filled in synthesize for let of binding that is a closed expression

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-07-17 13:35:23 -04:00
parent 71d5c68c8f
commit bde5e3c8ba
3 changed files with 68 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
module Unison.ABT where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List hiding (cycle)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
@ -285,6 +286,25 @@ rebuildUp f (Term _ ann body) = case body of
Abs x e -> abs' ann x (rebuildUp f e)
Tm body -> tm' ann (f $ fmap (rebuildUp f) body)
annotateBound :: (Ord v, Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f v a -> Term f v (a, Set v)
annotateBound t = go Set.empty t where
go bound t = let a = (annotation t, bound) in case out t of
Var v -> annotatedVar a v
Cycle body -> cycle' a (go bound body)
Abs x body -> abs' a x (go (Set.insert x bound) body)
Tm body -> tm' a (go bound <$> body)
:: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Ord v)
=> (Term f v a -> g b)
-> Term f v a
-> g [b]
foreachSubterm f e = case out e of
Var _ -> pure <$> f e
Cycle body -> liftA2 (:) (f e) (foreachSubterm f body)
Abs _ body -> liftA2 (:) (f e) (foreachSubterm f body)
Tm body -> liftA2 (:) (f e) (join . Foldable.toList <$> (sequenceA $ foreachSubterm f <$> body))
-- | `visit f t` applies an effectful function to each subtree of
-- `t` and sequences the results. When `f` returns `Nothing`, `visit`
-- descends into the children of the current subtree. When `f` returns

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@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ derived = ref . Reference.Derived
derived' :: Ord v => Text -> Maybe (Term' vt v)
derived' base58 = derived <$> Hash.fromBase58 base58
ref :: Ord v => Reference -> Term' vt v
ref :: Ord v => Reference -> ABT.Term (F vt at) v ()
ref r = (Ref r)
builtin :: Ord v => Text -> Term' vt v
builtin :: Ord v => Text -> ABT.Term (F vt at) v ()
builtin n = ref (Reference.Builtin n)
float :: Ord v => Double -> Term' vt v
@ -236,6 +236,9 @@ iff cond t f = (If cond t f)
ann :: Ord v => Term' vt v -> Type vt -> Term' vt v
ann e t = (Ann e t)
ann' :: Ord v => a -> ABT.Term (F vt at) v a -> Type.AnnotatedType vt at -> ABT.Term (F vt at) v a
ann' a e t =' a (Ann e t)
vector :: Ord v => [Term' vt v] -> Term' vt v
vector es = (Vector (Vector.fromList es))

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@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ data Note v loc
| WithinSynthesizeApp (Type v loc) (Term v loc) (Note v loc)
| TypeMismatch (Context v loc)
| IllFormedType (Context v loc)
| UnknownSymbol loc v
| CompilerBug (CompilerBug v loc)
| AbilityCheckFailure [Type v loc] [Type v loc] -- ambient, requested
@ -332,6 +333,14 @@ orElse m1 m2 = M go where
r @ (_, Just (_, _)) -> r
_ -> runM m2 menv
-- If the action fails, preserve all the notes it emitted and then return the
-- provided `a`; if the action succeeds, we're good, just use its result
recover :: a -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
recover ifFail (M action) = M go where
go menv = case action menv of
(notes, Nothing) -> (notes, Just (ifFail, env menv))
r -> r
getDataDeclarations :: M v loc (DataDeclarations v loc)
getDataDeclarations = M $ fromMEnv dataDecls
@ -519,22 +528,21 @@ synthesize e = withinSynthesize e $ go (minimize' e)
go (Term.Vector' v) = do
ft <- vectorConstructorOfArity (Foldable.length v)
foldM synthesizeApp ft v
-- go (Term.Let1' binding e) | Set.null (ABT.freeVars binding) = do
-- -- special case when it is definitely safe to generalize - binding contains
-- -- no free variables, i.e. `let id x = x in ...`
-- decls <- getDataDeclarations
-- abilities <- getAbilities
-- t <- scope "let1 closed" $ synthesizeClosed' abilities decls binding
go (Term.Let1' binding e) | Set.null (ABT.freeVars binding) = do
-- special case when it is definitely safe to generalize - binding contains
-- no free variables, i.e. `let id x = x in ...`
abilities <- getAbilities
t <- synthesizeClosed' abilities binding
v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
e <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation e (Term.ann' () (Term.builtin ( v')) t)
synthesize e
--go (Term.Let1' binding e) = do
-- -- literally just convert to a lambda application and call synthesize!
-- -- NB: this misses out on let generalization
-- -- let x = blah p q in foo y <=> (x -> foo y) (blah p q)
-- v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
-- e <- pure $ ABT.bind e (Term.builtin ( v') `Term.ann` t)
-- synthesize e
-- --go (Term.Let1' binding e) = do
-- -- -- literally just convert to a lambda application and call synthesize!
-- -- -- NB: this misses out on let generalization
-- -- -- let x = blah p q in foo y <=> (x -> foo y) (blah p q)
-- -- v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
-- -- e <- pure $ ABT.bind e (Term.var v')
-- -- synthesize (Term.lam v' e `` binding)
-- e <- pure $ ABT.bind e (Term.var v')
-- synthesize (Term.lam v' e `` binding)
-- go (Term.Let1' binding e) = do
-- -- note: no need to freshen binding, it can't refer to v
-- tbinding <- synthesize binding
@ -915,6 +923,25 @@ abilityCheck requested = do
ambient <- getAbilities
abilityCheck' ambient requested
verifyDataDeclarations :: (Eq loc, Var v) => DataDeclarations v loc -> M v loc ()
verifyDataDeclarations decls = forM_ (Map.toList decls) $ \(_ref, decl) -> do
let ctors = DD.constructors decl
forM_ ctors $ \(_ctorName,typ) ->
let isBoundIn v t = Set.member v (snd (ABT.annotation t))
loc t = fst (ABT.annotation t)
go t@(ABT.Var' v) | not (isBoundIn v t) = recover () $ failNote (UnknownSymbol (loc t) v)
go _ = pure ()
in ABT.foreachSubterm go (ABT.annotateBound typ)
synthesizeClosed' :: (Eq loc, Var v)
=> [Type v loc]
-> Term v loc
-> M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesizeClosed' abilities term = do
t <- withEffects0 abilities (synthesize term)
ctx <- getContext
pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx t
instance (Var v, Show loc) => Show (Element v loc) where
show (Var v) = case v of
TypeVar.Universal x -> "@" <> show x