more project.push work

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2023-02-08 17:18:45 -05:00
parent e110d96dc4
commit 9eec421ae8
10 changed files with 108 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
Project (..),
Branch (..),
@ -2512,18 +2513,22 @@ projectExistsByName name =
-- FIXME rename loadProject
getProject :: ProjectId -> Transaction (Maybe Project)
getProject pid = queryMaybeRow bonk (Only pid)
bonk =
id = ?
getProject pid = queryMaybeRow loadProjectSql (Only pid)
expectProject :: ProjectId -> Transaction Project
expectProject pid = queryOneRow loadProjectSql (Only pid)
loadProjectSql :: Sql
loadProjectSql =
id = ?
loadProjectByName :: Text -> Transaction (Maybe Project)
loadProjectByName name =

View File

@ -32,98 +32,6 @@ create table project_branch_parent (
without rowid;
-- create table project_branch_default_pull (
-- local_project_id uuid not null references project (id),
-- local_branch_id uuid not null,
-- named_remote_name text null,
-- named_remote_project_id text null,
-- named_remote_host text null,
-- unnamed_remote_project_id text null,
-- unnamed_remote_host text null,
-- remote_branch_id text null,
-- primary key (local_project_id, local_branch_id),
-- foreign key (local_project_id, local_branch_id)
-- references project_branch (project_id, id)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (local_project_id, named_remote_project_id, named_remote_host, named_remote_name)
-- references project_remote_alias (local_project_id, remote_project_id, remote_host, remote_name)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (named_remote_project_id, remote_branch_id, named_remote_host)
-- references remote_project_branch (project_id, branch_id, host)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (unnamed_remote_project_id, remote_branch_id, unnamed_remote_host)
-- references remote_project_branch (project_id, branch_id, host)
-- on delete cascade,
-- constraint valid_remote_project check (
-- ( named_remote_name is not null
-- and named_remote_project_id is not null
-- and named_remote_host is not null
-- and unnamed_remote_project_id is null
-- and unnamed_remote_host is null
-- )
-- or
-- ( named_remote_name is null
-- and named_remote_project_id is null
-- and named_remote_host is null
-- and unnamed_remote_project_id is not null
-- and unnamed_remote_host is not null
-- )
-- )
-- )
-- without rowid;
-- create table project_branch_default_push (
-- local_project_id uuid not null references project (id),
-- local_branch_id uuid not null,
-- named_remote_name text null,
-- named_remote_project_id text null,
-- named_remote_host text null,
-- unnamed_remote_project_id text null,
-- unnamed_remote_host text null,
-- remote_branch_id text null,
-- primary key (local_project_id, local_branch_id),
-- foreign key (local_project_id, local_branch_id)
-- references project_branch (project_id, id)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (local_project_id, named_remote_project_id, named_remote_host, named_remote_name)
-- references project_remote_alias (local_project_id, remote_project_id, remote_host, remote_name)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (named_remote_project_id, remote_branch_id, named_remote_host)
-- references remote_project_branch (project_id, branch_id, host)
-- on delete cascade,
-- foreign key (unnamed_remote_project_id, remote_branch_id, unnamed_remote_host)
-- references remote_project_branch (project_id, branch_id, host)
-- on delete cascade,
-- constraint valid_remote_project check (
-- ( named_remote_name is not null
-- and named_remote_project_id is not null
-- and named_remote_host is not null
-- and unnamed_remote_project_id is null
-- and unnamed_remote_host is null
-- )
-- or
-- ( named_remote_name is null
-- and named_remote_project_id is null
-- and named_remote_host is null
-- and unnamed_remote_project_id is not null
-- and unnamed_remote_host is not null
-- )
-- )
-- )
-- without rowid;
create table project_branch_remote_mapping (
local_project_id uuid not null references project (id),
local_branch_id uuid not null,

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ dependencies:
- servant-client
- stm
- text
- text-builder
- text-rope
- these
- time

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectName)
import Witch
-- | Create a new project.

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (getCurrentProjectBranch, projectBranchPath)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName)
import Witch (into)
-- | Create a new branch in a project:

View File

@ -6,12 +6,18 @@ where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Text.Builder
import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (getCurrentProjectBranch, loggeth)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Share.Projects as Share
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.AuthLogin as AuthLogin
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch, ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch, ProjectBranchName, ProjectName, classifyProjectName)
import qualified Unison.Share.API.Projects as Share.API
import qualified Unison.Share.Codeserver as Codeserver
import qualified Unison.Sqlite as Sqlite
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- | Push a project branch.
@ -45,18 +51,64 @@ projectPush maybeProjectAndBranch = do
case maybeProjectAndBranch of
Nothing -> do
maybeRemoteIds <- undefined :: Cli (Either Text (Text, Text))
case maybeRemoteIds of
Left ancestorRemoteProjectId -> do
loggeth ["We don't have a remote branch mapping, but our ancestor maps to project: ", ancestorRemoteProjectId]
loggeth ["Creating remote branch not implemented"]
Right (remoteProjectId, remoteBranchId) -> do
loggeth ["Found remote branch mapping: ", remoteProjectId, ":", remoteBranchId]
loggeth ["Pushing to existing branch not implemented"]
Cli.runTransaction oinkResolveRemoteIds >>= \case
Nothing -> do
loggeth ["We don't have a remote branch mapping for this branch or any ancestor"]
loggeth ["Getting current logged-in user on Share"]
myUserHandle <- oinkGetLoggedInUser
loggeth ["Got current logged-in user on Share: ", myUserHandle]
project <- Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectProject projectId)
let localProjectName = unsafeFrom @Text (project ^. #name)
let remoteProjectName =
case classifyProjectName localProjectName of
(Nothing, name) -> $
Text.Builder.char '@'
<> Text.Builder.text myUserHandle
<> Text.Builder.char '/'
<> Text.Builder.text name
(Just _, _) -> into @Text localProjectName
loggeth ["Making create-project request for project", remoteProjectName]
response <-
Share.createProject Share.API.CreateProjectRequest {projectName = remoteProjectName} & onLeftM \err -> do
loggeth ["Creating a project failed"]
loggeth [tShow err]
remoteProject <-
case response of
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseBadRequest -> do
loggeth ["Share says: bad request"]
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseUnauthorized -> do
loggeth ["Share says: unauthorized"]
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseSuccess remoteProject -> pure remoteProject
loggeth ["Share says: success!"]
loggeth [tShow remoteProject]
-- TODO push this branch
Just projectAndBranch ->
case projectAndBranch ^. #branch of
Nothing -> do
let ancestorRemoteProjectId = projectAndBranch ^. #project
loggeth ["We don't have a remote branch mapping, but our ancestor maps to project: ", ancestorRemoteProjectId]
loggeth ["Creating remote branch not implemented"]
Just remoteBranchId -> do
let remoteProjectId = projectAndBranch ^. #project
loggeth ["Found remote branch mapping: ", remoteProjectId, ":", remoteBranchId]
loggeth ["Pushing to existing branch not implemented"]
Just projectAndBranch -> do
let _projectName = projectAndBranch ^. #project
let _branchName = fromMaybe (unsafeFrom @Text "main") (projectAndBranch ^. #branch)
loggeth ["Specifying project/branch to push to not implemented"]
oinkResolveRemoteIds :: Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Text (Maybe Text)))
oinkResolveRemoteIds = undefined
oinkGetLoggedInUser :: Cli Text
oinkGetLoggedInUser = do
AuthLogin.ensureAuthenticatedWithCodeserver Codeserver.defaultCodeserver

View File

@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Syntax.Name as Name (unsafeFromString)
import qualified Unison.Util.ColorText as CT
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import Witch
showPatternHelp :: InputPattern -> P.Pretty CT.ColorText
showPatternHelp i =

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as NESet
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Text.Lazy
import Data.Void (Void)
import qualified Ki
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Http.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP

View File

@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ library
, servant-client
, stm
, text
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
, time
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@ executable cli-integration-tests
, shellmet
, stm
, text
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
, time
@ -439,6 +441,7 @@ executable transcripts
, shellmet
, stm
, text
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
, time
@ -571,6 +574,7 @@ executable unison
, template-haskell
, temporary
, text
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
, time
@ -706,6 +710,7 @@ test-suite cli-tests
, stm
, temporary
, text
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
, time

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
-- package, but for now we have just defined the one blessed project/branch name syntax that we allow.
module Unison.Project
( ProjectName,
ProjectAndBranch (..),
@ -32,16 +33,10 @@ instance TryFrom Text ProjectName where
projectNameParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text ProjectName
projectNameParser = do
userPrefix <- userPrefixParser <|> pure mempty
userSlug <- userSlugParser <|> pure mempty
projectSlug <- projectSlugParser
pure (ProjectName ( (userPrefix <> projectSlug)))
pure (ProjectName ( (userSlug <> projectSlug)))
userPrefixParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder
userPrefixParser = do
userSlug <- userSlugParser
slash <- Megaparsec.char '/'
pure (userSlug <> Text.Builder.char slash)
projectSlugParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder
projectSlugParser = do
c0 <- Megaparsec.satisfy isStartChar
@ -52,6 +47,16 @@ projectNameParser = do
isStartChar c =
Char.isAlpha c || c == '_'
-- | Given a valid project name, "classify" it as beginning with a user slug, or not.
-- >>> classifyProjectName "lens"
-- (Nothing, "lens")
-- >>> classifyProjectName "@arya/lens"
-- (Just "arya", "lens")
classifyProjectName :: ProjectName -> (Maybe Text, Text)
classifyProjectName (ProjectName name) = undefined
-- | The name of a branch of a project.
-- Convert to and from text with the 'From' and 'TryFrom' instances.
@ -67,16 +72,10 @@ instance TryFrom Text ProjectBranchName where
projectBranchNameParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text ProjectBranchName
projectBranchNameParser = do
userPrefix <- userPrefixParser <|> pure mempty
userSlug <- userSlugParser <|> pure mempty
branchSlug <- branchSlugParser
pure (ProjectBranchName ( (userPrefix <> branchSlug)))
pure (ProjectBranchName ( (userSlug <> branchSlug)))
userPrefixParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder
userPrefixParser = do
userSlug <- userSlugParser
colon <- Megaparsec.char ':'
pure (userSlug <> Text.Builder.char colon)
branchSlugParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder
branchSlugParser = do
c0 <- Megaparsec.satisfy isStartChar
@ -94,10 +93,10 @@ data ProjectAndBranch a b = ProjectAndBranch
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
-- | @project:branch@ syntax for project+branch pair, with both sides optional. Missing value means "the current one".
-- | @project/branch@ syntax for project+branch pair, with both sides optional. Missing value means "the current one".
instance From (ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName)) Text where
from ProjectAndBranch {project, branch} = (textify project <> Text.Builder.char ':' <> textify branch) (textify project <> Text.Builder.char '/' <> textify branch)
textify :: From thing Text => Maybe thing -> Text.Builder
textify =
@ -114,15 +113,15 @@ projectAndBranchNamesParser ::
(ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName))
projectAndBranchNamesParser = do
project <- optional projectNameParser
_ <- Megaparsec.char ':'
_ <- Megaparsec.char '/'
branch <- optional projectBranchNameParser
pure ProjectAndBranch {project, branch}
-- Projects and branches may begin with a "user slug", which looks like "@arya".
-- Projects and branches may begin with a "user slug", which looks like "@arya/".
-- slug = @ start-char char*
-- slug = @ start-char char* /
-- start-char = alpha | _
-- char = start-char | -
userSlugParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder.Builder
@ -130,7 +129,8 @@ userSlugParser = do
c0 <- Megaparsec.char '@'
c1 <- Megaparsec.satisfy isStartChar
c2 <- Megaparsec.takeWhileP Nothing (\c -> isStartChar c || c == '-')
pure (Text.Builder.char c0 <> Text.Builder.char c1 <> Text.Builder.text c2)
c3 <- Megaparsec.char '/'
pure (Text.Builder.char c0 <> Text.Builder.char c1 <> Text.Builder.text c2 <> Text.Builder.char c3)
isStartChar :: Char -> Bool
isStartChar c =