Debugging letrec typechecking

This commit is contained in:
Runar Bjarnason 2018-06-21 12:49:12 -04:00
parent 19c20553f1
commit d03e48a77b
7 changed files with 48 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ subtract _ t1s t2s =
instance (Show1 f, Var v) => Show (Term f v a) where
-- annotations not shown
showsPrec p (Term _ _ out) = case out of
Var v -> (Text.unpack (Var.shortName v) ++)
Var v -> (show v ++)
Cycle body -> showsPrec p body
Abs v body -> showParen True $ (Text.unpack (Var.shortName v) ++) . showString ". " . showsPrec p body
Tm f -> showsPrec1 p f

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@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ lam'' vs body = foldr lam body vs
-- | Smart constructor for let rec blocks. Each binding in the block may
-- reference any other binding in the block in its body (including itself),
-- and the output expression may also reference any binding in the block.
letRec :: Ord v => [(v,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
letRec :: Ord v => [(v, Term' vt v)] -> Term' vt v -> Term' vt v
letRec [] e = e
letRec bindings e = ABT.cycle (foldr ABT.abs z (map fst bindings))

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ underlying (Universal v) = v
underlying (Existential v) = v
instance Show v => Show (TypeVar v) where
show (Universal v) = show v
show (Universal v) = "@" ++ show v
show (Existential v) = "'" ++ show v
instance Var v => Var (TypeVar v) where

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Term (Term')
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Var (Var)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ components' freeVars bs =
-- Gets rid of the let rec and replaces it with an ordinary `let`, such
-- that `id` is suitably generalized.
minimize :: Var v => Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
minimize :: Var v => Term' vt v -> Maybe (Term' vt v)
minimize (Term.LetRecNamed' bs e) = case components bs of
[_single] -> Nothing
cs -> Just $ foldr mklet e cs where
@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ minimize (Term.LetRecNamed' bs e) = case components bs of
mklet cycle e = Term.letRec cycle e
minimize _ = Nothing
minimize' :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
minimize' :: Var v => Term' vt v -> Term' vt v
minimize' term = fromMaybe term (minimize term)

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.TypeVar (TypeVar)
import qualified Unison.TypeVar as TypeVar
import Unison.Typechecker.Components (minimize')
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
-- uncomment for debugging
@ -67,10 +68,10 @@ data Element v
instance Var v => Show (Element v) where
show (Var v) = case v of
TypeVar.Universal v -> Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)
TypeVar.Existential v -> "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)
TypeVar.Universal x -> "@" <> show x
TypeVar.Existential x -> "'" ++ show x
show (Solved v t) = "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" = "++show t
show (Ann v t) = Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" : "++show t
show (Ann v t) = Text.unpack (Var.shortName v) ++ " : " ++ show t
show (Marker v) = "|"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++"|"
(===) :: Eq v => Element v -> Element v -> Bool
@ -546,7 +547,9 @@ instantiateR t v = getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v o
setContext $ ctx `append` context [Marker x', Existential x']
instantiateR (ABT.bind body (Type.existential x')) v
modifyContext (retract (Marker x'))
_ -> fail $ "could not instantiate right " ++ show t
_ -> do
logContext ("failed: instantiateR " <> show t <> " " <> show v)
fail $ "could not instantiate right " ++ show t
withEffects :: [Type v] -> M v a -> M v a
withEffects abilities' m =
@ -593,7 +596,7 @@ check e t = getContext >>= \ctx -> scope ("check: " ++ show e ++ ": " ++ show
a <- synthesize e; ctx <- getContext
subtype (apply ctx a) (apply ctx t)
(as, t') = Type.stripEffect t
in withEffects as $ go e t'
in withEffects as $ go (minimize' e) t'
scope ("context: " ++ show ctx) .
scope ("term: " ++ show e) .
@ -618,6 +621,7 @@ annotateLetRecBindings letrec = do
-- annotate each term variable w/ corresponding existential
-- [marker e1, 'e1, 'e2, ... v1 : 'e1, v2 : 'e2 ...]
appendContext $ context (Marker e1 : map Existential es ++ zipWith Ann vs (map Type.existential es))
logContext "annotating letrec bindings"
-- check each `bi` against `ei`; sequencing resulting contexts
Foldable.traverse_ (\(e,(_,binding)) -> check binding (Type.existential e)) (zip es bindings)
-- compute generalized types `gt1, gt2 ...` for each binding `b1, b2...`;
@ -632,7 +636,8 @@ annotateLetRecBindings letrec = do
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, updating the context in the process.
-- | Figure 11 from the paper
synthesize :: Var v => Term v -> M v (Type v)
synthesize e = scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ logContext "synthesize" >> go e where
synthesize e = scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ go (minimize' e)
go :: Var v => Term v -> M v (Type v)
go (Term.Var' v) = getContext >>= \ctx -> case lookupType ctx v of -- Var
Nothing -> fail $ "type not known for term var: " ++ Text.unpack ( v)
@ -838,7 +843,7 @@ synthesizeApp ft arg = scope ("synthesizeApp: " ++ show ft ++ " " ++ show arg) $
ambientEs <- getAbilities
o <$ check arg (Type.effect ambientEs i)
go (Type.Existential' a) = do -- a^App
[i,o] <- traverse freshenVar [a, ABT.v' "o"]
[i,o] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let soln = Type.Monotype (Type.existential i `Type.arrow` Type.existential o)
let ctxMid = context [Existential o, Existential i, Solved a soln]
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential a) ctxMid

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- info attached to `v` values may participate in the `Eq` or `Ord` instances,
-- it is 'just' metadata.
class (Eq v, Ord v) => Var v where
class (Show v, Eq v, Ord v) => Var v where
named :: Text -> v
rename :: Text -> v -> v
name :: v -> Text

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@ -125,6 +125,17 @@ test = scope "typechecker" . tests $
|r12 : UInt64
|r12 = (x -> x) 64
|id : forall a . a -> a
|id x = x
|r13 : (UInt64, Text)
|r13 = let
| id = ((x -> x): forall a . a -> a)
| (id 10, id "foo")
|r14 : (forall a . a -> a) -> (UInt64, Text)
|r14 id = (id 10, id "foo")
|() |]
, checks [r|effect Abort where
@ -156,7 +167,19 @@ test = scope "typechecker" . tests $
|bork = u -> 1 +_UInt64 (Abort.Abort ())
|() |]
, checks [r|--State effect
, checks [r|--State1 effect
|effect State se2 where
| put : se . se -> {State se} ()
| get : se . () -> {State se} se
|state woot eff = case eff of
| { State.get () -> k } -> handle state woot in k woot
| { State.put snew -> k } -> handle (state snew) in (k ())
| { a } -> (woot, a)
, checks [r|--State2 effect
|effect State se2 where
| put : se . se -> {State se} ()
| get : se . () -> {State se} se
@ -165,13 +188,13 @@ test = scope "typechecker" . tests $
|state woot eff = case eff of
| { State.get () -> k } -> handle (state woot) in (k woot)
| { State.put snew -> k } -> handle (state snew) in (k ())
| { a } -> (woot, a)
|ex : (UInt64, UInt64)
|ex = handle (state 42) in State.get ()
--ex : (UInt64, UInt64)
--ex = handle (state 42) in State.get ()
where c tm typ = scope tm . expect $ check (stripMargin tm) typ
bombs s = scope s (expect . not . fileTypechecks $ s)