Lots of cleanup and additional hit testing functions

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-08-18 12:21:28 -04:00
parent 07bf8f179b
commit a335d86519
2 changed files with 57 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ newtype Y = Y Word deriving (Eq,Ord)
newtype Width = Width Word deriving (Eq,Ord)
newtype Height = Height Word deriving (Eq,Ord)
within :: (X,Y) -> (X,Y,Width,Height) -> Bool
within (X x0, Y y0) (X x,Y y,Width w,Height h) =
x0 >= x && x0 <= x+w && y0 >= y && y0 <= y+h
class Ord t => Natural t where
plus :: t -> t -> t
minus :: t -> t -> t

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@ -427,32 +427,69 @@ bounds dims b = go (areas dims b) (Dimensions.zero, Dimensions.zero) where
leftAlignedV (x, y) areas = map (x,) $
scanl' (\y (Height h) -> Dimensions.plus y (Y h)) y (map snd areas)
-- | Compute the list of path segments corresponding to the given point.
-- | Compute the list of path segments whose region contains the given point.
-- See note on `hits`.
at :: (Path p, Eq p) => Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> (X,Y) -> [p]
at box (x,y) = contains box (x,y,Dimensions.zero,Dimensions.zero)
-- | Compute the list of path segments whose region passes the `hit` function,
-- which is given the top left and lower right corners of the input region.
-- Concatenating the full list of segments gives the deepest path into the
-- structure whose layout region contains the point. Concatenating all but the
-- last segment yields the parent of the deepest path, and so on.
-- The point (X 0, Y 0) is assumed to correspond to the top left
-- corner of the layout.
at :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> (X,Y) -> [p]
at box pt = go box
hits :: (Path p, Eq p)
=> ((X,Y) -> (X,Y) -> (X,Y,Width,Height) -> Bool)
-> Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> (X,Y,Width,Height) -> [p]
hits hit box (X x,Y y,Width w,Height h) = fixup (go box)
within (X x0, Y y0) (X x,Y y,Width w,Height h) = x0 >= x && x0 <= x+w && y0 >= y && y0 <= y+h
go ((p,region) :< box) | not (pt `within` region) = []
| otherwise = p : (toList box >>= go)
-- only include nonempty path segments, with exception of first
fixup xs = take 1 xs ++ filter (Path.root /=) (drop 1 xs)
pt1 = (X x, Y y)
pt2 = (X (x+w), Y (y+h))
go ((p,region) :< box) | hit pt1 pt2 region = p : (toList box >>= go)
| otherwise = []
-- | Compute the list of path segments whose bounding region fully contains
-- the input region. See note on `hits`. Satisfies `last (regions box (contains box r)) == p`
contains :: (Path p, Eq p) => Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> (X,Y,Width,Height) -> [p]
contains = hits $ \p1 p2 region ->
Dimensions.within p1 region && Dimensions.within p2 region
-- | Compute the list of path segments whose bounding region intersects with
-- the input region. See note on `hits`.
intersects :: (Path p, Eq p) => Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> (X,Y,Width,Height) -> [p]
intersects = hits $ \p1 p2 region ->
Dimensions.within p1 region || Dimensions.within p2 region
-- | Find all regions along the path.
regions :: (Eq p, Path p) => Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> [p] -> [(X,Y,Width,Height)]
regions box@((_,region) :< _) p =
region : go (foldr Path.extend Path.root p) box
regions :: (Path p, Eq p) => Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> [p] -> [(X,Y,Width,Height)]
regions box p = go (foldr Path.extend Path.root p) box
go searchp ((p,region) :< box) = case Path.factor p searchp of
(lca, (p,searchp))
-- we need to consume all of p to include it,
-- and at least 1 element of searchp
| p == Path.root && lca /= Path.root
-> region : (toList box >>= go searchp)
_ -> []
go searchp ((_,region) :< _) | searchp == Path.root = [region]
go searchp ((p,region) :< box) =
-- bail on this branch if we can't fully consume its path segment
-- OR if path segment shares nothing in common w/ query
if p' /= Path.root || (p /= Path.root && lca == Path.root) then []
-- recurse into nodes whose segment is empty, but don't include their regions in output
else (if lca /= Path.root then (region:) else id) (toList box >>= go searchp')
(lca, (p',searchp')) = Path.factor p searchp
-- todo: navigation operators
-- up, down, left, right are spacial, based on actual layout
-- expand and contract are based on tree structure induced by paths
-- up :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- down :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- left :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- right :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- right' :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> Maybe p
-- expand :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- expand' :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> Maybe p
-- contract :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> p
-- contract' :: Boxed e (p, (X,Y,Width,Height)) -> p -> Maybe p
-- various instances