Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/pretty-errors' into topic/delay

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-08-02 13:43:48 -04:00
commit ad1109c439
4 changed files with 200 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ renderTypeError :: (Var v, Annotated a, Eq a, Show a)
=> Env
-> TypeError v a
-> String
-> AT.AnnotatedDocument Color.Color
-> AT.AnnotatedDocument Color.Style
renderTypeError env e src = case e of
Mismatch {..} -> AT.AnnotatedDocument . Seq.fromList $
[ (fromString . annotatedToEnglish) mismatchSite
, " has a type mismatch (colored in ", AT.Text $ Color.color1 "red", " below):\n\n"
, " has a type mismatch (colored in ", AT.Text $ Color.errorSite "red", " below):\n\n"
, AT.Blockquote $ AT.markup (fromString src)
(Set.fromList $ catMaybes
[ (,Color.Color1) <$> rangeForAnnotated mismatchSite
, (,Color.Color2) <$> rangeForType overallType1
, (,Color.Color3) <$> rangeForType overallType2
[ (,Color.ErrorSite) <$> rangeForAnnotated mismatchSite
, (,Color.Type1) <$> rangeForType overallType1
, (,Color.Type2) <$> rangeForType overallType2
, "\n"
, "The two types involved are:\n\n"
, AT.Text $ styleInOverallType env overallType1 leaf1 Color.Color2
, AT.Text $ styleInOverallType env overallType1 leaf1 Color.Type1
, " (", fromString (annotatedToEnglish overallType1), ")\n and\n"
, AT.Text $ styleInOverallType env overallType2 leaf2 Color.Color3
, AT.Text $ styleInOverallType env overallType2 leaf2 Color.Type2
, " (from " , fromString (Char.toLower <$> annotatedToEnglish overallType2)
, ")\n\n"
@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ styleInOverallType :: (Var v, Annotated a, Eq a)
=> Env
-> C.Type v a
-> C.Type v a
-> Color.Color
-> Color.Style
-> StyledText
styleInOverallType e overallType leafType c =
renderType e f overallType
where f loc s = if loc == ABT.annotation leafType then Color.color c s else s
where f loc s = if loc == ABT.annotation leafType then c s else s
posToEnglish :: L.Pos -> String
posToEnglish (L.Pos l c) = "Line " ++ show l ++ ", Column " ++ show c
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ prettyTypecheckError :: (Var v, Eq loc, Show loc, Parser.Annotated loc)
-> String
-> C.Note v loc -> String
prettyTypecheckError env input n =
show . Color.renderDocInColor $
show . Color.renderDocANSI 3 $
(renderTypeError env (typeErrorFromNote n) input)
-- case cause of
-- C.TypeMismatch _ -> case path of

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Unison.Util.AnnotatedText where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Sequence (Seq((:|>)))
import Safe (lastMay)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Unison.Lexer (Line)
import Unison.Util.Range (Range)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Foldable (asum, foldl')
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence (Seq ((:|>)))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Safe (lastMay)
import Unison.Lexer (Line, Pos (..))
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
import Unison.Util.Range (Range (..))
newtype AnnotatedDocument a = AnnotatedDocument (Seq (Section a))
@ -27,17 +31,75 @@ data AnnotatedExcerpt a = AnnotatedExcerpt
, annotations :: Set (Range, a)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Rendered a = Rendered (Seq String)
excerptToDoc :: AnnotatedExcerpt a -> AnnotatedDocument a
excerptToDoc = AnnotatedDocument . pure . Blockquote
trailingNewLine :: AnnotatedText a -> Bool
trailingNewLine (AnnotatedText (init :|> (s,_))) =
case lastMay s of
Just '\n' -> True
Just _ -> False
_ -> trailingNewLine (AnnotatedText init)
Just _ -> False
_ -> trailingNewLine (AnnotatedText init)
trailingNewLine _ = False
markup :: Ord a => AnnotatedExcerpt a -> Set (Range, a) -> AnnotatedExcerpt a
markup a r = a { annotations = r `Set.union` annotations a }
splitAndRender :: Ord a
=> Int
-> (AnnotatedExcerpt a -> Rendered b)
-> AnnotatedExcerpt a -> Rendered b
splitAndRender n f e = intercalateMap " .\n" f $ snipWithContext n e
_deoffsetRange :: Line -> Range -> Range
_deoffsetRange lineOffset (Range (Pos startLine startCol) (Pos endLine endCol)) =
Range (Pos (startLine - lineOffset + 1) startCol)
(Pos (endLine - lineOffset + 1) endCol)
-- | drops lines and replaces with "." if there are more than `n` unannotated
-- | lines in a row.
snipWithContext :: Ord a => Int -> AnnotatedExcerpt a -> [AnnotatedExcerpt a]
snipWithContext margin source =
case foldl' whileWithinMargin
(Nothing, mempty, mempty)
(Set.toList $ annotations source) of
(Nothing, _, _) -> []
(Just (Range (Pos startLine' _) (Pos endLine' _)), group', rest') ->
let dropLineCount = startLine' - lineOffset source
takeLineCount = endLine' - startLine' + 1
text', text2' :: [String]
(text', text2') =
splitAt takeLineCount (drop dropLineCount (lines (text source)))
in AnnotatedExcerpt startLine' (unlines text') group'
: snipWithContext
margin (AnnotatedExcerpt (endLine' + 1) (unlines text2') rest')
withinMargin :: Range -> Range -> Bool
withinMargin (Range _start1 (Pos end1 _)) (Range (Pos start2 _) _end2) =
end1 + margin >= start2
whileWithinMargin :: Ord a
=> (Maybe Range, Set (Range, a), Set (Range, a))
-> (Range, a)
-> (Maybe Range, Set (Range, a), Set (Range, a))
whileWithinMargin (r0, taken, rest) a@(r1,_) =
case r0 of
Nothing -> -- haven't processed any annotations yet
(Just r1, Set.singleton a, mempty)
Just r0 ->
-- if all annotations so far can be joined without .. separations
if null rest
-- if this one can be joined to the new region without .. separation
then if withinMargin r0 r1
-- add it to the first set and grow the compare region
then (Just $ r0 <> r1, Set.insert a taken, mempty)
-- otherwise add it to the second set
else (Just r0, taken, Set.singleton a)
-- once we've added to the second set, anything more goes there too
else (Just r0, taken, Set.insert a rest)
instance IsString (AnnotatedDocument a) where
fromString = AnnotatedDocument . pure . fromString
@ -68,3 +130,16 @@ instance Monoid (AnnotatedText a) where
instance Functor AnnotatedText where
fmap f (AnnotatedText chunks) = AnnotatedText (second f <$> chunks)
instance Show (Rendered a) where
show (Rendered chunks) = asum chunks
instance Semigroup (Rendered a) where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid (Rendered a) where
mempty = Rendered mempty
mappend (Rendered chunks) (Rendered chunks') = Rendered (chunks <> chunks')
instance IsString (Rendered a) where
fromString s = Rendered (pure s)

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@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Unison.Util.ColorText where
import Data.Foldable (asum, foldl', toList)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Foldable (foldl', toList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Safe (headMay)
@ -18,184 +16,106 @@ import System.Console.ANSI (pattern Blue, pattern BoldIntensity,
pattern SetUnderlining,
pattern SingleUnderline, pattern Vivid,
import Unison.Lexer (Line, Pos (..))
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText
import Unison.Lexer (Pos (..))
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText (AnnotatedDocument (..),
AnnotatedText (..), Rendered (..),
Section (..), annotations,
lineOffset, splitAndRender, text,
import Unison.Util.Range (Range (..), inRange)
data Color = Color1 | Color2 | Color3 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type StyledText = AnnotatedText (Maybe Color)
type StyledBlockquote = AnnotatedExcerpt Color
data ANSI
data ASCII
data Style = Type1 | Type2 | ErrorSite deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type StyledText = AnnotatedText (Maybe Style)
type StyledBlockquote = AnnotatedExcerpt Style
toANSI :: Color -> Rendered
toANSI c = Rendered . pure . setSGRCode $ case c of
Color1 -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Red : [bold, underline]
Color2 -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Blue : [bold, underline]
Color3 -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Green : [bold, underline]
where bold = SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
underline = SetUnderlining SingleUnderline
unhighlighted :: StyledText -> StyledText
unhighlighted s = const Nothing <$> s
resetANSI :: Rendered
resetANSI = Rendered . pure . setSGRCode $ [Reset]
style :: Style -> StyledText -> StyledText
style c s = const (Just c) <$> s
newtype Rendered = Rendered (Seq String)
type1 :: StyledText -> StyledText
type1 s = const (Just Type1) <$> s
deoffsetRange :: Line -> Range -> Range
deoffsetRange lineOffset (Range (Pos startLine startCol) (Pos endLine endCol)) =
Range (Pos (startLine - lineOffset + 1) startCol)
(Pos (endLine - lineOffset + 1) endCol)
type2 :: StyledText -> StyledText
type2 s = const (Just Type2) <$> s
-- | drops lines and replaces with "." if there are more than `n` unannotated
-- | lines in a row.
splitAndRenderWithColor :: Int -> StyledBlockquote -> Rendered
splitAndRenderWithColor n e =
mconcat $ List.intersperse
" .\n"
(renderExcerptWithColor <$> snipWithContext n e)
errorSite :: StyledText -> StyledText
errorSite s = const (Just ErrorSite) <$> s
renderExcerptWithColor :: StyledBlockquote -> Rendered
renderExcerptWithColor e =
track (Pos line1 1) [] (Set.toList $ annotations e)
(Rendered . pure $ renderLineNumber line1) (text e)
renderDocANSI :: Int -> AnnotatedDocument Style -> Rendered ANSI
renderDocANSI excerptCollapseWidth (AnnotatedDocument chunks) =
go $ toList chunks
line1 :: Int
line1 = lineOffset e
renderLineNumber n = " " ++ replicate (lineNumberWidth - length sn) ' ' ++ sn ++ " | " where sn = show n
lineNumberWidth = 4 --length (show maxLineIndex)
-- where maxLineIndex = line1 - 1 + length (lines (text e))
setupNewLine :: Rendered -> Pos -> Char -> (Rendered, Pos)
setupNewLine openColor (Pos line col) c = case c of
'\n' -> let r = Rendered . pure $ renderLineNumber (line + 1)
in (r <> openColor, Pos (line + 1) 1)
_ -> (mempty, Pos line (col + 1))
track :: Pos -> [(Color, Pos)] -> [(Range, Color)] -> Rendered -> String -> Rendered
track _pos stack _annotations rendered "" =
rendered <> if null stack then mempty else resetANSI
track pos stack annotations rendered _input@(c:rest) =
let -- get whichever annotations may now be open
(poppedAnnotations, remainingAnnotations) = span (inRange pos . fst) annotations
-- drop any stack entries that will be closed after this char
stack0 = dropWhile ((<=pos) . snd) stack
-- and add new stack entries
stack' = foldl' pushColor stack0 poppedAnnotations
where pushColor s (Range _ end, color) = (color, end) : s
resetColor = -- stack is newly null, and there are no newly opened annotations
if null poppedAnnotations && null stack' && not (null stack)
then resetANSI else mempty
maybeColor = fst <$> headMay stack'
openColor = maybe mempty toANSI maybeColor
(lineHeader, pos') = setupNewLine openColor pos c
lineHeader' = if null rest then mempty else lineHeader
newChar =
if c == '\n'
then (Rendered . pure) [c] <> resetANSI <> lineHeader'
else openColor <> (Rendered . pure) [c]
in track pos' stack' remainingAnnotations
(rendered <> newChar <> resetColor) rest
snipWithContext :: Ord a => Int -> AnnotatedExcerpt a -> [AnnotatedExcerpt a]
snipWithContext margin source =
case foldl' whileWithinMargin
(Nothing, mempty, mempty)
(Set.toList $ annotations source) of
(Nothing, _, _) -> []
(Just (Range (Pos startLine' _) (Pos endLine' _)), group', rest') ->
let dropLineCount = startLine' - lineOffset source
takeLineCount = endLine' - startLine' + 1
text', text2' :: [String]
(text', text2') =
splitAt takeLineCount (drop dropLineCount (lines (text source)))
in AnnotatedExcerpt startLine' (unlines text') group'
: snipWithContext
margin (AnnotatedExcerpt (endLine' + 1) (unlines text2') rest')
withinMargin :: Range -> Range -> Bool
withinMargin (Range _start1 (Pos end1 _)) (Range (Pos start2 _) _end2) =
end1 + margin >= start2
whileWithinMargin :: Ord a
=> (Maybe Range, Set (Range, a), Set (Range, a))
-> (Range, a)
-> (Maybe Range, Set (Range, a), Set (Range, a))
whileWithinMargin (r0, taken, rest) a@(r1,_) =
case r0 of
Nothing -> -- haven't processed any annotations yet
(Just r1, Set.singleton a, mempty)
Just r0 ->
if null rest -- if all annotations so far can be joined without .. separations
then if withinMargin r0 r1 -- if this one can be joined to the compare region without .. separation
then (Just $ r0 <> r1, Set.insert a taken, mempty) -- add it to the first set and grow the compare region
else (Just r0, taken, Set.singleton a) -- otherwise add it to the second set
else (Just r0, taken, Set.insert a rest) -- once we've added to the second set, anything more goes there too
renderStyleTextWithColor :: StyledText -> Rendered
renderStyleTextWithColor (AnnotatedText chunks) = foldl' go mempty chunks
where go :: Rendered -> (String, Maybe Color) -> Rendered
go r (text, Nothing) = r <> resetANSI <> fromString text
go r (text, Just color) = r <> toANSI color <> fromString text
renderDocInColor :: AnnotatedDocument Color -> Rendered
renderDocInColor (AnnotatedDocument chunks) = go $ toList chunks where
go [] = mempty
go (Blockquote exc : rest) = splitAndRenderWithColor 3 exc <> go rest
go (Blockquote exc : rest) =
splitAndRender excerptCollapseWidth renderExcerptWithColor exc <> go rest
go (Text t : rest@(Blockquote _ : _)) =
renderStyleTextWithColor t
<> (if trailingNewLine t then mempty else "\n")
<> go rest
go (Text t : rest) = renderStyleTextWithColor t <> go rest
toANSI :: Style -> Rendered ANSI
toANSI c = Rendered . pure . setSGRCode $ case c of
ErrorSite -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Red : [bold, underline]
Type1 -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Blue : [bold, underline]
Type2 -> SetColor Foreground Vivid Green : [bold, underline]
where bold = SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
underline = SetUnderlining SingleUnderline
1 | foo : Int
2 | foo = 42
3:80 |
> Hello, world!
> Goodbye, world!
resetANSI :: Rendered ANSI
resetANSI = Rendered . pure . setSGRCode $ [Reset]
Highlight: Line 1, Cols 1-5
Highlight: Line 2, Cols 1-7
renderStyleTextWithColor :: StyledText -> Rendered ANSI
renderStyleTextWithColor (AnnotatedText chunks) = foldl' go mempty chunks
where go :: Rendered ANSI -> (String, Maybe Style) -> Rendered ANSI
go r (text, Nothing) = r <> resetANSI <> fromString text
go r (text, Just style) = r <> toANSI style <> fromString text
unhighlighted :: StyledText -> StyledText
unhighlighted s = const Nothing <$> s
renderExcerptWithColor :: StyledBlockquote -> Rendered ANSI
renderExcerptWithColor e =
track (Pos line1 1) [] (Set.toList $ annotations e)
(Rendered . pure $ renderLineNumber line1) (text e)
line1 :: Int
line1 = lineOffset e
color :: Color -> StyledText -> StyledText
color c s = const (Just c) <$> s
renderLineNumber n =
" " ++ replicate (lineNumberWidth - length sn) ' ' ++ sn ++ " | "
where sn = show n
lineNumberWidth = 4
color1 :: StyledText -> StyledText
color1 s = const (Just Color1) <$> s
setupNewLine :: Rendered ANSI -> Pos -> Char -> (Rendered ANSI, Pos)
setupNewLine openColor (Pos line col) c = case c of
'\n' -> let r = Rendered . pure $ renderLineNumber (line + 1)
in (r <> openColor, Pos (line + 1) 1)
_ -> (mempty, Pos line (col + 1))
color2 :: StyledText -> StyledText
color2 s = const (Just Color2) <$> s
color3 :: StyledText -> StyledText
color3 s = const (Just Color3) <$> s
-- data AnnotatedText
-- = Line { line :: String -- cannot contain newlines
-- , overline :: Maybe String
-- , underline :: Maybe String
-- , colorRegions :: Map (Column) }
-- -- , colorline :: String
-- * Don't print out source that isn't related to the error
-- * Color regions that are related to the error
-- * Insert lines with carets in place of using colors in some cases
-- vvvvv
-- Foo
instance Show Rendered where
show (Rendered chunks) = asum chunks
instance Semigroup Rendered where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid Rendered where
mempty = Rendered mempty
mappend (Rendered chunks) (Rendered chunks') = Rendered (chunks <> chunks')
instance IsString Rendered where
fromString s = Rendered (pure s)
track :: Pos -> [(Style, Pos)] -> [(Range, Style)] -> Rendered ANSI -> String -> Rendered ANSI
track _pos stack _annotations rendered _input@"" =
rendered <> if null stack then mempty else resetANSI
track pos stack annotations rendered _input@(c:rest) =
let -- get whichever annotations may now be open
(poppedAnnotations, remainingAnnotations) = span (inRange pos . fst) annotations
-- drop any stack entries that will be closed after this char
stack0 = dropWhile ((<=pos) . snd) stack
-- and add new stack entries
stack' = foldl' pushColor stack0 poppedAnnotations
where pushColor s (Range _ end, style) = (style, end) : s
resetColor = -- stack is newly null, and there are no newly opened annotations
if null poppedAnnotations && null stack' && not (null stack)
then resetANSI else mempty
maybeColor = fst <$> headMay stack'
openColor = maybe mempty toANSI maybeColor
(lineHeader, pos') = setupNewLine openColor pos c
lineHeader' = if null rest then mempty else lineHeader
newChar =
if c == '\n'
then (Rendered . pure) [c] <> resetANSI <> lineHeader'
else openColor <> (Rendered . pure) [c]
in track pos' stack' remainingAnnotations
(rendered <> newChar <> resetColor) rest

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@ -3,34 +3,35 @@
module Unison.Test.ColorText where
-- import EasyTest
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Unison.Lexer (Pos (..))
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText (AnnotatedExcerpt (..), markup)
import Unison.Util.ColorText (Color (..), Rendered,
import Unison.Util.Range (Range (..))
import Unison.Lexer (Pos (..))
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText (AnnotatedExcerpt (..), Rendered,
excerptToDoc, markup)
import Unison.Util.ColorText (ANSI, Style (..), renderDocANSI)
import Unison.Util.Range (Range (..))
ex2 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
ex2 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Style
ex2 = markup ex (Set.fromList
[ (Range (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 5), Color2) -- SCENE
, (Range (Pos 5 1) (Pos 5 5), Color1) -- Enter
, (Range (Pos 25 1) (Pos 25 6), Color2) -- ALONSO
, (Range (Pos 12 1) (Pos 13 44), Color1) -- Good, ... bestir.
[ (Range (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 5), ErrorSite) -- SCENE
, (Range (Pos 5 9) (Pos 5 14), Type1) -- Master
, (Range (Pos 5 22) (Pos 5 30), Type1) -- Boatswain
, (Range (Pos 25 1) (Pos 25 6), ErrorSite) -- ALONSO
, (Range (Pos 12 30) (Pos 13 27), Type2) -- fall ... aground.
renderEx2 :: Rendered
renderEx2 = renderExcerptWithColor ex2
renderEx2 :: Rendered ANSI
renderEx2 = renderDocANSI 3 . excerptToDoc $ ex2
ex3 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
ex3 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Style
ex3 = markup "Hello, world!" $ Set.fromList
[ (Range (Pos 1 8) (Pos 1 12), Color1)
, (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Color2) ]
[ (Range (Pos 1 8) (Pos 1 12), Type1)
, (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Type2) ]
ex4 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Color
ex4 :: AnnotatedExcerpt Style
ex4 = markup "Hello,\nworld!" $ Set.fromList
[ (Range (Pos 2 1) (Pos 2 5), Color1)
, (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Color2) ]
[ (Range (Pos 2 1) (Pos 2 5), Type1)
, (Range (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 5), Type2) ]
ex :: Ord a => AnnotatedExcerpt a
ex = [r|The Tempest | Act 1, Scene 1