tweak the plan

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2023-11-09 14:01:17 -05:00
parent 7674d15426
commit 974725a492

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@ -34,17 +34,9 @@ handleUpgrade oldDepName newDepName = do
newDepBranch <- Cli.expectBranch0AtPath (Path.fromList [Name.libSegment, newDepName])
currentBranch <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
let namesIncludingLibdeps = Branch.toNames currentBranch
let namesExcludingLibdeps = Branch.toNames (currentBranch & over Branch.children (Map.delete Name.libSegment))
unisonFile <-
Cli.runTransaction do
dependents <-
(Names.referenceIds namesExcludingLibdeps)
(Branch.deepTermReferences oldDepBranch <> Branch.deepTypeReferences newDepBranch)
addDefinitionsToUnisonFile codebase namesExcludingLibdeps dependents UnisonFile.emptyUnisonFile
let allNames = Branch.toNames currentBranch
let namesExcludingOldDep = wundefined
-- Compute "fake names": these are all of things in `lib.old`, with the `old` segment swapped out for `new`
let fakeNames :: Names = wundefined
@ -53,16 +45,22 @@ handleUpgrade oldDepName newDepName = do
rename :: Name -> Name
rename = wundefined
-- Construct a PPE to use for rendering the Unison file full of dependents. This PPE should shadow everything in
-- `allNames` with `fakeNames`.
-- Note to implementor: this isn't exactly possible with the existing PPE API
let printPPE :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl
printPPE = wundefined
-- Create a Unison file that contains all of our dependents of things in `lib.old`.
(unisonFile, printPPE) <-
Cli.runTransaction do
dependents <-
(Names.referenceIds namesExcludingLibdeps)
(Branch.deepTermReferences oldDepBranch <> Branch.deepTypeReferences newDepBranch)
unisonFile <- addDefinitionsToUnisonFile codebase namesExcludingLibdeps dependents UnisonFile.emptyUnisonFile
-- Construct a PPE to use for rendering the Unison file full of dependents.
printPPE :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl <- wundefined (namesExcludingOldDep <> fakeNames)
pure (unisonFile, printPPE)
-- Make a biggol Unison file with all of the dependents of everything in `lib.old`
let unisonFile :: UnisonFile Symbol Ann
unisonFile = wundefined
-- Construct a PPE to use for rendering the Unison file full of dependents.
let printPPE :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl
printPPE =
wundefined (namesExcludingOldDep <> fakeNames)
-- Round-trip that bad boy through a bad String
@ -70,7 +68,10 @@ handleUpgrade oldDepName newDepName = do
-- Happy path: save updated things to codebase, cons namespace. Don't forget to delete `lib.old`
-- Sad path: put the busted dependents into scratch.u. None of the string names in that file should resolve to
-- anything in `lib.old` since they were all shadowed by the PPE.
-- Sad path:
-- 1. Make a new project branch, stepped forward one causal (tossing `lib.old`).
-- 2. Put the busted dependents into scratch.u
-- 3. Output message or something.
pure ()