Include LHS of binary exprs in annotation (#3640)

* Include LHS of binary exprs in annotation

* Add combinators from Hover branch for testing

* Finish adding LSP annotation tests

* Fix custom op lhs annotations
This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2022-12-05 09:56:57 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent d26cc7bea6
commit b45b07ae93
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 292 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ data ABT f v r
| Cycle r
| Abs v r
| Tm (f r)
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | At each level in the tree, we store the set of free variables and
-- a value of type `a`. Variables are of type `v`.

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ module Unison.Prelude
-- * @Either@ control flow
@ -74,6 +76,14 @@ import UnliftIO as X (MonadUnliftIO (..), askRunInIO, askUnliftIO, try, withUnli
import qualified UnliftIO
import Witherable as X (filterA, forMaybe, mapMaybe, wither, witherMap)
-- | Like 'fold' but for Alternative.
altSum :: (Alternative f, Foldable t) => t (f a) -> f a
altSum = foldl' (<|>) empty
-- | Like 'foldMap' but for Alternative.
altMap :: (Alternative f, Foldable t) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b
altMap f = altSum . fmap f . toList
-- | E.g.
-- @@

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@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ type Pretty = P.Pretty P.ColorText
data CreateCodebaseError
= CreateCodebaseAlreadyExists
deriving stock (Show)

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@ -934,11 +934,11 @@ infixAppOrBooleanOp :: Var v => TermP v
infixAppOrBooleanOp = chainl1 term4 (or <|> and <|> infixApp)
or = orf <$> label "or" (reserved "||")
orf op lhs rhs = Term.or (ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
orf op lhs rhs = Term.or (ann lhs <> ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
and = andf <$> label "and" (reserved "&&")
andf op lhs rhs = Term.and (ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
andf op lhs rhs = Term.and (ann lhs <> ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
infixApp = infixAppf <$> label "infixApp" (hashQualifiedInfixTerm <* optional semi)
infixAppf op lhs rhs = Term.apps op [(ann lhs, lhs), (ann rhs, rhs)]
infixAppf op lhs rhs = Term.apps' op [lhs, rhs]
typedecl :: Var v => P v (L.Token v, Type v Ann)
typedecl =

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
-- | Rewrites of some codebase queries, but which check the scratch file for info first.
module Unison.LSP.Queries
( refInTerm,
import Control.Lens
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.ConstructorType as CT
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.LSP.Orphans ()
import Unison.LabeledDependency
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import Unison.Lexer.Pos (Pos (..))
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import qualified Unison.Parser.Ann as Ann
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Reference (TypeReference)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (MatchCase (MatchCase), Term)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
-- | Returns the reference a given term node refers to, if any.
refInTerm :: (Term v a -> Maybe LabeledDependency)
refInTerm term =
case ABT.out term of
ABT.Tm f -> case f of
Term.Int {} -> Nothing
Term.Nat {} -> Nothing
Term.Float {} -> Nothing
Term.Boolean {} -> Nothing
Term.Text {} -> Nothing
Term.Char {} -> Nothing
Term.Blank {} -> Nothing
Term.Ref ref -> Just (LD.TermReference ref)
Term.Constructor conRef -> Just (LD.ConReference conRef CT.Data)
Term.Request conRef -> Just (LD.ConReference conRef CT.Effect)
Term.Handle _a _b -> Nothing
Term.App _a _b -> Nothing
Term.Ann _a _typ -> Nothing
Term.List _xs -> Nothing
Term.If _cond _a _b -> Nothing
Term.And _l _r -> Nothing
Term.Or _l _r -> Nothing
Term.Lam _a -> Nothing
Term.LetRec _isTop _xs _y -> Nothing
Term.Let _isTop _a _b -> Nothing
Term.Match _a _cases -> Nothing
Term.TermLink ref -> Just (LD.TermReferent ref)
Term.TypeLink ref -> Just (LD.TypeReference ref)
ABT.Var _v -> Nothing
ABT.Cycle _r -> Nothing
ABT.Abs _v _r -> Nothing
-- Returns the reference a given type node refers to, if any.
refInType :: Type v a -> Maybe TypeReference
refInType typ = case ABT.out typ of
ABT.Tm f -> case f of
Type.Ref ref -> Just ref
Type.Arrow _a _b -> Nothing
Type.Effect _a _b -> Nothing
Type.App _a _b -> Nothing
Type.Forall _r -> Nothing
Type.Ann _a _kind -> Nothing
Type.Effects _es -> Nothing
Type.IntroOuter _a -> Nothing
ABT.Var _v -> Nothing
ABT.Cycle _r -> Nothing
ABT.Abs _v _r -> Nothing
-- | Find the the node in a term which contains the specified position, but none of its
-- children contain that position.
findSmallestEnclosingNode :: Pos -> Term Symbol Ann -> Maybe (Either (Term Symbol Ann) (Type Symbol Ann))
findSmallestEnclosingNode pos term
| not (ABT.annotation term `Ann.contains` pos) = Nothing
| otherwise = (<|> Just (Left term)) $ do
case ABT.out term of
ABT.Tm f -> case f of
Term.Int {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Nat {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Float {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Boolean {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Text {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Char {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Blank {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Ref {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Constructor {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Request {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.Handle a b -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos b
Term.App a b -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos b
Term.Ann a typ -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a <|> (Right <$> findSmallestEnclosingType pos typ)
Term.List xs -> altSum (findSmallestEnclosingNode pos <$> xs)
Term.If cond a b -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos cond <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos b
Term.And l r -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos l <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos r
Term.Or l r -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos l <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos r
Term.Lam a -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a
Term.LetRec _isTop xs y -> altSum (findSmallestEnclosingNode pos <$> xs) <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos y
Term.Let _isTop a b -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos b
Term.Match a cases ->
findSmallestEnclosingNode pos a
<|> altSum (cases <&> \(MatchCase _pat grd body) -> altSum (findSmallestEnclosingNode pos <$> grd) <|> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos body)
Term.TermLink {} -> Just (Left term)
Term.TypeLink {} -> Just (Left term)
ABT.Var _v -> Just (Left term)
ABT.Cycle r -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos r
ABT.Abs _v r -> findSmallestEnclosingNode pos r
-- | Find the the node in a type which contains the specified position, but none of its
-- children contain that position.
-- This is helpful for finding the specific type reference of a given argument within a type arrow
-- that a position references.
findSmallestEnclosingType :: Pos -> Type Symbol Ann -> Maybe (Type Symbol Ann)
findSmallestEnclosingType pos typ
| not (ABT.annotation typ `Ann.contains` pos) = Nothing
| otherwise = (<|> Just typ) $ do
case ABT.out typ of
ABT.Tm f -> case f of
Type.Ref {} -> Just typ
Type.Arrow a b -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingType pos b
Type.Effect a b -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingType pos b
Type.App a b -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos a <|> findSmallestEnclosingType pos b
Type.Forall r -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos r
Type.Ann a _kind -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos a
Type.Effects es -> altSum (findSmallestEnclosingType pos <$> es)
Type.IntroOuter a -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos a
ABT.Var _v -> Just typ
ABT.Cycle r -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos r
ABT.Abs _v r -> findSmallestEnclosingType pos r
-- | Returns the type reference the given position applies to within a Decl, if any.
-- I.e. if the cursor is over a type reference within a constructor signature or ability
-- request signature, that type reference will be returned.
refInDecl :: Pos -> DD.Decl Symbol Ann -> Maybe TypeReference
refInDecl p (DD.asDataDecl -> dd) =
DD.constructors' dd
& altMap \(_conNameAnn, _v, typ) -> do
typeNode <- findSmallestEnclosingType p typ
ref <- refInType typeNode
pure ref

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@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ import System.IO.CodePage (withCP65001)
import qualified Unison.Test.ClearCache as ClearCache
import qualified Unison.Test.Cli.Monad as Cli.Monad
import qualified Unison.Test.GitSync as GitSync
import qualified Unison.Test.LSP as LSP
import qualified Unison.Test.UriParser as UriParser
import qualified Unison.Test.VersionParser as VersionParser
test :: Test ()
test =
[ ClearCache.test,
[ LSP.test,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Unison.Test.LSP (test) where
import qualified Crypto.Random as Random
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List.Extra (firstJust)
import Data.String.Here.Uninterpolated (here)
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import EasyTest
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Cli.TypeCheck as Typecheck
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Init as Codebase.Init
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase as SC
import qualified Unison.LSP.Queries as LSPQ
import qualified Unison.Lexer.Pos as Lexer
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Lexer as L
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Parser as Parser
import Unison.Term (Term)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
test :: Test ()
test =
scope "annotations" . tests . fmap makeNodeSelectionTest $
[ ( "Binary Op lhs",
[here|term = tr|ue && false|],
Left (Term.Boolean True)
( "Binary Op rhs",
[here|term = true && fa|lse|],
Left (Term.Boolean False)
( "Custom Op lhs",
a &&& b = a && b
term = tr|ue &&& false
Left (Term.Boolean True)
-- | Test helper which lets you specify a cursor position inline with source text as a '|'.
extractCursor :: Text -> Test (Lexer.Pos, Text)
extractCursor txt =
case Text.splitOn "|" txt of
[before, after] ->
let col = Text.length $ Text.takeWhileEnd (/= '\n') before
line = Prelude.length $ Text.lines before
in pure $ (Lexer.Pos line col, before <> after)
_ -> crash "expected exactly one cursor"
makeNodeSelectionTest :: (String, Text, Bool, Either ((Term.F Symbol Ann Ann (Term Symbol Ann))) (Type.F (Type Symbol Ann))) -> Test ()
makeNodeSelectionTest (name, testSrc, testTypechecked, expected) = scope name $ do
(pos, src) <- extractCursor testSrc
(mayParsedFile, mayTypecheckedFile) <- withTestCodebase \codebase -> do
let generateUniqueName = Parser.uniqueBase32Namegen <$> Random.getSystemDRG
let ambientAbilities = []
let parseNames = mempty
let lexedSource = (src, L.lexer name (Text.unpack src))
r <- Typecheck.typecheckHelper codebase generateUniqueName ambientAbilities parseNames (Text.pack name) lexedSource
let Result.Result _notes mayResult = r
let (parsedFile, typecheckedFile) = case mayResult of
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
Just (Left uf) -> (Just uf, Nothing)
Just (Right tf) -> (Just $ UF.discardTypes tf, Just tf)
pure (parsedFile, typecheckedFile)
scope "parsed file" $ do
pf <- maybe (crash "Failed to parse") pure mayParsedFile
let pfResult =
UF.terms pf
& firstJust \(_v, trm) ->
LSPQ.findSmallestEnclosingNode pos trm
expectEqual (Just $ bimap ABT.Tm ABT.Tm expected) (bimap ABT.out ABT.out <$> pfResult)
when testTypechecked $
scope "typechecked file" $ do
tf <- maybe (crash "Failed to typecheck") pure mayTypecheckedFile
let tfResult =
UF.hashTermsId tf
& toList
& firstJust \(_refId, _wk, trm, _typ) ->
LSPQ.findSmallestEnclosingNode pos trm
expectEqual (Just $ bimap ABT.Tm ABT.Tm expected) (bimap ABT.out ABT.out <$> tfResult)
withTestCodebase ::
(Codebase IO Symbol Ann -> IO r) -> Test r
withTestCodebase action = do
r <- io do
tmp <- Temp.getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory
tmpDir <- Temp.createTempDirectory tmp "lsp-test"
Codebase.Init.withCreatedCodebase SC.init "lsp-test" tmpDir SC.DontLock action
either (crash . show) pure r

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ library
@ -580,6 +581,7 @@ test-suite cli-tests

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@ -20,9 +20,28 @@ instance Monoid Ann where
mempty = External
instance Semigroup Ann where
Ann s1 _ <> Ann _ e2 = Ann s1 e2
Ann s1 e1 <> Ann s2 e2 = Ann (min s1 s2) (max e1 e2)
-- If we have a concrete location from a file, use it
External <> a = a
a <> External = a
Intrinsic <> a = a
a <> Intrinsic = a
-- | Checks whether an annotation contains a given position
-- i.e. pos ∈ [start, end)
-- >>> Intrinsic `contains` L.Pos 1 1
-- False
-- >>> External `contains` L.Pos 1 1
-- False
-- >>> Ann (L.Pos 0 0) (L.Pos 0 10) `contains` L.Pos 0 5
-- True
-- >>> Ann (L.Pos 0 0) (L.Pos 0 10) `contains` L.Pos 0 10
-- False
contains :: Ann -> L.Pos -> Bool
contains Intrinsic _ = False
contains External _ = False
contains (Ann start end) p = start <= p && p < end