typechecking for pattern-matching (untested)

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-06-12 17:01:00 -04:00
parent 2da9ace1d5
commit 92f43221d3
3 changed files with 63 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -261,6 +261,12 @@ let1 bindings e = foldr f e bindings
let1' :: Var v => [(Text,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
let1' bs e = let1 [(ABT.v' name, b) | (name,b) <- bs ] e
effectPure :: Ord v => Term v -> Term v
effectPure t = ABT.tm (EffectPure t)
effectBind :: Ord v => Reference -> Int -> [Term v] -> Term v -> Term v
effectBind r cid args k = ABT.tm (EffectBind r cid args k)
unLet1 :: Var v => Term v -> Maybe (Term v, ABT.Subst (F v) v ())
unLet1 (ABT.Tm' (Let b (ABT.Abs' subst))) = Just (b, subst)
unLet1 _ = Nothing

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module Unison.Typechecker.Context where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
@ -578,34 +579,54 @@ synthesize e = scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ go e where
go (Term.Or' a b) = foldM synthesizeApp Type.andor [a, b]
go (Term.Match' scrutinee cases) = do
scrutineeType <- synthesize scrutinee
outputTypev <- freshenVar "match-output"
outputTypev <- freshenVar (Var.named "match-output")
let outputType = Type.existential outputTypev
appendContext (context [Existential outputType])
appendContext (context [Existential outputTypev])
Foldable.traverse_ (checkCase scrutineeType outputType) cases
ctx <- getContext
pure (apply ctx outputType)
go e = fail $ "unknown case in synthesize " ++ show e
-- data MatchCase a = MatchCase Pattern (Maybe a) a
checkCase :: Type v -> Type v -> Term.MatchCase (Term v) -> M v ()
checkCase scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) = _todo
checkCase :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Term.MatchCase (Term v) -> M v ()
checkCase scrutineeType outputType (Term.MatchCase pat guard rhs) = do
-- make up a type variable, drop a marker for that type variable
-- 1a. convert pattern to a Term, wildcards become existentials introduced into typechecking environment
-- 1b. convert the pattern to a Term where RHS is the guard rather than the body
marker <- Marker <$> freshenVar (Var.named "check-case")
appendContext (context [marker])
-- 1a. make up a term that involves the guard if present
let rhs' = case guard of
Just g -> Term.let1 [(Var.named "_", Term.ann g Type.boolean)] rhs
Nothing -> rhs
-- 1b. convert pattern to a Term, wildcards become existentials introduced into typechecking environment
(patTerm, rhs') <- patternToTerm pat rhs'
-- Now we have a term for each pattern, and a suitably freshened RHS and guard for each case
-- 2. check the pattern term against the scrutineeType (makes sure patterns are well-typed, also refines type env)
-- 3. check the guard against `Boolean`
check patTerm scrutineeType
-- 4. check the rhs' (freshened rhs) against `outputType`
check rhs' outputType
-- 5. retract the context to the marker
modifyContext $ retract marker
-- case foo of
-- Cons h t | h > 3 -> h + 1
-- other -> 7
-- let _ = if not (h > 3) then throw MatchFail else h + 1
-- Convert a
patternToTerm :: Var v => Pattern -> Term v -> M v (Term v, Term v)
patternToTerm pat rhs = case pat of
Pattern.Boolean b -> pure (Term.boolean b, rhs)
Pattern.Int64 n -> pure (Term.int64 n, rhs)
Pattern.UInt64 n -> pure (Term.uint64 n, rhs)
Pattern.Float n -> pure (Term.float n, rhs)
-- similar for other literals
Pattern.Constructor r cid pats -> _todo2
-- todo
-- pure $ Term.apps (Term.constructor r cid) _patternSubterms
Pattern.Constructor r cid pats -> do
let f (rhs, reverseTerms) pat = do
(outputTerm, rhs') <- patternToTerm pat rhs
pure $ (rhs', outputTerm : reverseTerms)
(rhs', outputTerms) <- second reverse <$> foldM f (rhs,[]) pats
pure (Term.apps (Term.constructor r cid) outputTerms, rhs')
Pattern.Var -> case rhs of
ABT.Abs' body -> do
v' <- ABT.freshen body freshenVar
@ -613,9 +634,30 @@ patternToTerm pat rhs = case pat of
let termv = Term.var v'
let body' = ABT.bind body termv
pure (termv, body')
other -> fail "malformed pattern"
-- unbound will be almost the same as Var, just won't be expecting a rhs that's an Abs
-- but we will still introduce an existential for the `_`
_other -> fail "malformed pattern"
Pattern.Unbound -> do
v' <- freshenVar (Var.named "_")
appendContext (context [Existential v'])
let termv = Term.var v'
pure (termv, rhs)
Pattern.As p -> case rhs of
ABT.Abs' body -> do
v' <- ABT.freshen body freshenVar
appendContext (context [Existential v'])
let termv = Term.var v'
let body' = ABT.bind body termv
(patTerm, rhs') <- patternToTerm p body'
-- typecheck v' as `let v' = patTerm in v'`
pure (Term.let1 [(v', patTerm)] termv, rhs')
_other -> fail "malformed pattern"
Pattern.EffectPure p -> first Term.effectPure <$> patternToTerm p rhs
Pattern.EffectBind r cid pats kpat -> do
let f (rhs, reverseTerms) pat = do
(outputTerm, rhs') <- patternToTerm pat rhs
pure $ (rhs', outputTerm : reverseTerms)
(rhs', outputTerms) <- second reverse <$> foldM f (rhs,[]) pats
(rhs'', kTerm) <- patternToTerm kpat rhs'
pure (Term.effectBind r cid outputTerms kTerm, rhs'')
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, `arg` given that a function of
-- the given type `ft` is being applied to `arg`. Update the context in

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@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Optional.isEmpty o = case o of
increment x = x +_UInt64 1
(|>) : forall a . a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) : forall a b . a -> (a -> b) -> b
a |> f = f a
Stream.from-int64 -3
|> Stream.take 10
|> Stream.fold-left 0 (+_Int64)
|> Stream.fold-left +0 (+_Int64)
|> Optional.Some