Updated the Type AST and did some refactoring - the parser now has no knowledge of the set of builtin functions and types

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-05-17 13:01:01 -04:00
parent 0f32611d3a
commit 9214b63aca
6 changed files with 40 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Builtin where
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseType)
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseType, unsafeParseTerm)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
t :: String -> Type Symbol
t s = let
t = unsafeParseType s
free = Set.toList $ ABT.freeVars t
in ABT.substs [(v, Type.builtin (Var.name v)) | v <- free ] t
t = resolveBuiltinTypes . unsafeParseType
resolveBuiltinTypes :: Type Symbol -> Type Symbol
resolveBuiltinTypes t =
let free = Set.intersection (ABT.freeVars t) builtinTypes
in ABT.substs [(v, Type.builtin (Var.name v)) | v <- Set.toList free ] t
tm :: String -> Term Symbol
tm s = let
t = unsafeParseTerm s
free = Set.intersection (ABT.freeVars t) builtinTerms
in ABT.substs [(v, Term.builtin (Var.name v)) | v <- Set.toList free ] t
builtinTypes :: Set Symbol
builtinTypes = Set.fromList . map Var.named $ [
"Int64", "UInt64", "Float", "Boolean", "Sequence", "Text", "Stream"]
builtinTerms :: Set Symbol
builtinTerms = Set.map toSymbol (Map.keysSet builtins) where
toSymbol (R.Builtin txt) = Var.named txt
toSymbol _ = error "unpossible"
builtins :: Map.Map R.Reference (Type Symbol)
builtins = Map.fromList $
@ -52,5 +73,3 @@ builtins = Map.fromList $
, ("Float.==", "Float -> Float -> Boolean")

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@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ unsafeGetRight (Right a) = a
unsafeGetRight (Left err) = error err
parseTerm :: Var v => String -> Either String (Term v)
parseTerm = parseTerm' termBuiltins typeBuiltins
parseTerm = parseTerm' [] []
parseType :: Var v => String -> Either String (Type v)
parseType = parseType' typeBuiltins
parseType = parseType' []
parseTerm' :: Var v => [(v, Term v)] -> [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Either String (Term v)
parseTerm' termBuiltins typeBuiltins s =
@ -56,74 +56,3 @@ unsafeParseTerm' er tr = unsafeGetRight . parseTerm' er tr
unsafeParseType' :: Var v => [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Type v
unsafeParseType' tr = unsafeGetRight . parseType' tr
-- Alias <alias> <fully-qualified-name>
-- will import the builtin <fully-qualified-name>, and once more as the alias
-- AliasFromModule
-- <modulename> e.g. "Number"
-- <aliases import modulename.alias as alias> e.g. "plus"
-- <ids import as qualified modulename.id> e.g. "minus" will import builtin "Number.plus" only
data Builtin = Builtin Text -- e.g. Builtin "()"
| Alias Text Text
| AliasFromModule Text [Text] [Text]
-- aka default imports
termBuiltins :: Var v => [(v, Term v)]
termBuiltins = (Var.named *** Term.ref) <$> (
[ Builtin "()"
, Alias "Right" "Either.Right"
, Alias "Left" "Either.Left"
, Builtin "Greater"
, Builtin "Less"
, Builtin "Equal"
, Builtin "True"
, Builtin "False"
, Builtin "Pair"
, Alias "unit" "()"
, Alias "Unit" "()"
, Alias "Some" "Optional.Some"
, Alias "None" "Optional.None"
, Alias "+" "Number.+"
, Alias "-" "Number.-"
, Alias "*" "Number.*"
, Alias "/" "Number./"
, AliasFromModule "Vector" ["single"] []
, AliasFromModule "Remote" ["pure", "bind", "pure", "fork"] []
] >>= unpackAliases)
unpackAliases :: Builtin -> [(Text, R.Reference)]
unpackAliases (Builtin t) = [builtin t]
unpackAliases (Alias a sym) = [alias a sym, builtin sym]
unpackAliases (AliasFromModule m toAlias other) =
(aliasFromModule m <$> toAlias) ++ (builtinInModule m <$> toAlias)
++ (builtinInModule m <$> other)
builtin t = (t, R.Builtin t)
alias new known = (new, R.Builtin known)
aliasFromModule m sym = alias sym (Text.intercalate "." [m, sym])
builtinInModule m sym = builtin (Text.intercalate "." [m, sym])
typeBuiltins :: Var v => [(v, Type v)]
typeBuiltins = (Var.named *** Type.lit) <$>
[ ("Number", Type.Number)
, builtin "Unit"
, builtin "Boolean"
, ("Optional", Type.Optional)
, builtin "Either"
, builtin "Pair"
, builtin "Order"
, builtin "Comparison"
, builtin "Order.Key"
-- kv store
, builtin "Index"
-- html
, builtin "Html.Link"
-- distributed
, builtin "Channel"
, builtin "Duration"
, builtin "Remote"
, builtin "Node"
-- hashing
, builtin "Hash"
where builtin t = (t, Type.Ref $ R.Builtin t)

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@ -27,18 +27,9 @@ import qualified Unison.Kind as K
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
-- | Type literals
data Literal
= Number
| Text
| Vector
| Ref Reference -- ^ A type literal uniquely defined by some nameless Hash
| Optional
deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- | Base functor for types in the Unison language
data F a
= Lit Literal
= Ref Reference
| Arrow a a
| Ann a K.Kind
| App a a
@ -76,7 +67,7 @@ monotype t = Monotype <$> ABT.visit isMono t where
isMono _ = Nothing
-- some smart patterns
pattern Lit' l <- ABT.Tm' (Lit l)
pattern Ref' r <- ABT.Tm' (Ref r)
pattern Arrow' i o <- ABT.Tm' (Arrow i o)
pattern Arrows' spine <- (unArrows -> Just spine)
pattern Ann' t k <- ABT.Tm' (Ann t k)
@ -119,17 +110,14 @@ isArrow _ = False
-- some smart constructors
lit :: Ord v => Literal -> Type v
lit l = ABT.tm (Lit l)
vector :: Ord v => Type v
vector = lit Vector
vector = builtin "Sequence"
vectorOf :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v
vectorOf t = vector `app` t
ref :: Ord v => Reference -> Type v
ref = lit . Ref
ref = ABT.tm . Ref
builtin :: Ord v => Text -> Type v
builtin = ref . Reference.Builtin
@ -180,15 +168,6 @@ constrain t u = ABT.tm (Constrain t u)
generalize :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v
generalize t = foldr forall t $ Set.toList (ABT.freeVars t)
instance Hashable Literal where
tokens l = case l of
Number -> [Hashable.Tag 0]
Text -> [Hashable.Tag 1]
Vector -> [Hashable.Tag 2]
Optional -> [Hashable.Tag 3]
Ref (Reference.Builtin name) -> Hashable.Tag 4 : Hashable.tokens name
Ref (Reference.Derived h) -> [Hashable.Tag 5, Hashable.Hashed (Hashable.fromBytes (Hash.toBytes h))]
instance Hashable1 F where
hash1 _ hash e =
@ -196,23 +175,16 @@ instance Hashable1 F where
-- Note: start each layer with leading `0` byte, to avoid collisions with
-- terms, which start each layer with leading `1`. See `Hashable1 Term.F`
in Hashable.accumulate $ tag 0 : case e of
Lit l -> [tag 0, Hashable.accumulateToken l]
Ref r -> [tag 0, Hashable.accumulateToken r]
Arrow a b -> [tag 1, hashed (hash a), hashed (hash b) ]
App a b -> [tag 2, hashed (hash a), hashed (hash b) ]
Ann a k -> [tag 3, hashed (hash a), Hashable.accumulateToken k ]
Constrain a u -> [tag 4, hashed (hash a), Hashable.accumulateToken u]
Forall a -> [tag 5, hashed (hash a)]
instance Show Literal where
show Number = "Number"
show Text = "Text"
show Vector = "Vector"
show (Ref r) = show r
show Optional = "Optional"
instance Show a => Show (F a) where
showsPrec p fa = go p fa where
go _ (Lit l) = showsPrec 0 l
go _ (Ref r) = showsPrec 0 r
go p (Arrow i o) =
showParen (p > 0) $ showsPrec (p+1) i <> s" -> " <> showsPrec p o
go p (Ann t k) =

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@ -103,9 +103,4 @@ keywords = ["forall", "∀"]
-- more = (:) <$> char '.' <*> qualifiedTypeName
literal :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Type v)
literal = label "literal" . token $
asum [ Type.lit Type.Number <$ token (string "Number")
, Type.lit Type.Text <$ token (string "Text")
, Type.lit Type.Vector <$ token (string "Vector")
, (Type.v' . Text.pack) <$> typeName
literal = label "literal" . token $ (Type.v' . Text.pack) <$> typeName

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@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ wellformedType :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Bool
wellformedType c t = wellformed c && case t of
Type.Existential' v -> Set.member v (existentials c)
Type.Universal' v -> Set.member v (universals c)
Type.Lit' _ -> True
Type.Ref' _ -> True
Type.Arrow' i o -> wellformedType c i && wellformedType c o
Type.Ann' t' _ -> wellformedType c t'
Type.App' x y -> wellformedType c x && wellformedType c y
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ lookupType ctx v = lookup v (bindings ctx)
apply :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Type v
apply ctx t = case t of
Type.Universal' _ -> t
Type.Lit' _ -> t
Type.Ref' _ -> t
Type.Existential' v ->
maybe t (\(Type.Monotype t') -> apply ctx t') (lookup v (solved ctx))
Type.Arrow' i o -> Type.arrow (apply ctx i) (apply ctx o)
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ subtype :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> M v ()
subtype tx ty = scope (show tx++" <: "++show ty) $
do ctx <- getContext; go ctx tx ty
where -- Rules from figure 9
go _ (Type.Lit' l) (Type.Lit' l2) | l == l2 = pure () -- `Unit`
go _ (Type.Ref' r) (Type.Ref' r2) | r == r2 = pure () -- `Unit`
go ctx t1@(Type.Universal' v1) t2@(Type.Universal' v2) -- `Var`
| v1 == v2 && wellformedType ctx t1 && wellformedType ctx t2
= pure ()

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@ -16,16 +16,10 @@ import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
tm :: String -> Term Symbol
tm s = let
t = unsafeParseTerm s
free = Set.toList $ ABT.freeVars t
in ABT.substs [(v, Term.builtin (Var.name v)) | v <- free ] t
tm = B.tm
t :: String -> Type Symbol
t s = let
t = unsafeParseType s
free = Set.toList $ ABT.freeVars t
in ABT.substs [(v, Type.builtin (Var.name v)) | v <- free ] t
t = B.t
typechecks :: String -> Bool
typechecks terms = typechecks' (tm terms)