Fix quadratic performance bug in interpreter, added simple test of indexed traversal

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-10-03 13:50:48 -04:00
parent 45a4274d22
commit d18364fa84
5 changed files with 48 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | Very simple and inefficient interpreter of Unison terms
module Unison.Eval.Interpreter where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
import Unison.Eval
import Unison.Term (Term)
@ -26,13 +29,13 @@ eval :: forall f v . (Monad f, Var v) => Map R.Reference (Primop f v) -> Eval f
eval env = Eval whnf step
-- reduce x args | trace ("reduce:" ++ show (x:args)) False = undefined
reduce resolveRef (E.Ann' e _) args = reduce resolveRef e args
reduce resolveRef (E.App' f x) args = do
x <- whnf resolveRef x
reduce resolveRef f (x:args)
reduce resolveRef (E.Let1' binding body) xs = do
binding <- whnf resolveRef binding
reduce resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding) xs
reduce resolveRef (E.Ann' e _) args = reduce resolveRef e args
reduce resolveRef f args = do
f <- whnf resolveRef f
case f of
@ -45,25 +48,29 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
_ -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
E.Ref' h -> case M.lookup h env of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Nothing -> case h of
R.Derived h -> do
r <- resolveRef h
r <- whnf resolveRef r
reduce resolveRef r args
R.Builtin b -> pure Nothing
Just op | length args >= arity op ->
call op (take (arity op) args) >>= \e ->
pure . Just $ foldl e (drop (arity op) args)
Just _ | otherwise -> pure Nothing
E.Lam' f -> case args of
E.LamsNamed' vs body -> let n = length vs in case args of
[] -> pure Nothing
(arg1:args) ->
let r = ABT.bind f arg1
in pure $ Just (foldl r args)
args | length args >= n -> pure $ Just (foldl' (ABT.substs (vs `zip` args) body) (drop n args))
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
step resolveRef e = case e of
E.Ann' e _ -> step resolveRef e
E.Ref' h -> case M.lookup h env of
Just op | arity op == 0 -> call op []
_ -> pure e
E.App' f x -> do
f <- resolveRef f
e' <- reduce resolveRef f [x]
E.Apps' f xs -> do
e' <- reduce resolveRef f xs
maybe (pure e) pure e'
E.Let1' binding body -> step resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding)
E.LetRecNamed' bs body -> step resolveRef (ABT.substs substs body) where
@ -76,7 +83,12 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
whnf resolveRef e = case e of
E.Ref' h -> case M.lookup h env of
Just op | arity op == 0 -> call op []
_ -> pure e
| otherwise -> pure e
Nothing -> case h of
R.Derived h -> do
r <- resolveRef h
whnf resolveRef r
R.Builtin b -> pure e
E.Ann' e _ -> whnf resolveRef e
E.Apps' E.If' (cond:t:f:tl) -> do
cond <- whnf resolveRef cond
@ -85,9 +97,8 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
| otherwise -> whnf resolveRef t >>= \t -> (`E.apps` tl) <$> whnf resolveRef t
_ -> pure e
E.Apps' f xs -> do
f' <- resolveRef f
f <- whnf resolveRef f'
xs <- traverse (whnf resolveRef) xs
f <- whnf resolveRef f
e' <- reduce resolveRef f xs
maybe (pure $ f `E.apps` xs) (whnf resolveRef) e'
E.Let1' binding body -> do
@ -97,4 +108,5 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
bs' = [ (v, expandBinding v b) | (v,b) <- bs ]
expandBinding v (E.LamNamed' name body) = E.lam name (expandBinding v body)
expandBinding v body = E.letRec bs body
E.Vector' es -> E.vector' <$> traverse (whnf resolveRef) es
_ -> pure e

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@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
op [fz,f,o] = whnf o >>= \o -> case o of
Term.Builtin' tag | tag == "Optional.None" -> whnf fz
Term.App' (Term.Builtin' tag) a | tag == "Optional.Some" -> whnf (f `` a)
_ -> error "Optional.fold unpossible"
_ -> error $ "Optional.fold unpossible: " ++ show o
op _ = error "Optional.fold unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType "forall a r . r -> (a -> r) -> Optional a -> r", prefix "Optional.fold")

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@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ instance Hashable1 Local where
Receive c -> [tag 4, H.accumulateToken c]
Send c t -> [tag 5, H.accumulateToken c, hashed t]
Spawn -> [tag 6]
Pure t -> [tag 7, hashed t]
Sleep (Seconds d) -> [tag 7, H.Double d]
Pure t -> [tag 8, hashed t]
tag = H.Tag
hashed1 = H.Hashed . (H.hash1 hashCycle hash)

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@ -262,6 +262,14 @@ unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
go _ [] = []
go fn args = fn:args
pattern LamsNamed' vs body <- (unLams' -> Just (vs, body))
unLams' :: Term v -> Maybe ([v], Term v)
unLams' (LamNamed' v body) = case unLams' body of
Nothing -> Just ([v], body)
Just (vs, body) -> Just (v:vs, body)
unLams' _ = Nothing
dependencies' :: Ord v => Term v -> Set Reference
dependencies' t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f t@(Ref r) = Writer.tell [r] *> pure t
@ -275,15 +283,6 @@ countBlanks t = Monoid.getSum . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f Blank = Writer.tell (Monoid.Sum (1 :: Int)) *> pure Blank
f t = pure t
-- | Convert all 'Ref' constructors to the corresponding term
link :: (Applicative f, Monad f, Var v) => (Hash -> f (Term v)) -> Term v -> f (Term v)
link env e =
let ds = map (\h -> (h, link env =<< env h)) (Set.toList (dependencies e))
sub e (h, ft) = replace <$> ft
where replace t = ABT.replace ((==) rt) t e
rt = ref (Reference.Derived h)
in foldM sub e ds
-- | If the outermost term is a function application,
-- perform substitution of the argument into the body
betaReduce :: Var v => Term v -> Term v

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
do Remote
n := Remote.spawn;
Remote.transfer n;
ind1 := Index.empty;
ind2 := Index.empty;
Index.inserts [(1,"a"), (3,"b"), (9,"c")] ind1;
t1 = Index.traversal ind1;
Index.inserts [(3,"a"), (4,"b"), (9,"c"), (10, "d")] ind2;
t2 = Index.traversal ind2;
t3 = IndexedTraversal.intersect ( Hash.Order) t1 t2;
vs := IndexedTraversal.take 10 t3;
pure ( "result" vs);;