report free type vars before starting typechecking

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-06-21 18:30:43 -04:00
parent a38ebba0e2
commit ae72fa22c7
3 changed files with 15 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ typeMap f t = go t where
wrapV :: Ord v => AnnotatedTerm v a -> AnnotatedTerm (ABT.V v) a
wrapV = vmap ABT.Bound
freeVars :: Term v -> Set v
freeVars :: AnnotatedTerm' vt v a -> Set v
freeVars = ABT.freeVars
freeTypeVars :: Ord vt => AnnotatedTerm' vt v a -> Set vt

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ underlying (Universal v) = v
underlying (Existential v) = v
instance Show v => Show (TypeVar v) where
show (Universal v) = "@" ++ show v
show (Universal v) = show v
show (Existential v) = "'" ++ show v
instance Var v => Var (TypeVar v) where

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@ -901,28 +901,36 @@ synthesizeClosed' :: Var v
-> DataDeclarations v
-> Term v
-> M v (Type v)
synthesizeClosed' abilities decls term | Set.null (ABT.freeVars term) =
synthesizeClosed' abilities decls term
| Set.null (ABT.freeVars term) =
verifyDataDeclarations decls *>
case runM (synthesize term) (MEnv env0 abilities decls True) of
Left err -> M $ \_ -> Left err
Right (t,env) -> pure $ generalizeExistentials (ctx env) t
synthesizeClosed' _abilities _decls term =
fail $ "cannot synthesize term with free variables: " ++ show (map $ Set.toList (ABT.freeVars term))
fail $ "Unknown symbols: " ++ show (Set.toList . ABT.freeVars $ term)
checkClosed :: (Monad f, Var v) => Term v -> Noted f ()
checkClosed t =
let fvs = Set.toList $ Term.freeVars t
fvts = Set.toList $ Term.freeTypeVars t
in if null fvs && null fvts
then pure ()
else fail $ "Unknown symbols: " ++ intercalate ", " (Set.toList . Set.fromList $ map show fvs ++ map show fvts)
synthesizeClosedAnnotated :: (Monad f, Var v)
=> [Type v]
-> DataDeclarations v
-> Term v
-> Noted f (Type v)
synthesizeClosedAnnotated abilities decls term | Set.null (ABT.freeVars term) = do
synthesizeClosedAnnotated abilities decls term = do
checkClosed term
Note.fromEither $
runM (verifyDataDeclarations decls *> synthesize term)
(MEnv env0 abilities decls True)
>>= \(t,env) ->
-- we generalize over any remaining unsolved existentials
pure $ generalizeExistentials (ctx env) t
synthesizeClosedAnnotated _abilities _decls term =
fail $ "cannot synthesize term with free variables: " ++ show (map $ Set.toList (ABT.freeVars term))
verifyDataDeclarations :: Var v => DataDeclarations v -> M v ()
verifyDataDeclarations decls = forM_ (Map.toList decls) $ \(r, decl) -> do