Add progress bar to migration and add prompt to begin migration.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2022-01-21 12:01:29 -06:00
parent 68b387b713
commit acd6e049c4
3 changed files with 56 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -112,6 +112,11 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries (
-- migrations
-- * db misc
@ -279,6 +284,18 @@ setSchemaVersion schemaVersion = execute sql (Only schemaVersion)
SET version = ?
countObjects :: DB m => m Int
countObjects = head <$> queryAtoms_ sql
where sql = [here| SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object |]
countCausals :: DB m => m Int
countCausals = head <$> queryAtoms_ sql
where sql = [here| SELECT COUNT(*) FROM causal |]
countWatches :: DB m => m Int
countWatches = head <$> queryAtoms_ sql
where sql = [here| SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watch |]
saveHash :: DB m => Base32Hex -> m HashId
saveHash base32 = execute sql (Only base32) >> queryOne (loadHashId base32)
where sql = [here|

View File

@ -839,13 +839,17 @@ sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote action = do
(`finally` finalizer) $ runReaderT Q.schemaVersion conn >>= \case
SchemaVersion 2 -> Right <$> action codebase
SchemaVersion 1 -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn ("Migrating from schema version 1 -> 2.")
case localOrRemote of
Local ->
liftIO do
backupPath <- backupCodebasePath <$> getPOSIXTime
copyFile (root </> codebasePath) (root </> backupPath)
-- FIXME prettify
putStrLn ("I backed up your codebase to " ++ (root </> backupPath))
putStrLn ("📋 I backed up your codebase to " ++ (root </> backupPath))
putStrLn "⚠️ Please close all other ucm processes and wait for the migration to complete before interacting with your codebase."
putStrLn "Press <enter> to start the migration once all other ucm processes are shutdown..."
void $ liftIO getLine
Remote -> pure ()
migrateSchema12 conn codebase
-- it's ok to pass codebase along; whatever it cached during the migration won't break anything

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Tuple.Extra ((***))
import qualified Data.Zip as Zip
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import U.Codebase.HashTags (BranchHash (..), CausalHash (..), PatchHash (..))
import qualified U.Codebase.Reference as UReference
import qualified U.Codebase.Referent as UReferent
@ -104,18 +106,26 @@ import UnliftIO.Exception (bracket_, onException)
-- * [x] Update the schema version in the database after migrating so we only migrate
-- once.
verboseOutput :: Bool
verboseOutput =
isJust (unsafePerformIO (lookupEnv "UNISON_MIGRATION_DEBUG"))
{-# NOINLINE verboseOutput #-}
migrateSchema12 :: forall a m v. (MonadUnliftIO m, Var v) => Connection -> Codebase m v a -> m ()
migrateSchema12 conn codebase = do
withinSavepoint "MIGRATESCHEMA12" $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Starting codebase migration, this may take a while."
rootCausalHashId <- runDB conn (liftQ Q.loadNamespaceRoot)
numEntitiesToMigrate <- runDB conn . liftQ $ do
sum <$> sequenceA [Q.countObjects, Q.countCausals, Q.countWatches]
watches <-
(\watchKind -> map (W watchKind) <$> codebase (Cv.watchKind2to1 watchKind))
[WK.RegularWatch, WK.TestWatch]
migrationState <-
(Sync.sync @_ @Entity migrationSync progress (CausalE rootCausalHashId : watches))
(Sync.sync @_ @Entity migrationSync (progress numEntitiesToMigrate) (CausalE rootCausalHashId : watches))
`runReaderT` Env {db = conn, codebase}
`execStateT` MigrationState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty
`execStateT` MigrationState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty 0
let (_, newRootCausalHashId) = causalMapping migrationState ^?! ix rootCausalHashId
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Updating Namespace Root..."
runDB conn . liftQ $ Q.setNamespaceRoot newRootCausalHashId
@ -138,17 +148,28 @@ migrateSchema12 conn codebase = do
(runDB conn $ Q.savepoint name)
(runDB conn $ Q.release name)
(act `onException` runDB conn (Q.rollbackTo name))
progress :: Sync.Progress (ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m)) Entity
progress =
let need :: Entity -> ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
need e = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Need: " ++ show e
progress :: Int -> Sync.Progress (ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m)) Entity
progress numToMigrate =
let incrementProgress :: ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
incrementProgress = do
numDone <- field @"numMigrated" <+= 1
liftIO $ putStr $ "\r 🏗 " <> show numDone <> " / ~" <> show numToMigrate <> " entities migrated. 🚧"
need :: Entity -> ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
need e = when verboseOutput $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Need: " ++ show e
done :: Entity -> ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
done e = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Done: " ++ show e
error :: Entity -> ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
error e = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
done e = do
when verboseOutput $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Done: " ++ show e
errorHandler :: Entity -> ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
errorHandler e = do
case e of
-- We expect non-fatal errors when migrating watches.
W {} -> pure ()
e -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
allDone :: ReaderT (Env m v a) (StateT MigrationState m) ()
allDone = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Finished migrating, initiating cleanup."
in Sync.Progress {need, done, error, allDone}
allDone = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "\nFinished migrating, initiating cleanup.\n This will take a moment..."
in Sync.Progress {need, done, error = errorHandler, allDone}
type Old a = a
@ -166,7 +187,8 @@ data MigrationState = MigrationState
-- convert Object Reference IDs into Hash Reference IDs so we can use the referenceMapping.
objLookup :: Map (Old ObjectId) (New ObjectId, New HashId, New Hash, Old Hash),
-- Remember the hashes of term/decls that we have already migrated to avoid migrating them twice.
migratedDefnHashes :: Set (Old Hash)
migratedDefnHashes :: Set (Old Hash),
numMigrated :: Int
deriving (Generic)