Merge pull request #2652 from unisonweb/cp/namespace.delete.force

Add delete.namespace.force
This commit is contained in:
mergify[bot] 2021-11-23 18:46:38 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit a6c4533e96
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 447 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Unison.PrettyPrintEnv
-- | Exported only for cases where the codebase's configured hash length is unavailable.
@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ import Unison.Referent ( Referent )
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HQ
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
import qualified Unison.ConstructorType as CT
import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
data PrettyPrintEnv = PrettyPrintEnv {
-- names for terms, constructors, and requests
@ -58,6 +61,12 @@ typeName env r =
Nothing -> HQ.take todoHashLength (HQ.fromReference r)
Just name -> HQ'.toHQ name
-- | Get a name for a LabeledDependency from the PPE.
labeledRefName :: PrettyPrintEnv -> LabeledDependency -> HashQualified Name
labeledRefName ppe = \case
LD.TermReferent ref -> termName ppe ref
LD.TypeReference ref -> typeName ppe ref
patternName :: PrettyPrintEnv -> ConstructorReference -> HashQualified Name
patternName env r =
case patterns env r of

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import Unison.Runtime.Pattern
import Unison.Runtime.Serialize as SER
import Unison.Runtime.Stack
import qualified Unison.Hashing.V2.Convert as Hashing
import qualified Unison.ConstructorReference as RF
type Term v = Tm.Term v ()
@ -148,25 +149,31 @@ recursiveDeclDeps seen0 cl d = do
categorize :: RF.LabeledDependency -> (Set Reference, Set Reference)
= either ((,mempty) . singleton) ((mempty,) . singleton)
. RF.toReference
= \case
RF.TypeReference ref -> (Set.singleton ref, mempty)
RF.ConReference (RF.ConstructorReference ref _conId) _conType -> (Set.singleton ref, mempty)
RF.TermReference ref -> (mempty, Set.singleton ref)
:: Set RF.LabeledDependency
-> CodeLookup Symbol IO ()
-> Term Symbol
-> IO (Set Reference, Set Reference)
recursiveTermDeps ::
Set RF.LabeledDependency ->
CodeLookup Symbol IO () ->
Term Symbol ->
IO (Set Reference, Set Reference)
recursiveTermDeps seen0 cl tm = do
rec <- for (RF.toReference <$> toList (deps \\ seen0)) $ \case
Left (RF.DerivedId i) -> getTypeDeclaration cl i >>= \case
rec <- for (toList (deps \\ seen0)) $ \case
RF.ConReference (RF.ConstructorReference (RF.DerivedId refId) _conId) _conType -> handleTypeReferenceId refId
RF.TypeReference (RF.DerivedId refId) -> handleTypeReferenceId refId
RF.TermReference r -> recursiveRefDeps seen cl r
_ -> pure mempty
pure $ foldMap categorize deps <> fold rec
handleTypeReferenceId :: RF.Id -> IO (Set Reference, Set Reference)
handleTypeReferenceId refId =
getTypeDeclaration cl refId >>= \case
Just d -> recursiveDeclDeps seen cl d
Nothing -> pure mempty
Right r -> recursiveRefDeps seen cl r
_ -> pure mempty
pure $ foldMap categorize deps <> fold rec
deps = Tm.labeledDependencies tm
seen = seen0 <> deps
deps = Tm.labeledDependencies tm
seen = seen0 <> deps
:: Set RF.LabeledDependency

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ dependencies:
- bytestring
- configurator
- containers >= 0.6.3
- nonempty-containers
- cryptonite
- directory
- errors

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@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ import qualified Unison.WatchKind as WK
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LoopState as LoopState
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LoopState (Action, Action', eval)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.NamespaceDependencies as NamespaceDependencies
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as NESet
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
defaultPatchNameSegment :: NameSegment
defaultPatchNameSegment = "patch"
@ -276,8 +278,7 @@ loop = do
then modifying LoopState.latestFile (fmap (const False) <$>)
else loadUnisonFile sourceName text
Right input ->
let ifConfirmed = ifM (confirmedCommand input)
branchNotFound = respond . BranchNotFound
let branchNotFound = respond . BranchNotFound
branchNotFound' = respond . BranchNotFound . Path.unsplit'
patchNotFound :: Path.Split' -> Action' m v ()
patchNotFound s = respond $ PatchNotFound s
@ -354,7 +355,8 @@ loop = do
DeleteI thing -> "delete " <> hqs' thing
DeleteTermI def -> "delete.term " <> hqs' def
DeleteTypeI def -> "delete.type " <> hqs' def
DeleteBranchI opath -> "delete.namespace " <> ops' opath
DeleteBranchI Try opath -> "delete.namespace " <> ops' opath
DeleteBranchI Force opath -> "delete.namespace.force " <> ops' opath
DeletePatchI path -> "delete.patch " <> ps' path
ReplaceI src target p ->
"replace " <> HQ.toText src <> " "
@ -460,14 +462,6 @@ loop = do
unlessGitError = unlessError' Output.GitError
importRemoteBranch ns mode = ExceptT . eval $ ImportRemoteBranch ns mode
loadSearchResults = eval . LoadSearchResults
handleFailedDelete failed failedDependents = do
failed <- loadSearchResults $ SR.fromNames failed
failedDependents <- loadSearchResults $ SR.fromNames failedDependents
ppe <-
=<< makePrintNamesFromLabeled'
(foldMap SR'.labeledDependencies $ failed <> failedDependents)
respond $ CantDelete ppe failed failedDependents
saveAndApplyPatch patchPath'' patchName patch' = do
(inputDescription <> " (1/2)")
@ -593,9 +587,9 @@ loop = do
toRel = R.fromList . fmap (name,) . toList
-- these names are relative to the root
toDelete = Names (toRel tms) (toRel tys)
(failed, failedDependents) <-
endangerments <-
getEndangeredDependents (eval . GetDependents) toDelete rootNames
if failed == mempty
if null endangerments
then do
let makeDeleteTermNames = fmap (BranchUtil.makeDeleteTermName resolvedPath) . toList $ tms
let makeDeleteTypeNames = fmap (BranchUtil.makeDeleteTypeName resolvedPath) . toList $ tys
@ -603,7 +597,9 @@ loop = do
root'' <- use LoopState.root
diffHelper (Branch.head root') (Branch.head root'')
>>= respondNumbered . uncurry ShowDiffAfterDeleteDefinitions
else handleFailedDelete failed failedDependents
else do
ppeDecl <- currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
respondNumbered $ CantDeleteDefinitions ppeDecl endangerments
in case input of
CreateMessage pretty ->
respond $ PrintMessage pretty
@ -787,35 +783,45 @@ loop = do
Just _ -> do
stepAt (BranchUtil.makeDeletePatch (resolveSplit' src))
DeleteBranchI Nothing ->
( do
stepAt (Path.empty, const Branch.empty0)
respond DeletedEverything
(respond DeleteEverythingConfirmation)
DeleteBranchI (Just p) ->
maybe (branchNotFound' p) go $ getAtSplit' p
DeleteBranchI insistence Nothing -> do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
if (hasConfirmed || insistence == Force)
then do stepAt (Path.empty, const Branch.empty0)
respond DeletedEverything
else respond DeleteEverythingConfirmation
DeleteBranchI insistence (Just p) -> do
case getAtSplit' p of
Nothing -> branchNotFound' p
Just (Branch.head -> b0) -> do
endangerments <- computeEndangerments b0
if null endangerments
then doDelete b0
else case insistence of
Force -> do
ppeDecl <- currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
doDelete b0
respondNumbered $ DeletedDespiteDependents ppeDecl endangerments
Try -> do
ppeDecl <- currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
respondNumbered $ CantDeleteNamespace ppeDecl endangerments
go (Branch.head -> b) = do
(failed, failedDependents) <-
let rootNames = Branch.toNames root0
toDelete =
(Path.toName . Path.unsplit . resolveSplit' $ p) -- resolveSplit' incorporates currentPath
(Branch.toNames b)
in getEndangeredDependents (eval . GetDependents) toDelete rootNames
if failed == mempty
then do
doDelete b0 = do
stepAt $ BranchUtil.makeSetBranch (resolveSplit' p) Branch.empty
-- Looks similar to the 'toDelete' above... investigate me! ;)
diffHelper b Branch.empty0
diffHelper b0 Branch.empty0
>>= respondNumbered
. uncurry
( ShowDiffAfterDeleteBranch $
resolveToAbsolute (Path.unsplit' p)
else handleFailedDelete failed failedDependents
computeEndangerments :: Branch0 m1 -> Action' m v (Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency))
computeEndangerments b0 = do
let rootNames = Branch.toNames root0
toDelete =
(Path.toName . Path.unsplit . resolveSplit' $ p) -- resolveSplit' incorporates currentPath
(Branch.toNames b0)
getEndangeredDependents (eval . GetDependents) toDelete rootNames
SwitchBranchI maybePath' -> do
mpath' <- case maybePath' of
Nothing ->
@ -1503,20 +1509,6 @@ loop = do
let m = Map.fromList computedTests
respond $ TestResults Output.NewlyComputed ppe showOk showFail (oks m) (fails m)
-- ListBranchesI ->
-- eval ListBranches >>= respond . ListOfBranches currentBranchName'
-- DeleteBranchI branchNames -> withBranches branchNames $ \bnbs -> do
-- uniqueToDelete <- prettyUniqueDefinitions bnbs
-- let deleteBranches b =
-- traverse (eval . DeleteBranch) b >> respond (Success input)
-- if (currentBranchName' `elem` branchNames)
-- then respond DeletingCurrentBranch
-- else if null uniqueToDelete
-- then deleteBranches branchNames
-- else ifM (confirmedCommand input)
-- (deleteBranches branchNames)
-- (respond . DeleteBranchConfirmation $ uniqueToDelete)
PropagatePatchI patchPath scopePath -> do
patch <- getPatchAt patchPath
updated <- propagatePatch inputDescription patch (resolveToAbsolute scopePath)
@ -2560,37 +2552,42 @@ zeroOneOrMore f zero one more = case toList f of
a : _ -> one a
_ -> zero
-- Goal: If `remaining = root - toBeDeleted` contains definitions X which
-- depend on definitions Y not in `remaining` (which should also be in
-- `toBeDeleted`), then complain by returning (Y, X).
-- | Goal: When deleting, we might be removing the last name of a given definition (i.e. the
-- definition is going "extinct"). In this case we may wish to take some action or warn the
-- user about these "endangered" definitions which would now contain unnamed references.
getEndangeredDependents ::
forall m.
Monad m =>
-- | Function to acquire dependencies
(Reference -> m (Set Reference)) ->
-- | Which names we want to delete
Names ->
-- | All names from the root branch
Names ->
m (Names, Names)
getEndangeredDependents getDependents toDelete root = do
let remaining = root `Names.difference` toDelete
toDelete', remaining', extinct :: Set Reference
toDelete' = Names.allReferences toDelete
remaining' = Names.allReferences remaining -- left over after delete
extinct = toDelete' `Set.difference` remaining' -- deleting and not left over
accumulateDependents m r = getDependents r <&> \ds -> Map.insert r ds m
dependentsOfExtinct :: Map Reference (Set Reference) <-
foldM accumulateDependents mempty extinct
let orphaned, endangered, failed :: Set Reference
orphaned = fold dependentsOfExtinct
endangered = orphaned `Set.intersection` remaining'
failed = Set.filter hasEndangeredDependent extinct
hasEndangeredDependent r =
(`Set.member` endangered)
(dependentsOfExtinct Map.! r)
( Names.restrictReferences failed toDelete,
Names.restrictReferences endangered root `Names.difference` toDelete
-- | map from references going extinct to the set of endangered dependents
m (Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency))
getEndangeredDependents getDependents namesToDelete rootNames = do
let remainingNames :: Names
remainingNames = rootNames `Names.difference` namesToDelete
refsToDelete, remainingRefs, extinct :: Set LabeledDependency
refsToDelete = Names.labeledReferences namesToDelete
remainingRefs = Names.labeledReferences remainingNames -- left over after delete
extinct = refsToDelete `Set.difference` remainingRefs -- deleting and not left over
accumulateDependents :: LabeledDependency -> m (Map LabeledDependency (Set LabeledDependency))
accumulateDependents ld =
let ref = LD.fold id Referent.toReference ld
in Map.singleton ld . LD.termRef <$> getDependents ref
-- All dependents of extinct, including terms which might themselves be in the process of being deleted.
allDependentsOfExtinct :: Map LabeledDependency (Set LabeledDependency) <-
Map.unionsWith (<>) <$> for (Set.toList extinct) accumulateDependents
-- Filtered to only include dependencies which are not being deleted, but depend one which
-- is going extinct.
let extinctToEndangered :: Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency)
extinctToEndangered = allDependentsOfExtinct & Map.mapMaybe \endangeredDeps ->
let remainingEndangered = endangeredDeps `Set.intersection` remainingRefs
in NESet.nonEmptySet remainingEndangered
pure extinctToEndangered
-- Applies the selection filter to the adds/updates of a slurp result,
-- meaning that adds/updates should only contain the selection or its transitive

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
, PatchPath
, BranchId, parseBranchId
, HashOrHQSplit'
, Insistence(..)
) where
import Unison.Prelude
@ -39,6 +40,10 @@ type PatchPath = Path.Split'
type BranchId = Either ShortBranchHash Path'
type HashOrHQSplit' = Either ShortHash Path.HQSplit'
-- | Should we force the operation or not?
data Insistence = Force | Try
deriving (Show, Eq)
parseBranchId :: String -> Either String BranchId
parseBranchId ('#':s) = case SBH.fromText (Text.pack s) of
Nothing -> Left "Invalid hash, expected a base32hex string."
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ data Input
| DeleteI Path.HQSplit'
| DeleteTermI Path.HQSplit'
| DeleteTypeI Path.HQSplit'
| DeleteBranchI (Maybe Path.Split')
| DeleteBranchI Insistence (Maybe Path.Split')
| DeletePatchI Path.Split'
-- resolving naming conflicts within `branchpath`
-- Add the specified name after deleting all others for a given reference

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
import qualified Unison.WatchKind as WK
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
type ListDetailed = Bool
@ -87,6 +88,12 @@ data NumberedOutput v
| ShowDiffAfterCreatePR ReadRemoteNamespace ReadRemoteNamespace PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
| -- <authorIdentifier> <authorPath> <relativeBase>
ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor NameSegment Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
| -- | CantDeleteDefinitions ppe couldntDelete becauseTheseStillReferenceThem
CantDeleteDefinitions PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl (Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency))
| -- | CantDeleteNamespace ppe couldntDelete becauseTheseStillReferenceThem
CantDeleteNamespace PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl (Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency))
| -- | DeletedDespiteDependents ppe deletedThings thingsWhichNowHaveUnnamedReferences
DeletedDespiteDependents PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl (Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency))
-- | ShowDiff
@ -136,8 +143,6 @@ data Output v
-- the path is deleted.
[(Path', (Names, [SearchResult' v Ann]))]
| -- CantDelete input couldntDelete becauseTheseStillReferenceThem
CantDelete PPE.PrettyPrintEnv [SearchResult' v Ann] [SearchResult' v Ann]
| DeleteEverythingConfirmation
| DeletedEverything
| ListNames
@ -294,7 +299,6 @@ isFailure o = case o of
TypeTermMismatch {} -> True
SearchTermsNotFound ts -> not (null ts)
DeleteBranchConfirmation {} -> False
CantDelete {} -> True
DeleteEverythingConfirmation -> False
DeletedEverything -> False
ListNames _ tys tms -> null tms && null tys
@ -365,3 +369,6 @@ isNumberedFailure = \case
ShowDiffAfterPull {} -> False
ShowDiffAfterCreatePR {} -> False
ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor {} -> False
CantDeleteDefinitions {} -> True
CantDeleteNamespace {} -> True
DeletedDespiteDependents {} -> False

View File

@ -704,22 +704,36 @@ back =
_ -> Left ( cd)
deleteBranch :: InputPattern
deleteBranch =
deleteNamespace :: InputPattern
deleteNamespace =
[(Required, namespaceArg)]
"`delete.namespace <foo>` deletes the namespace `foo`"
(deleteNamespaceParser ( deleteNamespace) Input.Try)
deleteNamespaceForce :: InputPattern
deleteNamespaceForce =
[(Required, namespaceArg)]
("`delete.namespace.force <foo>` deletes the namespace `foo`,"
<> "deletion will proceed even if other code depends on definitions in foo.")
(deleteNamespaceParser ( deleteNamespaceForce) Input.Force)
deleteNamespaceParser :: P.Pretty CT.ColorText -> Input.Insistence -> [String] -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input
deleteNamespaceParser helpText insistence =
( \case
["."] ->
first fromString
. pure
$ Input.DeleteBranchI Nothing
$ Input.DeleteBranchI insistence Nothing
[p] -> first fromString $ do
p <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment p
pure . Input.DeleteBranchI $ Just p
_ -> Left ( deleteBranch)
pure . Input.DeleteBranchI insistence $ Just p
_ -> Left helpText
deletePatch :: InputPattern
@ -1824,7 +1838,8 @@ validInputs =

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.List.Extra (notNull, nubOrd, nubOrdOn)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.IO (readFile, writeFile)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
@ -305,6 +306,33 @@ notifyNumbered o = case o of
(showDiffNamespace ShowNumbers ppe bAbs bAbs diff)
CantDeleteDefinitions ppeDecl endangerments ->
(P.warnCallout $
[ P.wrap "I didn't delete the following definitions because they are still in use:",
endangeredDependentsTable ppeDecl endangerments
, numberedArgsForEndangerments ppeDecl endangerments)
CantDeleteNamespace ppeDecl endangerments ->
(P.warnCallout $
[ P.wrap "I didn't delete the namespace because the following definitions are still in use.",
endangeredDependentsTable ppeDecl endangerments,
P.wrap "If you want to proceed anyways and leave those definitions without names, use"
<> IP.patternName IP.deleteNamespaceForce
, numberedArgsForEndangerments ppeDecl endangerments)
DeletedDespiteDependents ppeDecl endangerments ->
(P.warnCallout $
[ P.wrap "Of the things I deleted, the following are still used in the following definitions. They now contain un-named references.",
endangeredDependentsTable ppeDecl endangerments
, numberedArgsForEndangerments ppeDecl endangerments)
e = Path.absoluteEmpty
undoTip =
@ -553,17 +581,6 @@ notifyUser dir o = case o of
pure . P.warnCallout $
"I was expecting the namespace " <> prettyPath' path
<> " to be empty for this operation, but it isn't."
CantDelete ppe failed failedDependents ->
pure . P.warnCallout $
[ P.wrap "I couldn't delete ",
P.indentN 2 $ listOfDefinitions' ppe False failed,
"because it's still being used by these definitions:",
P.indentN 2 $ listOfDefinitions' ppe False failedDependents
CantUndo reason -> case reason of
CantUndoPastStart -> pure . P.warnCallout $ "Nothing more to undo."
CantUndoPastMerge -> pure . P.warnCallout $ "Sorry, I can't undo a merge (not implemented yet)."
@ -2539,6 +2556,11 @@ prettyTermName ppe r =
P.syntaxToColor $
prettyHashQualified (PPE.termName ppe r)
prettyTypeName :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Reference -> Pretty
prettyTypeName ppe r =
P.syntaxToColor $
prettyHashQualified (PPE.typeName ppe r)
prettyReadRepo :: ReadRepo -> Pretty
prettyReadRepo (RemoteRepo.ReadGitRepo url) = (P.text url)
@ -2554,3 +2576,53 @@ isTestOk tm = case tm of
&& ref == DD.testResultRef
isSuccess _ = False
_ -> False
-- | Get the list of numbered args corresponding to an endangerment map, which is used by a
-- few outputs. See 'endangeredDependentsTable'.
numberedArgsForEndangerments ::
PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl ->
Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) ->
numberedArgsForEndangerments (PPE.unsuffixifiedPPE -> ppe) m =
& Map.elems
& concatMap toList
& fmap (HQ.toString . PPE.labeledRefName ppe)
-- | Format and render all dependents which are endangered by references going extinct.
endangeredDependentsTable ::
PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl ->
Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) ->
P.Pretty P.ColorText
endangeredDependentsTable ppeDecl m =
& Map.toList
& fmap (second toList)
& numberDependents
& map
( \(dependency, dependents) ->
(prettyLabeled suffixifiedEnv dependency, prettyDependents dependents)
& List.intersperse spacer
& P.column2Header "Dependency" "Referenced In"
numberDependents :: [(x, [LabeledDependency])] -> [(x, [(Int, LabeledDependency)])]
numberDependents xs =
let (_acc, numbered) =
(traversed . _2 . traversed)
(\n ld -> (n + 1, (n, ld)))
in numbered
spacer = ("", "")
suffixifiedEnv = (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppeDecl)
fqnEnv = (PPE.unsuffixifiedPPE ppeDecl)
prettyLabeled ppe = \case
LD.TermReferent ref -> prettyTermName ppe ref
LD.TypeReference ref -> prettyTypeName ppe ref
numArg = (\n -> P.hiBlack . fromString $ show n <> ". ")
prettyDependents refs =
& fmap (\(n, dep) -> numArg n <> prettyLabeled fqnEnv dep)
& P.lines

View File

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ library
, lens
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, mtl
, nonempty-containers
, open-browser
, random >=1.2.0
, regex-tdfa
@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ executable integration-tests
, lens
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, mtl
, nonempty-containers
, open-browser
, process
, random >=1.2.0
@ -227,6 +229,7 @@ executable transcripts
, lens
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, mtl
, nonempty-containers
, open-browser
, process
, random >=1.2.0
@ -296,6 +299,7 @@ executable unison
, lens
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, mtl
, nonempty-containers
, open-browser
, optparse-applicative >=
, random >=1.2.0
@ -376,6 +380,7 @@ test-suite tests
, lens
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, mtl
, nonempty-containers
, open-browser
, random >=1.2.0
, regex-tdfa

View File

@ -10,50 +10,66 @@ module Unison.LabeledDependency
, effectConstructor
, fold
, referents
, toReference
, LabeledDependency
, LabeledDependency(..)
, pattern ConReference
, pattern TermReference
, partition
) where
import Unison.Prelude hiding (fold)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import qualified Unison.ConstructorReference as ConstructorReference
import Unison.ConstructorType (ConstructorType(Data, Effect))
import Unison.Reference (Reference(DerivedId), Id)
import Unison.Referent (Referent, pattern Ref, pattern Con)
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
-- dumb constructor name is private
newtype LabeledDependency = X (Either Reference Referent) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A Union Type which contains either Type References or Term Referents.
data LabeledDependency =
TypeReference Reference
| TermReferent Referent
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Match on a TermReferent which is a Constructor.
pattern ConReference :: ConstructorReference -> ConstructorType -> LabeledDependency
pattern ConReference ref conType = TermReferent (Referent.Con ref conType)
-- | Match on a TermReferent which is NOT a Constructor.
pattern TermReference :: Reference -> LabeledDependency
pattern TermReference ref = TermReferent (Referent.Ref ref)
{-# COMPLETE ConReference, TermReference, TypeReference #-}
derivedType :: Id -> LabeledDependency
derivedType = TypeReference . DerivedId
derivedTerm :: Id -> LabeledDependency
derivedTerm = TermReference . DerivedId
typeRef :: Reference -> LabeledDependency
typeRef = TypeReference
termRef :: Reference -> LabeledDependency
termRef = TermReference
derivedType, derivedTerm :: Id -> LabeledDependency
typeRef, termRef :: Reference -> LabeledDependency
referent :: Referent -> LabeledDependency
dataConstructor :: ConstructorReference -> LabeledDependency
effectConstructor :: ConstructorReference -> LabeledDependency
referent = TermReferent
derivedType = X . Left . DerivedId
derivedTerm = X . Right . Ref . DerivedId
typeRef = X . Left
termRef = X . Right . Ref
referent = X . Right
dataConstructor r = X . Right $ Con r Data
effectConstructor r = X . Right $ Con r Effect
dataConstructor :: ConstructorReference -> LabeledDependency
dataConstructor r = ConReference r Data
effectConstructor :: ConstructorReference -> LabeledDependency
effectConstructor r = ConReference r Effect
referents :: Foldable f => f Referent -> Set LabeledDependency
referents rs = Set.fromList (map referent $ toList rs)
fold :: (Reference -> a) -> (Referent -> a) -> LabeledDependency -> a
fold f g (X e) = either f g e
fold f _ (TypeReference r) = f r
fold _ g (TermReferent r) = g r
partition :: Foldable t => t LabeledDependency -> ([Reference], [Referent])
partition = partitionEithers . map (\(X e) -> e) . toList
-- | Left TypeRef | Right TermRef
toReference :: LabeledDependency -> Either Reference Reference
toReference = \case
X (Left r) -> Left r
X (Right (Ref r)) -> Right r
X (Right (Con r _)) -> Left (r ^. ConstructorReference.reference_)
partition =
foldMap \case
TypeReference ref -> ([ref], [])
TermReferent ref -> ([], [ref])

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Unison.Names
( Names(..)
, addTerm
, addType
, allReferences
, labeledReferences
, conflicts
, contains
, difference
@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ import qualified Unison.ShortHash as SH
import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import qualified Text.FuzzyFind as FZF
import qualified Unison.ConstructorType as CT
import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as Relation
-- This will support the APIs of both PrettyPrintEnv and the old Names.
-- For pretty-printing, we need to look up names for References.
@ -146,10 +149,15 @@ fuzzyFind query names =
termReferences, typeReferences, allReferences :: Names -> Set Reference
termReferences, typeReferences :: Names -> Set Reference
termReferences Names{..} = Referent.toReference $ R.ran terms
typeReferences Names{..} = R.ran types
allReferences n = termReferences n <> typeReferences n
-- | Collect all references in the given Names, tagged with their type.
labeledReferences :: Names -> Set LabeledDependency
labeledReferences Names{..} = LD.typeRef (Relation.ran types)
<> LD.referent (Relation.ran terms)
termReferents :: Names -> Set Referent
termReferents Names{..} = R.ran terms

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# delete.namespace.force
.> builtins.merge
no_dependencies.thing = "no dependents on this term"
dependencies.term1 = 1
dependencies.term2 = 2
dependents.usage1 = dependencies.term1 + dependencies.term2
dependents.usage2 = dependencies.term1 * dependencies.term2
.> add
Deleting a namespace with no external dependencies should succeed.
.> delete.namespace no_dependencies
Deleting a namespace with external dependencies should fail and list all dependents.
.> delete.namespace dependencies
Deleting a namespace with external dependencies should succeed when using `delete.namespace.force`
.> delete.namespace.force dependencies
I should be able to view an affected dependency by number
.> view 2
Deleting the root namespace should require confirmation if not forced.
.> delete.namespace .
.> delete.namespace .
Deleting the root namespace shouldn't require confirmation if forced.
.> delete.namespace.force .

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# delete.namespace.force
no_dependencies.thing = "no dependents on this term"
dependencies.term1 = 1
dependencies.term2 = 2
dependents.usage1 = dependencies.term1 + dependencies.term2
dependents.usage2 = dependencies.term1 * dependencies.term2
Deleting a namespace with no external dependencies should succeed.
.> delete.namespace no_dependencies
Removed definitions:
1. thing : Text
Tip: You can use `undo` or `reflog` to undo this change.
Deleting a namespace with external dependencies should fail and list all dependents.
.> delete.namespace dependencies
I didn't delete the namespace because the following
definitions are still in use.
Dependency Referenced In
term2 1. dependents.usage2
2. dependents.usage1
term1 3. dependents.usage2
4. dependents.usage1
If you want to proceed anyways and leave those definitions
without names, usedelete.namespace.force
Deleting a namespace with external dependencies should succeed when using `delete.namespace.force`
.> delete.namespace.force dependencies
Removed definitions:
1. term1 : Nat
2. term2 : Nat
Tip: You can use `undo` or `reflog` to undo this change.
Of the things I deleted, the following are still used in the
following definitions. They now contain un-named references.
Dependency Referenced In
term2 1. dependents.usage2
2. dependents.usage1
term1 3. dependents.usage2
4. dependents.usage1
I should be able to view an affected dependency by number
.> view 2
dependents.usage1 : Nat
dependents.usage1 =
use Nat +
#jk19sm5bf8 + #0ja1qfpej6
Deleting the root namespace should require confirmation if not forced.
.> delete.namespace .
Are you sure you want to clear away everything?
You could use `namespace` to switch to a new namespace instead.
.> delete.namespace .
Okay, I deleted everything except the history. Use `undo` to
undo, or `builtins.merge` to restore the absolute basics to
the current path.
Deleting the root namespace shouldn't require confirmation if forced.
.> delete.namespace.force .
Okay, I deleted everything except the history. Use `undo` to
undo, or `builtins.merge` to restore the absolute basics to
the current path.