split up deepTerms/deepTermMetadata

diff0 still todo
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2019-12-16 14:25:24 -05:00
parent c442523c11
commit ae23874712
7 changed files with 86 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ data Branch0 m = Branch0
, _edits :: Map NameSegment (EditHash, m Patch)
-- names and metadata for this branch and its children
-- (ref, (name, value)) iff ref has metadata `value` at name `name`
, deepTerms :: Metadata.R4 Referent Name
, deepTypes :: Metadata.R4 Reference Name
, deepTerms :: Relation Referent Name
, deepTypes :: Relation Reference Name
, deepTermMetadata :: Metadata.R4 Referent Name
, deepTypeMetadata :: Metadata.R4 Reference Name
, deepPaths :: Set Path
, deepEdits :: Map Name EditHash
@ -117,8 +119,8 @@ makeLensesFor [("_edits", "edits")] ''Branch0
makeLenses ''Raw
toNames0 :: Branch0 m -> Names0
toNames0 b = Names (R.swap . R4.d12 . deepTerms $ b)
(R.swap . R4.d12 . deepTypes $ b)
toNames0 b = Names (R.swap . deepTerms $ b)
(R.swap . deepTypes $ b)
-- This stops searching for a given ShortHash once it encounters
-- any term or type in any Branch0 that satisfies that ShortHash.
@ -166,18 +168,18 @@ findInHistory termMatches typeMatches queries b =
findQ :: (Set q, Names0) -> q -> (Set q, Names0)
findQ acc sh =
foldl' (doType sh) (foldl' (doTerm sh) acc
(R.toList . R4.d12 $ deepTerms b0))
(R.toList . R4.d12 $ deepTypes b0)
(R.toList $ deepTerms b0))
(R.toList $ deepTypes b0)
doTerm q acc@(remainingSHs, names0) (r, n) = if termMatches q r n
then (Set.delete q remainingSHs, Names.addTerm n r names0) else acc
doType q acc@(remainingSHs, names0) (r, n) = if typeMatches q r n
then (Set.delete q remainingSHs, Names.addType n r names0) else acc
deepReferents :: Branch0 m -> Set Referent
deepReferents = R4.d1set . deepTerms
deepReferents = R.dom . deepTerms
deepTypeReferences :: Branch0 m -> Set Reference
deepTypeReferences = R4.d1set . deepTypes
deepTypeReferences = R.dom . deepTypes
terms :: Lens' (Branch0 m) (Star Referent NameSegment)
terms = lens _terms (\Branch0{..} x -> branch0 x _types _children _edits)
@ -196,19 +198,31 @@ branch0 :: Metadata.Star Referent NameSegment
-> Branch0 m
branch0 terms types children edits =
Branch0 terms types children edits
deepTerms' deepTypes' deepPaths' deepEdits'
deepTerms' deepTypes'
deepTermMetadata' deepTypeMetadata'
deepPaths' deepEdits'
nameSegToName = Name . NameSegment.toText
deepTerms' = R4.mapD2 nameSegToName (Metadata.starToR4 terms)
deepTerms' = (R.mapRan nameSegToName . Star3.d1) terms
<> foldMap go (Map.toList children)
go (nameSegToName -> n, b) =
R4.mapD2 (Name.joinDot n) (deepTerms $ head b)
deepTypes' = R4.mapD2 nameSegToName (Metadata.starToR4 types)
R.mapRan (Name.joinDot n) (deepTerms $ head b) -- could use mapKeysMonotonic
deepTypes' = (R.mapRan nameSegToName . Star3.d1) types
<> foldMap go (Map.toList children)
go (nameSegToName -> n, b) =
R4.mapD2 (Name.joinDot n) (deepTypes $ head b)
R.mapRan (Name.joinDot n) (deepTypes $ head b) -- could use mapKeysMonotonic
deepTermMetadata' = R4.mapD2 nameSegToName (Metadata.starToR4 terms)
<> foldMap go (Map.toList children)
go (nameSegToName -> n, b) =
R4.mapD2 (Name.joinDot n) (deepTermMetadata $ head b)
deepTypeMetadata' = R4.mapD2 nameSegToName (Metadata.starToR4 types)
<> foldMap go (Map.toList children)
go (nameSegToName -> n, b) =
R4.mapD2 (Name.joinDot n) (deepTypeMetadata $ head b)
deepPaths' = Set.map Path.singleton (Map.keysSet children)
<> foldMap go (Map.toList children)
where go (nameSeg, b) = Set.map (Path.cons nameSeg) (deepPaths $ head b)
@ -462,7 +476,8 @@ one :: Branch0 m -> Branch m
one = Branch . Causal.one
empty0 :: Branch0 m
empty0 = Branch0 mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
empty0 =
Branch0 mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
isEmpty0 :: Branch0 m -> Bool
isEmpty0 = (== empty0)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase.BranchDiff where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch0(..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
--import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Metadata as Metadata
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Patch as P
import qualified Unison.Codebase.TermEdit as TermEdit
@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ data BranchDiff = BranchDiff
diff0 :: forall m. Monad m => Branch0 m -> Branch0 m -> P.Patch -> BranchDiff
diff0 old new patch = BranchDiff terms types where
(terms, types) =
(deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTerms old))
(deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTerms new))
(deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTypes old))
(deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTypes new))
diff0 _old _new _patch = BranchDiff terms types where
(terms, types) = undefined
-- computeSlices
-- (deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTerms old))
-- (deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTerms new))
-- (deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTypes old))
-- (deepr4ToSlice (Branch.deepTypes new))
-- patch
--unpackMetadata :: Branch0 m ->

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@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ loop = do
else respond $ ShowDiff input (Branch.namesDiff destb merged)
DiffNamespaceI before0 after0 patch0 -> do
let [beforep, afterp] =
let [beforep, afterp] =
Path.toAbsolutePath currentPath' <$> [before0, after0]
before <- Branch.head <$> getAt beforep
after <- Branch.head <$> getAt afterp
@ -878,8 +878,8 @@ loop = do
1 -> HQ'.fromName ns
_ -> HQ'.take hashLen $ HQ'.fromNamedReference ns r
defnCount b =
(R4.size . deepTerms $ Branch.head b) +
(R4.size . deepTypes $ Branch.head b)
(R.size . deepTerms $ Branch.head b) +
(R.size . deepTypes $ Branch.head b)
patchCount b = (length . deepEdits $ Branch.head b)
termEntries <- for (R.toList . Star3.d1 $ _terms b0) $
@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ loop = do
TestI showOk showFail -> do
testTerms = Map.keys . R4.d1 . (uncurry R4.selectD34) isTest
. Branch.deepTerms $ currentBranch0
. Branch.deepTermMetadata $ currentBranch0
testRefs = Set.fromList [ r | Referent.Ref r <- toList testTerms ]
oks results =
[ (r, msg)

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@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ type Metadata = Map Type (Set Value)
-- `Type` is the type of metadata. Duplicate info to speed up certain queries.
-- `(Type, Value)` is the metadata value itself along with its type.
type Star a n = Star3 a n Type (Type, Value)
type R4 a n = R4.Relation4 a n Type Value
type R4 a n = R4.Relation4 a n Type Value
-- starToR4 not needed if https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/1060
starToR4 :: (Ord r, Ord n) => Star r n -> Relation4 r n Type Value
starToR4 = R4.fromList . fmap (\(r,n,_,(t,v)) -> (r,n,t,v)) . Star3.toList

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@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ import qualified Unison.Hashable as H
import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as R
-- Represents a set of (fact, d1, d2, d3), but indexed using a star schema so
-- it can be efficiently quried from any of the dimensions.
-- it can be efficiently queried from any of the dimensions.
data Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
= Star3 { fact :: Set fact
, d1 :: Relation fact d1
, d2 :: Relation fact d2
, d3 :: Relation fact d3 } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- use this function, lol
toList :: (Ord fact, Ord d1, Ord d2, Ord d3)
=> Star3 fact d1 d2 d3
-> [(fact, d1, d2, d3)]

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@ -28,24 +28,31 @@ toList :: Relation3 a b c -> [(a,b,c)]
toList = fmap (\(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)) . toNestedList
toNestedList :: Relation3 a b c -> [(a,(b,c))]
toNestedList r3 =
toNestedList r3 =
[ (a,bc) | (a,r2) <- Map.toList $ d1 r3
, bc <- R.toList r2 ]
, bc <- R.toList r2 ]
insert, delete
:: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c)
=> a -> b -> c -> Relation3 a b c -> Relation3 a b c
insert a b c Relation3{..} =
(Map.update (Just . R.insert b c) a d1)
(Map.update (Just . R.insert a c) b d2)
(Map.update (Just . R.insert a b) c d3)
(Map.alter (ins b c) a d1)
(Map.alter (ins a c) b d2)
(Map.alter (ins a b) c d3)
ins x y = Just . R.insert x y . fromMaybe mempty
delete a b c Relation3{..} =
(Map.update (Just . R.delete b c) a d1)
(Map.update (Just . R.delete a c) b d2)
(Map.update (Just . R.delete a b) c d3)
(Map.alter (del b c) a d1)
(Map.alter (del a c) b d2)
(Map.alter (del a b) c d3)
del _ _ Nothing = Nothing
del x y (Just r) =
let r' = R.delete x y r
in if r' == mempty then Nothing else Just r'
instance (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Semigroup (Relation3 a b c) where
(<>) = mappend

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@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ data Relation4 a b c d
, d4 :: Map d (Relation3 a b c)
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d) => Show (Relation4 a b c d) where
show = show . toList
size :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d) => Relation4 a b c d -> Int
size = getSum . foldMap (Sum . R3.size) . d1
@ -44,18 +47,18 @@ fromList xs = insertAll xs empty
filter :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d) => ((a,b,c,d) -> Bool) -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b c d
filter f = fromList . Prelude.filter f . toList
selectD3 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
selectD3 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
=> c -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b c d
selectD3 c r =
fromList [ (a,b,c,d) | (a,b,d) <- maybe [] R3.toList $ Map.lookup c (d3 r) ]
selectD3 c r =
fromList [ (a,b,c,d) | (a,b,d) <- maybe [] R3.toList $ Map.lookup c (d3 r) ]
selectD34 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
selectD34 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d)
=> c -> d -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b c d
selectD34 c d r =
fromList [ (a,b,c,d)
| (a,b) <- maybe [] (maybe [] R.toList . Map.lookup d . R3.d3)
selectD34 c d r =
fromList [ (a,b,c,d)
| (a,b) <- maybe [] (maybe [] R.toList . Map.lookup d . R3.d3)
(Map.lookup c (d3 r))
d1set :: Ord a => Relation4 a b c d -> Set a
d1set = Map.keysSet . d1
@ -76,17 +79,24 @@ insert, delete
=> a -> b -> c -> d -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b c d
insert a b c d Relation4{..} =
(Map.update (Just . R3.insert b c d) a d1)
(Map.update (Just . R3.insert a c d) b d2)
(Map.update (Just . R3.insert a b d) c d3)
(Map.update (Just . R3.insert a b c) d d4)
(Map.alter (ins b c d) a d1)
(Map.alter (ins a c d) b d2)
(Map.alter (ins a b d) c d3)
(Map.alter (ins a b c) d d4)
ins x y z = Just . R3.insert x y z . fromMaybe mempty
delete a b c d Relation4{..} =
(Map.update (Just . R3.delete b c d) a d1)
(Map.update (Just . R3.delete a c d) b d2)
(Map.update (Just . R3.delete a b d) c d3)
(Map.update (Just . R3.delete a b c) d d4)
(Map.alter (del b c d) a d1)
(Map.alter (del a c d) b d2)
(Map.alter (del a b d) c d3)
(Map.alter (del a b c) d d4)
del _ _ _ Nothing = Nothing
del x y z (Just r) =
let r' = R3.delete x y z r
in if r' == mempty then Nothing else Just r'
mapD2 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord b', Ord c, Ord d)
=> (b -> b') -> Relation4 a b c d -> Relation4 a b' c d