add fast-forward path api

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2022-05-04 12:14:27 -04:00
parent f6aca6807d
commit adff263d9e
3 changed files with 95 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Unison.Sync.HTTP
( getPathHandler,
@ -28,20 +29,28 @@ data SyncError
deriving anyclass (Exception)
getPathHandler :: Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient -> BaseUrl -> GetCausalHashByPathRequest -> IO GetCausalHashByPathResponse
fastForwardPathHandler :: Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient -> BaseUrl -> FastForwardPathRequest -> IO FastForwardPathResponse
updatePathHandler :: Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient -> BaseUrl -> UpdatePathRequest -> IO UpdatePathResponse
downloadEntitiesHandler :: Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient -> BaseUrl -> DownloadEntitiesRequest -> IO DownloadEntitiesResponse
uploadEntitiesHandler :: Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient -> BaseUrl -> UploadEntitiesRequest -> IO UploadEntitiesResponse
( getPathHandler,
) =
let ( getPathHandler
:<|> fastForwardPathHandler
:<|> updatePathHandler
:<|> downloadEntitiesHandler
:<|> uploadEntitiesHandler
) = hoistClient Sync.api hoist (client Sync.api)
in (uncurryReaderT getPathHandler, uncurryReaderT updatePathHandler, uncurryReaderT downloadEntitiesHandler, uncurryReaderT uploadEntitiesHandler)
in ( uncurryReaderT getPathHandler,
uncurryReaderT fastForwardPathHandler,
uncurryReaderT updatePathHandler,
uncurryReaderT downloadEntitiesHandler,
uncurryReaderT uploadEntitiesHandler
hoist :: forall a. ClientM a -> ReaderT (Auth.AuthorizedHttpClient, BaseUrl) IO a
hoist m = do

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ api = Proxy
type API =
"path" :> "get" :> GetCausalHashByPathEndpoint
:<|> "path" :> "fast-forward" :> FastForwardPathEndpoint
:<|> "path" :> "update" :> UpdatePathEndpoint
:<|> "entities" :> "download" :> DownloadEntitiesEndpoint
:<|> "entities" :> "upload" :> UploadEntitiesEndpoint
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@ type GetCausalHashByPathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] GetCausalHashByPathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] GetCausalHashByPathResponse
type FastForwardPathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] FastForwardPathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] FastForwardPathResponse
type UpdatePathEndpoint =
ReqBody '[JSON] UpdatePathRequest
:> Post '[JSON] UpdatePathResponse

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@ -209,6 +209,85 @@ instance FromJSON DownloadEntitiesResponse where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "DownloadEntitiesResponse" $ \obj -> do
DownloadEntitiesResponse <$> obj .: "entities"
-- Fast-forward path
-- | A non-empty list of causal hashes, latest first, that show the lineage from wherever the client wants to
-- fast-forward to back to wherever the (client believes the) server is (not including the server head).
-- For example, if the client wants to update
-- @
-- A -> B -> C
-- @
-- to
-- @
-- A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
-- @
-- then it would send hashes
-- @
-- [F, E, D]
-- @
-- Note that if the client wants to begin a history at a new path on the server, it would use the "update path" endpoint
-- instead.
data FastForwardPathRequest = FastForwardPathRequest
{ hashes :: [Hash],
-- | The repo + path to fast-forward.
path :: RepoPath
deriving stock (Show)
instance ToJSON FastForwardPathRequest where
toJSON FastForwardPathRequest {hashes, path} =
[ "hashes" .= hashes,
"path" .= path
instance FromJSON FastForwardPathRequest where
parseJSON =
Aeson.withObject "FastForwardPathRequest" \o -> do
hashes <- o .: "hashes"
path <- o .: "path"
pure FastForwardPathRequest {hashes, path}
data FastForwardPathResponse
= FastForwardPathSuccess
| FastForwardPathMissingDependencies (NeedDependencies Hash)
| FastForwardPathNoWritePermission RepoPath
| -- | This wasn't a fast-forward. Here's a JWT to download the causal head, if you want it.
FastForwardPathNotFastForward HashJWT
| -- | There was no history at this path; the client should use the "update path" endpoint instead.
deriving stock (Show)
instance ToJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
toJSON = \case
FastForwardPathSuccess -> jsonUnion "success" (Object mempty)
FastForwardPathMissingDependencies deps -> jsonUnion "missing_dependencies" deps
FastForwardPathNoWritePermission repoPath -> jsonUnion "no_write_permission" repoPath
FastForwardPathNotFastForward hashJwt -> jsonUnion "not_fast_forward" hashJwt
FastForwardPathNoHistory -> jsonUnion "no_history" (Object mempty)
instance FromJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
parseJSON =
Aeson.withObject "FastForwardPathResponse" \o ->
o .: "type" >>= Aeson.withText "type" \case
"success" -> pure FastForwardPathSuccess
"missing_dependencies" -> FastForwardPathMissingDependencies <$> o .: "payload"
"no_write_permission" -> FastForwardPathNoWritePermission <$> o .: "payload"
"not_fast_forward" -> FastForwardPathNotFastForward <$> o .: "payload"
"no_history" -> pure FastForwardPathNoHistory
t -> failText $ "Unexpected FastForwardPathResponse type: " <> t
-- Update path
data UpdatePathRequest = UpdatePathRequest
{ path :: RepoPath,
expectedHash :: Maybe TypedHash, -- Nothing requires empty history at destination
@ -254,7 +333,7 @@ instance ToJSON UpdatePathResponse where
instance FromJSON UpdatePathResponse where
parseJSON v =
v & Aeson.withObject "UploadEntitiesResponse" \obj ->
v & Aeson.withObject "UpdatePathResponse" \obj ->
obj .: "type" >>= Aeson.withText "type" \case
"success" -> pure UpdatePathSuccess
"hash_mismatch" -> UpdatePathHashMismatch <$> obj .: "payload"