch
getPatchAt patchPath' = do
let (p, seg) = Path.toAbsoluteSplit currentPath' patchPath'
b <- getAt p
eval . Eval $ Branch.getPatch seg (Branch.head b)
let patchPath = fromMaybe defaultPatchPath maybePatchPath
slurpCheckNames <- slurpResultNames
currentPathNames <- currentPathNames
let sr :: SlurpResult v
sr =
applySelection hqs uf
. toSlurpResult currentPath' uf
$ slurpCheckNames
addsAndUpdates :: SlurpComponent v
addsAndUpdates = Slurp.updates sr <> Slurp.adds sr
fileNames :: Names
fileNames = UF.typecheckedToNames uf
-- todo: display some error if typeEdits or termEdits itself contains a loop
typeEdits :: Map Name (Reference, Reference)
typeEdits = Map.fromList $ map f (toList $ SC.types (updates sr))
f v = case ( toList (Names.typesNamed slurpCheckNames n),
toList (Names.typesNamed fileNames n)
) of
([old], [new]) -> (n, (old, new))
_ ->
error $
"Expected unique matches for "
++ Var.nameStr v
++ " but got: "
++ show otherwise
n = Name.unsafeFromVar v
hashTerms :: Map Reference (Type v Ann)
hashTerms = Map.fromList (toList hashTerms0)
hashTerms0 = (\(r, _wk, _tm, typ) -> (r, typ)) <$> UF.hashTerms uf
termEdits :: Map Name (Reference, Reference)
termEdits = Map.fromList $ map g (toList $ SC.terms (updates sr))
g v = case ( toList (Names.refTermsNamed slurpCheckNames n),
toList (Names.refTermsNamed fileNames n)
) of
([old], [new]) -> (n, (old, new))
_ ->
error $
"Expected unique matches for "
++ Var.nameStr v
++ " but got: "
++ show otherwise
n = Name.unsafeFromVar v
termDeprecations :: [(Name, Referent)]
termDeprecations =
[ (n, r)
| (oldTypeRef, _) <- Map.elems typeEdits,
(n, r) <- Names.constructorsForType oldTypeRef currentPathNames
ye'ol'Patch <- getPatchAt patchPath
-- If `uf` updates a -> a', we want to replace all (a0 -> a) in patch
-- with (a0 -> a') in patch'.
-- So for all (a0 -> a) in patch, for all (a -> a') in `uf`,
-- we must know the type of a0, a, a'.
let -- we need:
-- all of the `old` references from the `new` edits,
-- plus all of the `old` references for edits from patch we're replacing
collectOldForTyping :: [(Reference, Reference)] -> Patch -> Set Reference
collectOldForTyping new old = foldl' f mempty (new ++ fromOld)
f acc (r, _r') = Set.insert r acc
newLHS = Set.fromList . fmap fst $ new
fromOld :: [(Reference, Reference)]
fromOld =
[ (r, r') | (r, TermEdit.Replace r' _) <- R.toList . Patch._termEdits $ old, Set.member r' newLHS
neededTypes = collectOldForTyping (toList termEdits) ye'ol'Patch
allTypes :: Map Reference (Type v Ann) <-
fmap Map.fromList . for (toList neededTypes) $ \r ->
(r,) . fromMaybe (Type.builtin External "unknown type")
<$> (eval . LoadTypeOfTerm) r
let typing r1 r2 = case (Map.lookup r1 allTypes, Map.lookup r2 hashTerms) of
(Just t1, Just t2)
| Typechecker.isEqual t1 t2 -> TermEdit.Same
| Typechecker.isSubtype t1 t2 -> TermEdit.Subtype
| otherwise -> TermEdit.Different
e ->
error $
"compiler bug: typing map not constructed properly\n"
<> "typing "
<> show r1
<> " "
<> show r2
<> " : "
<> show e
let updatePatch :: Patch -> Patch
updatePatch p = foldl' step2 p' termEdits
p' = foldl' step1 p typeEdits
step1 p (r, r') = Patch.updateType r (TypeEdit.Replace r') p
step2 p (r, r') = Patch.updateTerm typing r (TermEdit.Replace r' (typing r r')) p
(p, seg) = Path.toAbsoluteSplit currentPath' patchPath
updatePatches :: Branch0 m -> m (Branch0 m)
updatePatches = Branch.modifyPatches seg updatePatch
when (Slurp.isNonempty sr) $ do
-- take a look at the `updates` from the SlurpResult
-- and make a patch diff to record a replacement from the old to new references
[ ( Path.unabsolute currentPath',
pure . doSlurpUpdates typeEdits termEdits termDeprecations
( Path.unabsolute currentPath',
pure . doSlurpAdds addsAndUpdates uf
(Path.unabsolute p, updatePatches)
eval . AddDefsToCodebase . filterBySlurpResult sr $ uf
ppe <- prettyPrintEnvDecl =<< displayNames uf
respond $ SlurpOutput input (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe) sr
-- propagatePatch prints TodoOutput
void $ propagatePatchNoSync (updatePatch ye'ol'Patch) currentPath'
addDefaultMetadata addsAndUpdates
let patchString :: Text
patchString =
& Path.unsplit'
& Path.resolve @_ @_ @Path.Absolute currentPath'
& tShow
syncRoot ("update " <> patchString)
-- Add default metadata to all added types and terms in a slurp component.
-- No-op if the slurp component is empty.
addDefaultMetadata :: (Monad m, Var v) => SlurpComponent v -> Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
addDefaultMetadata adds =
when (not (SC.isEmpty adds)) do
currentPath' <- use LoopState.currentPath
let addedVs = Set.toList $ SC.types adds <> SC.terms adds
addedNs = traverse (Path.hqSplitFromName' . Name.unsafeFromVar) addedVs
case addedNs of
Nothing ->
error $
"I couldn't parse a name I just added to the codebase! "
<> "-- Added names: "
<> show addedVs
Just addedNames -> do
dm <- resolveDefaultMetadata currentPath'
case toList dm of
[] -> pure ()
dm' -> do
let hqs = traverse InputPatterns.parseHashQualifiedName dm'
case hqs of
Left e ->
respond $
(Path.absoluteToPath' currentPath')
(show dm')
Right defaultMeta ->
manageLinks True addedNames defaultMeta Metadata.insert
resolveDefaultMetadata :: Path.Absolute -> Action' m v [String]
resolveDefaultMetadata path = do
let superpaths = Path.ancestors path
xs <-
( \path -> do
mayNames <-
eval . ConfigLookup @[String] $ configKey "DefaultMetadata" path
pure . join $ toList mayNames
pure . join $ toList xs
-- Add/remove links between definitions and metadata.
-- `silent` controls whether this produces any output to the user.
-- `srcs` is (names of the) definitions to pass to `op`
-- `mdValues` is (names of the) metadata to pass to `op`
-- `op` is the operation to add/remove/alter metadata mappings.
-- e.g. `Metadata.insert` is passed to add metadata links.
manageLinks ::
forall m v.
(Monad m, Var v) =>
Bool ->
[(Path', HQ'.HQSegment)] ->
[HQ.HashQualified Name] ->
( forall r.
Ord r =>
(r, Metadata.Type, Metadata.Value) ->
Branch.Star r NameSegment ->
Branch.Star r NameSegment
) ->
Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
manageLinks silent srcs mdValues op = do
runExceptT (for mdValues \val -> ExceptT (getMetadataFromName val)) >>= \case
Left output -> respond output
Right metadata -> do
before <- Branch.head <$> use LoopState.root
traverse_ go metadata
if silent
then respond DefaultMetadataNotification
else do
after <- Branch.head <$> use LoopState.root
(ppe, outputDiff) <- diffHelper before after
if OBranchDiff.isEmpty outputDiff
then respond NoOp
respondNumbered $
(Right Path.absoluteEmpty)
(Right Path.absoluteEmpty)
go :: (Metadata.Type, Metadata.Value) -> Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
go (mdType, mdValue) = do
newRoot <- use LoopState.root
currentPath' <- use LoopState.currentPath
let resolveToAbsolute :: Path' -> Path.Absolute
resolveToAbsolute = Path.resolve currentPath'
resolveSplit' :: (Path', a) -> (Path, a)
resolveSplit' = Path.fromAbsoluteSplit . Path.toAbsoluteSplit currentPath'
r0 = Branch.head newRoot
getTerms p = BranchUtil.getTerm (resolveSplit' p) r0
getTypes p = BranchUtil.getType (resolveSplit' p) r0
!srcle = toList . getTerms =<< srcs
!srclt = toList . getTypes =<< srcs
let step b0 =
let tmUpdates terms = foldl' go terms srcle
go terms src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) terms
tyUpdates types = foldl' go types srclt
go types src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) types
in over Branch.terms tmUpdates . over Branch.types tyUpdates $ b0
steps = srcs <&> \(path, _hq) -> (Path.unabsolute (resolveToAbsolute path), step)
stepManyAtNoSync steps
-- Takes a maybe (namespace address triple); returns it as-is if `Just`;
-- otherwise, tries to load a value from .unisonConfig, and complains
-- if needed.
@ -2592,6 +2620,12 @@ stepManyAtMNoSync' actions = do
LoopState.root .= b'
pure (b /= b')
-- | Sync the in-memory root branch.
syncRoot :: LoopState.InputDescription -> Action m i v ()
syncRoot description = do
root' <- use LoopState.root
Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.updateRoot root' description
updateRoot :: Branch m -> LoopState.InputDescription -> Action m i v ()
updateRoot new reason = do
old <- use LoopState.lastSavedRoot