defined alpha equivalence for closed terms

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-04-15 17:03:47 -04:00
parent 82cc926fcc
commit 93c92dccb8
2 changed files with 25 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -59,14 +59,18 @@ rename old new (Term _ t) = case t of
else abs v (rename old new body)
Tm v -> tm (fmap (rename old new) v)
-- | Produce a variable which is free in both terms
freshInBoth :: Term f -> Term f -> V -> V
freshInBoth t1 t2 x = fresh (memberOf (freevars t1) (freevars t2)) x
where memberOf s1 s2 v = Set.member v s1 || Set.member v s2
-- | `subst t x body` substitutes `t` for `x` in `body`, avoiding capture
subst :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f -> V -> Term f -> Term f
subst t x body = case out body of
Var v | x == v -> t
Var v -> var v
Abs x e -> abs x' e'
where memberOf s1 s2 v = Set.member v s1 || Set.member v s2
x' = fresh (memberOf (freevars t) (freevars body)) x
where x' = freshInBoth t body x
-- rename x to something that cannot be captured
e' = if x /= x' then subst t x (rename x x' e)
else e
@ -92,6 +96,20 @@ toIntTagged fa k = k (intTag fa) (Foldable.toList fa)
toTextTagged :: TextTagged f => f a -> (Text -> [a] -> r) -> r
toTextTagged fa k = k (textTag fa) (Foldable.toList fa)
instance (Functor f, IntTagged f) => Eq (Term f) where
-- alpha equivalence, works by renaming any aligned Abs ctors to use a common fresh variable
t1 == t2 | Set.null (freevars t1) && Set.null (freevars t2) = go (out t1) (out t2) where
go (Var v) (Var v2) | v == v2 = True
go (Abs v1 body1) (Abs v2 body2) =
if v1 == v2 then go (out body1) (out body2)
else let v3 = freshInBoth body1 body2 v1
in go (out (rename v1 v3 body1)) (out (rename v2 v3 body2))
go (Tm f1) (Tm f2) | intTag f1 == intTag f2 =
let (args1, args2) = (map out (Foldable.toList f1), map out (Foldable.toList f2))
in length args1 == length args2 && all id (zipWith go args1 args2)
go _ _ = False
_ == _ = False
instance TextTagged f => ToJSON (Term f) where
toJSON (Term _ e) = case e of
Var v -> array [text "Var", toJSON v]
@ -114,6 +132,8 @@ instance TextTagged f => FromJSON (Term f) where
-- todo: binary encoder/decoder can work similarly, just using IntTagged
-- hash :: IntTagged f => Term f ->
text :: Text -> Value
text t = toJSON t

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@ -13,5 +13,8 @@ symbol n f p = Symbol n 0 f p
freshen :: Symbol -> Symbol
freshen (Symbol n i f p) = Symbol n (i+1) f p
prefix :: Text -> Symbol
prefix name = symbol name Prefix 9
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Fixity
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Symbol