LSP Auto-completion (#3488)

Add auto-completion to LSP
This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2022-10-19 15:48:02 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3035766325
commit b7be8ded03
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 350 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
Supported features:
* Show type on hover
* Autocompletion
* Inline type and parser error messages
* NO autocomplete yet, but soon.
* Show type on hover
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ Configuration for [coc-nvim](, enter the fo
"unison": {
"filetypes": ["unison"],
"host": "",
"port": 5757
"port": 5757,
"settings": {}
@ -39,5 +40,25 @@ Note that you'll need to start UCM _before_ you try connecting to it in your edi
### VSCode
VSCode doesn't allow customizing LSP implementations without an extension,
Hang tight, one will be available soon!
Simply install the [Unison Language VSCode extension](
### Other Editors
If your editor provides a mechanism for connecting to a host and port, provide a host of `` and port `5757`.
If your editor requires a command to run, you can provide the command `nc localhost 5757` on Mac, or `netcat localhost 5757` on linux.
Note that some editors require passing the command and arguments as separate parameters.
## Configuration
Supported settings and their defaults. See information for your language server client about where to provide these.
// The number of completions the server should collect and send based on a single query.
// Increasing this limit will provide more completion results, but at the cost of being slower to respond.
// If explicitly set to `null` the server will return ALL completions available.
"maxCompletions": 100

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ dependencies:
- exceptions
- extra
- filepath
- free
- fuzzyfind
- friendly-time
- generic-lens

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Unison.LSP where
import Colog.Core (LogAction (LogAction))
import qualified Colog.Core as Colog
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson hiding (Options, defaultOptions)
import GHC.IO.Exception (ioe_errno)
import qualified Ki
import qualified Language.LSP.Logging as LSP
@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Runtime (Runtime)
import qualified Unison.Debug as Debug
import Unison.LSP.CancelRequest (cancelRequestHandler)
import Unison.LSP.CodeAction (codeActionHandler)
import Unison.LSP.Completion (completionHandler)
import qualified Unison.LSP.Configuration as Config
import qualified Unison.LSP.FileAnalysis as Analysis
import Unison.LSP.FoldingRange (foldingRangeRequest)
import qualified Unison.LSP.HandlerUtils as Handlers
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ spawnLsp codebase runtime latestBranch latestPath = TCP.withSocketsDo do
case Errno <$> ioe_errno ioerr of
Just errNo
| errNo == eADDRINUSE -> do
putStrLn $ "Note: Port " <> lspPort <> " is already bound by another process or another UCM. The LSP server will not be started."
putStrLn $ "Note: Port " <> lspPort <> " is already bound by another process or another UCM. The LSP server will not be started."
_ -> do
Debug.debugM Debug.LSP "LSP Exception" ioerr
Debug.debugM Debug.LSP "LSP Errno" (ioe_errno ioerr)
@ -85,21 +86,14 @@ serverDefinition ::
ServerDefinition Config
serverDefinition vfsVar codebase runtime scope latestBranch latestPath =
{ defaultConfig = lspDefaultConfig,
onConfigurationChange = lspOnConfigurationChange,
{ defaultConfig = defaultLSPConfig,
onConfigurationChange = Config.updateConfig,
doInitialize = lspDoInitialize vfsVar codebase runtime scope latestBranch latestPath,
staticHandlers = lspStaticHandlers,
interpretHandler = lspInterpretHandler,
options = lspOptions
-- | Detect user LSP configuration changes.
lspOnConfigurationChange :: Config -> Value -> Either Text Config
lspOnConfigurationChange _ _ = pure Config
lspDefaultConfig :: Config
lspDefaultConfig = Config
-- | Initialize any context needed by the LSP server
lspDoInitialize ::
MVar VFS ->
@ -120,6 +114,7 @@ lspDoInitialize vfsVar codebase runtime scope latestBranch latestPath lspContext
parseNamesCacheVar <- newTVarIO mempty
currentPathCacheVar <- newTVarIO Path.absoluteEmpty
cancellationMapVar <- newTVarIO mempty
completionsVar <- newTVarIO mempty
let env = Env {ppeCache = readTVarIO ppeCacheVar, parseNamesCache = readTVarIO parseNamesCacheVar, currentPathCache = readTVarIO currentPathCacheVar, ..}
let lspToIO = flip runReaderT lspContext . unLspT . flip runReaderT env . runLspM
Ki.fork scope (lspToIO Analysis.fileAnalysisWorker)
@ -141,6 +136,7 @@ lspRequestHandlers =
& SMM.insert STextDocumentHover (mkHandler hoverHandler)
& SMM.insert STextDocumentCodeAction (mkHandler codeActionHandler)
& SMM.insert STextDocumentFoldingRange (mkHandler foldingRangeRequest)
& SMM.insert STextDocumentCompletion (mkHandler completionHandler)
defaultTimeout = 10_000 -- 10s
mkHandler ::
@ -167,6 +163,7 @@ lspNotificationHandlers =
& SMM.insert STextDocumentDidChange (ClientMessageHandler VFS.lspChangeFile)
& SMM.insert SInitialized (ClientMessageHandler Notifications.initializedHandler)
& SMM.insert SCancelRequest (ClientMessageHandler $ Notifications.withDebugging cancelRequestHandler)
& SMM.insert SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (ClientMessageHandler Config.workspaceConfigurationChanged)
-- | A natural transformation into IO, required by the LSP lib.
lspInterpretHandler :: Env -> Lsp <~> IO

View File

@ -4,122 +4,238 @@
module Unison.LSP.Completion where
import Control.Lens hiding (List)
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Lens hiding (List, (:<))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.String.Here.Uninterpolated (here)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Language.LSP.Types
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens
import qualified Text.FuzzyFind as Fuzzy
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import qualified Unison.HashQualified' as HQ'
import Unison.LSP.Types
import qualified Unison.LSP.VFS as VFS
import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import Unison.Name (Name)
import qualified Unison.Name as Name
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import qualified Unison.NameSegment as NameSegment
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.Server.Endpoints.FuzzyFind as FZF
import qualified Unison.Server.Syntax as Server
import qualified Unison.Server.Types as Backend
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl as PPED
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
import qualified Unison.Util.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as Relation
-- | Rudimentary auto-completion handler
-- TODO:
-- * Rewrite this to use an index rather than fuzzy searching ALL names
-- * Respect ucm's current path
-- * Provide namespaces as auto-complete targets
-- * Auto-complete minimally suffixed names
-- * Include docs in completion details?
completionHandler :: RequestMessage 'TextDocumentCompletion -> (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult 'TextDocumentCompletion) -> Lsp ()) -> Lsp ()
completionHandler m respond =
respond =<< do
mayPrefix <- VFS.completionPrefix (m ^. params)
case mayPrefix of
Nothing -> pure . Right . InL . List $ []
Just (range, prefix) -> do
matches <- expand range prefix
let isIncomplete = True -- TODO: be smarter about this
pure . Right . InR . CompletionList isIncomplete . List $ snippetCompletions prefix range <> matches
respond . maybe (Right $ InL mempty) (Right . InR) =<< runMaybeT do
(range, prefix) <- MaybeT $ VFS.completionPrefix (m ^. params)
ppe <- PPED.suffixifiedPPE <$> lift globalPPE
completions <- lift getCompletions
Config {maxCompletions} <- lift getConfig
let defMatches = matchCompletions completions prefix
let (isIncomplete, defCompletions) =
& nubOrdOn (\(p, _name, ref) -> (p, ref))
& fmap (over _1 Path.toText)
& case maxCompletions of
Nothing -> (False,)
Just n -> takeCompletions n
let defCompletionItems =
& mapMaybe \(path, fqn, dep) ->
let biasedPPE = PPE.biasTo [fqn] ppe
hqName = LD.fold (PPE.types biasedPPE) (PPE.terms biasedPPE) dep
in hqName <&> \hqName -> mkDefCompletionItem range (Name.toText fqn) path (HQ'.toText hqName) dep
pure . CompletionList isIncomplete . List $ defCompletionItems
resultToCompletion :: Range -> Text -> FZF.FoundResult -> CompletionItem
resultToCompletion range prefix = \case
FZF.FoundTermResult (FZF.FoundTerm {namedTerm = Backend.NamedTerm {termName, termType}}) -> do
(mkCompletionItem (HQ'.toText termName))
{ _detail = (": " <>) . Text.pack . Server.toPlain <$> termType,
_kind = Just CiVariable,
_insertText = Text.stripPrefix prefix (HQ'.toText termName),
_textEdit = Just $ CompletionEditText (TextEdit range (HQ'.toText termName))
FZF.FoundTypeResult (FZF.FoundType {namedType = Backend.NamedType {typeName, typeTag}}) ->
let (detail, kind) = case typeTag of
Backend.Ability -> ("Ability", CiInterface)
Backend.Data -> ("Data", CiClass)
in (mkCompletionItem (HQ'.toText typeName))
{ _detail = Just detail,
_kind = Just kind
expand :: Range -> Text -> Lsp [CompletionItem]
expand range prefix = do
-- We should probably write a different fzf specifically for completion, but for now, it
-- expects the unique pieces of the query to be different "words".
let query = Text.unwords . Text.splitOn "." $ prefix
cb <- asks codebase
lspBackend (FZF.serveFuzzyFind cb Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just $ Text.unpack query)) >>= \case
Left _be -> pure []
Right results ->
pure . fmap (resultToCompletion range prefix . snd) . take 15 . sortOn (Fuzzy.score . fst) $ results
-- Takes at most the specified number of completions, but also indicates with a boolean
-- whether there were more completions remaining so we can pass that along to the client.
takeCompletions :: Int -> [a] -> (Bool, [a])
takeCompletions 0 xs = (not $ null xs, [])
takeCompletions _ [] = (False, [])
takeCompletions n (x : xs) = second (x :) $ takeCompletions (pred n) xs
snippetCompletions :: Text -> Range -> [CompletionItem]
snippetCompletions prefix range =
[ ("handler", handlerTemplate),
("cases", casesTemplate),
("match-with", matchWithTemplate)
& filter (Text.isPrefixOf prefix . fst)
& fmap toCompletion
toCompletion :: (Text, Text) -> CompletionItem
toCompletion (pat, snippet) =
(mkCompletionItem pat)
{ _insertTextFormat = Just Snippet,
_insertTextMode = Just AdjustIndentation,
_textEdit = Just $ CompletionEditText (TextEdit range snippet)
handlerTemplate =
handle${1:Ability} : Request (${1:Ability} ${2}) a -> a
handle${1:Ability} = cases
{${3} -> continue} -> do
casesTemplate =
${1} -> do
matchWithTemplate =
match ${1} with
${2} -> do
mkCompletionItem :: Text -> CompletionItem
mkCompletionItem lbl =
mkDefCompletionItem :: Range -> Text -> Text -> Text -> LabeledDependency -> CompletionItem
mkDefCompletionItem range fqn path suffixified dep =
{ _label = lbl,
_kind = Nothing,
_kind = case dep of
LD.TypeReference _ref -> Just CiClass
LD.TermReferent ref -> case ref of
Referent.Con {} -> Just CiConstructor
Referent.Ref {} -> Just CiValue,
_tags = Nothing,
_detail = Nothing,
_detail = Just fqn,
_documentation = Nothing,
_deprecated = Nothing,
_preselect = Nothing,
_sortText = Nothing,
_filterText = Nothing,
_filterText = Just path,
_insertText = Nothing,
_insertTextFormat = Nothing,
_insertTextMode = Nothing,
_textEdit = Nothing,
_textEdit = Just (CompletionEditText $ TextEdit range suffixified),
_additionalTextEdits = Nothing,
_commitCharacters = Nothing,
_command = Nothing,
_xdata = Nothing
-- We should generally show the longer of the path or suffixified name in the label,
-- it helps the user understand the difference between options which may otherwise look
-- the same.
-- E.g. if I type "ma" then the suffixied options might be:,, but the
-- path matches are just "map" and "map" since the query starts at that segment, so we
-- show the suffixified version to disambiguate.
-- However, if the user types "" then the matching path is "" and
-- the suffixification is just "", so we use the path in this case because it more
-- closely matches what the user actually typed.
-- This is what's felt best to me, anecdotally.
lbl =
if Text.length path > Text.length suffixified
then path
else suffixified
-- | Generate a completion tree from a set of names.
-- A completion tree is a suffix tree over the path segments of each name it contains.
-- The goal is to allow fast completion of names by any partial path suffix.
-- The tree is generated by building a trie where all possible suffixes of a name are
-- reachable from the root of the trie, with sharing over subtrees to improve memory
-- residency.
-- Currently we don't "summarize" all of the children of a node in the node itself, and
-- instead you have to crawl all the children to get the actual completions.
-- TODO: Would it be worthwhile to perform compression or include child summaries on the suffix tree?
-- I suspect most namespace trees won't actually compress very well since each node is likely
-- to have terms/types at it.
-- E.g. From the names:
-- * alpha.beta.Nat
-- * alpha.Text
-- * foxtrot.Text
-- It will generate a tree like the following, where each bullet is a possible completion:
-- .
-- ├── foxtrot
-- │   └── Text
-- │   └── * foxtrot.Text (##Text)
-- ├── beta
-- │   └── Nat
-- │   └── * alpha.beta.Nat (##Nat)
-- ├── alpha
-- │   ├── beta
-- │   │   └── Nat
-- │   │   └── * alpha.beta.Nat (##Nat)
-- │   └── Text
-- │   └── * alpha.Text (##Text)
-- ├── Text
-- │   ├── * foxtrot.Text (##Text)
-- │   └── * alpha.Text (##Text)
-- └── Nat
-- └── * alpha.beta.Nat (##Nat)
namesToCompletionTree :: Names -> CompletionTree
namesToCompletionTree Names {terms, types} =
let typeCompls =
Relation.domain types
& ifoldMap
( \name refs ->
& Monoid.whenM (not . isDefinitionDoc $ name)
& \ref -> (name, LD.typeRef ref)
termCompls =
Relation.domain terms
& ifoldMap
( \name refs ->
& Monoid.whenM (not . isDefinitionDoc $ name)
& \ref -> (name, LD.referent ref)
in foldMap (uncurry nameToCompletionTree) (typeCompls <> termCompls)
-- It's annoying to see _all_ the definition docs in autocomplete so we filter them out.
-- Special docs like "README" will still appear since they're not named 'doc'
isDefinitionDoc name =
case Name.reverseSegments name of
("doc" :| _) -> True
_ -> False
nameToCompletionTree :: Name -> LabeledDependency -> CompletionTree
nameToCompletionTree name ref =
let (lastSegment :| prefix) = Name.reverseSegments name
complMap = helper (Map.singleton lastSegment (Set.singleton (name, ref) :< mempty)) prefix
in CompletionTree (mempty :< complMap)
-- We build the tree bottom-up rather than top-down so we can take 'share' submaps for
-- improved memory residency, each call is passed the submap that we built under the
-- current reversed path prefix.
helper ::
(Cofree (Map NameSegment) (Set (Name, LabeledDependency))) ->
[NameSegment] ->
(Cofree (Map NameSegment) (Set (Name, LabeledDependency)))
helper subMap revPrefix = case revPrefix of
[] -> subMap
(ns : rest) ->
mergeSubmaps (helper (Map.singleton ns (mempty :< subMap)) rest) subMap
mergeSubmaps = Map.unionWith (\a b -> unCompletionTree $ CompletionTree a <> CompletionTree b)
-- | Crawl the completion tree and return all valid prefix-based completions alongside their
-- Path from the provided prefix, and their full name.
-- E.g. if the term " (#abc)" exists in the completion map, and the query is "beta" the result would
-- be:
-- @@
-- [(["beta", "gamma", "map"], "", TermReferent #abc)]
-- @@
matchCompletions :: CompletionTree -> Text -> [(Path, Name, LabeledDependency)]
matchCompletions (CompletionTree tree) txt =
matchSegments segments (Set.toList <$> tree)
segments :: [Text]
segments =
Text.splitOn "." txt
& filter (not . Text.null)
matchSegments :: [Text] -> Cofree (Map NameSegment) [(Name, LabeledDependency)] -> [(Path, Name, LabeledDependency)]
matchSegments xs (currentMatches :< subtreeMap) =
case xs of
[] ->
let current = currentMatches <&> (\(name, def) -> (Path.empty, name, def))
in (current <> mkDefMatches subtreeMap)
[prefix] ->
Map.dropWhileAntitone ((< prefix) . NameSegment.toText) subtreeMap
& Map.takeWhileAntitone (Text.isPrefixOf prefix . NameSegment.toText)
& \matchingSubtrees ->
let subMatches = ifoldMap (\ns subTree -> matchSegments [] subTree & consPathPrefix ns) matchingSubtrees
in subMatches
(ns : rest) ->
foldMap (matchSegments rest) (Map.lookup (NameSegment ns) subtreeMap)
& consPathPrefix (NameSegment ns)
consPathPrefix :: NameSegment -> ([(Path, Name, LabeledDependency)]) -> [(Path, Name, LabeledDependency)]
consPathPrefix ns = over (mapped . _1) (Path.cons ns)
mkDefMatches :: Map NameSegment (Cofree (Map NameSegment) [(Name, LabeledDependency)]) -> [(Path, Name, LabeledDependency)]
mkDefMatches xs = do
(ns, (matches :< rest)) <- Map.toList xs
let childMatches = mkDefMatches rest <&> over _1 (Path.cons ns)
let currentMatches = matches <&> \(name, dep) -> (Path.singleton ns, name, dep)
currentMatches <> childMatches

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Unison.LSP.Configuration where
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Language.LSP.Types
import qualified Unison.Debug as Debug
import Unison.LSP.Types
import Unison.Prelude
-- | Handle configuration changes
updateConfig :: Config -> Value -> Either Text Config
updateConfig _oldConfig newConfig = Debug.debug Debug.LSP "Configuration Change" $ case fromJSON newConfig of
Error err -> Left $ Text.pack err
Success a -> Right a
-- | We could use this notification to cancel/update work-in-progress,
-- but we don't actually need to update the config here, that's handled by the lsp library
-- automatically.
workspaceConfigurationChanged :: NotificationMessage 'WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration -> Lsp ()
workspaceConfigurationChanged _m = do
pure ()

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ reportDiagnostics ::
f Diagnostic ->
Lsp ()
reportDiagnostics docUri fileVersion diags = do
let jsonRPC = "" -- TODO: what's this for?
let jsonRPC = "2.0"
let params = PublishDiagnosticsParams {_uri = docUri, _version = fromIntegral <$> fileVersion, _diagnostics = List . toList $ diags}
sendNotification (NotificationMessage jsonRPC STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics params)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Unison.LSP.Types where
import Colog.Core hiding (Lens')
import Control.Lens hiding (List)
import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree)
import qualified Control.Comonad.Cofree as Cofree
import Control.Lens hiding (List, (:<))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.IntervalMap.Lazy (IntervalMap)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Ki
import qualified Language.LSP.Logging as LSP
import Language.LSP.Server
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import Language.LSP.Types
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens
import Language.LSP.VFS
@ -21,6 +30,9 @@ import Unison.Codebase
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime (Runtime)
import Unison.LSP.Orphans ()
import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NamesWithHistory (NamesWithHistory)
import Unison.Parser.Ann
import Unison.Prelude
@ -65,9 +77,25 @@ data Env = Env
dirtyFilesVar :: TVar (Set Uri),
-- A map of request IDs to an action which kills that request.
cancellationMapVar :: TVar (Map SomeLspId (IO ())),
-- A lazily computed map of all valid completion suffixes from the current path.
completionsVar :: TVar CompletionTree,
scope :: Ki.Scope
-- | A suffix tree over path segments of name completions.
-- see 'namesToCompletionTree' for more on how this is built and the invariants it should have.
newtype CompletionTree = CompletionTree
{ unCompletionTree :: Cofree (Map NameSegment) (Set (Name, LabeledDependency))
deriving (Show)
instance Semigroup CompletionTree where
CompletionTree (a Cofree.:< subtreeA) <> CompletionTree (b Cofree.:< subtreeB) =
CompletionTree (a <> b Cofree.:< Map.unionWith (\a b -> unCompletionTree $ CompletionTree a <> CompletionTree b) subtreeA subtreeB)
instance Monoid CompletionTree where
mempty = CompletionTree $ mempty Cofree.:< mempty
-- | A monotonically increasing file version tracked by the lsp client.
type FileVersion = Int32
@ -88,6 +116,9 @@ data FileAnalysis = FileAnalysis
getCurrentPath :: Lsp Path.Absolute
getCurrentPath = asks currentPathCache >>= liftIO
getCompletions :: Lsp CompletionTree
getCompletions = asks completionsVar >>= readTVarIO
globalPPE :: Lsp PrettyPrintEnvDecl
globalPPE = asks ppeCache >>= liftIO
@ -95,6 +126,41 @@ getParseNames :: Lsp NamesWithHistory
getParseNames = asks parseNamesCache >>= liftIO
data Config = Config
{ -- 'Nothing' will load ALL available completions, which is slower, but may provide a better
-- solution for some users.
-- 'Just n' will only fetch the first 'n' completions and will prompt the client to ask for
-- more completions after more typing.
maxCompletions :: Maybe Int
deriving stock (Show)
instance Aeson.FromJSON Config where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "Config" \obj -> do
maxCompletions <- obj Aeson..:! "maxCompletions" Aeson..!= maxCompletions defaultLSPConfig
let invalidKeys = Set.fromList (HM.keys obj) `Set.difference` validKeys
when (not . null $ invalidKeys) do
fail . Text.unpack $
"Unrecognized configuration key(s): "
<> Text.intercalate ", " (Set.toList invalidKeys)
<> ".\nThe default configuration is:\n"
<> Text.pack defaultConfigExample
pure Config {..}
validKeys = Set.fromList ["maxCompletions"]
defaultConfigExample =
BSC.unpack $ Aeson.encode defaultLSPConfig
instance Aeson.ToJSON Config where
toJSON (Config maxCompletions) =
[ "maxCompletions" Aeson..= maxCompletions
defaultLSPConfig :: Config
defaultLSPConfig = Config {..}
maxCompletions = Just 100
-- | Lift a backend computation into the Lsp monad.
lspBackend :: Backend.Backend IO a -> Lsp (Either Backend.BackendError a)
@ -142,3 +208,9 @@ includeEdits uri replacement ranges rca =
_changeAnnotations = Nothing
in rca & codeAction . edit ?~ workspaceEdit
getConfig :: Lsp Config
getConfig = LSP.getConfig
setConfig :: Config -> Lsp ()
setConfig = LSP.setConfig

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import qualified Unison.Debug as Debug
import Unison.LSP.Completion
import Unison.LSP.Types
import qualified Unison.LSP.VFS as VFS
import Unison.NamesWithHistory (NamesWithHistory)
import qualified Unison.NamesWithHistory as NamesWithHistory
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl.Names as PPE
import qualified Unison.Server.Backend as Backend
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ ucmWorker ::
STM Path.Absolute ->
Lsp ()
ucmWorker ppeVar parseNamesVar getLatestRoot getLatestPath = do
Env {codebase} <- ask
Env {codebase, completionsVar} <- ask
let loop :: (Branch IO, Path.Absolute) -> Lsp a
loop (currentRoot, currentPath) = do
Debug.debugM Debug.LSP "LSP path: " currentPath
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ ucmWorker ppeVar parseNamesVar getLatestRoot getLatestPath = do
writeTVar ppeVar ppe
-- Re-check everything with the new names and ppe
atomically do
writeTVar completionsVar (namesToCompletionTree $ NamesWithHistory.currentNames parseNames)
latest <- atomically $ do
latestRoot <- getLatestRoot
latestPath <- getLatestPath

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ library
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ library
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, free
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ executable cli-integration-tests
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, free
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
@ -377,6 +380,7 @@ executable transcripts
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, free
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ executable unison
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, free
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
@ -624,6 +629,7 @@ test-suite cli-tests
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, free
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens