Algorithmic context well formedness

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Paul Chiusano 2013-09-21 22:15:49 -04:00
parent 1de38e9f2e
commit b4486ac6ce
2 changed files with 71 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,40 @@
module Unison.Type.Context where
import Unison.Syntax.Type as T
import Unison.Syntax.Var as V
import Unison.Type.Context.Element as E
-- | An ordered algorithmic context
data Context (t :: E.T) sa a v = Context [Element t sa a v]
-- | Extend this `Context` by one element
extend :: Element t sa a v -> Context t sa a v -> Context t sa a v
extend e (Context ctx) = Context (e : ctx)
-- | Extend this `Context`
extendUniversal :: Context t sa a (Var v) -> Context t sa a (Var v)
extendUniversal (Context ctx) =
Context (Universal V.bound1 : map (fmap V.succ) ctx)
universals :: Context t sa a v -> [v]
universals (Context ctx) = [v | Universal v <- ctx]
existentials :: Context t sa a v -> [v]
existentials (Context ctx) = ctx >>= go where
go (Existential v) = [v]
go (Solved v _) = [v]
go _ = []
wellformedType :: Eq v => Context t sa a (V.Var v) -> Type t' c k v -> Bool
wellformedType c t = case t of
Unit -> True
Var v -> v `elem` universals c
Exists v -> v `elem` existentials c
Arrow i o -> wellformedType c i && wellformedType c o
T.Ann t' _ -> wellformedType c t'
Constrain t' _ -> wellformedType c t'
-- if there are no deletes in middle, may be more efficient to weaken t'
Forall t' -> wellformedType (extendUniversal c) t'

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@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Unison.Type.Context.Element where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable
-- Kind used to tag contexts
data T = Complete | Incomplete
@ -20,6 +25,39 @@ data Element (t :: T) sa a v where
Ann :: v -> a -> Element t sa a v -- | ^ `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
Marker :: v -> Element t sa a v -- | ^ used for scoping somehow
instance Functor (Element t sa a) where
fmap f e = case e of
Universal v -> Universal (f v)
Existential v -> Existential (f v)
Solved v sa -> Solved (f v) sa
Ann v a -> Ann (f v) a
Marker v -> Marker (f v)
_Universal :: Simple Prism (Element t sa a v) v
_Universal = prism Universal go where
go (Universal v) = Right v
go e = Left e
_Existential :: Simple Prism (Element Incomplete sa a v) v
_Existential = prism Existential go where
go (Existential v) = Right v
go e = Left e
_Solved :: Simple Prism (Element t sa a v) (v, sa)
_Solved = prism (uncurry Solved) go where
go (Solved v t) = Right (v, t)
go e = Left e
_Ann :: Simple Prism (Element t sa a v) (v, a)
_Ann = prism (uncurry Ann) go where
go (Ann v t) = Right (v, t)
go e = Left e
_Marker :: Simple Prism (Element t sa a v) v
_Marker = prism Marker go where
go (Marker v) = Right v
go e = Left e
deriving instance (Eq sa, Eq a, Eq v) => Eq (Element t sa a v)
deriving instance (Show sa, Show a, Show v) => Show (Element t sa a v)
deriving instance (Ord sa, Ord a, Ord v) => Ord (Element t sa a v)