Merge branch 'topic/type-directed' of into topic/pretty-errors

# Conflicts:
#	parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Type.hs
#	parser-typechecker/src/Unison/UnisonFile.hs
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-08-01 17:04:06 -04:00
commit 92554ae270
21 changed files with 431 additions and 267 deletions

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@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ rebuildUp f (Term _ ann body) = case body of
Abs x e -> abs' ann x (rebuildUp f e)
Tm body -> tm' ann (f $ fmap (rebuildUp f) body)
-- Annotate the tree with the set of bound variables at each node.
annotateBound :: (Ord v, Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f v a -> Term f v (a, Set v)
annotateBound t = go Set.empty t where
go bound t = let a = (annotation t, bound) in case out t of
@ -343,6 +344,11 @@ visit' f t = case out t of
Abs x e -> abs' (annotation t) x <$> visit' f e
Tm body -> f body >>= \body -> tm' (annotation t) <$> traverse (visit' f) body
-- | `visit` specialized to the `Identity` effect.
visitPure :: (Traversable f, Ord v)
=> (Term f v a -> Maybe (Term f v a)) -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
visitPure f = runIdentity . visit (fmap pure . f)
data Subst f v a =
Subst { freshen :: forall m v' . Monad m => (v -> m v') -> m v'
, bind :: Term f v a -> Term f v a

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Unison.Blank where
loc :: Recorded loc -> loc
loc (Placeholder loc _) = loc
loc (Resolve loc _) = loc
data Recorded loc
-- A user-provided named placeholder
= Placeholder loc String
-- A name to be resolved with type-directed name resolution.
| Resolve loc String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Blank loc = Blank | Recorded (Recorded loc)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

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@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ builtinDataAndEffectCtors = (mkConstructors =<< builtinDataDecls')
builtinTerms :: forall v. Var v => [(v, R.Reference)]
builtinTerms = (\r -> (toSymbol r, r)) <$> Map.keys (builtins @v)
builtinTypedTerms :: forall v. Var v => [(v, (R.Reference, Type v))]
builtinTypedTerms =
(\(r, t) -> (toSymbol r, (r, t))) <$> Map.toList (builtins @v)
builtinTypes :: forall v. Var v => [(v, R.Reference)]
builtinTypes = builtinTypes' ++ (f <$> Map.toList (builtinDataDecls @v))
where f (r@(R.Builtin s), _) = (Var.named s, r)

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@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ serializeTerm x = do
putLength $ length casePositions
traverse_ serializeCase2 casePositions
Blank -> error "cannot serialize program with blanks"
Blank _ -> error "cannot serialize program with blanks"
Handle h body -> do
hpos <- serializeTerm h
bpos <- serializeTerm body

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@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
-- import Debug.Trace
file :: Var v => [(v, Reference)] -> [(v, Reference)] -> P v (UnisonFile v Ann)
file :: Var v
=> [(v, (Reference, AnnotatedType v Ann))]
-> [(v, Reference)]
-> P v (UnisonFile v Ann)
file builtinTerms builtinTypes = do
traceRemainingTokens "file before parsing declarations"
_ <- openBlock

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ synthesizeFile unisonFile =
datas = Map.union dds B.builtinDataDecls -- `Map.union` is left-biased
effects = Map.union eds B.builtinEffectDecls
env0 = Typechecker.Env
Intrinsic [] typeOf dataDeclaration effectDeclaration
Intrinsic [] typeOf dataDeclaration effectDeclaration B.builtins
n = Typechecker.synthesize env0 term
die s h = error $ "unknown " ++ s ++ " reference " ++ show h
typeOf r = pure $ fromMaybe (die "value" r) $ Map.lookup r B.builtins

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ data Lexeme
| Backticks String -- an identifier in backticks
| WordyId String -- a (non-infix) identifier
| SymbolyId String -- an infix identifier
| Blank String -- a typed hole or placeholder
| Numeric String -- numeric literals, left unparsed
| Hash Hash -- hash literals
| Err Err
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ instance ShowToken (Token Lexeme) where
pretty (Backticks n) = '`' : n ++ ['`']
pretty (WordyId n) = n
pretty (SymbolyId n) = n
pretty (Blank s) = "_" ++ s
pretty (Numeric n) = n
pretty (Hash h) = show h
pretty (Err e) = show e
@ -201,7 +203,10 @@ lexer scope rem =
'@' : rem ->
Token (Reserved "@") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) rem
'_' : rem | hasSep rem ->
Token (Reserved "_") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) rem
Token (Blank "") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) rem
'_' : (wordyId -> Right (id, rem)) ->
let pos' = incBy id $ inc pos
in Token (Blank id) pos pos' : goWhitespace l pos' rem
'|' : c : rem | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->
Token (Reserved "|") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) (c:rem)
'=' : (rem @ (c : _)) | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->

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@ -248,6 +248,12 @@ reserved w = label w $ queryToken getReserved
where getReserved (L.Reserved w') | w == w' = Just w
getReserved _ = Nothing
-- Parse a placeholder or typed hole
blank :: Var v => P v (L.Token String)
blank = label "blank" $ queryToken getBlank
where getBlank (L.Blank s) = Just s
getBlank _ = Nothing
numeric :: Var v => P v (L.Token String)
numeric = queryToken getNumeric
where getNumeric (L.Numeric s) = Just s

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@ -29,8 +29,12 @@ parseType :: Var v => String -> PEnv -> Either (Parser.Err v) (AnnotatedType v A
parseType s = (Parser.root TypeParser.valueType) s
parseFile :: Var v => FilePath -> String -> PEnv -> Either (Parser.Err v) (UnisonFile v Ann)
parseFile filename s ='
(Parser.rootFile $ FileParser.file Builtin.builtinTerms Builtin.builtinTypes) s filename
parseFile filename s ='
(Parser.rootFile $ FileParser.file
s filename
unsafeParseTerm :: Var v => String -> PEnv -> AnnotatedTerm v Ann
unsafeParseTerm s = fmap (unsafeGetRightFrom s) . parseTerm $ s

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ insertTerm at ctx = do
Term (E.Vector' vs) -> do
i <- listToMaybe [i | Index i <- [last at]]
let v2 = E.vector'() ((E.vmap ABT.Bound <$> Vector.take (i+1) vs) `mappend`
Vector.singleton (E.blank()) `mappend`
Vector.singleton (E.blank ()) `mappend`
(E.vmap ABT.Bound <$> Vector.drop (i+1) vs))
asTerm =<< set (Term v2)
_ -> Nothing -- todo - allow other types of insertions, like \x -> y to \x x2 -> y

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@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ module Unison.Term where
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as Writer
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Set (Set, union)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Word (Word64)
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..), Show1(..))
import Text.Show
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Blank as B
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import Unison.Hashable (Hashable1, accumulateToken)
@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
-- todo: add loc to MatchCase
data MatchCase loc a = MatchCase (Pattern loc) (Maybe a) a
@ -54,9 +56,11 @@ data F typeVar typeAnn patternAnn a
| Float Double
| Boolean Bool
| Text Text
| Blank -- An expression that has not been filled in, has type `forall a . a`
| Blank (B.Blank typeAnn)
| Ref Reference
| Constructor Reference Int -- First argument identifies the data type, second argument identifies the constructor
-- First argument identifies the data type,
-- second argument identifies the constructor
| Constructor Reference Int
| Request Reference Int
| Handle a a
| EffectPure a
@ -117,6 +121,13 @@ bindBuiltins dataAndEffectCtors termBuiltins0 typeBuiltins t =
h = ABT.substsInheritAnnotation dataAndEffectCtors
termBuiltins = [ (v, ref() r) | (v,r) <- termBuiltins0 ]
typeDirectedResolve :: Var v
=> ABT.Term (F vt b ap) v b -> ABT.Term (F vt b ap) v b
typeDirectedResolve t = fmap fst . ABT.visitPure f $ ABT.annotateBound t
where f (ABT.Term _ (a, bound) (ABT.Var v)) | Set.notMember v bound =
Just $ resolve (a, bound) a (Text.unpack $ v)
f _ = Nothing
vmap :: Ord v2 => (v -> v2) -> AnnotatedTerm v a -> AnnotatedTerm v2 a
vmap f = ABT.vmap f . typeMap (ABT.vmap f)
@ -159,7 +170,7 @@ pattern UInt64' n <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (UInt64 n))
pattern Float' n <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Float n))
pattern Boolean' b <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Boolean b))
pattern Text' s <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Text s))
pattern Blank' <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm Blank)
pattern Blank' b <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Blank b))
pattern Ref' r <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Ref r))
pattern Builtin' r <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Ref (Builtin r)))
pattern App' f x <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (App f x))
@ -223,7 +234,13 @@ text :: Ord v => a -> Text -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
text a =' a . Text
blank :: Ord v => a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
blank a =' a Blank
blank a =' a (Blank B.Blank)
placeholder :: Ord v => a -> String -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt a ap v a
placeholder a s =' a . Blank $ B.Recorded (B.Placeholder a s)
resolve :: Ord v => at -> ab -> String -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt ab ap v at
resolve at ab s =' at . Blank $ B.Recorded (B.Resolve ab s)
constructor :: Ord v => a -> Reference -> Int -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
constructor a ref n =' a (Constructor ref n)
@ -411,11 +428,6 @@ updateDependencies u tm = ABT.rebuildUp go tm where
go (Ref r) = Ref (Map.findWithDefault r r u)
go f = f
countBlanks :: Ord v => Term v -> Int
countBlanks t = Monoid.getSum . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f Blank = Writer.tell (Monoid.Sum (1 :: Int)) *> pure Blank
f t = pure t
-- | If the outermost term is a function application,
-- perform substitution of the argument into the body
betaReduce :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
@ -440,7 +452,11 @@ instance Var v => Hashable1 (F v a p) where
Float n -> [tag 66, Hashable.Double n]
Boolean b -> [tag 67, accumulateToken b]
Text t -> [tag 68, accumulateToken t]
Blank -> [tag 1]
Blank b -> tag 1 :
case b of
B.Blank -> [tag 0]
B.Recorded (B.Placeholder _ s) -> [tag 1, Hashable.Text (Text.pack s)]
B.Recorded (B.Resolve _ s) -> [tag 2, Hashable.Text (Text.pack s)]
Ref (Reference.Builtin name) -> [tag 2, accumulateToken name]
Ref (Reference.Derived _) -> error "handled above, but GHC can't figure this out"
App a a2 -> [tag 3, hashed (hash a), hashed (hash a2)]
@ -474,13 +490,13 @@ instance Var v => Hashable1 (F v a p) where
instance (Eq a, Var v) => Eq1 (F v a p) where (==#) = (==)
instance (Show a, Show p, Var v) => Show1 (F v a p) where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance (Var vt, Eq a) => Eq (F vt at p a) where
instance (Var vt, Eq at, Eq a) => Eq (F vt at p a) where
Int64 x == Int64 y = x == y
UInt64 x == UInt64 y = x == y
Float x == Float y = x == y
Boolean x == Boolean y = x == y
Text x == Text y = x == y
Blank == Blank = True
Blank b == Blank q = b == q
Ref x == Ref y = x == y
Constructor r cid == Constructor r2 cid2 = r == r2 && cid == cid2
Request r cid == Request r2 cid2 = r == r2 && cid == cid2
@ -513,7 +529,11 @@ instance (Var v, Show p, Show a0, Show a) => Show (F v a0 p a) where
showParen (p > 9) $ showsPrec 9 f <> s" " <> showsPrec 10 x
go _ (Lam body) = showParen True (s"λ " <> showsPrec 0 body)
go _ (Vector vs) = showListWith (showsPrec 0) (Vector.toList vs)
go _ Blank = s"_"
go _ (Blank b) =
case b of
B.Blank -> s"_"
B.Recorded (B.Placeholder _ r) -> s("_" ++ r)
B.Recorded (B.Resolve _ r) -> s r
go _ (Ref r) = showsPrec 0 r
go _ (Let b body) = showParen True (s"let " <> showsPrec 0 b <> s" in " <> showsPrec 0 body)
go _ (LetRec bs body) = showParen True (s"let rec" <> showsPrec 0 bs <> s" in " <> showsPrec 0 body)

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@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
module Unison.TermParser where
-- import Debug.Trace
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, join, when)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
-- import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Int (Int64)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ parsePattern = constructor <|> leaf
(\(p, vs) -> (Pattern.As (ann v) p, tokenToPair v : vs)) <$> leaf
else pure (Pattern.Var (ann v), [tokenToPair v])
unbound :: P v (Pattern Ann, [(Ann, v)])
unbound = (\tok -> (Pattern.Unbound (ann tok), [])) <$> reserved "_"
unbound = (\tok -> (Pattern.Unbound (ann tok), [])) <$> blank
ctorName = P.try $ do
s <- wordyId
guard . isUpper . head . L.payload $ s
@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ boolean :: Var v => TermP v
boolean = ((\t -> Term.boolean (ann t) True) <$> reserved "true") <|>
((\t -> Term.boolean (ann t) False) <$> reserved "false")
blank :: Var v => TermP v
blank = (\t -> Term.blank (ann t)) <$> reserved "_"
placeholder :: Var v => TermP v
placeholder = (\t -> Term.placeholder (ann t) (L.payload t)) <$> blank
vector :: Var v => TermP v -> TermP v
vector p = f <$> reserved "[" <*> elements <*> reserved "]"
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ vector p = f <$> reserved "[" <*> elements <*> reserved "]"
termLeaf :: forall v. Var v => TermP v
termLeaf =
asum [hashLit, prefixTerm, text, number, boolean,
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm, blank, vector term]
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm, placeholder, vector term]
and = label "and" $ f <$> reserved "and" <*> termLeaf <*> termLeaf
where f kw x y = Term.and (ann kw <> ann y) x y

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@ -9,21 +9,22 @@
module Unison.Type where
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..),Show1(..))
import Unison.Hashable (Hashable1)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.TypeVar (TypeVar)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..),Show1(..))
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Blank
import Unison.Hashable (Hashable1)
import qualified Unison.Hashable as Hashable
import qualified Unison.Kind as K
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.TypeVar (TypeVar)
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
-- | Base functor for types in the Unison language
@ -63,9 +64,9 @@ freeVars = ABT.freeVars
bindBuiltins :: Var v => [(v, Reference)] -> AnnotatedType v a -> AnnotatedType v a
bindBuiltins bs = ABT.substsInheritAnnotation [ (v, ref() r) | (v,r) <- bs ]
data Monotype v a = Monotype { getPolytype :: AnnotatedType v a } deriving (Eq)
data Monotype v a = Monotype { getPolytype :: AnnotatedType v a } deriving Eq
instance (Show a, Var v) => Show (Monotype v a) where
instance (Var v) => Show (Monotype v a) where
show = show . getPolytype
-- Smart constructor which checks if a `Type` has no `Forall` quantifiers.
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ pattern Forall' subst <- ABT.Tm' (Forall (ABT.Abs' subst))
pattern ForallsNamed' vs body <- (unForalls -> Just (vs, body))
pattern ForallNamed' v body <- ABT.Tm' (Forall (ABT.out -> ABT.Abs v body))
pattern Var' v <- ABT.Var' v
pattern Existential' v <- ABT.Var' (TypeVar.Existential v)
pattern Existential' b v <- ABT.Var' (TypeVar.Existential b v)
pattern Universal' v <- ABT.Var' (TypeVar.Universal v)
unArrows :: AnnotatedType v a -> Maybe [AnnotatedType v a]
@ -114,11 +115,11 @@ unForalls t = go t []
go _body [] = Nothing
go body vs = Just(reverse vs, body)
matchExistential :: Eq v => v -> Type (TypeVar v) -> Bool
matchExistential v (Existential' x) = x == v
matchExistential :: Eq v => v -> Type (TypeVar b v) -> Bool
matchExistential v (Existential' _ x) = x == v
matchExistential _ _ = False
matchUniversal :: Eq v => v -> Type (TypeVar v) -> Bool
matchUniversal :: Eq v => v -> Type (TypeVar b v) -> Bool
matchUniversal v (Universal' x) = x == v
matchUniversal _ _ = False
@ -201,16 +202,19 @@ andor' a = arrows (f <$> [boolean a, boolean a]) $ boolean a
var :: Ord v => a -> v -> AnnotatedType v a
var = ABT.annotatedVar
existential :: Ord v => v -> Type (TypeVar v)
existential v = ABT.var (TypeVar.Existential v)
existential :: Ord v => Blank loc -> v -> Type (TypeVar (Blank loc) v)
existential blank v = ABT.var (TypeVar.Existential blank v)
universal :: Ord v => v -> Type (TypeVar v)
universal :: Ord v => v -> Type (TypeVar b v)
universal v = ABT.var (TypeVar.Universal v)
existential' :: Ord v => a -> v -> AnnotatedType (TypeVar v) a
existential' a v = ABT.annotatedVar a (TypeVar.Existential v)
existentialp :: Ord v => a -> v -> AnnotatedType (TypeVar (Blank x) v) a
existentialp a v = existential' a Blank v
universal' :: Ord v => a -> v -> AnnotatedType (TypeVar v) a
existential' :: Ord v => a -> Blank x -> v -> AnnotatedType (TypeVar (Blank x) v) a
existential' a blank v = ABT.annotatedVar a (TypeVar.Existential blank v)
universal' :: Ord v => a -> v -> AnnotatedType (TypeVar b v) a
universal' a v = ABT.annotatedVar a (TypeVar.Universal v)
v' :: Var v => Text -> Type v

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@ -2,23 +2,34 @@
module Unison.TypeVar where
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
data TypeVar v = Universal v | Existential v deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor)
data TypeVar b v = Universal v | Existential b v deriving (Functor)
underlying :: TypeVar v -> v
instance Eq v => Eq (TypeVar b v) where
Universal v == Universal v2 = v == v2
Existential _ v == Existential _ v2 = v == v2
_ == _ = False
instance Ord v => Ord (TypeVar b v) where
Universal v `compare` Universal v2 = compare v v2
Existential _ v `compare` Existential _ v2 = compare v v2
Universal _ `compare` Existential _ _ = LT
_ `compare` _ = GT
underlying :: TypeVar b v -> v
underlying (Universal v) = v
underlying (Existential v) = v
underlying (Existential _ v) = v
instance Show v => Show (TypeVar v) where
instance Show v => Show (TypeVar b v) where
show (Universal v) = show v
show (Existential v) = "'" ++ show v
show (Existential _ v) = "'" ++ show v
instance Var v => Var (TypeVar v) where
instance Var v => Var (TypeVar b v) where
rename n (Universal v) = Universal (Var.rename n v)
rename n (Existential v) = Existential (Var.rename n v)
rename n (Existential b v) = Existential b (Var.rename n v)
named txt = Universal (Var.named txt)
name v = (underlying v)
qualifiedName v = Var.qualifiedName (underlying v)

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@ -7,21 +8,23 @@
module Unison.Typechecker where
import Unison.Term (AnnotatedTerm)
import Unison.Type (AnnotatedType)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.DataDeclaration (DataDeclaration', EffectDeclaration')
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Result (Result(..), Note)
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
-- import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
import qualified Unison.Blank as B
import Unison.DataDeclaration (DataDeclaration', EffectDeclaration')
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Result (Result(..), Note(..))
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Term (AnnotatedTerm)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
-- import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Type (AnnotatedType)
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.Context as Context
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
-- import qualified Unison.Type as Type
-- import Debug.Trace
-- watch msg a = trace (msg ++ show a) a
@ -32,13 +35,14 @@ type Type v loc = AnnotatedType v loc
failNote :: Note v loc -> Result (Note v loc) a
failNote note = Result (pure note) Nothing
data Env f v loc = Env {
builtinLoc :: loc,
ambientAbilities :: [Type v loc],
typeOf :: Reference -> f (Type v loc),
dataDeclaration :: Reference -> f (DataDeclaration' v loc),
effectDeclaration :: Reference -> f (EffectDeclaration' v loc)
data Env f v loc = Env
{ builtinLoc :: loc
, ambientAbilities :: [Type v loc]
, typeOf :: Reference -> f (Type v loc)
, dataDeclaration :: Reference -> f (DataDeclaration' v loc)
, effectDeclaration :: Reference -> f (EffectDeclaration' v loc)
, terms :: Map Reference (Type v loc)
-- -- | Compute the allowed type of a replacement for a given subterm.
-- -- Example, in @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ has an admissible type of
@ -107,7 +111,9 @@ data Env f v loc = Env {
-- | Infer the type of a 'Unison.Term', using
-- a function to resolve the type of @Ref@ constructors
-- contained in that term.
synthesize :: (Monad f, Var v) => Env f v loc -> Term v loc
synthesize :: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc)
=> Env f v loc
-> Term v loc
-> f (Result (Note v loc) (Type v loc))
synthesize env t =
let go (notes, ot) = Result (Result.Typechecking <$> notes) (ABT.vmap TypeVar.underlying <$> ot)
@ -119,11 +125,27 @@ synthesize env t =
(effectDeclaration env)
(Term.vtmap TypeVar.Universal t)
:: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc)
=> Env f v loc
-> Term v loc
-> f (Result (Note v loc) (Type v loc))
resolveAndSynthesize env t = do
r <- synthesize env t
let resolveds = notes r >>= \n ->
case n of
(Context.Note (Context.SolvedBlank (B.Resolve loc name) _ typ) _) ->
[(loc, name, typ)]
_ -> []
_ <- pure $ resolveds
pure r
-- | Check whether a term matches a type, using a
-- function to resolve the type of @Ref@ constructors
-- contained in the term. Returns @typ@ if successful,
-- and a note about typechecking failure otherwise.
check :: (Monad f, Var v) => Env f v loc -> Term v loc -> Type v loc
check :: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc) => Env f v loc -> Term v loc -> Type v loc
-> f (Result (Note v loc) (Type v loc))
check env term typ = synthesize env (Term.ann (ABT.annotation term) term typ)
@ -138,7 +160,7 @@ check env term typ = synthesize env (Term.ann (ABT.annotation term) term typ)
-- tweak t = Type.arrow() t t
-- | Returns `True` if the expression is well-typed, `False` otherwise
wellTyped :: (Monad f, Var v) => Env f v loc -> Term v loc -> f Bool
wellTyped :: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc) => Env f v loc -> Term v loc -> f Bool
wellTyped env term = isJust . result <$> synthesize env term
-- | @subtype a b@ is @Right b@ iff @f x@ is well-typed given

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@ -8,53 +8,60 @@
module Unison.Typechecker.Context (synthesizeClosed, Note(..), Cause(..), PathElement(..), Type, Term) where
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops (anyM, allM)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Blank as B
import Unison.DataDeclaration (DataDeclaration', EffectDeclaration')
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.PatternP (Pattern)
import qualified Unison.PatternP as Pattern
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Term (AnnotatedTerm')
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (AnnotatedType)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.TypeVar (TypeVar)
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
import Unison.Typechecker.Components (minimize')
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
type Type v loc = AnnotatedType (TypeVar v) loc
type Term v loc = AnnotatedTerm' (TypeVar v) v loc
type Monotype v loc = Type.Monotype (TypeVar v) loc
type TypeVar v loc = TypeVar.TypeVar (B.Blank loc) v
type Type v loc = AnnotatedType (TypeVar v loc) loc
type Term v loc = AnnotatedTerm' (TypeVar v loc) v loc
type Monotype v loc = Type.Monotype (TypeVar v loc) loc
pattern Universal v <- Var (TypeVar.Universal v) where
Universal v = Var (TypeVar.Universal v)
pattern Universal v = Var (TypeVar.Universal v)
pattern Existential b v = Var (TypeVar.Existential b v)
pattern Existential v <- Var (TypeVar.Existential v) where
Existential v = Var (TypeVar.Existential v)
existential :: v -> Element v loc
existential v = Existential B.Blank v
-- | Elements of an ordered algorithmic context
data Element v loc
= Var (TypeVar v) -- A variable declaration
| Solved v (Monotype v loc) -- `v` is solved to some monotype
| Ann v (Type v loc) -- `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
| Marker v deriving (Eq) -- used for scoping
= Var (TypeVar v loc) -- A variable declaration
| Solved (B.Blank loc) v (Monotype v loc) -- `v` is solved to some monotype
| Ann v (Type v loc) -- `v` has type `a`, maybe quantified
| Marker v -- used for scoping
instance (Ord loc, Var v) => Eq (Element v loc) where
Var v == Var v2 = v == v2
Solved _ v t == Solved _ v2 t2 = v == v2 && t == t2
Ann v t == Ann v2 t2 = v == v2 && t == t2
Marker v == Marker v2 = v == v2
_ == _ = False
data Env v loc = Env { freshId :: Word, ctx :: Context v loc }
@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ data CompilerBug v loc
| RetractFailure (Element v loc) (Context v loc)
| EmptyLetRec (Term v loc) -- the body of the empty let rec
| PatternMatchFailure
| FreeVarsInTypeAnnotation (Set (TypeVar v))
| FreeVarsInTypeAnnotation (Set (TypeVar v loc))
| UnannotatedReference Reference deriving Show
data PathElement v loc
@ -89,16 +96,26 @@ data PathElement v loc
| InSynthesizeApp (Type v loc) (Term v loc)
deriving Show
type ExpectedArgCount = Int
type ActualArgCount = Int
type ConstructorId = Int
data Cause v loc
= TypeMismatch (Context v loc)
| IllFormedType (Context v loc)
| UnknownSymbol loc v
| CompilerBug (CompilerBug v loc)
| AbilityCheckFailure [Type v loc] [Type v loc] -- ambient, requested
| EffectConstructorWrongArgCount ExpectedArgCount ActualArgCount Reference ConstructorId
| SolvedBlank (B.Recorded loc) v (Type v loc)
deriving Show
data Note v loc = Note { cause :: Cause v loc, path :: Seq (PathElement v loc) } deriving Show
solveBlank :: B.Recorded loc -> v -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
solveBlank blank v typ =
M (\menv -> (pure $ Note (SolvedBlank blank v typ) mempty, Just ((), env menv)))
-- Add `p` onto the end of the `path` of this `Note`
scope' :: PathElement v loc -> Note v loc -> Note v loc
scope' p (Note cause path) = Note cause (path `mappend` pure p)
@ -141,54 +158,69 @@ context xs = foldl' (flip extend) context0 xs
-- | Delete from the end of this context up to and including
-- the given `Element`. Returns `Nothing` if the element is not found.
retract :: Var v => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Maybe (Context v loc)
retract e (Context ctx) =
retract0 :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Maybe (Context v loc, [Element v loc])
retract0 e (Context ctx) =
let maybeTail [] = Nothing
maybeTail (_:t) = pure t
-- note: no need to recompute used variables; any suffix of the
-- context snoc list is also a valid context
in Context <$> maybeTail (dropWhile (\(e',_) -> e' /= e) ctx)
(discarded, ctx2) = span (\(e',_) -> e' /= e) ctx
-- note: no need to recompute used variables; any suffix of the
-- context snoc list is also a valid context
go ctx2 = (Context ctx2, fst <$> discarded)
in go <$> maybeTail ctx2
-- | Delete from the end of this context up to and including
-- the given `Element`.
doRetract :: Var v => Element v loc -> M v loc ()
-- Example, if input context is `[a, b, c, d, ...]`
-- Retract `d` returns `[a, b, c]`
doRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> M v loc ()
doRetract e = do
ctx <- getContext
case retract e ctx of
case retract0 e ctx of
Nothing -> compilerCrash (RetractFailure e ctx)
Just t -> setContext t
-- | Like `retract`, but returns the empty context if retracting would remove all elements.
retract' :: Var v => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc
retract' e ctx = fromMaybe mempty $ retract e ctx
Just (t, discarded) -> do
let solved = [ (b, v, inst $ Type.getPolytype sa) |
Solved (B.Recorded b) v sa <- discarded ]
unsolved = [ (b, v, inst $ Type.existential' (B.loc b) b' v) |
Existential b'@(B.Recorded b) v <- discarded ]
go (b, v, sa) = solveBlank b v sa
inst t = apply ctx t
Foldable.traverse_ go (solved ++ unsolved)
setContext t
solved :: Context v loc -> [(v, Monotype v loc)]
solved (Context ctx) = [(v, sa) | (Solved v sa, _) <- ctx]
solved (Context ctx) = [(v, sa) | (Solved _ v sa, _) <- ctx]
unsolved :: Context v loc -> [v]
unsolved (Context ctx) = [v | (Existential v, _) <- ctx]
unsolved (Context ctx) = [v | (Existential _ v, _) <- ctx]
replace :: Var v => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc
replace :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc
replace e focus ctx =
let (l,r) = breakAt e ctx
let (l,_,r) = breakAt e ctx
in l `mappend` focus `mappend` r
breakAt :: Var v => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> (Context v loc, Context v loc)
breakAt :: (Var v, Ord loc)
=> Element v loc
-> Context v loc
-> (Context v loc, [Element v loc], Context v loc)
breakAt m (Context xs) =
(r, l) = break (\(e,_) -> e === m) xs
-- l is a suffix of xs and is already a valid context;
-- r needs to be rebuilt
Existential v === Existential v2 | v == v2 = True
Universal v === Universal v2 | v == v2 = True
Marker v === Marker v2 | v == v2 = True
Existential _ v === Existential _ v2 | v == v2 = True
Universal v === Universal v2 | v == v2 = True
Marker v === Marker v2 | v == v2 = True
_ === _ = False
in (Context (drop 1 l), context . map fst $ reverse r)
in (Context (drop 1 l), fst <$> take 1 l, context . map fst $ reverse r)
-- | ordered Γ α β = True <=> Γ[α^][β^]
ordered :: Var v => Context v loc -> v -> v -> Bool
ordered ctx v v2 = Set.member v (existentials (retract' (Existential v2) ctx))
ordered :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> v -> v -> Bool
ordered ctx v v2 = Set.member v (existentials (retract' (existential v2) ctx))
-- | Like `retract`, but returns the empty context if retracting would remove all elements.
retract' :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Context v loc
retract' e ctx = fromMaybe mempty $ (fst <$> retract0 e ctx)
-- env0 :: Env v loc
-- env0 = Env 0 context0
@ -225,7 +257,7 @@ modifyContext f = do c <- getContext; c <- f c; setContext c
modifyContext' :: (Context v loc -> Context v loc) -> M v loc ()
modifyContext' f = modifyContext (pure . f)
appendContext :: Var v => Context v loc -> M v loc ()
appendContext :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> M v loc ()
appendContext tl = modifyContext' (\ctx -> ctx `mappend` tl)
universals :: Context v loc -> Set v
@ -241,17 +273,17 @@ freshenVar v =
id = freshId e
in (mempty, pure (Var.freshenId id v, e {freshId = id+1})))
freshenTypeVar :: Var v => TypeVar v -> M v loc v
freshenTypeVar :: Var v => TypeVar v loc -> M v loc v
freshenTypeVar v =
M (\menv ->
let e = env menv
id = freshId e
in (mempty, pure (Var.freshenId id (TypeVar.underlying v), e {freshId = id+1})))
freshNamed :: Var v => Text -> M v loc v
freshNamed :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Text -> M v loc v
freshNamed = freshenVar . Var.named
freshVar :: Var v => M v loc v
freshVar :: (Var v, Ord loc) => M v loc v
freshVar = freshNamed "v"
-- | Check that the context is well formed, see Figure 7 of paper
@ -265,7 +297,7 @@ wellformed ctx = isWellformed (info ctx)
-- | Check that the type is well formed wrt the given `Context`, see Figure 7 of paper
wellformedType :: Var v => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Bool
wellformedType c t = wellformed c && case t of
Type.Existential' v -> Set.member v (existentials c)
Type.Existential' _ v -> Set.member v (existentials c)
Type.Universal' v -> Set.member v (universals c)
Type.Ref' _ -> True
Type.Arrow' i o -> wellformedType c i && wellformedType c o
@ -295,14 +327,18 @@ extend e c@(Context ctx) = Context ((e,i'):ctx) where
addInfo e (Info es us vs ok) = case e of
Var v -> case v of
-- UvarCtx - ensure no duplicates
TypeVar.Universal v -> Info es (Set.insert v us) (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v us)
TypeVar.Universal v ->
Info es (Set.insert v us) (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v us)
-- EvarCtx - ensure no duplicates, and that this existential is not solved earlier in context
TypeVar.Existential v -> Info (Set.insert v es) us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v es)
TypeVar.Existential _ v ->
Info (Set.insert v es) us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v es)
-- SolvedEvarCtx - ensure `v` is fresh, and the solution is well-formed wrt the context
Solved v sa -> Info (Set.insert v es) us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v es
&& wellformedType c (Type.getPolytype sa))
Solved _ v sa ->
Info (Set.insert v es) us (Set.insert v vs)
(ok && Set.notMember v es && wellformedType c (Type.getPolytype sa))
-- VarCtx - ensure `v` is fresh, and annotation is well-formed wrt the context
Ann v t -> Info es us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v vs && wellformedType c t)
Ann v t ->
Info es us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v vs && wellformedType c t)
-- MarkerCtx - note that since a Marker is always the first mention of a variable, suffices to
-- just check that `v` is not previously mentioned
Marker v -> Info es us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v vs)
@ -357,10 +393,10 @@ getEffectDeclaration r = do
Nothing -> compilerCrash (UnknownDecl Effect r (DD.toDataDecl <$> decls))
Just decl -> pure decl
getDataConstructorType :: Var v => Reference -> Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getDataConstructorType :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Reference -> Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getDataConstructorType = getConstructorType' Data getDataDeclaration
getEffectConstructorType :: Var v => Reference -> Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getEffectConstructorType :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Reference -> Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getEffectConstructorType = getConstructorType' Effect go where
go r = DD.toDataDecl <$> getEffectDeclaration r
@ -378,28 +414,30 @@ getConstructorType' kind get r cid = do
[] -> compilerCrash $ UnknownConstructor kind r cid decl
(_v, typ) : _ -> pure $ ABT.vmap TypeVar.Universal typ
extendUniversal :: Var v => v -> M v loc v
extendUniversal :: (Var v) => v -> M v loc v
extendUniversal v = do
v' <- freshenVar v
modifyContext (pure . extend (Universal v'))
pure v'
extendMarker :: Var v => v -> M v loc v
extendMarker :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc v
extendMarker v = do
v' <- freshenVar v
modifyContext (\ctx -> pure $ ctx `mappend`
(context [Marker v', Existential v']))
(context [Marker v', existential v']))
pure v'
notMember :: Var v => v -> Set (TypeVar v) -> Bool
notMember v s = Set.notMember (TypeVar.Universal v) s && Set.notMember (TypeVar.Existential v) s
notMember :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> Set (TypeVar v loc) -> Bool
notMember v s =
Set.notMember (TypeVar.Universal v) s &&
Set.notMember (TypeVar.Existential B.Blank v) s
-- | Replace any existentials with their solution in the context
apply :: Var v => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
apply :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
apply ctx t = case t of
Type.Universal' _ -> t
Type.Ref' _ -> t
Type.Existential' v ->
Type.Existential' _ v ->
maybe t (\(Type.Monotype t') -> apply ctx t') (lookup v (solved ctx))
Type.Arrow' i o -> Type.arrow a (apply ctx i) (apply ctx o)
Type.App' x y -> a (apply ctx x) (apply ctx y)
@ -426,13 +464,13 @@ withEffects0 abilities' m =
-- the given type `ft` is being applied to `arg`. Update the context in
-- the process.
-- e.g. in `(f:t) x` -- finds the type of (f x) given t and x.
synthesizeApp :: Var v => Type v loc -> Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesizeApp :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
-- synthesizeApp ft arg | debugEnabled && traceShow ("synthesizeApp"::String, ft, arg) False = undefined
synthesizeApp ft arg = scope (InSynthesizeApp ft arg) $ go ft where
go (Type.Forall' body) = do -- Forall1App
v <- ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
appendContext (context [Existential v])
synthesizeApp (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.existential v)) arg
appendContext (context [existential v])
synthesizeApp (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.existential B.Blank v)) arg
go (Type.Arrow' i o) = do -- ->App
let (es, _) = Type.stripEffect o
abilityCheck es
@ -440,19 +478,19 @@ synthesizeApp ft arg = scope (InSynthesizeApp ft arg) $ go ft where
-- note - the location on this Type.effect isn't really used for anything,
-- and won't be reported to the user
o <$ check arg (Type.effect (loc ft) ambientEs i)
go (Type.Existential' a) = do -- a^App
go (Type.Existential' b a) = do -- a^App
[i,o] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let it = Type.existential' (loc ft) i
ot = Type.existential' (loc ft) o
let it = Type.existential' (loc ft) B.Blank i
ot = Type.existential' (loc ft) B.Blank o
soln = Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc ft) it ot)
ctxMid = context [Existential o, Existential i, Solved a soln]
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential a) ctxMid
ctxMid = context [existential o, existential i, Solved b a soln]
modifyContext' $ replace (existential a) ctxMid
ot <$ check arg it
go _ = getContext >>= \ctx -> failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx
-- For arity 3, creates the type `∀ a . a -> a -> a -> Sequence a`
-- For arity 2, creates the type `∀ a . a -> a -> Sequence a`
vectorConstructorOfArity :: Var v => Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
vectorConstructorOfArity :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Int -> M v loc (Type v loc)
vectorConstructorOfArity arity = do
bl <- getBuiltinLocation
let elementVar = Var.named "elem"
@ -463,18 +501,18 @@ vectorConstructorOfArity arity = do
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, updating the context in the process.
-- | Figure 11 from the paper
synthesize :: forall v loc . Var v => Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesize :: forall v loc . (Var v, Ord loc) => Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $ go (minimize' e)
l = loc e
go :: Var v => Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
go :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Term v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
go (Term.Var' v) = getContext >>= \ctx -> case lookupType ctx v of -- Var
Nothing -> compilerCrash $ UndeclaredTermVariable v ctx
Just t -> pure t
go Term.Blank' = do
go (Term.Blank' blank) = do
v <- freshNamed "_"
appendContext $ context [Existential v]
pure $ Type.existential' l v -- forall (TypeVar.Universal v) (Type.universal v)
appendContext $ context [Existential blank v]
pure $ Type.existential' l blank v -- forall (TypeVar.Universal v) (Type.universal v)
go (Term.Ann' (Term.Ref' _) t) = case ABT.freeVars t of
s | Set.null s ->
-- innermost Ref annotation assumed to be correctly provided by `synthesizeClosed`
@ -487,11 +525,11 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $ go (minimize' e)
if Type.arity t == 0
then do
a <- freshNamed "a"
appendContext $ context [Marker a, Existential a]
appendContext $ context [Marker a, existential a]
ambient <- getAbilities
let l = loc t
-- arya: we should revisit these l's too
subtype t (Type.effect l ambient (Type.existential' l a))
subtype t (Type.effect l ambient (Type.existential' l B.Blank a))
-- modifyContext $ retract [Marker a]
pure t
else pure t
@ -542,13 +580,13 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $ go (minimize' e)
go (Term.Lam' body) = do -- ->I=> (Full Damas Milner rule)
-- arya: are there more meaningful locations we could put into and pull out of the abschain?)
[arg, i, o] <- sequence [ABT.freshen body freshenVar, freshVar, freshVar]
let it = Type.existential' l i
ot = Type.existential' l o
let it = Type.existential' l B.Blank i
ot = Type.existential' l B.Blank o
appendContext $
context [Marker i, Existential i, Existential o, Ann arg it]
context [Marker i, existential i, existential o, Ann arg it]
body <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Term.var() arg)
check body ot
(ctx1, ctx2) <- breakAt (Marker i) <$> getContext
(ctx1, _, ctx2) <- breakAt (Marker i) <$> getContext
-- unsolved existentials get generalized to universals
setContext ctx1
pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx2 (Type.arrow l it ot)
@ -556,7 +594,7 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $ go (minimize' e)
go (Term.LetRec' letrec) = do
(marker, e) <- annotateLetRecBindings letrec
t <- synthesize e
(ctx, ctx2) <- breakAt marker <$> getContext
(ctx, _, ctx2) <- breakAt marker <$> getContext
generalizeExistentials ctx2 t <$ setContext ctx
go (Term.If' cond t f) = foldM synthesizeApp (Type.iff' l) [cond, t, f]
go (Term.And' a b) = foldM synthesizeApp (Type.andor' l) [a, b]
@ -570,30 +608,28 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $ go (minimize' e)
go (Term.EffectBind' r cid args k) = do
cType <- getEffectConstructorType r cid
let arity = Type.arity cType
-- TODO: error message algebra
when (length args /= arity) . fail $
"Effect constructor wanted " <> show arity <> " arguments " <> "but got "
<> show (length args)
when (length args /= arity) . failWith $
EffectConstructorWrongArgCount arity (length args) r cid
([eType], iType) <-
Type.stripEffect <$> withoutAbilityCheck (foldM synthesizeApp cType args)
rTypev <- freshNamed "result"
let rType = Type.existential' l rTypev
appendContext $ context [Existential rTypev]
let rType = Type.existential' l B.Blank rTypev
appendContext $ context [existential rTypev]
check k (Type.arrow l iType (Type.effect l [eType] rType))
ctx <- getContext
pure $ apply ctx (Type.effectV l (l, eType) (l, rType))
go (Term.Match' scrutinee cases) = do
scrutineeType <- synthesize scrutinee
outputTypev <- freshenVar (Var.named "match-output")
let outputType = Type.existential' l outputTypev
appendContext $ context [Existential outputTypev]
let outputType = Type.existential' l B.Blank outputTypev
appendContext $ context [existential outputTypev]
Foldable.traverse_ (checkCase scrutineeType outputType) cases
ctx <- getContext
pure $ apply ctx outputType
go h@(Term.Handle' _ _) = do
o <- freshNamed "o"
appendContext $ context [Existential o]
let ot = Type.existential' l o
appendContext $ context [existential o]
let ot = Type.existential' l B.Blank o
check h ot
ctx <- getContext
pure (apply ctx ot)
@ -622,7 +658,7 @@ let x = _
-- Make up a fake term for the pattern, that we can typecheck
patternToTerm :: Var v => Pattern loc -> State [v] (Term v loc)
patternToTerm :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Pattern loc -> State [v] (Term v loc)
patternToTerm pat = case pat of
Pattern.Boolean loc b -> pure $ Term.boolean loc b
Pattern.Int64 loc n -> pure $ Term.int64 loc n
@ -649,7 +685,7 @@ patternToTerm pat = case pat of
pure $ Term.effectBind loc r cid outputTerms kTerm
_ -> error "todo: delete me after deleting PatternP - match fail in patternToTerm"
checkCase :: forall v loc . Var v => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> Term.MatchCase loc (Term v loc) -> M v loc ()
checkCase :: forall v loc . (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> Term.MatchCase loc (Term v loc) -> M v loc ()
checkCase scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) =
-- Get the variables bound in the pattern
let (vs, body) = case rhs of
@ -668,7 +704,10 @@ checkCase scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) =
patTerm :: Term v loc
patTerm = evalState (patternToTerm (pat :: Pattern loc) :: State [v] (Term v loc)) vs
newBody = Term.let1 [((loc rhs', Var.named "_"), Term.ann (loc scrutineeType) patTerm scrutineeType)] rhs'
entireCase = foldr (\locv t -> Term.let1 [(locv, Term.blank (fst locv))] t) newBody (Foldable.toList pat `zip` vs)
entireCase =
foldr (\locv t -> Term.let1 [(locv, Term.blank (fst locv))] t)
(Foldable.toList pat `zip` vs)
in check entireCase outputType
bindings :: Context v loc -> [(v, Type v loc)]
@ -683,7 +722,7 @@ lookupType ctx v = lookup v (bindings ctx)
-- which should be used to retract the context after checking/synthesis
-- of `body` is complete. See usage in `synthesize` and `check` for `LetRec'` case.
:: Var v
:: (Var v, Ord loc)
=> ((v -> M v loc v) -> M v loc ([(v, Term v loc)], Term v loc))
-> M v loc (Element v loc, Term v loc)
annotateLetRecBindings letrec = do
@ -700,16 +739,17 @@ annotateLetRecBindings letrec = do
-- TODO: Think about whether `apply` here is always correct
-- Used to have a guard that would only do this if t had no free vars
Term.Ann' _ t -> apply ctx t
_ -> Type.existential' (loc binding) e
_ -> Type.existential' (loc binding) B.Blank e
let bindingTypes = zipWith f es bindings
appendContext $ context (Marker e1 : map Existential es ++ zipWith Ann vs bindingTypes)
appendContext $ context (Marker e1 : map existential es ++ zipWith Ann vs bindingTypes)
-- check each `bi` against `ei`; sequencing resulting contexts
Foldable.for_ (zip bindings bindingTypes) $ \((_,b), t) -> check b t
-- compute generalized types `gt1, gt2 ...` for each binding `b1, b2...`;
-- add annotations `v1 : gt1, v2 : gt2 ...` to the context
(ctx1, ctx2) <- breakAt (Marker e1) <$> getContext
(ctx1, _, ctx2) <- breakAt (Marker e1) <$> getContext
-- The location of the existential is just the location of the binding
let gen (e,(_,binding)) = generalizeExistentials ctx2 (Type.existential' (loc binding) e)
let gen (e,(_,binding)) = generalizeExistentials ctx2
(Type.existential' (loc binding) B.Blank e)
let annotations = zipWith Ann vs (map gen (es `zip` bindings))
marker <- Marker <$> freshenVar (ABT.v' "let-rec-marker")
setContext (ctx1 `mappend` context (marker : annotations))
@ -717,27 +757,31 @@ annotateLetRecBindings letrec = do
-- | Apply the context to the input type, then convert any unsolved existentials
-- to universals.
generalizeExistentials :: Var v => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
generalizeExistentials :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
generalizeExistentials ctx t =
foldr gen (apply ctx t) (unsolved ctx)
gen e t =
if TypeVar.Existential e `ABT.isFreeIn` t
if TypeVar.Existential B.Blank e `ABT.isFreeIn` t
-- location of the forall is just the location of the input type
-- and the location of each quantified variable is just inherited from
-- its source location
then Type.forall (loc t) (TypeVar.Universal e) (ABT.substInheritAnnotation (TypeVar.Existential e) (Type.universal e) t)
then Type.forall (loc t)
(TypeVar.Universal e)
(TypeVar.Existential B.Blank e)
(Type.universal e)
else t -- don't bother introducing a forall if type variable is unused
-- | Check that under the given context, `e` has type `t`,
-- updating the context in the process.
check :: forall v loc . Var v => Term v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
check :: forall v loc . (Var v, Ord loc) => Term v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
-- check e t | debugEnabled && traceShow ("check"::String, e, t) False = undefined
check e0 t = scope (InCheck e0 t) $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
if wellformedType ctx t then
go :: Term v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
go Term.Blank' _ = pure () -- somewhat hacky short circuit; blank checks successfully against all types
go _ (Type.Forall' body) = do -- ForallI
x <- extendUniversal =<< ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
check e (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.universal x))
@ -764,15 +808,15 @@ check e0 t = scope (InCheck e0 t) $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
-- `body` should check against `i`
builtinLoc <- getBuiltinLocation
[e, i] <- sequence [freshNamed "e", freshNamed "i"]
appendContext $ context [Existential e, Existential i]
appendContext $ context [existential e, existential i]
let l = loc block
check h $ Type.arrow l (Type.effectV builtinLoc (l, Type.existential' l e) (l, Type.existential' l i)) t
check h $ Type.arrow l (Type.effectV builtinLoc (l, Type.existentialp l e) (l, Type.existentialp l i)) t
ctx <- getContext
let Type.Effect'' requested _ = apply ctx t
abilityCheck requested
withEffects [apply ctx $ Type.existential' l e] $ do
withEffects [apply ctx $ Type.existentialp l e] $ do
ambient <- getAbilities
let (_, i') = Type.stripEffect (apply ctx (Type.existential' l i))
let (_, i') = Type.stripEffect (apply ctx (Type.existentialp l i))
-- arya: we should revisit these `l`s once we have this up and running
check body (Type.effect l ambient i')
pure ()
@ -785,13 +829,13 @@ check e0 t = scope (InCheck e0 t) $ getContext >>= \ctx ->
e = minimize' e0
in case t of
-- expand existentials before checking
t@(Type.Existential' _) -> go e (apply ctx t)
t@(Type.Existential' _ _) -> go e (apply ctx t)
t -> go e t
else failWith $ IllFormedType ctx
-- | `subtype ctx t1 t2` returns successfully if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`.
-- This may have the effect of altering the context.
subtype :: forall v loc . Var v => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
subtype :: forall v loc . (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
subtype tx ty | debugEnabled && traceShow ("subtype"::String, tx, ty) False = undefined
subtype tx ty = scope (InSubtype tx ty) $
do ctx <- getContext; go (ctx :: Context v loc) tx ty
@ -801,7 +845,7 @@ subtype tx ty = scope (InSubtype tx ty) $
go ctx t1@(Type.Universal' v1) t2@(Type.Universal' v2) -- `Var`
| v1 == v2 && wellformedType ctx t1 && wellformedType ctx t2
= pure ()
go ctx t1@(Type.Existential' v1) t2@(Type.Existential' v2) -- `Exvar`
go ctx t1@(Type.Existential' _ v1) t2@(Type.Existential' _ v2) -- `Exvar`
| v1 == v2 && wellformedType ctx t1 && wellformedType ctx t2
= pure ()
go _ (Type.Arrow' i1 o1) (Type.Arrow' i2 o2) = do -- `-->`
@ -817,18 +861,18 @@ subtype tx ty = scope (InSubtype tx ty) $
doRetract (Universal v')
go _ (Type.Forall' t) t2 = do
v <- extendMarker =<< ABT.freshen t freshenTypeVar
t <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation t (Type.existential v)
t <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation t (Type.existential B.Blank v)
ctx' <- getContext
subtype (apply ctx' t) t2
doRetract (Marker v)
go _ (Type.Effect' [] a1) a2 = subtype a1 a2
go _ a1 (Type.Effect' [] a2) = subtype a1 a2
go ctx (Type.Existential' v) t -- `InstantiateL`
go ctx (Type.Existential' b v) t -- `InstantiateL`
| Set.member v (existentials ctx) && notMember v (Type.freeVars t) =
instantiateL v t
go ctx t (Type.Existential' v) -- `InstantiateR`
instantiateL b v t
go ctx t (Type.Existential' b v) -- `InstantiateR`
| Set.member v (existentials ctx) && notMember v (Type.freeVars t) =
instantiateR t v
instantiateR t b v
go _ (Type.Effect'' es1 a1) (Type.Effect' es2 a2) = do
subtype a1 a2
ctx <- getContext
@ -841,116 +885,117 @@ subtype tx ty = scope (InSubtype tx ty) $
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a subtype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateL :: Var v => v -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
instantiateL v t | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateL"::String, v, t) False = undefined
instantiateL v t = scope (InInstantiateL v t) $
instantiateL :: (Var v, Ord loc) => B.Blank loc -> v -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
instantiateL _ v t | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateL"::String, v, t) False = undefined
instantiateL blank v t = scope (InInstantiateL v t) $
getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= (solve ctx v) of
Just ctx -> setContext ctx -- InstLSolve
Nothing -> case t of
Type.Existential' v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstLReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
Type.Existential' _ v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstLReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
maybe (failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx) setContext $
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existential' (loc t) v))
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existentialp (loc t) v))
Type.Arrow' i o -> do -- InstLArr
[i',o'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc i) i')
(Type.existential' (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential o', Existential i', s])
instantiateR i i'
let s = Solved blank v (Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existentialp (loc i) i')
(Type.existentialp (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v)
(context [existential o', existential i', s])
instantiateR i B.Blank i' -- todo: not sure about this, could also be `blank`
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL o' (apply ctx o)
instantiateL B.Blank o' (apply ctx o)
Type.App' x y -> do -- analogue of InstLArr
[x', y'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "x", ABT.v' "y"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc x) x')
(Type.existential' (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential y', Existential x', s])
let s = Solved blank v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t)
(Type.existentialp (loc x) x')
(Type.existentialp (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v)
(context [existential y', existential x', s])
ctx0 <- getContext
ctx' <- instantiateL x' (apply ctx0 x) >> getContext
instantiateL y' (apply ctx' y)
ctx' <- instantiateL B.Blank x' (apply ctx0 x) >> getContext
instantiateL B.Blank y' (apply ctx' y)
Type.Effect' es vt -> do
es' <- replicateM (length es) (freshNamed "e")
vt' <- freshNamed "vt"
let locs = loc <$> es
s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
s = Solved blank v
(Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existential' <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existential' (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context $ (Existential <$> es') ++
[Existential vt', s])
(uncurry Type.existentialp <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existentialp (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v)
(context $ (existential <$> es') ++
[existential vt', s])
Foldable.for_ (es' `zip` es) $ \(e',e) -> do
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL e' (apply ctx e)
instantiateL B.Blank e' (apply ctx e)
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL vt' (apply ctx vt)
instantiateL B.Blank vt' (apply ctx vt)
Type.Forall' body -> do -- InstLIIL
v <- extendUniversal =<< ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
instantiateL v (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.universal v))
instantiateL B.Blank v (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.universal v))
doRetract (Universal v)
_ -> failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a supertype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateR :: Var v => Type v loc -> v -> M v loc ()
instantiateR t v | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateR"::String, t, v) False = undefined
instantiateR t v = scope (InInstantiateR t v) $
instantiateR :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> B.Blank loc -> v -> M v loc ()
instantiateR t _ v | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateR"::String, t, v) False = undefined
instantiateR t blank v = scope (InInstantiateR t v) $
getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx -> setContext ctx -- InstRSolve
Nothing -> case t of
Type.Existential' v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstRReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
Type.Existential' _ v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstRReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
maybe (failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx) setContext $
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existential' (loc t) v))
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existentialp (loc t) v))
Type.Arrow' i o -> do -- InstRArrow
[i', o'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
let s = Solved blank v (Type.Monotype
(Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc i) i')
(Type.existential' (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential o', Existential i', s])
ctx <- instantiateL i' i >> getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx o) o'
(Type.existentialp (loc i) i')
(Type.existentialp (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v)
(context [existential o', existential i', s])
ctx <- instantiateL B.Blank i' i >> getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx o) B.Blank o'
Type.App' x y -> do -- analogue of InstRArr
-- example foo a <: v' will
-- 1. create foo', a', add these to the context
-- 2. add v' = foo' a' to the context
-- 3. recurse to refine the types of foo' and a'
[x', y'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "x", ABT.v' "y"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t) (Type.existential' (loc x) x') (Type.existential' (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context [Existential y', Existential x', s])
let s = Solved blank v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t) (Type.existentialp (loc x) x') (Type.existentialp (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v) (context [existential y', existential x', s])
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx x) x'
instantiateR (apply ctx x) B.Blank x'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx y) y'
instantiateR (apply ctx y) B.Blank y'
Type.Effect' es vt -> do
es' <- replicateM (length es) (freshNamed "e")
vt' <- freshNamed "vt"
let locs = loc <$> es
s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
(Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existential' <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existential' (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context $ (Existential <$> es') ++ [Existential vt', s])
mt = Type.Monotype (Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existentialp <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existentialp (loc vt) vt'))
s = Solved blank v mt
modifyContext' $ replace (existential v) (context $ (existential <$> es') ++ [existential vt', s])
Foldable.for_ (es `zip` es') $ \(e, e') -> do
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx e) e'
instantiateR (apply ctx e) B.Blank e'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx vt) vt'
instantiateR (apply ctx vt) B.Blank vt'
Type.Forall' body -> do -- InstRAIIL
x' <- ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
setContext $ ctx `mappend` context [Marker x', Existential x']
instantiateR (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.existential x')) v
setContext $ ctx `mappend` context [Marker x', existential x']
instantiateR (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.existential B.Blank x')) B.Blank v
doRetract (Marker x')
_ -> failWith $ TypeMismatch ctx
-- | solve (ΓL,α^,ΓR) α τ = (ΓL,α^ = τ,ΓR)
-- If the given existential variable exists in the context,
-- we solve it to the given monotype, otherwise return `Nothing`
solve :: Var v => Context v loc -> v -> Monotype v loc -> Maybe (Context v loc)
solve :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> v -> Monotype v loc -> Maybe (Context v loc)
solve ctx v t
-- okay to solve something again if it's to an identical type
| v `elem` (map fst (solved ctx)) = same =<< lookup v (solved ctx)
@ -959,31 +1004,32 @@ solve ctx v t
solve ctx v t
| wellformedType ctxL (Type.getPolytype t) = Just ctx'
| otherwise = Nothing
where (ctxL,ctxR) = breakAt (Existential v) ctx
ctx' = ctxL `mappend` context [Solved v t] `mappend` ctxR
where (ctxL, focus, ctxR) = breakAt (existential v) ctx
mid = [ Solved blank v t | Existential blank v <- focus ]
ctx' = ctxL `mappend` context mid `mappend` ctxR
abilityCheck' :: Var v => [Type v loc] -> [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck' :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Type v loc] -> [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck' ambient requested = do
success <- flip allM requested $ \req ->
flip anyM ambient $ \amb -> (True <$ subtype amb req) `orElse` pure False
when (not success) $
failWith $ AbilityCheckFailure ambient requested
abilityCheck :: Var v => [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Type v loc] -> M v loc ()
abilityCheck requested = do
enabled <- abilityCheckEnabled
when enabled $ do
ambient <- getAbilities
abilityCheck' ambient requested
verifyDataDeclarations :: Var v => DataDeclarations v loc -> M v loc ()
verifyDataDeclarations :: (Var v, Ord loc) => DataDeclarations v loc -> M v loc ()
verifyDataDeclarations decls = forM_ (Map.toList decls) $ \(_ref, decl) -> do
let ctors = DD.constructors decl
forM_ ctors $ \(_ctorName,typ) -> verifyClosed typ id
-- | public interface to the typechecker
:: (Monad f, Var v)
:: (Monad f, Var v, Ord loc)
=> loc
-> [Type v loc]
-> (Reference -> f (Type.AnnotatedType v loc))
@ -1029,7 +1075,7 @@ annotateRefs synth term = ABT.visit f term where
where ra = ABT.annotation r
f _ = Nothing
run :: Var v
run :: (Var v, Ord loc)
=> loc
-> [Type v loc]
-> DataDeclarations v loc
@ -1040,20 +1086,28 @@ run builtinLoc ambient datas effects m =
let (notes, o) = runM m (MEnv (Env 0 mempty) ambient builtinLoc datas effects True)
in (notes, fst <$> o)
synthesizeClosed' :: Var v
synthesizeClosed' :: (Var v, Ord loc)
=> [Type v loc]
-> Term v loc
-> M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesizeClosed' abilities term = do
-- save current context, for restoration when done
ctx0 <- getContext
setContext $ context []
v <- extendMarker $ Var.named "start"
t <- withEffects0 abilities (synthesize term)
ctx <- getContext
-- retract will cause notes to be written out for
-- any `Blank`-tagged existentials passing out of scope
doRetract (Marker v)
setContext ctx0 -- restore the initial context
pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx t
instance (Var v, Show loc) => Show (Element v loc) where
show (Var v) = case v of
TypeVar.Universal x -> "@" <> show x
TypeVar.Existential x -> "'" ++ show x
show (Solved v t) = "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" = "++show t
TypeVar.Existential _ x -> "'" ++ show x
show (Solved _ v t) = "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" = "++show t
show (Ann v t) = Text.unpack (Var.shortName v) ++ " : " ++ show t
show (Marker v) = "|"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++"|"
@ -1079,12 +1133,12 @@ instance Applicative (M v loc) where
instance Functor (M v loc) where
fmap = liftM
instance Var v => Monoid (Context v loc) where
instance (Var v, Ord loc) => Monoid (Context v loc) where
mempty = context0
mappend ctxL (Context es) =
-- since `es` is a snoc list, we add it to `ctxL` in reverse order
foldl' f ctxL (reverse es) where
f ctx (e,_) = extend e ctx
instance Var v => Semigroup (Context v loc) where
instance (Var v, Ord loc) => Semigroup (Context v loc) where
(<>) = mappend

View File

@ -53,19 +53,21 @@ data Env v a = Env
, resolveType :: AnnotatedType v a -> AnnotatedType v a
-- `String` to `(Reference, ConstructorId)`
, constructorLookup :: CtorLookup
, terms :: Map v (Reference, AnnotatedType v a)
-- This function computes hashes for data and effect declarations, and
-- also returns a function for resolving strings to (Reference, ConstructorId)
-- for parsing of pattern matching
environmentFor :: forall v a . Var v
=> [(v, Reference)]
=> [(v, (Reference, AnnotatedType v a))]
-> [(v, Reference)]
-> Map v (DataDeclaration' v a)
-> Map v (EffectDeclaration' v a)
-> Env v a
environmentFor termBuiltins typeBuiltins0 dataDecls0 effectDecls0 =
environmentFor termBuiltins0 typeBuiltins0 dataDecls0 effectDecls0 =
let -- ignore builtin types that will be shadowed by user-defined data/effects
termBuiltins = fmap fst <$> termBuiltins0
typeBuiltins = [ (v, t) | (v, t) <- typeBuiltins0,
Map.notMember v dataDecls0 &&
Map.notMember v effectDecls0]
@ -82,8 +84,9 @@ environmentFor termBuiltins typeBuiltins0 dataDecls0 effectDecls0 =
typeEnv :: [(v, Reference)]
typeEnv = Map.toList (fst <$> dataDecls') ++ Map.toList (fst <$> effectDecls')
dataDecls'' = second (DD.bindBuiltins typeEnv) <$> dataDecls'
effectDecls'' = second (DD.withEffectDecl (DD.bindBuiltins typeEnv)) <$> effectDecls'
dataRefs = Set.fromList (fst <$> Foldable.toList dataDecls'')
effectDecls'' =
second (DD.withEffectDecl (DD.bindBuiltins typeEnv)) <$> effectDecls'
dataRefs = Set.fromList $ (fst <$> Foldable.toList dataDecls'')
termFor :: Reference -> Int -> AnnotatedTerm2 v a a v ()
termFor r cid = if Set.member r dataRefs then Term.constructor() r cid
else Term.request() r cid
@ -94,12 +97,16 @@ environmentFor termBuiltins typeBuiltins0 dataDecls0 effectDecls0 =
typesByName = Map.toList $ (fst <$> dataDecls'') `Map.union` (fst <$> effectDecls'')
ctorLookup = Map.fromList (constructors' =<< hashDecls')
in Env dataDecls'' effectDecls''
(Term.bindBuiltins dataAndEffectCtors termBuiltins typesByName)
(Term.typeDirectedResolve .
Term.bindBuiltins dataAndEffectCtors termBuiltins typesByName)
(Type.bindBuiltins typesByName)
(Map.fromList termBuiltins0)
constructors' :: Var v => (v, Reference, DataDeclaration' v a) -> [(String, (Reference, Int))]
constructors' (typeSymbol, r, dd) =
let qualCtorName ((ctor,_), i) =
(Text.unpack $ mconcat [Var.qualifiedName typeSymbol, ".", Var.qualifiedName ctor], (r, i))
( Text.unpack $
mconcat [Var.qualifiedName typeSymbol, ".", Var.qualifiedName ctor]
, (r, i))
in qualCtorName <$> DD.constructors dd `zip` [0..]

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ typechecks :: String -> Bool
typechecks = Result.isSuccess . file
env :: Monad m => Typechecker.Env m Symbol Ann
env = Typechecker.Env Intrinsic [] typeOf dd ed where
env = Typechecker.Env Intrinsic [] typeOf dd ed B.builtins where
typeOf r = maybe (error $ "no type for: " ++ show r) pure $ Map.lookup r B.builtins
dd r = error $ "no data declaration for: " ++ show r
ed r = error $ "no effect declaration for: " ++ show r

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module Unison.Test.FileParser where
!p = unsafeGetRightFrom s $
(Parser.rootFile $
file Builtin.builtinTerms Builtin.builtinTypes)
file Builtin.builtinTypedTerms Builtin.builtinTypes)
pure p >> ok

View File

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ test = scope "typechecker" . tests $
|-- binding is not guarded by a lambda, it only can access
|-- ambient abilities (which will be empty)
|ex1 : {IO} ()
|ex1 = launch-missiles()
|ex1 = IO.launch-missiles()

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ library