Merge branch 'wip/branchless' of into wip/branchless

This commit is contained in:
Runar Bjarnason 2019-06-18 15:53:54 -04:00
commit 9463b55aef
7 changed files with 70 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Unison.Builtin2 where
import Control.Applicative ( liftA2
-- , (<|>)
import Data.Bifunctor ( second )
import Data.Foldable ( foldl' )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -98,7 +99,11 @@ parseType = error "todo" -- is `Names` something we want to keep using?
names0 :: Names0
names0 = Names terms types where
terms = Rel.mapRan Referent.Ref $ Rel.fromMap termNameRefs
terms = Rel.mapRan Referent.Ref (Rel.fromMap termNameRefs) <>
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar vc, Referent.Con r cid)
| (_,(r,decl)) <- builtinDataDecls @Symbol <>
((second . second) DD.toDataDecl <$> builtinEffectDecls)
, ((_,vc,_), cid) <- DD.constructors' decl `zip` [0..]]
types = Rel.fromList builtinTypes <>
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar v, r) | (v,(r,_)) <- builtinDataDecls @Symbol ] <>
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar v, r) | (v,(r,_)) <- builtinEffectDecls @Symbol ]

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@ -607,9 +607,9 @@ loop = do
-- UpdateBuiltinsI -> do
-- stepAt updateBuiltins
-- checkTodo
-- ListEditsI -> do
-- (Branch.head -> b) <- use currentBranch
-- respond $ ListEdits b
ListEditsI (Path.toAbsoluteSplit currentPath' -> (p,seg)) -> do
patch <- eval . Eval . Branch.getPatch seg . Branch.head =<< getAt p
respond $ ListEdits patch (Branch.toNames0 currentBranch0)
PullRemoteBranchI repo path -> do
loadRemoteBranchAt repo $ Path.toAbsolutePath currentPath' path

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ data Input
| UpdateI EditPath [HashQualified]
| TodoI EditPath Path'
| PropagateI EditPath Path'
| ListEditsI EditPath Path'
| ListEditsI EditPath
-- -- create and remove update directives
| DeprecateTermI EditPath Path.HQ'Split'
| DeprecateTypeI EditPath Path.HQ'Split'

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ data Output v
(Map Reference (DisplayThing (Term v Ann)))
| TodoOutput Names0 (TodoOutput v Ann)
| CantUndo UndoFailureReason
-- | ListEdits Edits Names
| ListEdits Patch Names0
-- new/unrepresented references followed by old/removed
-- todo: eventually replace these sets with [SearchResult' v Ann]

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@ -424,9 +424,14 @@ validInputs =
else pure . Input.ExecuteI $ unwords ws)
, quit
, updateBuiltins
-- , InputPattern "edit.list" [] []
-- "Lists all the edits in the current branch."
-- (const . pure $ Input.ListEditsI)
, InputPattern "view.patch" [] [(Required, patchPathArg)]
"Lists all the edits in the given patch."
patchStr : [] -> first fromString $ do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' Path.wordyNameSegment patchStr
Right $ Input.ListEditsI patch
_ -> Left $ warn "`view.patch` takes a patch and that's it."
allTargets :: Set.Set Names.NameTarget

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@ -235,6 +235,32 @@ notifyUser dir o = case o of
putPrettyLn' . P.wrap $ "I couldn't do a git checkout of "
<> P.text t <> ". Make sure there's a branch or commit "
<> "with that name."
ListEdits patch names0 -> do
ppe = PPE.fromNames0 names0
types = Patch._typeEdits patch
terms = Patch._termEdits patch
prettyTermEdit (r, TermEdit.Deprecate) =
(prettyHashQualified . PPE.termName ppe . Referent.Ref $ r
, "-> (deprecated)")
prettyTermEdit (r, TermEdit.Replace r' _typing) =
(prettyHashQualified . PPE.termName ppe . Referent.Ref $ r
, "-> " <> (prettyHashQualified . PPE.termName ppe . Referent.Ref $ r'))
prettyTypeEdit (r, TypeEdit.Deprecate) =
(prettyHashQualified $ PPE.typeName ppe r
, "-> (deprecated)")
prettyTypeEdit (r, TypeEdit.Replace r') =
(prettyHashQualified $ PPE.typeName ppe r
, "-> " <> (prettyHashQualified . PPE.typeName ppe $ r'))
when (not $ R.null types) $
putPrettyLn $ "Edited Types:" `P.hang`
P.column2 (prettyTypeEdit <$> R.toList types)
when (not $ R.null terms) $
putPrettyLn $ "Edited Terms:" `P.hang`
P.column2 (prettyTermEdit <$> R.toList terms)
when (R.null types && R.null terms)
(putPrettyLn "This patch is empty.")
BustedBuiltins (Set.toList -> new) (Set.toList -> old) ->
-- todo: this could be prettier! Have a nice list like `find` gives, but
-- that requires querying the codebase to determine term types. Probably

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@ -19,6 +19,27 @@ andThen f g x = g (f x)
const : a -> b -> a
const a _ = a
use Sequence take at size drop snoc cons ++
use Nat + /
use Universal compare
use Pair Pair
namespace Tuple where
at1 : Pair a b -> a
at1 p = case p of Pair.Pair a b -> a
at2 : Pair a (Pair b c) -> b
at2 p = case p of (_, (b, _)) -> b
at3 : Pair a (Pair b (Pair c d)) -> c
at3 p = case p of (_, (_, (c, _))) -> c
at4 : Pair a (Pair b (Pair c (Pair d e))) -> d
at4 p = case p of (_, (_, (_, (d, _)))) -> d
namespace Sequence where
map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
@ -73,7 +94,7 @@ namespace Sequence where
sortBy : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortBy f as =
tweak p = (f (Tuple.at1 p), Tuple.at2 p, Tuple.at1 p)
tweak p = case p of (p1,p2) -> (f p1, p2, p1)
Heap.sort (map tweak (indexed as)) |> map Tuple.at3
halve : [a] -> ([a], [a])
@ -95,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Sequence where
unsnoc : [a] -> Optional ([a], a)
unsnoc as =
i = size as `drop` 1
i = size (drop 1 as)
case at i as of
None -> None
Some a -> Some (take i as, a)
@ -168,20 +189,6 @@ namespace Search where
-- > (e -> indexOf e ex) ex
-- > lubIndexOf 193 ex
use Pair Pair
namespace Tuple where
at1 : Pair a b -> a
at1 p = case p of Pair a _ -> a
at2 : Pair a (Pair b c) -> b
at2 p = case p of Pair _ (Pair b _) -> b
at3 : Pair a (Pair b (Pair c d)) -> c
at3 p = case p of Pair _ (Pair _ (Pair c _)) -> c
at4 : Pair a (Pair b (Pair c (Pair d e))) -> d
at4 p = case p of Pair _ (Pair _ (Pair _ (Pair d _))) -> d
(|>) : a -> (a -> b) -> b
a |> f = f a
@ -379,7 +386,8 @@ namespace Heap where
Some a -> case b of
None -> Some a
Some b -> Some (union a b)
single kv = Some (singleton (Tuple.at1 kv) (Tuple.at2 kv))
single kv = case kv of
(k, v) -> Some (singleton k v)
Sequence.foldb single op None kvs
fromKeys : [a] -> Optional (Heap a a)