file parser can pass tests, ...

- in `type Foo a = Bar`, `type` now opens the layout block instead of `=`
- fix effect declaration parser, was expecting `:` to open a layout block
- fix lexer mishandling `}`
- fill in empty pretty print case
- distinguish root from rootFile parser
- add debugLex'' which takes a [Token Lexeme]
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-07-27 12:17:02 -04:00
parent 5be9f1cb92
commit c17b1cc6d6
9 changed files with 111 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# Language OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Unison.FileParser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Reader (local)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (foldl')
@ -24,10 +25,15 @@ import Unison.Reference (Reference)
file :: Var v => [(v, Reference)] -> [(v, Reference)] -> P v (UnisonFile v Ann)
file builtinTerms builtinTypes = do
traceRemainingTokens "file before parsing declarations"
_ <- openBlock
(dataDecls, effectDecls) <- declarations
let env = environmentFor builtinTerms builtinTypes dataDecls effectDecls
local (`Map.union` UF.constructorLookup env) $ do
term <- TermParser.topBlock
traceRemainingTokens "file"
term <- TermParser.block' "top-level block"
(void <$> peekAny) -- we actually opened before the declarations
pure $ UnisonFile (UF.datas env) (UF.effects env) (UF.resolveTerm env term)
declarations :: Var v => P v
@ -45,10 +51,10 @@ declarations = do
dataDeclaration :: forall v . Var v => P v (v, DataDeclaration' v Ann)
dataDeclaration = do
start <- reserved "type"
start <- openBlockWith "type"
(name, typeArgs) <- (,) <$> prefixVar <*> many prefixVar
let typeArgVs = L.payload <$> typeArgs
eq <- openBlockWith "="
eq <- reserved "="
-- go gives the type of the constructor, given the types of
-- the constructor arguments, e.g. Cons becomes forall a . a -> List a -> List a
@ -90,5 +96,5 @@ effectDeclaration = do
constructor :: Var v => P v (Ann, v, AnnotatedType v Ann)
constructor = explodeToken <$>
prefixVar <* openBlockWith ":" <*> TypeParser.computationType <* closeBlock
prefixVar <* reserved ":" <*> TypeParser.computationType
where explodeToken v t = (ann v, L.payload v, t)

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ instance ShowToken (Token Lexeme) where
pretty (Numeric n) = n
pretty (Hash h) = show h
pretty (Err e) = show e
pretty _ = ""
pretty t = show t
pad (Pos line1 col1) (Pos line2 col2) =
if line1 == line2
then replicate (col2 - col1) ' '
@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ top :: Layout -> Column
top [] = 1
top ((_,h):_) = h
-- todo: make Layout a NonEmpty
topBlockName :: Layout -> Maybe BlockName
topBlockName [] = Nothing
topBlockName ((name,_):_) = Just name
pop :: [a] -> [a]
pop = drop 1
@ -176,11 +181,18 @@ lexer scope rem =
go :: Layout -> Pos -> [Char] -> [Token Lexeme]
go l pos rem = case rem of
[] -> popLayout0 l pos []
-- delimiters - `:`, `@`, `|`, `=`, and `->`
-- we wanted `->` to be able to introduce a layout block
-- if the top block name on the layout stack is an `of`
-- but the effectBind pattern contains an `->`, and we
-- didn't want an `->` within an effectBind to introduce a block.
-- case blah of {State.get -> k} -> <layout block>
'{' : rem ->
Token (Open "{") pos (inc pos) : pushLayout "{" l (inc pos) rem
'}' : rem ->
Token (Close) pos (inc pos) : pushLayout "{" l (inc pos) rem
Token Close pos (inc pos)
: Token (Reserved "}") pos (inc pos)
: goWhitespace (drop 1 l) (inc pos) rem
-- delimiters - `:`, `@`, `|`, `=`, and `->`
ch : rem | Set.member ch delimiters ->
Token (Reserved [ch]) pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) rem
':' : c : rem | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->
@ -191,16 +203,21 @@ lexer scope rem =
Token (Reserved "_") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) rem
'|' : c : rem | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->
Token (Reserved "|") pos (inc pos) : goWhitespace l (inc pos) (c:rem)
'=' : c : rem | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->
Token (Open "=") pos (inc pos) : pushLayout "=" l (inc pos) (c:rem)
'=' : (rem @ (c : _)) | isSpace c || isAlphaNum c ->
let end = inc pos
in case topBlockName l of
-- '=' does not open a layout block if within a type declaration
Just "type" -> Token (Reserved "=") pos end : goWhitespace l end rem
Just _ -> Token (Open "=") pos end : pushLayout "=" l end rem
_ -> error "looks like we called topBlockName on an empty layout stack"
'-' : '>' : (rem @ (c : _))
| isSpace c || isAlphaNum c || Set.member c delimiters ->
let end = incBy "->" pos
in case l of
("of", _) : _ -> -- `->` opens a block when pattern-matching only
in case topBlockName l of
Just "of" -> -- `->` opens a block when pattern-matching only
Token (Open "->") pos end : pushLayout "->" l end rem
_ -> Token (Reserved "->") pos end : goWhitespace l end rem
Just _ -> Token (Reserved "->") pos end : goWhitespace l end rem
_ -> error "looks like we called topBlockName on an empty layout stack"
-- string literals and backticked identifiers
'"' : rem -> span' (/= '"') rem $ \(lit, rem) ->
if rem == [] then
@ -221,6 +238,9 @@ lexer scope rem =
(matchKeyword -> Just (kw,rem)) ->
let end = incBy kw pos in
case kw of
kw@"type" ->
Token (Open kw) pos end
: goWhitespace ((kw, column $ inc pos) : l) end rem
kw | Set.member kw layoutKeywords ->
Token (Open kw) pos end : pushLayout kw l end rem
| otherwise -> Token (Reserved kw) pos end : goWhitespace l end rem
@ -381,6 +401,19 @@ ex =
, " s = 0\n"
, " s + 2\n" ]
debugLex'' :: [Token Lexeme] -> String
debugLex'' lexemes =
unlines . W.execWriter . flip S.evalStateT [] . traverse_ f . map payload $ lexemes
f :: Lexeme -> S.StateT String (W.Writer [String]) ()
f x = do
pad <- S.get
S.lift . W.tell $ [pad ++ show x]
case x of
Open _ -> S.modify (++ " ")
Close -> S.modify (drop 2)
_ -> pure ()
debugLex :: String -> String -> IO ()
debugLex scope = flip S.evalStateT [] . traverse_ f . map payload . lexer scope
@ -394,16 +427,7 @@ debugLex scope = flip S.evalStateT [] . traverse_ f . map payload . lexer scope
_ -> pure ()
debugLex' :: String -> String
debugLex' = unlines . W.execWriter . flip S.evalStateT [] . traverse_ f . map payload . lexer "debugLex"
f :: Lexeme -> S.StateT String (W.Writer [String]) ()
f x = do
pad <- S.get
S.lift . W.tell $ [pad ++ show x]
case x of
Open _ -> S.modify (++ " ")
Close -> S.modify (drop 2)
_ -> pure ()
debugLex' = debugLex'' . lexer "debugLex"
span' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> (([a],[a]) -> r) -> r
span' f a k = k (span f a)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -139,6 +140,16 @@ instance Annotated a => Annotated (PatternP a) where
instance (Annotated a, Annotated b) => Annotated (MatchCase a b) where
ann (MatchCase p _ b) = ann p <> ann b
label :: (Var v, Show a) => String -> P v a -> P v a
label = P.label
-- label = P.dbg
traceRemainingTokens :: Var v => String -> P v ()
traceRemainingTokens label = do
remainingTokens <- lookAhead $ many anyToken
let _ = trace ("REMAINDER " ++ label ++ ":\n" ++ L.debugLex'' remainingTokens) ()
pure ()
mkAnn :: (Annotated a, Annotated b) => a -> b -> Ann
mkAnn x y = ann x <> ann y
@ -153,11 +164,21 @@ tok f (L.Token a start end) = f (Ann start end) a
peekAny :: Var v => P v (L.Token L.Lexeme)
peekAny = P.lookAhead P.anyChar
lookAhead :: Var v => P v a -> P v a
lookAhead = P.lookAhead
anyToken :: Var v => P v (L.Token L.Lexeme)
anyToken = P.anyChar
proxy :: Proxy Input
proxy = Proxy
root :: Var v => P v a -> P v a
root p = openBlock *> p <* closeBlock <* P.eof
root p = (openBlock *> p) <* closeBlock <* P.eof
-- |
rootFile :: Var v => P v a -> P v a
rootFile p = p <* P.eof
run' :: P v a -> String -> String -> PEnv -> Either (Err v) a
run' p s name = runParserT p name (Input $ L.lexer name s) -- todo: L.reorder
@ -215,7 +236,7 @@ backticks = queryToken getBackticks
-- Parse a reserved word
reserved :: Var v => String -> P v (L.Token String)
reserved w = P.label w $ queryToken getReserved
reserved w = label w $ queryToken getReserved
where getReserved (L.Reserved w') | w == w' = Just w
getReserved _ = Nothing
@ -231,9 +252,9 @@ sepBy1 :: Var v => P v a -> P v b -> P v [b]
sepBy1 sep pb = P.sepBy1 pb sep
prefixVar :: Var v => P v (L.Token v)
prefixVar = fmap (Var.named . Text.pack) <$> P.label "symbol" prefixOp
prefixVar = fmap (Var.named . Text.pack) <$> label "symbol" prefixOp
prefixOp = wordyId <|> P.label "prefix-operator" (P.try (reserved "(" *> symbolyId) <* reserved ")")
prefixOp = wordyId <|> label "prefix-operator" (P.try (reserved "(" *> symbolyId) <* reserved ")")
infixVar :: Var v => P v (L.Token v)
infixVar =

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ parseType s = (Parser.root TypeParser.valueType) s
parseFile :: Var v => FilePath -> String -> PEnv -> Either (Parser.Err v) (UnisonFile v Ann)
parseFile filename s ='
(Parser.root $ FileParser.file Builtin.builtinTerms Builtin.builtinTypes) s filename
(Parser.rootFile $ FileParser.file Builtin.builtinTerms Builtin.builtinTypes) s filename
unsafeParseTerm :: Var v => String -> PEnv -> AnnotatedTerm v Ann
unsafeParseTerm s = fmap (unsafeGetRightFrom s) . parseTerm $ s

View File

@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
module Unison.TermParser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, join, when, void)
import Control.Monad (guard, join, when)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
-- import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Int (Int64)
@ -153,20 +154,20 @@ parsePattern = constructor <|> leaf
Nothing -> customFailure $ UnknownDataConstructor t
lam :: Var v => TermP v -> TermP v
lam p = P.label "lambda" $ mkLam <$> P.try (some prefixVar <* reserved "->") <*> p
lam p = label "lambda" $ mkLam <$> P.try (some prefixVar <* reserved "->") <*> p
mkLam vs b = Term.lam' (ann (head vs) <> ann b) (map L.payload vs) b
letBlock, handle, ifthen, and, or, infixApp :: Var v => TermP v
letBlock = P.label "let" $ block "let"
letBlock = label "let" $ block "let"
handle = P.label "handle" $ do
handle = label "handle" $ do
t <- reserved "handle"
handler <- term
b <- block "in"
pure $ Term.handle (ann t <> ann b) handler b
ifthen = P.label "if" $ do
ifthen = label "if" $ do
c <- block "if"
t <- block "then"
f <- block "else"
@ -199,10 +200,10 @@ termLeaf =
asum [hashLit, prefixTerm, text, number, boolean,
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm, blank, vector term]
and = P.label "and" $ f <$> reserved "and" <*> termLeaf <*> termLeaf
and = label "and" $ f <$> reserved "and" <*> termLeaf <*> termLeaf
where f kw x y = Term.and (ann kw <> ann y) x y
or = P.label "or" $ f <$> reserved "or" <*> termLeaf <*> termLeaf
or = label "or" $ f <$> reserved "or" <*> termLeaf <*> termLeaf
where f kw x y = Term.or (ann kw <> ann y) x y
var :: Var v => L.Token v -> AnnotatedTerm v Ann
@ -214,10 +215,11 @@ term4 = f <$> some termLeaf
f (func:args) = Term.apps func ((\a -> (ann func <> ann a, a)) <$> args)
f [] = error "'some' shouldn't produce an empty list"
infixApp = chainl1 term4 (f <$> fmap var infixVar)
f op lhs rhs =
Term.apps op [(ann lhs, lhs), (ann rhs, rhs)]
infixApp = label "infixApp" $
chainl1 term4 (f <$> fmap var infixVar)
f op lhs rhs =
Term.apps op [(ann lhs, lhs), (ann rhs, rhs)]
typedecl :: Var v => P v (L.Token v, AnnotatedType v Ann)
typedecl =
@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ typedecl =
<* semi
binding :: forall v. Var v => P v ((Ann, v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)
binding = P.label "binding" $ do
binding = label "binding" $ do
typ <- optional typedecl
let infixLhs = do
(arg1, op) <- P.try ((,) <$> prefixVar <*> infixVar)
@ -264,10 +266,6 @@ customFailure = P.customFailure
block :: forall v. Var v => String -> TermP v
block s = block' s (openBlockWith s) closeBlock
-- | if there's no open for us, there won't be a close either
topBlock :: forall v. Var v => TermP v
topBlock = block' "top-level block" (void <$> peekAny) (pure ())
block' :: forall v b. Var v => String -> P v (L.Token ()) -> P v b -> TermP v
block' s openBlock closeBlock = do
open <- openBlock
@ -275,7 +273,8 @@ block' s openBlock closeBlock = do
_ <- closeBlock
go open statements
statement = (Right <$> binding) <|> (Left <$> blockTerm)
statement = traceRemainingTokens "statement" *>
((Right <$> binding) <|> (Left <$> blockTerm))
toBinding (Right ((a, v), e)) = ((a, v), e)
toBinding (Left e) = ((ann e, Var.named "_"), e)
go :: L.Token () -> [Either (AnnotatedTerm v Ann) ((Ann, v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)] -> P v (AnnotatedTerm v Ann)
@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ number' i u f = fmap go numeric
| otherwise = u (read <$> num)
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm :: Var v => TermP v
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm = P.label "tuple" $ tupleOrParenthesized term unit pair
tupleOrParenthesizedTerm = label "tuple" $ tupleOrParenthesized term unit pair
pair t1 t2 = (ann t1 <> ann t2)

View File

@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ type2 = app valueTypeLeaf
-- ex : {State Text, IO} (Sequence Int64)
effect :: Var v => TypeP v
effect = do
open <- reserved "{"
open <- openBlockWith "{"
es <- sepBy (reserved ",") valueType
_ <- closeBlock
_ <- reserved "}"
t <- valueTypeLeaf
pure (Type.effect (Ann (L.start open) (end $ ann t)) es t)

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module Unison.Test.FileParser where
p :: UnisonFile Symbol Ann
!p = unsafeGetRightFrom s $
(Parser.root $
(Parser.rootFile $
file Builtin.builtinTerms Builtin.builtinTypes)

View File

@ -127,6 +127,11 @@ test1 = scope "termparser" . tests . map parses $
" s + 2\n"
, "and x y"
, "or x y"
, [r|--let r1
let r1 : UInt64
r1 = case Optional.Some 3 of
x -> 1
42 |]
, [r|let
increment = (+_UInt64) 1

View File

@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ test = scope "typechecker" . tests $
|r1 = case Optional.Some 3 of
| x -> 1
|() |]
, checks [r|--r0
|r1 : UInt64
|r1 = case Optional.Some 3 of
| x -> 1
, checks [r|--r2
|type Optional a = None | Some a
|r2 : UInt64