implemented command

closes #1392
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2020-04-03 20:49:07 -04:00
parent 361895f8ab
commit b73b2c8fa2
12 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo where
import Unison.Term (Term, hashComponents)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Prelude (MonadIO, Word8)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Data.ByteString (unpack)
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import UnliftIO (liftIO)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Data.Text (Text)
data AuthorInfo v a = AuthorInfo
{ guid, author, copyrightHolder :: (Reference.Id, Term v a, Type v a) }
createAuthorInfo :: forall m v a. MonadIO m => Var v => a -> Text -> m (AuthorInfo v a)
createAuthorInfo a t = createAuthorInfo' . unpack <$> liftIO (getRandomBytes 32)
createAuthorInfo' :: [Word8] -> AuthorInfo v a
createAuthorInfo' bytes = let
[(guidRef, guidTerm)] = hashAndWrangle "guid" $ a
(Term.constructor a guidTypeRef 0)
( a
(Term.builtin a "Bytes.fromList")
(Term.seq a (map (Term.nat a . fromIntegral) bytes)))
[(authorRef, authorTerm)] = hashAndWrangle "author" $
(Term.constructor a authorTypeRef 0)
[(a, Term.ref a (Reference.DerivedId guidRef))
,(a, Term.text a t)]
[(chRef, chTerm)] = hashAndWrangle "copyrightHolder" $
(Term.constructor a chTypeRef 0)
[(a, Term.ref a (Reference.DerivedId guidRef))
,(a, Term.text a t)]
in AuthorInfo
(guidRef, guidTerm, guidType)
(authorRef, authorTerm, authorType)
(chRef, chTerm, chType)
hashAndWrangle v tm = toList . hashComponents $ Map.fromList [(Var.named v, tm)]
(chType, chTypeRef) = (Type.ref a chTypeRef, unsafeParse copyrightHolderHash)
(authorType, authorTypeRef) = (Type.ref a authorTypeRef, unsafeParse authorHash)
(guidType, guidTypeRef) = (Type.ref a guidTypeRef, unsafeParse guidHash)
unsafeParse = either error id . Reference.fromText
guidHash = "#rc29vdqe019p56kupcgkg07fkib86r3oooatbmsgfbdsgpmjhsh00l307iuts3r973q5etb61vbjkes42b6adb3mkorusvmudiuorno"
copyrightHolderHash = "#aohndsu9bl844vspujp142j5aijv86rifmnrbnjvpv3h3f3aekn45rj5s1uf1ucrrtm5urbc5d1ajtm7lqq1tr8lkgv5fathp6arqug"
authorHash = "#5hi1vvs5t1gmu6vn1kpqmgksou8ie872j31gc294lgqks71di6gm3d4ugnrr4mq8ov0ap1e20lq099d5g6jjf9c6cbp361m9r9n5g50"

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Unison.ShortHash ( ShortHash )
import Unison.Type ( Type )
import Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash
( ShortBranchHash )
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo (AuthorInfo)
type AmbientAbilities v = [Type v Ann]
@ -187,3 +188,5 @@ data Command m i v a where
-- Execute a UnisonFile for its IO effects
-- todo: Execute should do some evaluation?
Execute :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> UF.TypecheckedUnisonFile v Ann -> Command m i v ()
CreateAuthorInfo :: Text -> Command m i v (AuthorInfo v Ann)

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Unison.FileParsers ( parseAndSynthesizeFile
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo as AuthorInfo
:: (Monad m, Var v)
@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ commandLine config awaitInput setBranchRef rt notifyUser notifyNumbered loadSour
Execute ppe uf -> void $ evalUnisonFile ppe uf
AppendToReflog reason old new -> Codebase.appendReflog codebase reason old new
LoadReflog -> Codebase.getReflog codebase
CreateAuthorInfo t -> AuthorInfo.createAuthorInfo Parser.Intrinsic t
eval1 :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Term v Ann -> _
eval1 ppe tm = do

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@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.GitError (GitError)
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Nel
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo (AuthorInfo(..))
type F m i v = Free (Command m i v)
@ -415,6 +416,7 @@ loop = do
LoadI{} -> wat
PreviewAddI{} -> wat
PreviewUpdateI{} -> wat
CreateAuthorI (NameSegment id) name -> " " <> id <> " " <> name
CreatePullRequestI{} -> wat
LoadPullRequestI base head dest ->
"pr.load "
@ -967,6 +969,36 @@ loop = do
numberedArgs .= fmap (HQ.toString . view _1) out
respond $ ListOfLinks ppe out
CreateAuthorI authorNameSegment authorFullName -> do
initialBranch <- getAt currentPath'
guid@(guidRef, _, _)
author@(authorRef, _, _)
copyrightHolder@(copyrightHolderRef, _, _) <-
eval $ CreateAuthorInfo authorFullName
-- add the new definitions to the codebase and to the namespace
traverse_ (eval . uncurry3 PutTerm) [guid, author, copyrightHolder]
[ BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (resolveSplit' authorPath) (d authorRef) mempty
, BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (resolveSplit' copyrightHolderPath) (d copyrightHolderRef) mempty
, BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (resolveSplit' guidPath) (d guidRef) mempty
finalBranch <- getAt currentPath'
-- print some output
diffHelper (Branch.head initialBranch) (Branch.head finalBranch) >>=
. uncurry (ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor
(Path.unsplit' base)
d :: Reference.Id -> Referent
d = Referent.Ref . Reference.DerivedId
base :: Path.Split' = (Path.relativeEmpty', "metadata")
authorPath = base |> "authors" |> authorNameSegment
copyrightHolderPath = base |> "copyrightHolders" |> authorNameSegment
guidPath = authorPath |> "guid"
MoveTermI src dest ->
case (toList (getHQ'Terms src), toList (getTerms dest)) of
([r], []) -> do

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash (ShortBranchHash)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash as SBH
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Unison.Codebase.NameSegment (NameSegment)
data Event
= UnisonFileChanged SourceName Source
@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ data Input
| UnlinkI HQ.HashQualified [Path.HQSplit']
-- links from <type>
| LinksI Path.HQSplit' (Maybe String)
| CreateAuthorI NameSegment {- identifier -} Text {- name -}
| DisplayI OutputLocation HQ.HashQualified
| DocsI Path.HQSplit'
-- other

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@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ data NumberedOutput v
| ShowDiffAfterMergePreview Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterPull Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterCreatePR RemoteNamespace RemoteNamespace PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
-- <authorIdentifier> <authorPath> <relativeBase>
| ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor NameSegment Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput v Ann)
-- | ShowDiff
@ -336,5 +338,6 @@ isNumberedFailure = \case
ShowDiffAfterUndo{} -> False
ShowDiffAfterPull{} -> False
ShowDiffAfterCreatePR{} -> False
ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor{} -> False

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@ -374,6 +374,13 @@ instance Snoc Path' Path' NameSegment NameSegment where
Left abs -> Path' (Left . Absolute $ Lens.snoc (unabsolute abs) n)
Right rel -> Path' (Right . Relative $ Lens.snoc (unrelative rel) n)
instance Snoc Split' Split' NameSegment NameSegment where
_Snoc = prism (uncurry snoc') $ \case -- unsnoc
(Lens.unsnoc -> Just (s, a), ns) -> Right ((s, a), ns)
e -> Left e
snoc' :: Split' -> NameSegment -> Split'
snoc' (p, a) n = (Lens.snoc p a, n)
class Resolve l r o where
resolve :: l -> r -> o

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@ -1212,6 +1212,24 @@ execute = InputPattern
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp execute
createAuthor :: InputPattern
createAuthor = InputPattern "" []
[(Required, noCompletions), (Required, noCompletions)]
(makeExample createAuthor ["alicecoder", "\"Alice McGee\""]
<> "creates" <> backtick "alicecoder" <> "values in"
<> backtick "metadata.authors" <> "and"
<> backtickEOS "metadata.copyrightHolders")
symbolStr : authorStr@(_:_) -> first fromString $ do
symbol <- Path.wordyNameSegment symbolStr
-- let's have a real parser in not too long
let author :: Text
author = Text.pack $ case (unwords authorStr) of
quoted@('"':_) -> (init . tail) quoted
bare -> bare
pure $ Input.CreateAuthorI symbol author
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp createAuthor
validInputs :: [InputPattern]
validInputs =
[ help
@ -1262,6 +1280,7 @@ validInputs =
, link
, unlink
, links
, createAuthor
, replaceTerm
, replaceType
, deleteTermReplacement

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@ -223,6 +223,14 @@ notifyNumbered o = case o of
-- since the content isn't necessarily here.
-- Should we have a mode with no numbers? :P
ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor authorNS authorPath' bAbs ppe diff ->
first (\p -> P.lines
[ p
, ""
, tip $ "Add" <> prettyName "License" <> "values for"
<> prettyName (NameSegment.toName authorNS)
<> "under" <> (prettyPath' authorPath' <> ".")
]) (showDiffNamespace ShowNumbers ppe bAbs bAbs diff)
e = Path.absoluteEmpty
undoTip = tip $ "You can use" <> IP.makeExample' IP.undo

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ library

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.> alias.type ##Nat basics.Nat
.> alias.type #5hi1vvs5t1 basics.Author
.> alias.type #rc29vdqe01 basics.GUID
.> alias.type #aohndsu9bl basics.CopyrightHolder
<!-- pending bugfix
.> alias.term #aohndsu9bl#0 basics.CopyrightHolder
Demonstrating ``:
def1 = 1
def2 = 2
.foo> add
.foo> alicecoder "Alice McGee"
.foo> view 3
.foo> link metadata.authors.alicecoder def1 def2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<!-- pending bugfix
.> alias.term #aohndsu9bl#0 basics.CopyrightHolder
Demonstrating ``:
def1 = 1
def2 = 2
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
def1 : Nat
def2 : Nat
Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
`>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.
☝️ The namespace .foo is empty.
.foo> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
def1 : Nat
def2 : Nat
.foo> alicecoder "Alice McGee"
Added definitions:
1. metadata.authors.alicecoder : Author
2. metadata.authors.alicecoder.guid : GUID
3. metadata.copyrightHolders.alicecoder : CopyrightHolder
Tip: Add License values for alicecoder under metadata.
.foo> view 3
metadata.copyrightHolders.alicecoder : CopyrightHolder
metadata.copyrightHolders.alicecoder =
#aohndsu9bl#0 guid "Alice McGee"
.foo> link metadata.authors.alicecoder def1 def2
1. foo.def1 : Nat
+ 2. authors.alicecoder : Author
3. foo.def2 : Nat
+ 4. authors.alicecoder : Author