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Rúnar 2024-08-13 00:29:32 -04:00
parent 8736c4ab49
commit b92dede21a

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@ -1072,10 +1072,8 @@ data InfixParse v
-- 2. Starting at the leftmost operator subexpression, see if the next operator
-- has higher precedence. If so, rotate the expression to the right.
-- e.g. in `a + b * c`, we first parse `(a + b) * c` then rotate to `a + (b * c)`.
-- 3. Perform the algorithm on the right-hand side if necessary.
-- e.g. in `a + b + c * d`, we have `(a + (b + c)) * d` and `* d` is the next
-- operator to consider. We rotate to `(a + ((b + c) * d))` in step 2.
-- Step 3 is to rotate the subexpression `(b + c) * d` to be `b + (c * d)`.
-- 3. Perform the algorithm on the right-hand side if necessary, as `b` might be
-- an infix expression with lower precedence than `*`.
-- 4. Proceed to the next operator to the right in the original expression and
-- repeat steps 2-3 until we reach the end.
infixAppOrBooleanOp :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m