mirror of
synced 2024-11-04 01:03:36 +03:00
Remove ability to push to loose code or pull into loose code.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Unison.Share.Sync
( -- ** Get causal hash by path
GetCausalHashByPathError (..),
-- ** Push
CheckAndSetPushError (..),
-- ** Pull
PullError (..),
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as Reader
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (pattern (:|))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List.NonEmpty
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map.NonEmpty (NEMap)
import Data.Map.NonEmpty qualified as NEMap
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty (NESeq ((:<||)))
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty qualified as NESeq (fromList, nonEmptySeq, (><|))
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Data.Set.NonEmpty qualified as NESet
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as Text.Lazy
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as Text.Lazy
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import Ki qualified
import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as Http.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Servant.API qualified as Servant ((:<|>) (..), (:>))
import Servant.Client (BaseUrl)
import Servant.Client qualified as Servant
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.V2.HashHandle (v2HashHandle)
import Unison.Auth.HTTPClient (AuthenticatedHttpClient)
import Unison.Auth.HTTPClient qualified as Auth
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Share.API.Hash qualified as Share
import Unison.Share.ExpectedHashMismatches (expectedCausalHashMismatches, expectedComponentHashMismatches)
import Unison.Share.Sync.Types
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Sync.API qualified as Share (API)
import Unison.Sync.Common (causalHashToHash32, entityToTempEntity, expectEntity, hash32ToCausalHash)
import Unison.Sync.EntityValidation qualified as EV
import Unison.Sync.Types qualified as Share
import Unison.Util.Monoid (foldMapM)
-- Pile of constants
-- | The maximum number of downloader threads, during a pull.
maxSimultaneousPullDownloaders :: Int
maxSimultaneousPullDownloaders = unsafePerformIO $ do
lookupEnv "UNISON_PULL_WORKERS" <&> \case
Just n -> read n
Nothing -> 5
{-# NOINLINE maxSimultaneousPullDownloaders #-}
-- | The maximum number of push workers at a time. Each push worker reads from the database and uploads entities.
-- Share currently parallelizes on it's own in the backend, and any more than one push worker
-- just results in serialization conflicts which slow things down.
maxSimultaneousPushWorkers :: Int
maxSimultaneousPushWorkers = unsafePerformIO $ do
lookupEnv "UNISON_PUSH_WORKERS" <&> \case
Just n -> read n
Nothing -> 1
{-# NOINLINE maxSimultaneousPushWorkers #-}
syncChunkSize :: Int
syncChunkSize = unsafePerformIO $ do
lookupEnv "UNISON_SYNC_CHUNK_SIZE" <&> \case
Just n -> read n
Nothing -> 50
{-# NOINLINE syncChunkSize #-}
-- Push
-- | Perform a check-and-set push (initially of just a causal hash, but ultimately all of its dependencies that the
-- server is missing, too) to Unison Share.
-- This flavor of push takes the expected state of the server, and the desired state we want to set; if our expectation
-- is off, we won't proceed with the push.
checkAndSetPush ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
-- | The repo+path to push to.
Share.Path ->
-- | The hash that we expect this repo+path to be at on Unison Share. If not, we'll get back a hash mismatch error.
-- This prevents accidentally pushing over data that we didn't know was there.
Maybe Hash32 ->
-- | The hash of our local causal to push.
CausalHash ->
-- | Callback that's given a number of entities we just uploaded.
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError CheckAndSetPushError) ())
checkAndSetPush unisonShareUrl path expectedHash causalHash uploadedCallback = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient} <- ask
Cli.label \done -> do
let failed :: SyncError CheckAndSetPushError -> Cli void
failed = done . Left
let updatePathError :: Share.UpdatePathError -> Cli void
updatePathError err =
failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushError'UpdatePath (Share.pathRepoInfo path) err))
-- Maybe the server already has this causal; try just setting its remote path. Commonly, it will respond that it
-- needs this causal (UpdatePathMissingDependencies).
dependencies <-
updatePath >>= \case
Share.UpdatePathSuccess -> done (Right ())
Share.UpdatePathFailure err ->
case err of
Share.UpdatePathError'MissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) -> pure dependencies
_ -> updatePathError err
-- Upload the causal and all of its dependencies.
uploadEntities unisonShareUrl (Share.pathRepoInfo path) dependencies uploadedCallback & onLeftM \err ->
failed (CheckAndSetPushError'UploadEntities <$> err)
-- After uploading the causal and all of its dependencies, try setting the remote path again.
updatePath >>= \case
Share.UpdatePathSuccess -> pure (Right ())
Share.UpdatePathFailure err -> updatePathError err
-- Return a list (in oldest-to-newest order) of hashes along the causal spine that connects the given arguments,
-- excluding the newest hash (second argument).
loadCausalSpineBetween :: Hash32 -> Hash32 -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe [Hash32])
loadCausalSpineBetween earlierHash laterHash =
dagbfs (== earlierHash) Q.loadCausalParentsByHash laterHash
data Step a
= DeadEnd
| KeepSearching (List.NonEmpty a)
| FoundGoal a
-- | @dagbfs goal children root@ searches breadth-first through the monadic tree formed by applying @chilred@ to each
-- node (initially @root@), until it finds a goal node (i.e. when @goal@ returns True).
-- Returns the nodes along a path from root to goal in bottom-up or goal-to-root order, excluding the root node (because
-- it was provided as an input ;))
-- For example, when searching a tree that looks like
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 [5] 6
-- (where the goal is marked [5]), we'd return
-- Just [5,2]
-- And (as another example), if the root node is the goal,
-- [1]
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- we'd return
-- Just []
dagbfs :: forall a m. (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m [a]) -> a -> m (Maybe [a])
dagbfs goal children =
let -- The loop state: all distinct paths from the root to the frontier (not including the root, because it's implied,
-- as an input to this function), in reverse order, with the invariant that we haven't found a goal state yet.
-- (Otherwise, we wouldn't still be in this loop, we'd return!).
-- For example, say we are exploring the tree
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- Graphically, the frontier here is the nodes 4, 5, and 6; we know that, because we haven't drawn any nodes below
-- them. (This is a BFS algorithm that discovers children on-the-fly, so maybe node 5 (for example) has children,
-- and maybe it doesn't).
-- The loop state, in this case, would be these three paths:
-- [ 4, 2 ]
-- [ 5, 2 ]
-- [ 6, 3 ]
-- (Note, again, that we do not include the root).
go :: NESeq (List.NonEmpty a) -> m (Maybe (List.NonEmpty a))
go (path :<|| paths) =
-- Step forward from the first path in our loop state (in the example above, [4, 2]).
step (List.NonEmpty.head path) >>= \case
-- If node 4 had no more children, we can toss that whole path: it didn't end in a goal. Now we either keep
-- searching (as we would in the example, since we have two more paths to continue from), or we don't, because
-- this was the only remaining path.
DeadEnd ->
case NESeq.nonEmptySeq paths of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just paths' -> go paths'
-- If node 4 did have children, then maybe the search tree now looks like this.
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- / \
-- 7 8
-- There are two cases to handle:
-- 1. One of the children we just discovered (say 7) is a goal node. So we're done, and we'd return the path
-- [ 7, 4, 2 ]
-- 2. No child we just discovered (7 nor 8) were a goal node. So we loop, putting our new path(s) at the end
-- of the list (so we search paths fairly). In this case, we'd re-enter the loop with the following four
-- paths:
-- [ 5, 2 ] \ these two are are variable 'paths', the tail of the loop state.
-- [ 6, 3 ] /
-- [ 7, 4, 2 ] \ these two are new, just constructed by prepending each of [ 4, 2, 1 ]'s children
-- [ 8, 4, 2 ] / to itself, making two new paths to search
KeepSearching ys -> go (append paths ((\y -> List.NonEmpty.cons y path) <$> NESeq.fromList ys))
FoundGoal y -> pure (Just (List.NonEmpty.cons y path))
-- Step forward from a single node. There are 3 possible outcomes:
-- 1. We discover it has no children. (return DeadEnd)
-- 2. We discover is has children, none of which are a goal. (return KeepSearching)
-- 3. We discover it has children, (at least) one of which is a goal. (return FoundGoal)
step :: a -> m (Step a)
step x = do
ys0 <- children x
pure case List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty ys0 of
Nothing -> DeadEnd
Just ys ->
case Foldable.find goal ys of
Nothing -> KeepSearching ys
Just y -> FoundGoal y
in \root ->
if goal root
then pure (Just [])
step root >>= \case
DeadEnd -> pure Nothing
-- lts-18.28 doesn't have List.NonEmpty.singleton
KeepSearching xs -> fmap List.NonEmpty.toList <$> go (NESeq.fromList ((:| []) <$> xs))
FoundGoal x -> pure (Just [x])
-- Concatenate a seq and a non-empty seq.
append :: Seq x -> NESeq x -> NESeq x
append = (NESeq.><|)
-- Pull
pull ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
-- | The repo+path to pull from.
Share.Path ->
-- | Callback that's given a number of entities we just downloaded.
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError PullError) CausalHash)
pull unisonShareUrl repoPath downloadedCallback =
getCausalHashByPath unisonShareUrl repoPath >>= \case
Left err -> pure (Left (PullError'GetCausalHash <$> err))
-- There's nothing at the remote path, so there's no causal to pull.
Right Nothing -> pure (Left (SyncError (PullError'NoHistoryAtPath repoPath)))
Right (Just hashJwt) ->
downloadEntities unisonShareUrl (Share.pathRepoInfo repoPath) hashJwt downloadedCallback <&> \case
Left err -> Left (PullError'DownloadEntities <$> err)
Right () -> Right (hash32ToCausalHash (Share.hashJWTHash hashJwt))
-- Download entities
downloadEntities ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
-- | The repo to download from.
Share.RepoInfo ->
-- | The hash to download.
Share.HashJWT ->
-- | Callback that's given a number of entities we just downloaded.
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ())
downloadEntities unisonShareUrl repoInfo hashJwt downloadedCallback = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient, codebase} <- ask
Cli.label \done -> do
let failed :: SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError -> Cli void
failed = done . Left
let hash = Share.hashJWTHash hashJwt
maybeTempEntities <-
Cli.runTransaction (Q.entityLocation hash) >>= \case
Just Q.EntityInMainStorage -> pure Nothing
Just Q.EntityInTempStorage -> pure (Just (NESet.singleton hash))
Nothing -> do
let request =
Share.DownloadEntitiesRequest {repoInfo, hashes = NESet.singleton hashJwt}
entities <-
liftIO request >>= \case
Left err -> failed (TransportError err)
Right (Share.DownloadEntitiesFailure err) -> failed (SyncError err)
Right (Share.DownloadEntitiesSuccess entities) -> pure entities
case validateEntities entities of
Left err -> failed . SyncError . Share.DownloadEntitiesEntityValidationFailure $ err
Right () -> pure ()
tempEntities <- Cli.runTransaction (insertEntities entities)
liftIO (downloadedCallback 1)
pure (NESet.nonEmptySet tempEntities)
whenJust maybeTempEntities \tempEntities -> do
let doCompleteTempEntities =
( \action ->
Codebase.withConnection codebase \conn ->
action (Sqlite.runTransaction conn)
liftIO doCompleteTempEntities & onLeftM \err ->
failed err
-- Since we may have just inserted and then deleted many temp entities, we attempt to recover some disk space by
-- vacuuming after each pull. If the vacuum fails due to another open transaction on this connection, that's ok,
-- we'll try vacuuming again next pull.
_success <- liftIO (Codebase.withConnection codebase Sqlite.vacuum)
pure (Right ())
-- | Validates the provided entities if and only if the environment variable `UNISON_ENTITY_VALIDATION` is set to "true".
validateEntities :: NEMap Hash32 (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT) -> Either Share.EntityValidationError ()
validateEntities entities =
when shouldValidateEntities $ do
ifor_ (NEMap.toMap entities) \hash entity -> do
let entityWithHashes = entity & Share.entityHashes_ %~ Share.hashJWTHash
case EV.validateEntity hash entityWithHashes of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just err@(Share.EntityHashMismatch et (Share.HashMismatchForEntity {supplied, computed})) ->
let expectedMismatches = case et of
Share.TermComponentType -> expectedComponentHashMismatches
Share.DeclComponentType -> expectedComponentHashMismatches
Share.CausalType -> expectedCausalHashMismatches
_ -> mempty
in case Map.lookup supplied expectedMismatches of
Just expected
| expected == computed -> pure ()
_ -> do
Left err
Just err -> do
Left err
-- | Validate entities received from the server unless this flag is set to false.
validationEnvKey :: String
shouldValidateEntities :: Bool
shouldValidateEntities = unsafePerformIO $ do
lookupEnv validationEnvKey <&> \case
Just "false" -> False
_ -> True
{-# NOINLINE shouldValidateEntities #-}
type WorkerCount =
TVar Int
newWorkerCount :: IO WorkerCount
newWorkerCount =
newTVarIO 0
recordWorking :: WorkerCount -> STM ()
recordWorking sem =
modifyTVar' sem (+ 1)
recordNotWorking :: WorkerCount -> STM ()
recordNotWorking sem =
modifyTVar' sem \n -> n - 1
-- What the dispatcher is to do
data DispatcherJob
= DispatcherForkWorker (NESet Share.HashJWT)
| DispatcherReturnEarlyBecauseDownloaderFailed (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError)
| DispatcherDone
-- | Finish downloading entities from Unison Share (or return the first failure to download something).
-- Precondition: the entities were *already* downloaded at some point in the past, and are now sitting in the
-- `temp_entity` table, waiting for their dependencies to arrive so they can be flushed to main storage.
completeTempEntities ::
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
(forall a. ((forall x. Sqlite.Transaction x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> IO a) ->
Share.RepoInfo ->
(Int -> IO ()) ->
NESet Hash32 ->
IO (Either (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ())
completeTempEntities httpClient unisonShareUrl connect repoInfo downloadedCallback initialNewTempEntities = do
-- The set of hashes we still need to download
hashesVar <- newTVarIO Set.empty
-- The set of hashes that we haven't inserted yet, but will soon, because we've committed to downloading them.
uninsertedHashesVar <- newTVarIO Set.empty
-- The entities payloads (along with the jwts that we used to download them) that we've downloaded
entitiesQueue <- newTQueueIO
-- The sets of new (at the time of inserting, anyway) temp entity rows, which we need to elaborate, then download.
newTempEntitiesQueue <- newTQueueIO
-- How many workers (downloader / inserter / elaborator) are currently doing stuff.
workerCount <- newWorkerCount
-- The first download error seen by a downloader, if any.
downloaderFailedVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
-- Kick off the cycle of inserter->elaborator->dispatcher->downloader by giving the elaborator something to do
atomically (writeTQueue newTempEntitiesQueue (Set.empty, Just initialNewTempEntities))
Ki.scoped \scope -> do
Ki.fork_ scope (inserter entitiesQueue newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount)
Ki.fork_ scope (elaborator hashesVar uninsertedHashesVar newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount)
dispatcher hashesVar uninsertedHashesVar entitiesQueue newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount downloaderFailedVar
-- Dispatcher thread: "dequeue" from `hashesVar`, fork one-shot downloaders.
-- We stop when either all of the following are true:
-- - There are no outstanding workers (downloaders, inserter, elaboraror)
-- - The inserter thread doesn't have any outstanding work enqueued (in `entitiesQueue`)
-- - The elaborator thread doesn't have any outstanding work enqueued (in `newTempEntitiesQueue`)
-- Or:
-- - Some downloader failed to download something
dispatcher ::
TVar (Set Share.HashJWT) ->
TVar (Set Share.HashJWT) ->
TQueue (NESet Share.HashJWT, NEMap Hash32 (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT)) ->
TQueue (Set Share.HashJWT, Maybe (NESet Hash32)) ->
WorkerCount ->
TMVar (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ->
IO (Either (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ())
dispatcher hashesVar uninsertedHashesVar entitiesQueue newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount downloaderFailedVar =
Ki.scoped \scope ->
let loop :: IO (Either (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ())
loop =
atomically (checkIfDownloaderFailedMode <|> dispatchWorkMode <|> checkIfDoneMode) >>= \case
DispatcherDone -> pure (Right ())
DispatcherReturnEarlyBecauseDownloaderFailed err -> pure (Left err)
DispatcherForkWorker hashes -> do
atomically do
-- Limit number of simultaneous downloaders (plus 2, for inserter and elaborator)
workers <- readTVar workerCount
check (workers < maxSimultaneousPullDownloaders + 2)
-- we do need to record the downloader as working outside of the worker thread, not inside.
-- otherwise, we might erroneously fall through the teardown logic below and conclude there's
-- nothing more for the dispatcher to do, when in fact a downloader thread just hasn't made it as
-- far as recording its own existence
recordWorking workerCount
_ <-
Ki.fork @() scope do
downloader entitiesQueue workerCount hashes & onLeftM \err ->
void (atomically (tryPutTMVar downloaderFailedVar err))
in loop
checkIfDownloaderFailedMode :: STM DispatcherJob
checkIfDownloaderFailedMode =
DispatcherReturnEarlyBecauseDownloaderFailed <$> readTMVar downloaderFailedVar
dispatchWorkMode :: STM DispatcherJob
dispatchWorkMode = do
hashes <- readTVar hashesVar
check (not (Set.null hashes))
let (hashes1, hashes2) = Set.splitAt syncChunkSize hashes
modifyTVar' uninsertedHashesVar (Set.union hashes1)
writeTVar hashesVar hashes2
pure (DispatcherForkWorker (NESet.unsafeFromSet hashes1))
-- Check to see if there are no hashes left to download, no outstanding workers, and no work in either queue
checkIfDoneMode :: STM DispatcherJob
checkIfDoneMode = do
workers <- readTVar workerCount
check (workers == 0)
isEmptyTQueue entitiesQueue >>= check
isEmptyTQueue newTempEntitiesQueue >>= check
pure DispatcherDone
-- Downloader thread: download entities, (if successful) enqueue to `entitiesQueue`
downloader ::
TQueue (NESet Share.HashJWT, NEMap Hash32 (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT)) ->
WorkerCount ->
NESet Share.HashJWT ->
IO (Either (SyncError Share.DownloadEntitiesError) ())
downloader entitiesQueue workerCount hashes = do
httpDownloadEntities httpClient unisonShareUrl Share.DownloadEntitiesRequest {repoInfo, hashes} >>= \case
Left err -> do
atomically (recordNotWorking workerCount)
pure (Left (TransportError err))
Right (Share.DownloadEntitiesFailure err) -> do
atomically (recordNotWorking workerCount)
pure (Left (SyncError err))
Right (Share.DownloadEntitiesSuccess entities) -> do
downloadedCallback (NESet.size hashes)
case validateEntities entities of
Left err -> pure . Left . SyncError . Share.DownloadEntitiesEntityValidationFailure $ err
Right () -> do
atomically do
writeTQueue entitiesQueue (hashes, entities)
recordNotWorking workerCount
pure (Right ())
-- Inserter thread: dequeue from `entitiesQueue`, insert entities, enqueue to `newTempEntitiesQueue`
inserter ::
TQueue (NESet Share.HashJWT, NEMap Hash32 (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT)) ->
TQueue (Set Share.HashJWT, Maybe (NESet Hash32)) ->
WorkerCount ->
IO Void
inserter entitiesQueue newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount =
connect \runTransaction ->
forever do
(hashJwts, entities) <-
atomically do
entities <- readTQueue entitiesQueue
recordWorking workerCount
pure entities
newTempEntities0 <-
runTransaction do
NEMap.toList entities & foldMapM \(hash, entity) ->
upsertEntitySomewhere hash entity <&> \case
Q.EntityInMainStorage -> Set.empty
Q.EntityInTempStorage -> Set.singleton hash
atomically do
writeTQueue newTempEntitiesQueue (NESet.toSet hashJwts, NESet.nonEmptySet newTempEntities0)
recordNotWorking workerCount
-- Elaborator thread: dequeue from `newTempEntitiesQueue`, elaborate, "enqueue" to `hashesVar`
elaborator ::
TVar (Set Share.HashJWT) ->
TVar (Set Share.HashJWT) ->
TQueue (Set Share.HashJWT, Maybe (NESet Hash32)) ->
WorkerCount ->
IO Void
elaborator hashesVar uninsertedHashesVar newTempEntitiesQueue workerCount =
connect \runTransaction ->
forever do
maybeNewTempEntities <-
atomically do
(hashJwts, mayNewTempEntities) <- readTQueue newTempEntitiesQueue
-- Avoid unnecessary retaining of these hashes to keep memory usage more stable. This algorithm would
-- still be correct if we never delete from `uninsertedHashes`.
-- We remove the inserted hashes from uninsertedHashesVar at this point rather than right after insertion
-- in order to ensure that no running transaction of the elaborator is viewing a snapshot that precedes
-- the snapshot that inserted those hashes.
modifyTVar' uninsertedHashesVar \uninsertedHashes -> Set.difference uninsertedHashes hashJwts
case mayNewTempEntities of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just newTempEntities -> do
recordWorking workerCount
pure (Just newTempEntities)
whenJust maybeNewTempEntities \newTempEntities -> do
newElaboratedHashes <- runTransaction (elaborateHashes newTempEntities)
atomically do
uninsertedHashes <- readTVar uninsertedHashesVar
hashes0 <- readTVar hashesVar
writeTVar hashesVar $! Set.union (Set.difference newElaboratedHashes uninsertedHashes) hashes0
recordNotWorking workerCount
-- | Insert entities into the database, and return the subset that went into temp storage (`temp_entitiy`) rather than
-- of main storage (`object` / `causal`) due to missing dependencies.
insertEntities :: NEMap Hash32 (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT) -> Sqlite.Transaction (Set Hash32)
insertEntities entities =
NEMap.toList entities & foldMapM \(hash, entity) ->
upsertEntitySomewhere hash entity <&> \case
Q.EntityInMainStorage -> Set.empty
Q.EntityInTempStorage -> Set.singleton hash
-- Get causal hash by path
-- | Get the causal hash of a path hosted on Unison Share.
getCausalHashByPath ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
Share.Path ->
Cli (Either (SyncError GetCausalHashByPathError) (Maybe Share.HashJWT))
getCausalHashByPath unisonShareUrl repoPath = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient} <- ask
liftIO (httpGetCausalHashByPath authHTTPClient unisonShareUrl (Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest repoPath)) <&> \case
Left err -> Left (TransportError err)
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathSuccess maybeHashJwt) -> Right maybeHashJwt
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission _) ->
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission repoPath))
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo) ->
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Right Share.GetCausalHashByPathUserNotFound ->
Left (SyncError $ GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound (Share.pathRepoInfo repoPath))
-- Upload entities
data UploadDispatcherJob
= UploadDispatcherReturnFailure (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError)
| UploadDispatcherForkWorkerWhenAvailable (NESet Hash32)
| UploadDispatcherForkWorker (NESet Hash32)
| UploadDispatcherDone
-- | Upload a set of entities to Unison Share. If the server responds that it cannot yet store any hash(es) due to
-- missing dependencies, send those dependencies too, and on and on, until the server stops responding that it's missing
-- anything.
-- Returns true on success, false on failure (because the user does not have write permission).
uploadEntities ::
BaseUrl ->
Share.RepoInfo ->
NESet Hash32 ->
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ())
uploadEntities unisonShareUrl repoInfo hashes0 uploadedCallback = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient, codebase} <- ask
liftIO do
hashesVar <- newTVarIO (NESet.toSet hashes0)
-- Semantically, this is the set of hashes we've uploaded so far, but we do delete from it when it's safe to, so it
-- doesn't grow unbounded. It's used to filter out hashes that would be duplicate uploads: the server, when
-- responding to any particular upload request, may declare that it still needs some hashes that we're in the
-- process of uploading from another thread.
dedupeVar <- newTVarIO Set.empty
nextWorkerIdVar <- newTVarIO 0
workersVar <- newTVarIO Set.empty
workerFailedVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
Ki.scoped \scope ->
(Codebase.runTransaction codebase)
dispatcher ::
Ki.Scope ->
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
(forall a. Sqlite.Transaction a -> IO a) ->
TVar (Set Hash32) ->
TVar (Set Hash32) ->
TVar Int ->
TVar (Set Int) ->
TMVar (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ->
IO (Either (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ())
dispatcher scope httpClient runTransaction hashesVar dedupeVar nextWorkerIdVar workersVar workerFailedVar = do
loop :: IO (Either (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ())
loop =
doJob [checkForFailureMode, dispatchWorkMode, checkIfDoneMode]
doJob :: [STM UploadDispatcherJob] -> IO (Either (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ())
doJob jobs =
atomically (asum jobs) >>= \case
UploadDispatcherReturnFailure err -> pure (Left err)
UploadDispatcherForkWorkerWhenAvailable hashes -> doJob [forkWorkerMode hashes, checkForFailureMode]
UploadDispatcherForkWorker hashes -> do
workerId <-
atomically do
workerId <- readTVar nextWorkerIdVar
writeTVar nextWorkerIdVar $! workerId + 1
modifyTVar' workersVar (Set.insert workerId)
pure workerId
_ <-
Ki.fork @() scope do
worker httpClient runTransaction hashesVar dedupeVar workersVar workerFailedVar workerId hashes
UploadDispatcherDone -> pure (Right ())
checkForFailureMode :: STM UploadDispatcherJob
checkForFailureMode = do
err <- readTMVar workerFailedVar
pure (UploadDispatcherReturnFailure err)
dispatchWorkMode :: STM UploadDispatcherJob
dispatchWorkMode = do
hashes <- readTVar hashesVar
when (Set.null hashes) retry
let (hashes1, hashes2) = Set.splitAt syncChunkSize hashes
modifyTVar' dedupeVar (Set.union hashes1)
writeTVar hashesVar hashes2
pure (UploadDispatcherForkWorkerWhenAvailable (NESet.unsafeFromSet hashes1))
forkWorkerMode :: NESet Hash32 -> STM UploadDispatcherJob
forkWorkerMode hashes = do
workers <- readTVar workersVar
when (Set.size workers >= maxSimultaneousPushWorkers) retry
pure (UploadDispatcherForkWorker hashes)
checkIfDoneMode :: STM UploadDispatcherJob
checkIfDoneMode = do
workers <- readTVar workersVar
when (not (Set.null workers)) retry
pure UploadDispatcherDone
worker ::
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
(forall a. Sqlite.Transaction a -> IO a) ->
TVar (Set Hash32) ->
TVar (Set Hash32) ->
TVar (Set Int) ->
TMVar (SyncError Share.UploadEntitiesError) ->
Int ->
NESet Hash32 ->
IO ()
worker httpClient runTransaction hashesVar dedupeVar workersVar workerFailedVar workerId hashes = do
entities <-
fmap NEMap.fromAscList do
runTransaction do
for (NESet.toAscList hashes) \hash -> do
entity <- expectEntity hash
pure (hash, entity)
result <-
httpUploadEntities httpClient unisonShareUrl Share.UploadEntitiesRequest {entities, repoInfo} <&> \case
Left err -> Left (TransportError err)
Right response ->
case response of
Share.UploadEntitiesSuccess -> Right Set.empty
Share.UploadEntitiesFailure err ->
case err of
Share.UploadEntitiesError'NeedDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies moreHashes) ->
Right (NESet.toSet moreHashes)
err -> Left (SyncError err)
case result of
Left err -> void (atomically (tryPutTMVar workerFailedVar err))
Right moreHashes -> do
uploadedCallback (NESet.size hashes)
maybeYoungestWorkerThatWasAlive <-
atomically do
-- Record ourselves as "dead". The only work we have left to do is remove the hashes we just uploaded from
-- the `dedupe` set, but whether or not we are "alive" is relevant only to:
-- - The main dispatcher thread, which terminates when there are no more hashes to upload, and no alive
-- workers. It is not important for us to delete from the `dedupe` set in this case.
-- - Other worker threads, each of which independently decides when it is safe to delete the set of
-- hashes they just uploaded from the `dedupe` set (as we are doing now).
!workers <- Set.delete workerId <$> readTVar workersVar
writeTVar workersVar workers
-- Add more work (i.e. hashes to upload) to the work queue (really a work set), per the response we just
-- got from the server. Remember to only add hashes that aren't in the `dedupe` set (see the comment on
-- the dedupe set above for more info).
when (not (Set.null moreHashes)) do
dedupe <- readTVar dedupeVar
hashes0 <- readTVar hashesVar
writeTVar hashesVar $! Set.union (Set.difference moreHashes dedupe) hashes0
pure (Set.lookupMax workers)
-- Block until we are sure that the server does not have any uncommitted transactions that see a version of
-- the database that does not include the entities we just uploaded. After that point, it's fine to remove the
-- hashes of the entities we just uploaded from the `dedupe` set, because they will never be relevant for any
-- subsequent deduping operations. If we didn't delete from the `dedupe` set, this algorithm would still be
-- correct, it would just use an unbounded amount of memory to remember all the hashes we've uploaded so far.
whenJust maybeYoungestWorkerThatWasAlive \youngestWorkerThatWasAlive -> do
atomically do
workers <- readTVar workersVar
whenJust (Set.lookupMin workers) \oldestWorkerAlive ->
when (oldestWorkerAlive <= youngestWorkerThatWasAlive) retry
atomically (modifyTVar' dedupeVar (`Set.difference` (NESet.toSet hashes)))
-- Database operations
-- | "Elaborate" a set of `temp_entity` hashes.
-- For each hash, then we ought to instead download its missing dependencies (which themselves are
-- elaborated by this same procedure, in case we have any of *them* already in temp storage, too.
-- 3. If it's in main storage, we should ignore it.
-- In the end, we return a set of hashes that correspond to entities we actually need to download.
elaborateHashes :: NESet Hash32 -> Sqlite.Transaction (Set Share.HashJWT)
elaborateHashes hashes =
Q.elaborateHashes (NESet.toList hashes) <&> Set.fromList . coerce @[Text] @[Share.HashJWT]
-- | Upsert a downloaded entity "somewhere" -
-- 1. Nowhere if we already had the entity (in main or temp storage).
-- 2. In main storage if we already have all of its dependencies in main storage.
-- 3. In temp storage otherwise.
upsertEntitySomewhere ::
Hash32 ->
Share.Entity Text Hash32 Share.HashJWT ->
Sqlite.Transaction Q.EntityLocation
upsertEntitySomewhere hash entity =
Q.entityLocation hash >>= \case
Just location -> pure location
Nothing -> do
missingDependencies1 :: Map Hash32 Share.HashJWT <-
Share.entityDependencies entity
& foldMapM
( \hashJwt -> do
let hash = Share.hashJWTHash hashJwt
Q.entityExists hash <&> \case
True -> Map.empty
False -> Map.singleton hash hashJwt
case NEMap.nonEmptyMap missingDependencies1 of
Nothing -> do
_id <- Q.saveTempEntityInMain v2HashHandle hash (entityToTempEntity Share.hashJWTHash entity)
pure Q.EntityInMainStorage
Just missingDependencies -> do
(entityToTempEntity Share.hashJWTHash entity)
( coerce
@(NEMap Hash32 Share.HashJWT)
@(NEMap Hash32 Text)
pure Q.EntityInTempStorage
-- HTTP calls
httpGetCausalHashByPath ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.GetCausalHashByPathResponse)
httpDownloadEntities ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
Share.DownloadEntitiesRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.DownloadEntitiesResponse)
httpUploadEntities ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
Share.UploadEntitiesRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.UploadEntitiesResponse)
( httpGetCausalHashByPath,
) =
let ( httpGetCausalHashByPath
Servant.:<|> httpDownloadEntities
Servant.:<|> httpUploadEntities
) =
let pp :: Proxy ("ucm" Servant.:> "v1" Servant.:> "sync" Servant.:> Share.API)
pp = Proxy
in Servant.hoistClient pp hoist (Servant.client pp)
in ( go httpGetCausalHashByPath,
go httpDownloadEntities,
go httpUploadEntities
hoist :: Servant.ClientM a -> ReaderT Servant.ClientEnv (ExceptT CodeserverTransportError IO) a
hoist m = do
clientEnv <- Reader.ask
liftIO (Servant.runClientM m clientEnv) >>= \case
Right a -> pure a
Left err -> do
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Sync (show err)
throwError case err of
Servant.FailureResponse _req resp ->
case HTTP.statusCode $ Servant.responseStatusCode resp of
401 -> Unauthenticated (Servant.baseUrl clientEnv)
-- The server should provide semantically relevant permission-denied messages
-- when possible, but this should catch any we miss.
403 -> PermissionDenied (Text.Lazy.toStrict . Text.Lazy.decodeUtf8 $ Servant.responseBody resp)
408 -> Timeout
429 -> RateLimitExceeded
504 -> Timeout
_ -> UnexpectedResponse resp
Servant.DecodeFailure msg resp -> DecodeFailure msg resp
Servant.UnsupportedContentType _ct resp -> UnexpectedResponse resp
Servant.InvalidContentTypeHeader resp -> UnexpectedResponse resp
Servant.ConnectionError _ -> UnreachableCodeserver (Servant.baseUrl clientEnv)
go ::
(req -> ReaderT Servant.ClientEnv (ExceptT CodeserverTransportError IO) resp) ->
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
req ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError resp)
go f (Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient httpClient) unisonShareUrl req =
(Servant.mkClientEnv httpClient unisonShareUrl)
{ Servant.makeClientRequest = \url request ->
-- Disable client-side timeouts
(Servant.defaultMakeClientRequest url request)
{ Http.Client.responseTimeout = Http.Client.responseTimeoutNone
& runReaderT (f req)
& runExceptT
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations
-- * Projects
-- * reflog
@ -1524,3 +1525,8 @@ expectProjectAndBranchNames projectId projectBranchId = do
Project {name = pName} <- Q.expectProject projectId
ProjectBranch {name = bName} <- Q.expectProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId
pure (pName, bName)
expectProjectBranchHead :: Db.ProjectId -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> Transaction CausalHash
expectProjectBranchHead projId projectBranchId = do
chId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projId projectBranchId
Q.expectCausalHash chId
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import Control.Lens (_1, _2)
import Data.Set.NonEmpty qualified as Set.NonEmpty
import Data.Text as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Void (absurd)
import System.Console.Regions qualified as Console.Regions
import Text.Builder qualified
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Operations
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite (Project)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite (ProjectBranch)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull (PushPull (Push))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.PushBehavior (PushBehavior)
import Unison.Codebase.PushBehavior qualified as PushBehavior
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (UnsafeProjectBranchName))
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)
@ -70,11 +67,6 @@ handlePushRemoteBranch PushRemoteBranchInput {sourceTarget, pushBehavior} = do
PushSourceTarget1 remoteProjectAndBranch0 -> do
localProjectAndBranch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectAndBranch
pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch force localProjectAndBranch (Just remoteProjectAndBranch0)
-- push .some.path to @some/project
PushSourceTarget2 (PathySource localPath0) remoteProjectAndBranch0 -> do
localPath <- Cli.resolvePath' localPath0
remoteProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.hydrateNames remoteProjectAndBranch0
pushLooseCodeToProjectBranch force localPath remoteProjectAndBranch
-- push @some/project to @some/project
PushSourceTarget2 (ProjySource localProjectAndBranch0) remoteProjectAndBranch -> do
localProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames localProjectAndBranch0
@ -86,19 +78,6 @@ handlePushRemoteBranch PushRemoteBranchInput {sourceTarget, pushBehavior} = do
PushBehavior.RequireEmpty -> False
PushBehavior.RequireNonEmpty -> False
-- Push a local namespace ("loose code") to a remote project branch.
pushLooseCodeToProjectBranch :: Bool -> Path.Absolute -> ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
pushLooseCodeToProjectBranch force localPath remoteProjectAndBranch = do
_ <- AuthLogin.ensureAuthenticatedWithCodeserver Codeserver.defaultCodeserver
localBranchHead <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
loadCausalHashToPush localPath >>= \case
Nothing -> rollback (EmptyLooseCodePush (Path.absoluteToPath' localPath))
Just hash -> pure hash
uploadPlan <- pushToProjectBranch0 force PushingLooseCode localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch
executeUploadPlan uploadPlan
-- | Push a local project branch to a remote project branch. If the remote project branch is left unspecified, we either
-- use a pre-existing mapping for the local branch, or else infer what remote branch to push to (possibly creating it).
pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch ::
@ -109,14 +88,11 @@ pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch ::
pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch force localProjectAndBranch maybeRemoteProjectAndBranchNames = do
_ <- AuthLogin.ensureAuthenticatedWithCodeserver Codeserver.defaultCodeserver
let localProjectAndBranchIds = localProjectAndBranch & over #project (view #projectId) & over #branch (view #branchId)
let localProjectAndBranchNames = localProjectAndBranch & over #project (view #name) & over #branch (view #name)
-- Load local project and branch from database and get the causal hash to push
(localProjectAndBranch, localBranchHead) <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
hash <-
loadCausalHashToPush (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath localProjectAndBranchIds) & onNothingM do
rollback (EmptyProjectBranchPush localProjectAndBranchNames)
Cli.runTransaction do
hash <- expectCausalHashToPush (localProjectAndBranch ^. #branch)
localProjectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranch localProjectAndBranchIds
pure (localProjectAndBranch, hash)
@ -432,7 +408,7 @@ executeUploadPlan UploadPlan {remoteBranch, causalHash, afterUploadAction} = do
Cli.respond (Output.UploadedEntities numUploaded)
let ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName = remoteBranch
Cli.respond (ViewOnShare (Right (Share.hardCodedUri, projectName, branchName)))
Cli.respond (ViewOnShare (Share.hardCodedUri, projectName, branchName))
-- After upload actions
@ -524,7 +500,7 @@ makeSetHeadAfterUploadAction force pushing localBranchHead remoteBranch = do
when (localBranchHead == Share.API.hashJWTHash remoteBranch.branchHead) do
Cli.respond (RemoteProjectBranchIsUpToDate Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectAndBranchNames)
Cli.returnEarly (ViewOnShare (Right (Share.hardCodedUri, remoteBranch.projectName, remoteBranch.branchName)))
Cli.returnEarly (ViewOnShare (Share.hardCodedUri, remoteBranch.projectName, remoteBranch.branchName))
when (not force) do
whenM (Cli.runTransaction (wouldNotBeFastForward localBranchHead remoteBranchHead)) do
@ -594,14 +570,11 @@ expectProjectAndBranch (ProjectAndBranch projectId branchId) =
<$> Queries.expectProject projectId
<*> Queries.expectProjectBranch projectId branchId
-- Get the causal hash to push at the given path. Return Nothing if there's no history.
loadCausalHashToPush :: Path.Absolute -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe Hash32)
loadCausalHashToPush path =
Operations.loadCausalHashAtPath Nothing segments <&> \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (CausalHash hash) -> Just (Hash32.fromHash hash)
segments = Path.toList (Path.unabsolute path)
-- Get the causal hash for the given project branch.
expectCausalHashToPush :: ProjectBranch -> Sqlite.Transaction Hash32
expectCausalHashToPush pb = do
CausalHash causalHash <- Operations.expectProjectBranchHead (pb ^. #projectId) (pb ^. #branchId)
pure (Hash32.fromHash causalHash)
-- Were we to try to advance `remoteBranchHead` to `localBranchHead`, would it *not* be a fast-forward?
wouldNotBeFastForward :: Hash32 -> Hash32 -> Sqlite.Transaction Bool
@ -247,8 +247,7 @@ data PullSourceTarget
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
data PushSource
= PathySource Path'
| ProjySource (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
= ProjySource (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Push source and target: either neither is specified, or only a target, or both.
@ -426,9 +426,7 @@ data WhichBranchEmpty
| WhichBranchEmptyPath (Either ProjectPath Path')
data ShareError
= ShareErrorCheckAndSetPush Sync.CheckAndSetPushError
| ShareErrorDownloadEntities Share.DownloadEntitiesError
| ShareErrorFastForwardPush Sync.FastForwardPushError
= ShareErrorDownloadEntities Share.DownloadEntitiesError
| ShareErrorGetCausalHashByPath Sync.GetCausalHashByPathError
| ShareErrorPull Sync.PullError
| ShareErrorTransport Sync.CodeserverTransportError
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.UriParser
( readRemoteNamespaceParser,
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchSpecifier (..), ProjectName, projectAndBranchNamesParser)
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectBranchSpecifier (..), ProjectName, projectAndBranchNamesParser)
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer qualified
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as P
@ -47,6 +48,12 @@ parseReadShareLooseCode label input =
let printError err = P.lines [P.string "I couldn't parse this as a share path.", P.prettyPrintParseError input err]
in first printError (P.parse readShareLooseCode label (Text.pack input))
-- >>> P.parseMaybe writeRemoteNamespace "unisonweb.base._releases.M4"
-- Just (WriteRemoteNamespaceShare (WriteShareRemoteNamespace {server = ShareRepo, repo = "unisonweb", path = base._releases.M4}))
writeRemoteNamespace :: P (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
writeRemoteNamespace =
(projectAndBranchNamesParserInTheContextOfAlsoParsingLooseCodePaths ProjectBranchSpecifier'Name)
-- >>> P.parseMaybe readShareLooseCode ".unisonweb.base._releases.M4"
-- >>> P.parseMaybe readShareLooseCode "unisonweb.base._releases.M4"
-- Nothing
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Merge qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input (DeleteOutput (..), DeleteTarget (..), Input)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull (PushPull (Pull, Push))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadRemoteNamespace, WriteRemoteNamespace)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadRemoteNamespace)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo qualified as RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult qualified as SR
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.StructuredArgument (StructuredArgument)
@ -640,11 +640,11 @@ handlePullSourceArg =
otherNumArg -> Left $ wrongStructuredArgument "a source to pull from" otherNumArg
handlePushTargetArg ::
I.Argument -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) (WriteRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
I.Argument -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
handlePushTargetArg =
(maybe (Left "Wanted a source to push from, but this ain’t it.") pure . parsePushTarget)
$ fmap RemoteRepo.WriteRemoteProjectBranch . \case
$ \case
SA.Project project -> pure $ This project
SA.ProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch project branch) -> pure $ maybe That These project branch
otherNumArg -> Left $ wrongStructuredArgument "a source to push from" otherNumArg
@ -654,11 +654,6 @@ handlePushSourceArg =
(maybe (Left $ P.text "Wanted a source to push from, but this ain’t it.") pure . parsePushSource)
SA.AbsolutePath path -> pure . Input.PathySource $ Path.absoluteToPath' path
SA.Name name -> pure . Input.PathySource $ Path.fromName' name
SA.NameWithBranchPrefix (Left _) name -> pure . Input.PathySource $ Path.fromName' name
SA.NameWithBranchPrefix (Right prefix) name ->
pure . Input.PathySource . Path.fromName' . Name.makeAbsolute $ Path.prefixName prefix name
SA.Project project -> pure . Input.ProjySource $ This project
SA.ProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch project branch) -> pure . Input.ProjySource $ maybe That These project branch
otherNumArg -> Left $ wrongStructuredArgument "a source to push from" otherNumArg
@ -3847,12 +3842,11 @@ projectNameSuggestions slash (Text.strip . Text.pack -> input) codebase = do
parsePushSource :: String -> Maybe Input.PushSource
parsePushSource sourceStr =
fixup Input.ProjySource (tryFrom $ Text.pack sourceStr)
<|> fixup Input.PathySource (Path.parsePath' sourceStr)
fixup = either (const Nothing) . (pure .)
-- | Parse a push target.
parsePushTarget :: String -> Maybe (WriteRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
parsePushTarget :: String -> Maybe (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
parsePushTarget = Megaparsec.parseMaybe UriParser.writeRemoteNamespace . Text.pack
parseHashQualifiedName ::
@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as E
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.BranchDiff qualified as OBD
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull qualified as PushPull
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ShareUserHandle (..), WriteRemoteNamespace (..), WriteShareRemoteNamespace (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo qualified as RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult qualified as SlurpResult
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.StructuredArgument (StructuredArgument)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.StructuredArgument qualified as SA
@ -67,7 +65,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.IntegrityCheck (IntegrityResult (..), prettyPrintIntegrit
import Unison.Codebase.Patch (Patch (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Patch qualified as Patch
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.PushBehavior qualified as PushBehavior
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime qualified as Runtime
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ import Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal (NameSegment (NameSegment))
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
@ -1533,11 +1529,6 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
<> ( terms <&> \(n, r) ->
prettyHashQualified' (HQ'.take hqLength . HQ'.fromNamedReference n $ Reference.DerivedId r)
RefusedToPush pushBehavior path ->
(pure . P.warnCallout) case pushBehavior of
PushBehavior.ForcePush -> error "impossible: refused to push due to ForcePush?"
PushBehavior.RequireEmpty -> expectedEmptyPushDest path
PushBehavior.RequireNonEmpty -> expectedNonEmptyPushDest path
GistCreated remoteNamespace ->
pure $
@ -1599,10 +1590,7 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
PrintVersion ucmVersion -> pure (P.text ucmVersion)
ShareError shareError -> pure (prettyShareError shareError)
ViewOnShare shareRef ->
pure $
"View it here: " <> case shareRef of
Left repoPath -> prettyShareLink repoPath
Right branchInfo -> prettyRemoteBranchInfo branchInfo
pure $ "View it here: " <> prettyRemoteBranchInfo shareRef
IntegrityCheck result -> pure $ case result of
NoIntegrityErrors -> "🎉 No issues detected 🎉"
IntegrityErrorDetected ns -> prettyPrintIntegrityErrors ns
@ -2120,39 +2108,16 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
Nothing -> prettyProjectBranchName targetBranch
Just targetProject -> prettyProjectAndBranchName (ProjectAndBranch targetProject targetBranch)
expectedEmptyPushDest :: WriteRemoteNamespace Void -> Pretty
expectedEmptyPushDest namespace =
[ "The remote namespace " <> prettyWriteRemoteNamespace (absurd <$> namespace) <> " is not empty.",
"Did you mean to use " <> IP.makeExample' IP.push <> " instead?"
expectedNonEmptyPushDest :: WriteRemoteNamespace Void -> Pretty
expectedNonEmptyPushDest namespace =
[ P.wrap ("The remote namespace " <> prettyWriteRemoteNamespace (absurd <$> namespace) <> " is empty."),
P.wrap ("Did you mean to use " <> IP.makeExample' IP.pushCreate <> " instead?")
prettyShareError :: ShareError -> Pretty
prettyShareError =
P.fatalCallout . \case
ShareErrorCheckAndSetPush err -> prettyCheckAndSetPushError err
ShareErrorDownloadEntities err -> prettyDownloadEntitiesError err
ShareErrorFastForwardPush err -> prettyFastForwardPushError err
ShareErrorGetCausalHashByPath err -> prettyGetCausalHashByPathError err
ShareErrorPull err -> prettyPullError err
ShareErrorTransport err -> prettyTransportError err
ShareErrorUploadEntities err -> prettyUploadEntitiesError err
ShareExpectedSquashedHead -> "The server failed to provide a squashed branch head when requested. Please report this as a bug to the Unison team."
prettyCheckAndSetPushError :: Share.CheckAndSetPushError -> Pretty
prettyCheckAndSetPushError = \case
Share.CheckAndSetPushError'UpdatePath repoInfo err -> prettyUpdatePathError repoInfo err
Share.CheckAndSetPushError'UploadEntities err -> prettyUploadEntitiesError err
prettyDownloadEntitiesError :: Share.DownloadEntitiesError -> Pretty
prettyDownloadEntitiesError = \case
Share.DownloadEntitiesNoReadPermission repoInfo -> noReadPermissionForRepo repoInfo
@ -2161,27 +2126,6 @@ prettyDownloadEntitiesError = \case
Share.DownloadEntitiesProjectNotFound project -> shareProjectNotFound project
Share.DownloadEntitiesEntityValidationFailure err -> prettyEntityValidationFailure err
prettyFastForwardPathError :: Share.Path -> Share.FastForwardPathError -> Pretty
prettyFastForwardPathError path = \case
Share.FastForwardPathError'InvalidParentage Share.InvalidParentage {child, parent} ->
[ "The server detected an error in the history being pushed, please report this as a bug in ucm.",
"The history in question is the hash: " <> prettyHash32 child <> " with the ancestor: " <> prettyHash32 parent
Share.FastForwardPathError'InvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
Share.FastForwardPathError'MissingDependencies dependencies -> needDependencies dependencies
Share.FastForwardPathError'NoHistory -> expectedNonEmptyPushDest (sharePathToWriteRemotePathShare path)
Share.FastForwardPathError'NoWritePermission path -> noWritePermissionForPath path
Share.FastForwardPathError'NotFastForward _hashJwt -> notFastForward path
Share.FastForwardPathError'UserNotFound -> shareUserNotFound (Share.pathRepoInfo path)
prettyFastForwardPushError :: Share.FastForwardPushError -> Pretty
prettyFastForwardPushError = \case
Share.FastForwardPushError'FastForwardPath path err -> prettyFastForwardPathError path err
Share.FastForwardPushError'GetCausalHash err -> prettyGetCausalHashByPathError err
Share.FastForwardPushError'NotFastForward path -> notFastForward path
Share.FastForwardPushError'UploadEntities err -> prettyUploadEntitiesError err
prettyGetCausalHashByPathError :: Share.GetCausalHashByPathError -> Pretty
prettyGetCausalHashByPathError = \case
Share.GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission sharePath -> noReadPermissionForPath sharePath
@ -2195,21 +2139,6 @@ prettyPullError = \case
Share.PullError'NoHistoryAtPath sharePath ->
P.wrap $ P.text "The server didn't find anything at" <> prettySharePath sharePath
prettyUpdatePathError :: Share.RepoInfo -> Share.UpdatePathError -> Pretty
prettyUpdatePathError repoInfo = \case
Share.UpdatePathError'HashMismatch Share.HashMismatch {path = sharePath, expectedHash, actualHash} ->
case (expectedHash, actualHash) of
(Nothing, Just _) -> expectedEmptyPushDest (sharePathToWriteRemotePathShare sharePath)
_ ->
P.wrap $
P.text "It looks like someone modified"
<> prettySharePath sharePath
<> P.text "an instant before you. Pull and try again? 🤞"
Share.UpdatePathError'InvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
Share.UpdatePathError'MissingDependencies dependencies -> needDependencies dependencies
Share.UpdatePathError'NoWritePermission path -> noWritePermissionForPath path
Share.UpdatePathError'UserNotFound -> shareUserNotFound repoInfo
prettyUploadEntitiesError :: Share.UploadEntitiesError -> Pretty
prettyUploadEntitiesError = \case
Share.UploadEntitiesError'EntityValidationFailure validationFailureErr -> prettyEntityValidationFailure validationFailureErr
@ -2407,17 +2336,6 @@ shareUserNotFound :: Share.RepoInfo -> Pretty
shareUserNotFound repoInfo =
P.wrap ("User" <> prettyRepoInfo repoInfo <> "does not exist.")
sharePathToWriteRemotePathShare :: Share.Path -> WriteRemoteNamespace void
sharePathToWriteRemotePathShare sharePath =
-- Recover the original WriteRemotePath from the information in the error, which is thrown from generic share
-- client code that doesn't know about WriteRemotePath
{ server = RemoteRepo.DefaultCodeserver,
repo = ShareUserHandle $ Share.unRepoInfo (Share.pathRepoInfo sharePath),
path = Path.fromList (coerce @[Text] @[NameSegment] (Share.pathCodebasePath sharePath))
formatMissingStuff ::
(Show tm, Show typ) =>
[(HQ.HashQualified Name, tm)] ->
@ -6,14 +6,10 @@ module Unison.Share.Sync
GetCausalHashByPathError (..),
-- ** Push
CheckAndSetPushError (..),
FastForwardPushError (..),
-- ** Upload
-- ** Pull
-- ** Pull/Download
PullError (..),
@ -26,16 +22,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as Reader
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (pattern (:|))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List.NonEmpty
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map.NonEmpty (NEMap)
import Data.Map.NonEmpty qualified as NEMap
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty (NESeq ((:<||)))
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty qualified as NESeq (fromList, nonEmptySeq, (><|))
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Data.Set.NonEmpty qualified as NESet
@ -65,7 +55,7 @@ import Unison.Share.ExpectedHashMismatches (expectedCausalHashMismatches, expect
import Unison.Share.Sync.Types
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Sync.API qualified as Share (API)
import Unison.Sync.Common (causalHashToHash32, entityToTempEntity, expectEntity, hash32ToCausalHash)
import Unison.Sync.Common (entityToTempEntity, expectEntity, hash32ToCausalHash)
import Unison.Sync.EntityValidation qualified as EV
import Unison.Sync.Types qualified as Share
import Unison.Util.Monoid (foldMapM)
@ -98,300 +88,6 @@ syncChunkSize = unsafePerformIO $ do
Nothing -> 50
{-# NOINLINE syncChunkSize #-}
-- Push
-- | Perform a check-and-set push (initially of just a causal hash, but ultimately all of its dependencies that the
-- server is missing, too) to Unison Share.
-- This flavor of push takes the expected state of the server, and the desired state we want to set; if our expectation
-- is off, we won't proceed with the push.
checkAndSetPush ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
-- | The repo+path to push to.
Share.Path ->
-- | The hash that we expect this repo+path to be at on Unison Share. If not, we'll get back a hash mismatch error.
-- This prevents accidentally pushing over data that we didn't know was there.
Maybe Hash32 ->
-- | The hash of our local causal to push.
CausalHash ->
-- | Callback that's given a number of entities we just uploaded.
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError CheckAndSetPushError) ())
checkAndSetPush unisonShareUrl path expectedHash causalHash uploadedCallback = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient} <- ask
Cli.label \done -> do
let failed :: SyncError CheckAndSetPushError -> Cli void
failed = done . Left
let updatePathError :: Share.UpdatePathError -> Cli void
updatePathError err =
failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushError'UpdatePath (Share.pathRepoInfo path) err))
let updatePath :: Cli Share.UpdatePathResponse
updatePath = do
liftIO request & onLeftM \err -> failed (TransportError err)
request :: IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.UpdatePathResponse)
request =
{ path,
newHash = causalHashToHash32 causalHash
-- Maybe the server already has this causal; try just setting its remote path. Commonly, it will respond that it
-- needs this causal (UpdatePathMissingDependencies).
dependencies <-
updatePath >>= \case
Share.UpdatePathSuccess -> done (Right ())
Share.UpdatePathFailure err ->
case err of
Share.UpdatePathError'MissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) -> pure dependencies
_ -> updatePathError err
-- Upload the causal and all of its dependencies.
uploadEntities unisonShareUrl (Share.pathRepoInfo path) dependencies uploadedCallback & onLeftM \err ->
failed (CheckAndSetPushError'UploadEntities <$> err)
-- After uploading the causal and all of its dependencies, try setting the remote path again.
updatePath >>= \case
Share.UpdatePathSuccess -> pure (Right ())
Share.UpdatePathFailure err -> updatePathError err
-- | Perform a fast-forward push (initially of just a causal hash, but ultimately all of its dependencies that the
-- server is missing, too) to Unison Share.
-- This flavor of push provides the server with a chain of causal hashes leading from its current state to our desired
-- state.
fastForwardPush ::
-- | The Unison Share URL.
BaseUrl ->
-- | The repo+path to push to.
Share.Path ->
-- | The hash of our local causal to push.
CausalHash ->
-- | Callback that's given a number of entities we just uploaded.
(Int -> IO ()) ->
Cli (Either (SyncError FastForwardPushError) ())
fastForwardPush unisonShareUrl path localHeadHash uploadedCallback = do
Cli.label \done -> do
let succeeded :: Cli void
succeeded =
done (Right ())
let failed :: SyncError FastForwardPushError -> Cli void
failed = done . Left
let fastForwardPathError :: Share.FastForwardPathError -> Cli void
fastForwardPathError err =
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushError'FastForwardPath path err))
remoteHeadHash <-
getCausalHashByPath unisonShareUrl path >>= \case
Left err -> failed (FastForwardPushError'GetCausalHash <$> err)
Right Nothing -> fastForwardPathError Share.FastForwardPathError'NoHistory
Right (Just remoteHeadHash) -> pure (Share.hashJWTHash remoteHeadHash)
let doLoadCausalSpineBetween = do
-- (Temporary?) optimization - perform the "is ancestor?" check within sqlite before reconstructing the
-- actual path.
let isBefore :: Sqlite.Transaction Bool
isBefore = do
maybeHashIds <-
runMaybeT $
<$> MaybeT (Q.loadCausalHashIdByCausalHash (hash32ToCausalHash remoteHeadHash))
<*> MaybeT (Q.loadCausalHashIdByCausalHash localHeadHash)
case maybeHashIds of
Nothing -> pure False
Just (remoteHeadHashId, localHeadHashId) -> Q.before remoteHeadHashId localHeadHashId
isBefore >>= \case
False -> pure Nothing
True -> loadCausalSpineBetween remoteHeadHash (causalHashToHash32 localHeadHash)
let doUpload :: List.NonEmpty CausalHash -> Cli ()
-- Maybe we could save round trips here by including the tail (or the head *and* the tail) as "extra hashes",
-- but we don't have that API yet. So, we only upload the head causal entity (which we don't even know for sure
-- the server doesn't have yet), and will (eventually) end up uploading the casuals in the tail that the server
-- needs.
doUpload (headHash :| _tailHashes) =
request & onLeftM \err -> failed (FastForwardPushError'UploadEntities <$> err)
request =
(Share.pathRepoInfo path)
(NESet.singleton (causalHashToHash32 headHash))
localInnerHashes <-
Cli.runTransaction doLoadCausalSpineBetween >>= \case
-- After getting the remote causal hash, we can tell from a local computation that this wouldn't be a
-- fast-forward push, so we don't bother trying - just report the error now.
Nothing -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushError'NotFastForward path))
-- The path from remote-to-local, excluding local, was empty. So, remote == local; there's nothing to push.
Just [] -> succeeded
-- drop remote hash
Just (_ : localInnerHashes) -> pure (map hash32ToCausalHash localInnerHashes)
doUpload (localHeadHash :| localInnerHashes)
let doFastForwardPath :: Cli Share.FastForwardPathResponse
doFastForwardPath = do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient} <- ask
let request =
{ expectedHash = remoteHeadHash,
hashes =
causalHashToHash32 <$> List.NonEmpty.fromList (localInnerHashes ++ [localHeadHash]),
liftIO request & onLeftM \err -> failed (TransportError err)
doFastForwardPath >>= \case
Share.FastForwardPathSuccess -> succeeded
Share.FastForwardPathFailure err -> fastForwardPathError err
-- Return a list (in oldest-to-newest order) of hashes along the causal spine that connects the given arguments,
-- excluding the newest hash (second argument).
loadCausalSpineBetween :: Hash32 -> Hash32 -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe [Hash32])
loadCausalSpineBetween earlierHash laterHash =
dagbfs (== earlierHash) Q.loadCausalParentsByHash laterHash
data Step a
= DeadEnd
| KeepSearching (List.NonEmpty a)
| FoundGoal a
-- | @dagbfs goal children root@ searches breadth-first through the monadic tree formed by applying @chilred@ to each
-- node (initially @root@), until it finds a goal node (i.e. when @goal@ returns True).
-- Returns the nodes along a path from root to goal in bottom-up or goal-to-root order, excluding the root node (because
-- it was provided as an input ;))
-- For example, when searching a tree that looks like
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 [5] 6
-- (where the goal is marked [5]), we'd return
-- Just [5,2]
-- And (as another example), if the root node is the goal,
-- [1]
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- we'd return
-- Just []
dagbfs :: forall a m. (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m [a]) -> a -> m (Maybe [a])
dagbfs goal children =
let -- The loop state: all distinct paths from the root to the frontier (not including the root, because it's implied,
-- as an input to this function), in reverse order, with the invariant that we haven't found a goal state yet.
-- (Otherwise, we wouldn't still be in this loop, we'd return!).
-- For example, say we are exploring the tree
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- Graphically, the frontier here is the nodes 4, 5, and 6; we know that, because we haven't drawn any nodes below
-- them. (This is a BFS algorithm that discovers children on-the-fly, so maybe node 5 (for example) has children,
-- and maybe it doesn't).
-- The loop state, in this case, would be these three paths:
-- [ 4, 2 ]
-- [ 5, 2 ]
-- [ 6, 3 ]
-- (Note, again, that we do not include the root).
go :: NESeq (List.NonEmpty a) -> m (Maybe (List.NonEmpty a))
go (path :<|| paths) =
-- Step forward from the first path in our loop state (in the example above, [4, 2]).
step (List.NonEmpty.head path) >>= \case
-- If node 4 had no more children, we can toss that whole path: it didn't end in a goal. Now we either keep
-- searching (as we would in the example, since we have two more paths to continue from), or we don't, because
-- this was the only remaining path.
DeadEnd ->
case NESeq.nonEmptySeq paths of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just paths' -> go paths'
-- If node 4 did have children, then maybe the search tree now looks like this.
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / \ \
-- 4 5 6
-- / \
-- 7 8
-- There are two cases to handle:
-- 1. One of the children we just discovered (say 7) is a goal node. So we're done, and we'd return the path
-- [ 7, 4, 2 ]
-- 2. No child we just discovered (7 nor 8) were a goal node. So we loop, putting our new path(s) at the end
-- of the list (so we search paths fairly). In this case, we'd re-enter the loop with the following four
-- paths:
-- [ 5, 2 ] \ these two are are variable 'paths', the tail of the loop state.
-- [ 6, 3 ] /
-- [ 7, 4, 2 ] \ these two are new, just constructed by prepending each of [ 4, 2, 1 ]'s children
-- [ 8, 4, 2 ] / to itself, making two new paths to search
KeepSearching ys -> go (append paths ((\y -> List.NonEmpty.cons y path) <$> NESeq.fromList ys))
FoundGoal y -> pure (Just (List.NonEmpty.cons y path))
-- Step forward from a single node. There are 3 possible outcomes:
-- 1. We discover it has no children. (return DeadEnd)
-- 2. We discover is has children, none of which are a goal. (return KeepSearching)
-- 3. We discover it has children, (at least) one of which is a goal. (return FoundGoal)
step :: a -> m (Step a)
step x = do
ys0 <- children x
pure case List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty ys0 of
Nothing -> DeadEnd
Just ys ->
case Foldable.find goal ys of
Nothing -> KeepSearching ys
Just y -> FoundGoal y
in \root ->
if goal root
then pure (Just [])
step root >>= \case
DeadEnd -> pure Nothing
-- lts-18.28 doesn't have List.NonEmpty.singleton
KeepSearching xs -> fmap List.NonEmpty.toList <$> go (NESeq.fromList ((:| []) <$> xs))
FoundGoal x -> pure (Just [x])
-- Concatenate a seq and a non-empty seq.
append :: Seq x -> NESeq x -> NESeq x
append = (NESeq.><|)
-- Pull
@ -977,16 +673,6 @@ httpGetCausalHashByPath ::
BaseUrl ->
Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.GetCausalHashByPathResponse)
httpFastForwardPath ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
Share.FastForwardPathRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.FastForwardPathResponse)
httpUpdatePath ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
Share.UpdatePathRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.UpdatePathResponse)
httpDownloadEntities ::
Auth.AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
BaseUrl ->
@ -998,14 +684,10 @@ httpUploadEntities ::
Share.UploadEntitiesRequest ->
IO (Either CodeserverTransportError Share.UploadEntitiesResponse)
( httpGetCausalHashByPath,
) =
let ( httpGetCausalHashByPath
Servant.:<|> httpFastForwardPath
Servant.:<|> httpUpdatePath
Servant.:<|> httpDownloadEntities
Servant.:<|> httpUploadEntities
) =
@ -1013,8 +695,6 @@ httpUploadEntities ::
pp = Proxy
in Servant.hoistClient pp hoist (Servant.client pp)
in ( go httpGetCausalHashByPath,
go httpFastForwardPath,
go httpUpdatePath,
go httpDownloadEntities,
go httpUploadEntities
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-- | Types used by the UCM client during sync.
module Unison.Share.Sync.Types
( CheckAndSetPushError (..),
CodeserverTransportError (..),
FastForwardPushError (..),
( CodeserverTransportError (..),
GetCausalHashByPathError (..),
PullError (..),
SyncError (..),
@ -13,29 +11,6 @@ import Servant.Client qualified as Servant
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sync.Types qualified as Share
-- | Error used by the client when pushing code to Unison Share.
data CheckAndSetPushError
= CheckAndSetPushError'UpdatePath
-- The repo we are pushing to. This is only necessary because an UpdatePathError does not have enough context to
-- print the entire error message we want to print, but it really should, at which point maybe this can go away.
| CheckAndSetPushError'UploadEntities Share.UploadEntitiesError
deriving stock (Show)
-- | An error occurred while fast-forward pushing code to Unison Share.
data FastForwardPushError
= FastForwardPushError'FastForwardPath
-- The path we are fast forwarding. This is only necessary because a FastForwardPathError does not have enough
-- context to print the entire error message we want to print, but it really should, at which point maybe this can
-- go away.
| FastForwardPushError'GetCausalHash GetCausalHashByPathError
| FastForwardPushError'NotFastForward Share.Path
| FastForwardPushError'UploadEntities Share.UploadEntitiesError
deriving stock (Show)
-- | An error occurred while pulling code from Unison Share.
data PullError
= PullError'DownloadEntities Share.DownloadEntitiesError
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ api = Proxy
type API =
"path" :> "get" :> GetCausalHashByPathEndpoint
:<|> "path" :> "fast-forward" :> FastForwardPathEndpoint
:<|> "path" :> "update" :> UpdatePathEndpoint
:<|> "entities" :> "download" :> DownloadEntitiesEndpoint
:<|> "entities" :> "upload" :> UploadEntitiesEndpoint
@ -20,14 +18,6 @@ type GetCausalHashByPathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] GetCausalHashByPathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] GetCausalHashByPathResponse
type FastForwardPathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] FastForwardPathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] FastForwardPathResponse
type UpdatePathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] UpdatePathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] UpdatePathResponse
type DownloadEntitiesEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] DownloadEntitiesRequest
:> Post '[JSON] DownloadEntitiesResponse
@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ module Unison.Sync.Types
UploadEntitiesResponse (..),
UploadEntitiesError (..),
-- ** Fast-forward path
FastForwardPathRequest (..),
FastForwardPathResponse (..),
FastForwardPathError (..),
-- ** Update path
UpdatePathRequest (..),
UpdatePathResponse (..),
@ -747,115 +742,13 @@ instance FromJSON HashMismatchForEntity where
Aeson.withObject "HashMismatchForEntity" \obj ->
<$> obj
.: "supplied"
.: "supplied"
<*> obj
.: "computed"
-- Fast-forward path
-- | A non-empty list of causal hashes, latest first, that show the lineage from wherever the client wants to
-- fast-forward to back to wherever the (client believes the) server is (including the server head, in a separate
-- field).
-- For example, if the client wants to update
-- @
-- A -> B -> C
-- @
-- to
-- @
-- A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
-- @
-- then it would send hashes
-- @
-- expectedHash = C
-- hashes = [D, E, F]
-- @
-- Note that if the client wants to begin a history at a new path on the server, it would use the "update path" endpoint
-- instead.
data FastForwardPathRequest = FastForwardPathRequest
{ -- | The causal that the client believes exists at `path`
expectedHash :: Hash32,
-- | The sequence of causals to fast-forward with, starting from the oldest new causal to the newest new causal
hashes :: NonEmpty Hash32,
-- | The path to fast-forward
path :: Path
deriving stock (Show)
instance ToJSON FastForwardPathRequest where
toJSON FastForwardPathRequest {expectedHash, hashes, path} =
[ "expected_hash" .= expectedHash,
"hashes" .= hashes,
"path" .= path
instance FromJSON FastForwardPathRequest where
parseJSON =
Aeson.withObject "FastForwardPathRequest" \o -> do
expectedHash <- o .: "expected_hash"
hashes <- o .: "hashes"
path <- o .: "path"
pure FastForwardPathRequest {expectedHash, hashes, path}
data FastForwardPathResponse
= FastForwardPathSuccess
| FastForwardPathFailure FastForwardPathError
deriving stock (Show)
data FastForwardPathError
= FastForwardPathError'MissingDependencies (NeedDependencies Hash32)
| FastForwardPathError'NoWritePermission Path
| -- | This wasn't a fast-forward. Here's a JWT to download the causal head, if you want it.
FastForwardPathError'NotFastForward HashJWT
| -- | There was no history at this path; the client should use the "update path" endpoint instead.
| -- | This wasn't a fast-forward. You said the first hash was a parent of the second hash, but I disagree.
FastForwardPathError'InvalidParentage InvalidParentage
| FastForwardPathError'InvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
| FastForwardPathError'UserNotFound
deriving stock (Show)
.: "computed"
data InvalidParentage = InvalidParentage {parent :: Hash32, child :: Hash32}
deriving stock (Show)
instance ToJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
toJSON = \case
FastForwardPathSuccess -> jsonUnion "success" (Object mempty)
(FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'MissingDependencies deps)) -> jsonUnion "missing_dependencies" deps
(FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'NoWritePermission path)) -> jsonUnion "no_write_permission" path
(FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'NotFastForward hashJwt)) -> jsonUnion "not_fast_forward" hashJwt
(FastForwardPathFailure FastForwardPathError'NoHistory) -> jsonUnion "no_history" (Object mempty)
(FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'InvalidParentage invalidParentage)) ->
jsonUnion "invalid_parentage" invalidParentage
(FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'InvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo)) ->
jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (msg, repoInfo)
(FastForwardPathFailure FastForwardPathError'UserNotFound) ->
jsonUnion "user_not_found" (Object mempty)
instance FromJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
parseJSON =
Aeson.withObject "FastForwardPathResponse" \o ->
o .: "type" >>= Aeson.withText "type" \case
"success" -> pure FastForwardPathSuccess
"missing_dependencies" -> FastForwardPathFailure . FastForwardPathError'MissingDependencies <$> o .: "payload"
"no_write_permission" -> FastForwardPathFailure . FastForwardPathError'NoWritePermission <$> o .: "payload"
"not_fast_forward" -> FastForwardPathFailure . FastForwardPathError'NotFastForward <$> o .: "payload"
"no_history" -> pure (FastForwardPathFailure FastForwardPathError'NoHistory)
"invalid_parentage" -> FastForwardPathFailure . FastForwardPathError'InvalidParentage <$> o .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> do
(msg, repoInfo) <- o .: "payload"
pure (FastForwardPathFailure (FastForwardPathError'InvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo))
"user_not_found" -> pure (FastForwardPathFailure FastForwardPathError'UserNotFound)
t -> failText $ "Unexpected FastForwardPathResponse type: " <> t
instance ToJSON InvalidParentage where
toJSON (InvalidParentage parent child) = object ["parent" .= parent, "child" .= child]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user