Fix ucm tests w/r/t/ previous additions

This commit is contained in:
Dan Doel 2024-02-12 11:28:20 -05:00
parent c61fe2ed35
commit 9905eb829f

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ runTranscript :: Codebase -> Transcript -> IO TranscriptOutput
runTranscript (Codebase codebasePath fmt) transcript = do
let err e = fail $ "Parse error: \n" <> show e
cbInit = case fmt of CodebaseFormat2 -> SC.init
TR.withTranscriptRunner Verbosity.Silent "Unison.Test.Ucm.runTranscript Invalid Version String" configFile $ \runner -> do
TR.withTranscriptRunner Verbosity.Silent "Unison.Test.Ucm.runTranscript Invalid Version String" rtp configFile $ \runner -> do
result <- Codebase.Init.withOpenCodebase cbInit "transcript" codebasePath SC.DoLock SC.DontMigrate \codebase -> do
Codebase.runTransaction codebase (Codebase.installUcmDependencies codebase)
let transcriptSrc = stripMargin . Text.pack $ unTranscript transcript
@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ runTranscript (Codebase codebasePath fmt) transcript = do
Right x -> pure x
configFile = Nothing
-- Note: this needs to be properly configured if these tests ever
-- need to do native compiles. But I suspect they won't.
rtp = "native-compiler/bin"
lowLevel :: Codebase -> (Codebase.Codebase IO Symbol Ann -> IO a) -> IO a
lowLevel (Codebase root fmt) action = do