add some comments to sync code

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Mitchell Rosen 2022-04-06 17:28:32 -04:00
parent 913216c4f5
commit bebc3f17f0
2 changed files with 95 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ homepage:
build-type: Simple
source-repository head

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ module Unison.Share.Sync
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map.NonEmpty as NEMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
@ -26,14 +28,12 @@ import qualified Unison.Sync.Types as Share.RepoPath (RepoPath (..))
-- Get causal hash by path
data GetCausalHashByPathResponse
= GetCausalHashByPathSuccess Share.HashJWT
| GetCausalHashByPathEmpty
| GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission
-- | An error occurred when getting causal hash by path.
data GetCausalHashByPathError
= GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission
= -- | The user does not have permission to read this path.
-- | Get the causal hash of a path hosted on Unison Share.
getCausalHashByPath :: Share.RepoPath -> IO (Either GetCausalHashByPathError (Maybe Share.HashJWT))
getCausalHashByPath repoPath =
_getCausalHashByPath (Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest repoPath) <&> \case
@ -41,67 +41,91 @@ getCausalHashByPath repoPath =
GetCausalHashByPathEmpty -> Right Nothing
GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission -> Left GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission
_getCausalHashByPath :: Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest -> IO GetCausalHashByPathResponse
_getCausalHashByPath = undefined
-- Push
-- | An error occurred while pushing code to Unison Share.
data PushError
= PushErrorServerMissingDependencies (NESet Share.Hash)
| PushErrorHashMismatch Share.HashMismatch
_updatePath :: Share.UpdatePathRequest -> IO UpdatePathResponse
_updatePath = undefined
_uploadEntities :: Share.UploadEntitiesRequest -> IO UploadEntitiesResponse
_uploadEntities = undefined
push :: Connection -> Share.RepoPath -> Maybe Share.Hash -> CausalHash -> IO (Either PushError ())
-- | Push a causal to Unison Share.
push ::
-- | SQLite connection, for reading entities to push.
Connection ->
-- | The repo+path to push to.
Share.RepoPath ->
-- | The hash that we expect this repo+path to be at on Unison Share. If not, we'll get back a hash mismatch error.
-- This prevents accidentally pushing over data that we didn't know was there.
Maybe Share.Hash ->
-- | The hash of our local causal to push.
CausalHash ->
IO (Either PushError ())
push conn repoPath expectedHash causalHash = do
_updatePath request >>= \case
let theUpdatePathRequest :: Share.UpdatePathRequest
theUpdatePathRequest =
{ path = repoPath,
expectedHash =
expectedHash <&> \hash ->
{ hash,
entityType = Share.CausalType
newHash =
{ hash =
& unCausalHash
& Hash.toBase32Hex
& Base32Hex.toText
& Share.Hash,
entityType = Share.CausalType
-- Maybe the server already has this causal; try just setting its remote path. Commonly, it will respond that it needs
-- this causal (UpdatePathMissingDependencies).
_updatePath theUpdatePathRequest >>= \case
UpdatePathSuccess -> pure (Right ())
UpdatePathHashMismatch mismatch -> pure (Left (PushErrorHashMismatch mismatch))
UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) -> do
-- Upload the causal and all of its dependencies.
upload conn (Share.RepoPath.repoName repoPath) dependencies
_updatePath request <&> \case
-- After uploading the causal and all of its dependencies, try setting the remote path again.
_updatePath theUpdatePathRequest <&> \case
UpdatePathSuccess -> Right ()
-- Between the initial updatePath attempt and this one, someone else managed to update the path. That's ok; we
-- still managed to upload our causal, but the push has indeed failed overall.
UpdatePathHashMismatch mismatch -> Left (PushErrorHashMismatch mismatch)
-- Unexpected, but possible: we thought we uploaded all we needed to, yet the server still won't accept our
-- causal. Bug in the client because we didn't upload enough? Bug in the server because we weren't told to
-- upload some dependency? Who knows.
UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) ->
Left (PushErrorServerMissingDependencies dependencies)
request =
{ path = repoPath,
expectedHash =
expectedHash <&> \hash ->
{ hash,
entityType = Share.CausalType
newHash =
{ hash =
& unCausalHash
& Hash.toBase32Hex
& Base32Hex.toText
& Share.Hash,
entityType = Share.CausalType
upload :: Connection -> Share.RepoName -> NESet Share.Hash -> IO ()
upload conn repoName dependencies = do
request <- do
entities <-
NEMap.fromAscList <$> traverse (\dep -> (dep,) <$> resolveHashToEntity conn dep) (NESet.toAscList dependencies)
pure Share.UploadEntitiesRequest {repoName, entities}
upload conn repoName =
loop :: NESet Share.Hash -> IO ()
loop (NESet.toAscList -> hashes) = do
-- Get each entity that the server is missing out of the database.
entities <- traverse (resolveHashToEntity conn) hashes
_uploadEntities request >>= \case
UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) ->
upload conn repoName dependencies
UploadEntitiesSuccess -> pure ()
let theUploadEntitiesRequest :: Share.UploadEntitiesRequest
theUploadEntitiesRequest =
{ entities = NEMap.fromAscList ( hashes entities),
-- Upload all of the entities we know the server needs, and if the server responds that it needs yet more, loop to
-- upload those too.
_uploadEntities theUploadEntitiesRequest >>= \case
UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies moreHashes) -> loop moreHashes
UploadEntitiesSuccess -> pure ()
-- Pull
@ -132,11 +156,6 @@ upload conn repoName dependencies = do
data UpdatePathResponse
= UpdatePathSuccess
| UpdatePathHashMismatch Share.HashMismatch
| UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies Share.Hash)
data UploadEntitiesResponse
= UploadEntitiesSuccess
| UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies Share.Hash)
@ -176,3 +195,25 @@ pull _conn _repoPath = undefined
-- FIXME rename, etc
resolveHashToEntity :: Connection -> Share.Hash -> IO (Share.Entity Text Share.Hash Share.Hash)
resolveHashToEntity = undefined
-- TODO these things come from servant-client / api types module(s)
data GetCausalHashByPathResponse
= GetCausalHashByPathSuccess Share.HashJWT
| GetCausalHashByPathEmpty
| GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission
data UpdatePathResponse
= UpdatePathSuccess
| UpdatePathHashMismatch Share.HashMismatch
| UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies Share.Hash)
_getCausalHashByPath :: Share.GetCausalHashByPathRequest -> IO GetCausalHashByPathResponse
_getCausalHashByPath = undefined
_updatePath :: Share.UpdatePathRequest -> IO UpdatePathResponse
_updatePath = undefined
_uploadEntities :: Share.UploadEntitiesRequest -> IO UploadEntitiesResponse
_uploadEntities = undefined