more progress on implementing editor backend

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2014-06-27 18:00:39 -04:00
parent fad7b9f364
commit bdf0a738a7
8 changed files with 163 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,111 @@
module Unison.Edit.Term where
module Unison.Edit.Term (interpret, abstract, eta, beta, letFloat) where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Unison.Edit.Term.Path as P
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Unison.Edit.Term.Action as A
import qualified Unison.Edit.Term.Path as P
import Unison.Edit.Term.Eval as Eval
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Hash as H
import qualified Unison.Note as N
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Var
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Term as E
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Type as T
import Unison.Type (synthesize)
apply :: (Applicative f, Monad f)
-- | Interpret the given 'Action'
interpret :: (Applicative f, Monad f)
=> Eval f -> P.Path -> Action E.Term -> E.Term -> Noted f E.Term
apply eval loc f ctx = go f where
go Abstract = N.liftMaybe invalid $ E.lam1 <$> P.set' loc ctx
go Eta = case loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure invalid
Just sub -> N.liftMaybe invalid $ P.set loc (E.etaReduce sub) ctx
go Beta = case loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure invalid
Just sub -> do
sub <- N.lift $ step eval sub
N.liftMaybe invalid $ P.set loc sub ctx
go _ = undefined
invalid = "invalid path " ++ show loc ++ " in:\n" ++ show ctx
interpret eval loc f ctx = go f where
go Abstract = abstract loc ctx
go Eta = eta loc ctx
go Beta = beta eval loc ctx
go _ = error "todo: Apply, WHNF, HNF, Apply will have to invoke typechecker"
invalid :: (Show a1, Show a) => a -> a1 -> String
invalid loc ctx = "invalid path " ++ show loc ++ " in:\n" ++ show ctx
-- | Pull the given path location in the term out into the outermost
-- function parameter
abstract :: Applicative f => P.Path -> E.Term -> Noted f E.Term
abstract loc ctx =
N.liftMaybe (invalid loc ctx) $ E.lam1 <$> P.set' loc ctx
-- | Eta-reduce the target; @\x -> f x@ becomes @f@.
-- This noops if target is not eta-reducible.
eta :: Applicative f => P.Path -> E.Term -> Noted f E.Term
eta loc ctx =
N.liftMaybe (invalid loc ctx) $ P.modify loc E.etaReduce ctx
-- | Beta-reduce the target, @(\x -> x+1) p@ becomes @p+1@.
-- This noops if target is not beta-reducible.
beta :: Applicative f => Eval f -> P.Path -> E.Term -> Noted f E.Term
beta eval loc ctx = case' loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just (sub,replace) -> replace <$> step eval sub
-- | Compute the allowed type of a replacement for a given subterm.
-- Example, in @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ has an admissible type of
-- @forall r . Int -> r@, which means that an @Int -> Bool@, an
-- @Int -> String@, etc could all be substituted for @g@.
-- Algorithm works by replacing the subterm, @e@ with
-- @const e (f e)@, where @f@ is a fresh function parameter. We then
-- read off the type of @e@ from the inferred type of @f@.
admissibleTypeAt :: Applicative f
=> (H.Hash -> Noted f T.Type)
-> P.Path
-> E.Term
-> Noted f T.Type
admissibleTypeAt synthLit (P.Path []) ctx = synthesize synthLit ctx
admissibleTypeAt synthLit loc ctx = case' loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just (sub,replace) ->
let ctx = E.lam1 $ \f -> replace (ksub f)
-- we annotate `f` as returning `Number` so as not to introduce
-- any new quantified variables in the inferred type
ksub f = E.lam2 (\x y -> x) `E.App` (f `E.App` sub `E.Ann` T.Unit T.Number)
go (T.Arrow (T.Arrow tsub _) _) = tsub
go (T.Forall n t) = T.Forall n (go t)
in go <$> synthesize synthLit ctx
-- | Compute the type of the given subterm, unconstrained as much
-- as possible by any local usages of that subterm. For example, in
-- @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ will have a type of @forall r . Int -> r@,
-- and @map@ will have a type of @forall a b . (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]@.
typeAt :: (Monad f, Applicative f)
=> (H.Hash -> Noted f T.Type)
-> P.Path
-> E.Term
-> Noted f T.Type
typeAt synthLit (P.Path []) ctx = synthesize synthLit ctx
typeAt synthLit loc ctx = case loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just sub -> letFloat loc ctx >>= \(ctx,loc) ->
admissibleTypeAt synthLit loc ctx
-- | Extract the given subterm into a let (implemented with a lambda)
-- floated out as far as possible while ensuring access to all the
-- variables used by the subterm. Examples:
-- * @\x -> f x 42@, 'letFloat' targeting @42@ (which has no free variables)
-- will float this all the way to the outside, yielding @\y -> (\x -> f x y) 42@.
-- * Targeting @f x@ in the same expression will float the let out to the
-- @\x -> ..@ lambda (since @f x@ references the variable bound by that lambda),
-- yielding @\x -> (\y -> y 42) (f x)@
-- This function returns a path to the floated subexpression (@42@ and @f x@ in
-- the above examples.)
letFloat :: Applicative f => P.Path -> E.Term -> Noted f (E.Term, P.Path)
letFloat loc ctx = case loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just sub ->
free = E.freeVars sub
minVar = if S.null free then Nothing else Just (S.findMin free)
trimmedPath = P.trimToV minVar loc
N.liftMaybe (invalid loc ctx) $ do
ctx' <- P.modify trimmedPath (\body -> E.lam1 (\x -> body) `E.App` sub) ctx
loc' <- pure $ P.extend P.Arg trimmedPath
pure (ctx', loc')

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module Unison.Edit.Term.Eval where
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Syntax.Term
data Eval m = Eval {
whnf :: Term -> m Term, -- ^ Simplify to weak head normal form
hnf :: Term -> m Term, -- ^ Simplify to head normal form
step :: Term -> m Term -- ^ Perform one beta reduction
whnf :: Term -> Noted m Term, -- ^ Simplify to weak head normal form
hnf :: Term -> Noted m Term, -- ^ Simplify to head normal form
step :: Term -> Noted m Term -- ^ Perform one beta reduction

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Unison.Edit.Term.Path where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens (Traversal')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Term as E
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Var as V
@ -13,6 +14,10 @@ data E
newtype Path = Path [E] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- | Add an element onto the end of this 'Path'
extend :: E -> Path -> Path
extend e (Path p) = Path (p ++ [e])
at :: Path -> E.Term -> Maybe E.Term
at (Path []) e = Just e
at (Path (h:t)) e = go h e where
@ -24,6 +29,25 @@ at (Path (h:t)) e = go h e where
go Body (E.Lam _ body) = at (Path t) body
go _ _ = Nothing
-- | If the given @Path@ points to a valid subterm, we replace
-- that subterm @e@ with @v e@ and sequence the @Applicative@ effects
-- visit :: Path -> Traversal' E.Term E.Term
visit :: Applicative f => Path -> (E.Term -> f E.Term) -> E.Term -> f E.Term
visit (Path []) v e = v e
visit (Path (h:t)) v e = go h e where
go Fn (E.App f arg) = E.App <$> visit (Path t) v f <*> pure arg
go Arg (E.App f arg) = E.App <$> pure f <*> visit (Path t) v arg
go _ (E.Ann e' typ) = E.Ann <$> visit (Path (h:t)) v e' <*> pure typ
go Body (E.Lam n body) = fn <$> visit (Path t) v body
where fn body = E.lam1 $ \x -> E.betaReduce (E.Lam n body `E.App` x)
go _ e = pure e
-- | Like 'at', but returns a function which may be used to modify the focus
at' :: Path -> E.Term -> Maybe (E.Term, E.Term -> E.Term)
at' loc ctx = case at loc ctx of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just focus -> Just (focus, \focus -> fromJust (set loc focus ctx)) -- safe since `at` proves `loc` valid
set :: Path -> E.Term -> E.Term -> Maybe E.Term
set path focus ctx = impl path ctx where
maxVar = E.maxV focus
@ -39,11 +63,24 @@ set path focus ctx = impl path ctx where
-- | Like 'set', but accepts the new focus within the returned @Maybe@.
set' :: Path -> E.Term -> Maybe (E.Term -> E.Term)
set' loc ctx = case at loc ctx of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> Just $ \focus -> fromJust (set loc focus ctx) -- safe since `at` proves `loc` valid
set' loc ctx = snd <$> at' loc ctx
modify :: Path -> (E.Term -> E.Term) -> E.Term -> Maybe E.Term
modify loc f ctx = do
x <- at loc ctx
set loc (f x) ctx
-- | Drop from the right of this 'Path' until reaching the given element
trimToR :: E -> Path -> Path
trimToR e (Path p) = Path . reverse . dropWhile (/= e) . reverse $ p
-- | Drop the rightmost element of this 'Path', if it exists
drop1R :: Path -> Path
drop1R (Path p) = Path . reverse . drop 1 . reverse $ p
-- | Assuming Axelsson-Claessen naming, drop from the right of this
-- path until reaching the shortest path which still binds that name
trimToV :: Maybe (V.Var) -> Path -> Path
trimToV Nothing p = p
trimToV (Just minv) p | minv == V.bound1 = trimToR Body p
| otherwise = trimToV (Just $ V.decr minv) (drop1R (trimToR Body p))

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ node eval store =
edit k path action = do
e <- readTerm store k
e' <- TE.apply eval path action e
e' <- TE.interpret eval path action e
pure $ (E.finalizeHash e', e')
editType = error "todo later"

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Unison.Syntax.Index where
-- how many scopes out to go to reach the lambda where this is bound
newtype Index = I Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show Index where

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@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ dependencies e = case e of
Ann e _ -> dependencies e
Lam _ body -> dependencies body
freeVars :: Term -> S.Set V.Var
freeVars e = case e of
Var v -> S.singleton v
App fn arg -> freeVars fn `S.union` freeVars arg
Ann e _ -> freeVars e
Lam n body -> S.delete n (freeVars body)
_ -> S.empty
vars :: Term -> [V.Var]
vars e = getConst $ collect (\v -> Const [v]) e
@ -113,7 +121,8 @@ betaReduce (App (Lam var f) arg) = go f where
go body = case body of
App f x -> App (go f) (go x)
Ann body t -> Ann (go body) t
Lam n body -> Lam n (go body)
Lam n body | n == var -> Lam n body -- this lambda shadows var; avoid substituting
| otherwise -> Lam n (go body)
Var v | v == var -> arg
_ -> body
betaReduce e = e

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@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Unison.Syntax.Type where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Hash as H
@ -136,3 +137,6 @@ finalizeHash = H.finalize . hash
hashes :: [Type] -> H.Hash
hashes _ = error "todo: Type.hashes"
makePrisms ''Literal
makePrisms ''Type

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@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ subtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
isSubtype :: T.Type -> T.Type -> Bool
isSubtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
Left e -> False
Left _ -> False
Right _ -> True