tweak to orderedComponents implementation

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Paul Chiusano 2019-12-11 14:07:08 -05:00
parent 5cd328bf53
commit a10f540975
2 changed files with 35 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -558,11 +558,10 @@ instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Ord1 f, Var v) => Ord (Term f v a) where
components :: Var v => [(v, Term f v a)] -> [[(v, Term f v a)]]
components = Components.components freeVars
-- Converts to strongly connected components, preserving order of the input.
-- Satisfies `join (orderedComponents vs) == vs`. Algorithm works by
-- repeatedly collecting smallest cycle of definitions from remainder of list.
orderedComponents :: Var v => [(v, Term f v a)] -> [[(v, Term f v a)]]
orderedComponents tms = go [] Set.empty tms
-- Converts to strongly connected components while preserving the
-- order of definitions. Satisfies `join (orderedComponents bs) == bs`.
orderedComponents' :: Var v => [(v, Term f v a)] -> [[(v, Term f v a)]]
orderedComponents' tms = go [] Set.empty tms
go [] _ [] = []
go [] deps (hd:rem) = go [hd] (deps <> freeVars (snd hd)) rem
@ -576,6 +575,26 @@ orderedComponents tms = go [] Set.empty tms
depsFor = foldMap (freeVars . snd)
isDep (v, _) = Set.member v deps
-- Like `orderedComponents'`, but further break up cycles and move
-- cyclic subcycles before other components in the same cycle.
-- Tweak suggested by @aryairani.
-- Example: given `[[x],[ping,r,s,pong]]`, where `ping` and `pong`
-- are mutually recursive but `r` and `s` are uninvolved, this produces:
-- `[[x], [ping,pong], [r], [s]]`.
orderedComponents :: Var v => [(v, Term f v a)] -> [[(v, Term f v a)]]
orderedComponents bs0 = tweak =<< orderedComponents' bs0 where
tweak :: Var v => [(v,Term f v a)] -> [[(v,Term f v a)]]
tweak bs@(_:_:_) = case takeWhile isCyclic (components bs) of
[] -> [bs]
cycles -> cycles <> orderedComponents rest
rest = [ (v,b) | (v,b) <- bs, Set.notMember v cycleVars ]
cycleVars = Set.fromList (fst <$> join cycles)
tweak bs = [bs] -- any cycle with < 2 bindings is left alone
isCyclic [(v,b)] = Set.member v (freeVars b)
isCyclic bs = length bs > 1
-- Hash a strongly connected component and sort its definitions into a canonical order.
hashComponent ::
(Functor f, Hashable1 f, Foldable f, Eq v, Show v, Var v, Ord h, Accumulate h)

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
ability SpaceAttack where
launchMissiles : Text -> ()
-- should typecheck fine, as the `launchMissiles "saturn"`
-- gets moved out of the `ping` / `pong` cycle
ex x =
ping x = pong (x + 1)
launchMissiles "saturn"
pong x = ping (x `Nat.drop` 1)
launchMissiles "neptune"