converted unison-shared tests over to EasyTest, went fabulously

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-12-30 14:39:14 -05:00
parent 2a307b0d4a
commit d5f686eb22
12 changed files with 173 additions and 730 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import qualified Prelude
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Layout as L
import Debug.Trace
-- import Debug.Trace
type Parser s a = Parsec.Parsec Text (Env s) a

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@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
module Main where
import EasyTest
import System.IO
import Test.Tasty
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Test.Doc as Doc
import qualified Unison.Test.Typechecker as Typechecker
import qualified Unison.Test.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Test.TermParser as TermParser
import qualified Unison.Test.TypeParser as TypeParser
import qualified Unison.Test.Interpreter as Interpreter
import qualified Unison.Test.Typechecker.Components as Components
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "unison" [Doc.tests, Typechecker.tests, Term.tests, TermParser.tests, TypeParser.tests, Interpreter.tests, Components.tests]
test :: Test ()
test = scope "unison-shared" $ do
(codebase, resolveSymbol, allBindings, evaluate) <- io Common.codebase
tests [ Doc.test
, Interpreter.test codebase allBindings evaluate
, Components.test codebase ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ (`hSetEncoding` utf8) [stdout, stdin, stderr]
defaultMain tests
run test

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@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Logger as L
import qualified Unison.View as View
type V = Symbol View.DFO
type TermV = Term V
type CodebaseIOV = Codebase IO V
-- A codebase for testing
type TCodebase =
( Codebase IO V -- the codebase
( CodebaseIOV -- the codebase
, Reference -> V -- resolve references to symbols
, [(V, Term V)] -- all symbol bindings
, Term V -> Noted IO (Term V)) -- evaluator

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@ -1,48 +1,34 @@
module Unison.Test.Doc where
import EasyTest
import Unison.Doc
import Test.Tasty
import Unison.Dimensions
-- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
fmt :: Word -> Doc String [Int] -> String
fmt w d = formatString (Width $ fromIntegral w) d
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Doc"
[ testCase "ex (1)" $ assertEqual "should fit on one line"
"a b c"
(fmt 10 (sep' " " ["a", "b", "c"]))
, testCase "ex (1a)" $ assertEqual "should break onto 3 lines"
(fmt 4 (sep' " " ["a", "b", "c"]))
, testCase "ex (2)" $ assertEqual "should fit on one line"
"a b c d e"
(fmt 9 (sep " " [embed "a", sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, testCase "ex (2a)" $ assertEqual "should break onto 3 lines"
"a\nb c d\ne"
(fmt 8 (sep " " [embed "a", sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, testCase "ex (3)" $ assertEqual "should break onto 3 lines with indent"
"a\n b c d\ne"
(fmt 8 (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, testCase "ex (3a)" $ assertEqual "should fit on one line"
"a b c d e"
(fmt 9 (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, testCase "parenthesize (1)" $ assertEqual "should fit on one line"
"(a b c d)"
(fmt 9 $ parenthesize True (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
, testCase "parenthesize (2)" $ assertEqual "should break onto two lines with indent and no parens"
"a\n b"
(fmt 3 $ parenthesize True (docs [embed "a", breakable " ", nest " " $ embed "b"]))
, testCase "parenthesize (3)" $ assertEqual "should break onto two lines with indent and no parens"
test :: Test ()
test = scope "Doc" $ tests
[ scope "ex (1)" $ expect ("a b c" == fmt 10 (sep' " " ["a", "b", "c"]))
, scope "ex (1a)" $ expect ("a\nb\nc" == fmt 4 (sep' " " ["a", "b", "c"]))
, scope "ex (2)" $ expect ("a b c d e" == fmt 9 (sep " " [embed "a", sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, scope "ex (2a)" $ expect ("a\nb c d\ne" == fmt 8 (sep " " [embed "a", sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"]))
, scope "ex (3)" . expect $
"a\n b c d\ne" == fmt 8 (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"])
, scope "ex (3a)" . expect $
"a b c d e" == fmt 9 (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"], embed "e"])
, scope "parenthesize (1)" . expect $
"(a b c d)" == fmt 9 (parenthesize True (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
, scope "parenthesize (2)" . expect $
"a\n b" == fmt 3 (parenthesize True (docs [embed "a", breakable " ", nest " " $ embed "b"]))
, scope "parenthesize (3)" . expect $
"a\n b c d"
(fmt 7 $ parenthesize True (docs [embed "a", breakable " ", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
, testCase "parenthesize (4)" $ assertEqual "should break onto two lines with indent and no parens"
fmt 7 (parenthesize True (docs [embed "a", breakable " ", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
, scope "parenthesize (4)" . expect $
"a\n b c d"
(fmt 8 $ parenthesize True (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
fmt 8 (parenthesize True (sep " " [embed "a", nest " " $ sep' " " ["b", "c", "d"]]))
main = defaultMain tests
main = run test

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@ -1,105 +1,102 @@
module Unison.Test.Interpreter where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import EasyTest
import qualified Unison.Parsers as P
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Interpreter as I
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase ->
tests =
[ t "1 + 1" "2"
, t "1 + 1 + 1" "3"
, t "(x -> x) 42" "42"
, t "let { x = 2; y = 3 ; x + y }" "5"
, t "if False then 0 else 1" "1"
, t "if True then 12 else 13" "12"
, t "1 >_Number 0" "True"
, t "1 ==_Number 1" "True"
, t "2 ==_Number 0" "False"
, t "1 <_Number 2" "True"
, t "1 <=_Number 1" "True"
, t "1 >=_Number 1" "True"
, t "Comparison.fold 1 0 0 Less" "1"
, t "Comparison.fold 0 1 0 Equal" "1"
, t "Comparison.fold 0 0 1 Greater" "1"
, t " (Order.invert <| Order.tuple2 Number.Order Number.Order) (1,2) (1,3)" "Greater"
, t " (Order.invert <| Order.tuple2 Number.Order Number.Order) (2,1) (1,3)" "Less"
, t " (Order.tuple2 Number.Order Order.ignore) (1,2) (1,3)" "Equal"
, t " (Order.tuple2 Order.ignore Number.Order ) (2,2) (1,3)" "Less"
, t "True `or` False" "True"
, t "False `or` True" "True"
, t "True `or` True" "True"
, t "False `or` False" "False"
, t "True `and` True" "True"
, t "True `and` False" "False"
, t "False `and` True" "False"
, t "False `and` False" "False"
, t "not False" "True"
, t "not True" "False"
, t "let rec { fac n = if n ==_Number 0 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1); fac 5 }" "120"
, t "let rec { ping n = if n >=_Number 10 then n else pong (n + 1); pong n = ping (n + 1); ping 0}"
, t "let\n id x = x\n g = id 42\n p = id \"hi\"\n g" "42"
, t "let { id : forall a . a -> a; id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" ; g }" "42"
, t "(let { id x = x; id } : forall a . a -> a) 42" "42"
, t " ((+) 1) (Some 1)" "Some 2"
, t " ((+) 1) ((Some: ∀ a . a -> Optional a) 1)" "Some 2"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Left 1)" "2"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Right 1)" "3"
, t "Either.swap (Left 1)" "Either.Right 1"
, t "Pair.fold (x y -> x) (1, 2)" "1"
, t "const 41 0" "41"
, t "1st (1,2,3,4)" "1"
, t "2nd (1,2 + 1,3,4)" "3"
, t "identity <| (1 + 1)" "2"
, t "(1 + 1) |> identity" "2"
, t "if \"hi\" ==_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <_Text \"hiya\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <=_Text \"hiya\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hiya\" >_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hiya\" >=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" >=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "Vector.reverse [1,2,3]" "[3,2,1]"
, t "Vector.reverse Vector.empty" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-right Vector.prepend Vector.empty [1,2,3]" "[1,2,3]"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty ( Vector.single [1,2,3,4,5])"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty [[1],[2],[3,4],[5]]"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced (+) 0 [1,2,3]" "6"
, t "Vector.dedup-adjacent (==_Number) [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,4,4,5]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.dedup Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.histogram Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]" "[(1,2),(2,2),(3,1),(4,3),(5,2)]"
, t "Vector.ranked-histogram Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]"
, t "Vector.range 0 10" "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]"
, t "Vector.range 0 0" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-left (+) 0 (Vector.replicate 5 1)" "5"
, t "Vector.sort-by Number.Order identity [5,2,1,3,4]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.sort-by (Order.invert Number.Order) identity [5,2,1,3,4]" "[5,4,3,2,1]"
, t "Vector.bind 2nd ( [1,2,3] [[1],[2],[3]])" "[1,2,3]"
, t "Vector.all? identity [True,True,True,True]" "True"
, t "Vector.all? identity [True,False,True,True]" "False"
, t "Optional.get-or 96 ( 1 [0,1,2,3,4])" "1"
, t "Vector.take 0 [1,2,3]" "[]"
, t "Vector.take 2 [1,2,3]" "[1,2]"
, t "Vector.drop 2 [1,2,3]" "[3]"
, t "Text.join [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]" "\"abc\""
t uneval eval = testCase (uneval ++ "" ++ eval) $ do
(codebase, _, builtins, evaluate) <- codebase
-- putStrLn (show $ map fst builtins)
let term = P.bindBuiltins builtins [] $ P.unsafeParseTerm uneval
_ <- $ Codebase.typeAt codebase term []
actual <- $ evaluate term
expected <- $ evaluate (P.unsafeParseTerm eval)
assertEqual "comparing results" expected actual
in testGroup "Interpreter" tests
main = defaultMain tests
test :: Common.CodebaseIOV
-> [(Common.V, Common.TermV)]
-> (Common.TermV -> Note.Noted IO Common.TermV)
-> Test ()
test codebase builtins evaluate = scope "Interpreter" . tests $
[ t "1 + 1" "2"
, t "1 + 1 + 1" "3"
, t "(x -> x) 42" "42"
, t "let { x = 2; y = 3 ; x + y }" "5"
, t "if False then 0 else 1" "1"
, t "if True then 12 else 13" "12"
, t "1 >_Number 0" "True"
, t "1 ==_Number 1" "True"
, t "2 ==_Number 0" "False"
, t "1 <_Number 2" "True"
, t "1 <=_Number 1" "True"
, t "1 >=_Number 1" "True"
, t "Comparison.fold 1 0 0 Less" "1"
, t "Comparison.fold 0 1 0 Equal" "1"
, t "Comparison.fold 0 0 1 Greater" "1"
, t " (Order.invert <| Order.tuple2 Number.Order Number.Order) (1,2) (1,3)" "Greater"
, t " (Order.invert <| Order.tuple2 Number.Order Number.Order) (2,1) (1,3)" "Less"
, t " (Order.tuple2 Number.Order Order.ignore) (1,2) (1,3)" "Equal"
, t " (Order.tuple2 Order.ignore Number.Order ) (2,2) (1,3)" "Less"
, t "True `or` False" "True"
, t "False `or` True" "True"
, t "True `or` True" "True"
, t "False `or` False" "False"
, t "True `and` True" "True"
, t "True `and` False" "False"
, t "False `and` True" "False"
, t "False `and` False" "False"
, t "not False" "True"
, t "not True" "False"
, t "let rec { fac n = if n ==_Number 0 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1); fac 5 }" "120"
, t "let rec { ping n = if n >=_Number 10 then n else pong (n + 1); pong n = ping (n + 1); ping 0}"
, t "let\n id x = x\n g = id 42\n p = id \"hi\"\n g" "42"
, t "let { id : forall a . a -> a; id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" ; g }" "42"
, t "(let { id x = x; id } : forall a . a -> a) 42" "42"
, t " ((+) 1) (Some 1)" "Some 2"
, t " ((+) 1) ((Some: ∀ a . a -> Optional a) 1)" "Some 2"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Left 1)" "2"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Right 1)" "3"
, t "Either.swap (Left 1)" "Either.Right 1"
, t "Pair.fold (x y -> x) (1, 2)" "1"
, t "const 41 0" "41"
, t "1st (1,2,3,4)" "1"
, t "2nd (1,2 + 1,3,4)" "3"
, t "identity <| (1 + 1)" "2"
, t "(1 + 1) |> identity" "2"
, t "if \"hi\" ==_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <_Text \"hiya\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <=_Text \"hiya\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hiya\" >_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hiya\" >=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" >=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "if \"hi\" <=_Text \"hi\" then 1 else 2" "1"
, t "Vector.reverse [1,2,3]" "[3,2,1]"
, t "Vector.reverse Vector.empty" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-right Vector.prepend Vector.empty [1,2,3]" "[1,2,3]"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty ( Vector.single [1,2,3,4,5])"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty [[1],[2],[3,4],[5]]"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced (+) 0 [1,2,3]" "6"
, t "Vector.dedup-adjacent (==_Number) [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,4,4,5]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.dedup Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.histogram Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]" "[(1,2),(2,2),(3,1),(4,3),(5,2)]"
, t "Vector.ranked-histogram Number.Order [1,2,1,5,4,2,4,4,3,5]"
, t "Vector.range 0 10" "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]"
, t "Vector.range 0 0" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-left (+) 0 (Vector.replicate 5 1)" "5"
, t "Vector.sort-by Number.Order identity [5,2,1,3,4]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.sort-by (Order.invert Number.Order) identity [5,2,1,3,4]" "[5,4,3,2,1]"
, t "Vector.bind 2nd ( [1,2,3] [[1],[2],[3]])" "[1,2,3]"
, t "Vector.all? identity [True,True,True,True]" "True"
, t "Vector.all? identity [True,False,True,True]" "False"
, t "Optional.get-or 96 ( 1 [0,1,2,3,4])" "1"
, t "Vector.take 0 [1,2,3]" "[]"
, t "Vector.take 2 [1,2,3]" "[1,2]"
, t "Vector.drop 2 [1,2,3]" "[3]"
, t "Text.join [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]" "\"abc\""
t uneval eval = scope (uneval ++ "" ++ eval) $ do
-- putStrLn (show $ map fst builtins)
let term = P.bindBuiltins builtins [] $ P.unsafeParseTerm uneval
_ <- io . $ Codebase.typeAt codebase term []
actual <- io . $ evaluate term
expected <- io . $ evaluate (P.unsafeParseTerm eval)
expect (expected == actual)

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@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Test.Term where
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
-- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase ()
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseTerm)
import Unison.Reference as R
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term
import Unison.View (DFO)
import Unison.Dimensions (Width(..),Height(..),Region,X(..),Y(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Doc as Doc
import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
import qualified Unison.Parser as Parser
import qualified Unison.TermParser as TermParser
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import qualified Unison.Views as Views
import Debug.Trace
-- term for testing
type TTerm = Term (Symbol DFO)
hash :: TTerm -> Hash
hash = ABT.hash
atPts :: Bool -> Common.TCodebase -> [(Int,Int)] -> TTerm -> [(Paths.Path, Region)]
atPts print (_,symbol,_,_) pts t = map go pts where
go (x,y) = let p = path x y in (p, Doc.region bounds p)
doc = Views.term symbol t
layout = Doc.layout Doc.textWidth (Width 80) doc
bounds = debug $ Doc.bounds (\t -> (Doc.textWidth t, Height 1)) ( layout)
path x y = bounds (X (fromIntegral x), Y (fromIntegral y))
debug b = if print then trace ("\n" ++ Doc.debugDoc doc ++ "\n\n" ++ Doc.debugBox b ++ "\n\n" ++ Doc.debugBoxp b) b else b
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
unsafeParseTerm' :: String -> TTerm
unsafeParseTerm' = unsafeParseTerm
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase -> testGroup "Term"
[ testCase "alpha equivalence (term)" $ assertEqual "identity"
(unsafeParseTerm' "a -> a")
(unsafeParseTerm' "x -> x")
, testCase "hash cycles" $ assertEqual "pingpong"
(hash pingpong1)
(hash pingpong2)
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (1)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "1 + 1"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (unsaturated)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " _"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "(+) _"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (totally unsaturated)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm ""
-- in assertEqual "+" "(+)" (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (2)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- let d = Views.term symbol t
-- assertEqual "path sanity check"
-- [Paths.Fn,Paths.Arg]
-- (head $ Doc.leafPaths d)
-- , testCase "let-rendering (1)" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- -- let xy = 4223 in 42
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "let xy = 4223 in 42"
-- [(p1,r1), (p2,_), (p3,r3), (p4,_), (p5,r5), (p6,r6)] <- pure $
-- atPts False codebase [(0,0), (1,0), (10,0), (11,0), (5,0), (8,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [] p1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 19 1) r1
-- assertEqual "p3" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] p3
-- assertEqual "r3" (rect 9 0 4 1) r3
-- assertEqual "p3 == p4" p3 p4
-- assertEqual "p5" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Bound] p5
-- assertEqual "r5" (rect 4 0 2 1) r5
-- assertEqual "p6" [Paths.Binding 0] p6
-- assertEqual "r6" (rect 4 0 9 1) r6
-- , testCase "map lambda rendering" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- -- map (x -> _) [1,2,3]
-- t <- pure $ builtin "" `app` lam' ["x"] blank `app` vector (map num [1,2,3])
-- [(p1,r1)] <- pure $ atPts False codebase [(5,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 4 0 8 1) r1
-- , testCase "operator chain rendering" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "1 + 2 + 3"
-- [(p1,r1),(p2,_)] <- pure $ atPts False codebase [(1,0), (2,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 1 1) r1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2
rect :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (X,Y,Width,Height)
rect x y w h =
(X (fromIntegral x), Y (fromIntegral y), Width (fromIntegral w), Height (fromIntegral h))
-- various unison terms, useful for testing
pingpong1 :: TTerm
pingpong1 =
unsafeParseTerm $
unlines [ "let rec "
, " ping x = pong (x + 1)"
, " pong y = ping (y - 1)"
, " ping 1"
pingpong2 :: TTerm
pingpong2 =
unsafeParseTerm $ "let rec { pong1 p = ping1 (p - 1); ping1 q = pong1 (q + 1); ping1 1 }"

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@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Unison.Test.TermParser where
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Literal (Literal)
import Unison.Parsers (parseTerm)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.View (DFO)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.Literal as Literal
import qualified Unison.Type as T
-- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
parse' :: String -> TestTree
parse' s = testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "`") $
case parseTerm s :: Either _ (Term (Symbol DFO)) of
Left e -> assertFailure $ "parse failure \n" ++ e
Right a -> pure ()
parse :: (String, Term (Symbol DFO)) -> TestTree
parse (s, expected) =
testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "`") $
case parseTerm s of
Left e -> assertFailure $ "parse failure \n" ++ e
Right a -> assertEqual "mismatch" expected a
parseFail :: (String,String) -> TestTree
parseFail (s, reason) =
testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "` shouldn't parse: " ++ reason) $ assertBool "should not have parsed" $
case parseTerm s :: Either _ (Term (Symbol DFO)) of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "TermParser" $ (parse <$> shouldPass)
++ (parse' <$> shouldParse)
++ (parseFail <$> shouldFail)
shouldFail =
[ ("+", "operator needs to be enclosed in parens or between arguments") ]
shouldParse =
[ "do Remote { n1 := Remote.spawn; n2 := Remote.spawn; let rec { x = 10; Remote.pure 42 }}" ]
shouldPass =
[ ("1", one)
, ("[1,1]", vectorForced [one, one])
, ("[1,1] : Vector Number", ann (vectorForced [one, one]) (T.vectorOf number))
, ("(+)", numberplus)
, ("(++)", var' "++")
, ("(++)", var' "++")
, ("((++))", var' "++")
, ("1+", var' "1+")
, ("(1+)", var' "1+")
, ("((1+))", var' "1+")
, ("1+1", onenone)
, ("1+1", onenone)
, ("1+ 1", app (var' "1+") one)
-- todo: failing
-- , ("1 +1", app one (var' "+1"))
, ("[1+1]", vectorForced [onenone])
, ("\"hello\"", hello)
, ("_", blank)
, ("a", a)
, ("(+_Number)", numberplus)
, ("", var' "")
, ("1:Int", ann one int)
, ("(1:Int)", ann one int)
, ("(1:Int) : Int", ann (ann one int) int)
, ("let { a = 1; a + 1 }", let1' [("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, one]))
, ("let\n a : Int\n a = 1\n a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let\n a : Int\n a = 1\n a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("a b -> a + b", lam_ab_aplusb)
, ("(a b -> a + b) : Int -> Int -> Int", ann lam_ab_aplusb intintint)
, ("a b -> a + b : Int", lam' ["a", "b"] (ann (apps numberplus [a, b]) int))
, ("a -> a", lam' ["a"] a)
, ("(a -> a) : forall a . a -> a", ann (lam' ["a"] a) (T.forall' ["a"] (T.arrow a' a')))
, ("let { f = a b -> a + b; f 1 1 }", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let { f a b = a + b; f 1 1 }", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let { f (+) b = 1 + b; f g 1 }", let1' [("f", lam' ["+", "b"] (apps plus [one, b]))] (apps f [g,one]))
, ("let { a + b = f a b; 1 + 1 }", let1' [("+", lam' ["a", "b"] fab)] one_plus_one)
, ("let\n (+) : Int -> Int -> Int\n a + b = f a b\n 1 + 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let { (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b; 1 + 1 }", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let { (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b; (+) 1 1 }", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let { f b = b + 1; a = 1; (+) a (f 1) }", let1' [("f", lam_b_bplus1), ("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, apps f [one]]))
-- from Unison.Test.Term
, ("a -> a", lam' ["a"] $ var' "a") -- id
, ("x y -> x", lam' ["x", "y"] $ var' "x") -- const
, ("let rec { fix = f -> f (fix f); fix }", fix) -- fix
, ("let rec\n fix f = f (fix f)\n fix", fix) -- fix
, ("1 + 2 + 3", num 1 `plus'` num 2 `plus'` num 3)
, ("[1, 2, 1 + 1]", vectorForced [num 1, num 2, num 1 `plus'` num 1])
, ("(id -> let { x = id 42; y = id \"hi\"; 43 }) : (forall a . a) -> Number", lam' ["id"] (let1'
[ ("x", var' "id" `app` num 42),
("y", var' "id" `app` text "hi")
] (num 43)) `ann` (T.forall' ["a"] (T.v' "a") `T.arrow` T.lit T.Number))
, ("(do Remote { pure 42 } )", builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42)
, ("do Remote { x = 42; pure (x + 1) } ",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["q"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "q" `plus'` num 1)),
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42
, ("do Remote { x := pure 42; pure (x + 1) } ",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["q"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "q" `plus'` num 1)),
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42
, ("do Remote\n x := pure 42\n y := pure 18\n pure (x + y)",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["x"] (builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["y"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "x" `plus'` var' "y")),
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 18
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42
one = (lit . Literal.Number) 1
hello = text "hello"
number :: Ord v => Type v
number = T.lit T.Number
int = T.v' "Int"
intintint = T.arrow int (T.arrow int int)
a = var' "a"
a' = T.v' "a"
b = var' "b"
f = var' "f"
g = var' "g"
plus = var' "+"
plus' x y = builtin "Number.+" `app` x `app` y
numberplus = builtin "Number.+"
onenone = var' "1+1"
one_plus_one = apps plus [one,one]
lam_ab_aplusb = lam' ["a", "b"] (apps numberplus [a, b])
lam_b_bplus1 = lam' ["b"] (apps numberplus [b, one])
lam_ab_fab = lam' ["a", "b"] fab
fab = apps f [a, b]
f_eq_lamab_in_f11 = let1' [("f", lam_ab_aplusb)] (apps f [one,one])
let_a_int1_in_aplus1 = let1' [("a", ann one int)] (apps numberplus [a,one])
plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1 = let1' [("+", ann lam_ab_fab intintint)] one_plus_one
fix = letRec'
[ ("fix", lam' ["f"] $ var' "f" `app` (var' "fix" `app` var' "f")) ]
(var' "fix")
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Test.TypeParser where
import Test.Tasty
import Unison.Parser
import Unison.Parsers (parseType)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as T
-- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.View (DFO)
parseV :: (String, Type (Symbol DFO)) -> TestTree
parseV (s,expected) =
testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "`") $ case parseType s of
Left e -> assertFailure $ "parse failure\n" ++ e
Right a -> assertEqual "mismatch" expected a
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "TypeParser" $ fmap parseV strings
strings :: [(String, Type (Symbol DFO))]
strings =
[ ("Number", T.lit T.Number)
, ("Text", T.lit T.Text)
, ("Vector", T.lit T.Vector)
, ("Remote", T.builtin "Remote")
, ("Foo", foo)
, ("Foo -> Foo", T.arrow foo foo)
, ("a -> a", T.arrow a a)
, ("Foo -> Foo -> Foo", T.arrow foo (T.arrow foo foo))
, ("Foo -> (Foo -> Foo)", T.arrow foo (T.arrow foo foo))
, ("(Foo -> Foo) -> Foo", T.arrow (T.arrow foo foo) foo)
, ("Vector Foo", T.vectorOf foo)
, ("forall a . a -> a", forall_aa)
, ("(forall a . a) -> Number", T.forall' ["a"] (T.v' "a") `T.arrow` T.lit T.Number)
a = T.v' "a"
foo = T.v' "Foo"
forall_aa = T.forall' ["a"] (T.arrow a a)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests

View File

@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Test.Typechecker where
import Data.Functor
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase ()
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term as E
import Unison.Paths (Path)
import Unison.Type as T
import Unison.Typechecker as Typechecker
import Unison.View (DFO)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.DataDeclaration (DataDeclaration)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Test.Term as Term
type V = Symbol DFO
type TTerm = Term.TTerm
type TType = Type V
type TEnv f = T.Env f V
type TCodebase = IO Common.TCodebase
infixr 1 -->
(-->) :: TType -> TType -> TType
(-->) = T.arrow
data StrongEq = StrongEq TType
instance Eq StrongEq where StrongEq t1 == StrongEq t2 = Typechecker.equals t1 t2
instance Show StrongEq where show (StrongEq t) = show t
env :: TCodebase -> TEnv IO
env codebase r = do
(codebase, _, _, _) <- Note.lift codebase
Codebase.typeAt codebase (E.ref r) mempty
decls :: TCodebase -> Reference -> Note.Noted IO (DataDeclaration V)
decls code r = do
(code, _, _, _) <- Note.lift code
Codebase.dataDeclaration code r
localsAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> IO [(V, Type V)]
localsAt codebase path e = $ Typechecker.locals (env codebase) (decls codebase) path e
synthesizesAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAt codebase path e t = $ do
(codebase, _, _, _) <- Note.lift codebase
t2 <- Codebase.typeAt codebase e path
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t2 t)
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t t2)
pure ()
checksAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checksAt code path e t = . void $
Typechecker.synthesize (env code) (decls code) (Paths.modifyTerm' (\e -> E.wrapV (E.ann e t)) path e)
synthesizesAndChecksAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecksAt code path e t =
synthesizesAt code path e t >> checksAt code path e t
synthesizes :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizes code e t = $ do
t2 <- Typechecker.synthesize (env code) (decls code) e
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t2 t)
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t t2)
pure ()
checks :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checks code e t = void $ (Typechecker.check (env code) (decls code) e t)
checkSubtype :: TType -> TType -> Assertion
checkSubtype t1 t2 = case Typechecker.subtype t1 t2 of
Left err -> assertFailure ("subtype failure:\n" ++ show err)
Right _ -> pure ()
synthesizesAndChecks :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecks code e t =
synthesizes code e t >> checks code e t
--singleTest = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typechecker"
-- [
-- testTerm "f -> let x = (let saved = f; 42); 1" $ \tms ->
-- testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks node
-- (unsafeParseTerm tms)
-- (unsafeParseType "forall x. x -> Number")
-- ]
testTerm :: String -> (String -> TestTree) -> TestTree
testTerm termString f = f termString
unsafeParseTerm :: String -> TTerm
unsafeParseTerm = Parsers.unsafeParseTerm
unsafeParseType :: String -> TType
unsafeParseType = Parsers.unsafeParseType
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \code -> testGroup "Typechecker"
testCase "alpha equivalence (type)" $ assertEqual "const"
(unsafeParseType "forall a b . a -> b -> a")
(unsafeParseType "forall x y . x -> y -> x")
, testCase "subtype (1)" $ checkSubtype
(unsafeParseType "Number")
(unsafeParseType "Number")
, testCase "subtype (2)" $ checkSubtype
(unsafeParseType "forall a . a")
(unsafeParseType "Number")
, testCase "subtype (3)" $ checkSubtype
(unsafeParseType "forall a . a")
(unsafeParseType "forall a . a")
, testCase "strong equivalence (type)" $ assertEqual "types were not equal"
(StrongEq (unsafeParseType "forall a b . a -> b -> a"))
(StrongEq (unsafeParseType "forall y x . x -> y -> x"))
, testTerm "42" $ \tms -> testCase ("synthesize/check" ++ tms) $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm tms)
(unsafeParseType "Number")
, testCase "synthesize/check" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "a -> a")
(unsafeParseType "forall b . b -> b")
, testCase "synthesize/check Term.const" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "x y -> x")
(unsafeParseType "forall a b . a -> b -> a")
, testCase "synthesize/check (x y -> y)" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "x y -> y")
(unsafeParseType "forall a b . a -> b -> b")
, testCase "synthesize/check (let f = (+); f 1;;)" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "let { f = (+); f 1 }")
(T.lit T.Number --> T.lit T.Number)
, testCase "synthesize/check (let { blank x = _; blank 1 })" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "let { blank x = _; blank 1 }")
(forall' ["a"] $ T.v' "a")
, testCase "synthesize/check Term.fix" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "let rec { fix f = f (fix f); fix }")
(forall' ["a"] $ (T.v' "a" --> T.v' "a") --> T.v' "a")
, testCase "synthesize/check Term.pingpong1" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(forall' ["a"] $ T.v' "a")
, testCase "synthesize/check [1,2,1+1]" $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm "[1, 2, 1 + 1]")
(T.lit T.Vector `` T.lit T.Number)
, testTerm "[1, 2, 1 + 1]" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/checkAt "++tms++"@[Paths.Arg, Index 2]") $ synthesizesAndChecksAt code
[Paths.Arg, Paths.Index 2] (unsafeParseTerm tms) (T.lit T.Number)
, testTerm "let { x = _; _}" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/checkAt ("++tms++")@[Binding 0,Body]") $ synthesizesAndChecksAt code
[Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] (unsafeParseTerm tms) unconstrained
-- fails
, testTerm "f -> let { x = let { saved = f; 42 }; 1 }" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm tms)
(unsafeParseType "forall x . x -> Number")
, testTerm "f -> let { x = (b a -> b) 42 f; 1 }" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm tms) (unsafeParseType "forall x . x -> Number")
, testTerm "f x y -> (x y -> y) f _ + _" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ do
synthesizesAndChecks code
(unsafeParseTerm tms)
(unsafeParseType "forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Number")
, testTerm "(id -> let { x = id 42; y = id \"hi\"; 43 }) : (forall a . a -> a) -> Number" $ \tms ->
testCase ("higher rank checking: " ++ tms) $
t = unsafeParseType "(forall a . a -> a) -> Number"
tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
in synthesizesAndChecks code tm t
-- Let generalization not implemented yet; this test fails
--, testCase "let generalization: let id a = a; x = id 42; y = id 'hi'; 23" $
-- let
-- tm = E.let1'
-- [ ("id", E.lam' ["a"] (E.var' "a") `E.ann` T.forall' ["a"] (T.v' "a")),
-- ("id@Number", E.var' "id" `` E.num 42),
-- ("id@Text", E.var' "id" `` E.text "hi")
-- ] (E.num 43)
-- in synthesizesAndChecks code tm $ T.lit T.Number
, testTerm "x y -> _ + _" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")@[Body,Body,Fn,Arg]") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt), (_,yt)] <- localsAt code [Paths.Body, Paths.Body, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
assertEqual "yt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize yt)
, testTerm "let { x = _; _ }" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt)] <- localsAt code [Paths.Body] tm
[] <- localsAt code [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
, testTerm "let { x = _; y = _; _ }" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")@[Body,Body]") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt), (_,yt)] <- localsAt code [Paths.Body, Paths.Body] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrained" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
assertEqual "yt unconstrained" unconstrained (T.generalize yt)
, testTerm "let { x = _; y = _; _ }" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = _; _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43; _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43; 4224" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")@[Body,Binding 0,Body]") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt)] <- localsAt code [Paths.Body, Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
unconstrained :: TType
unconstrained = unsafeParseType "forall a . a"
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
-- main = defaultMain singleTest

View File

@ -1,42 +1,35 @@
module Unison.Test.Typechecker.Components where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import EasyTest
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseTerm)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.Components as Components
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase ->
tests =
-- simple case, no minimization done
t "let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- check that we get let generalization
, t "let rec { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- check that we preserve order of components as much as possible
, t "let rec { id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3 }"
"let { id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3 }"
-- check that we reorder according to dependencies
, t "let rec { g = id 42; y = id id g; id x = x; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- insane example, checks for: generalization, reordering,
-- preservation of order when possible
, t "let rec { g = id 42; y = id id g; ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x); id x = x; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g ; (let rec { ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x) ; y })}"
t before after = testCase (before ++ "" ++ after) $ do
(codebase, _, _, _) <- codebase
let term = unsafeParseTerm before
let after' = Components.minimize' term
_ <- $ Codebase.typeAt codebase after' []
assertEqual "comparing results" (unsafeParseTerm after) after'
in testGroup "Typechecker.Components" tests
main = defaultMain tests
test :: Common.CodebaseIOV -> Test ()
test codebase = scope "Typechecker.Components" $ tests
-- simple case, no minimization done
t "let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- check that we get let generalization
, t "let rec { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- check that we preserve order of components as much as possible
, t "let rec { id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3 }"
"let { id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3 }"
-- check that we reorder according to dependencies
, t "let rec { g = id 42; y = id id g; id x = x; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y }"
-- insane example, checks for: generalization, reordering,
-- preservation of order when possible
, t "let rec { g = id 42; y = id id g; ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x); id x = x; y }"
"let { id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g ; (let rec { ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x) ; y })}"
t before after = scope (before ++ "" ++ after) $ do
let term = unsafeParseTerm before
let after' = Components.minimize' term
_ <- io . $ Codebase.typeAt codebase after' []
expect (unsafeParseTerm after == after')

View File

@ -118,11 +118,8 @@ test-suite tests

View File

@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ data Env =
newtype Test a = Test (ReaderT Env IO (Maybe a))
io :: IO a -> Test a
io = liftIO
atomicLogger :: IO (String -> IO ())
atomicLogger = do
lock <- newMVar ()
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ run' seed note allow (Test t) = do
e <- try (runReaderT (void t) (Env rngVar [] resultsQ note allow)) :: IO (Either SomeException ())
case e of
Left e -> note $ "Exception while running tests: " ++ show e
Right () -> note $ "Waiting for any asynchronously spawned tests to complete ..."
Right () -> pure ()
atomically $ writeTQueue resultsQ Nothing
_ <- A.waitCatch rs
resultsMap <- readTVarIO results
@ -134,14 +137,16 @@ parseMessages s = reverse (go s) where
(hd, tl) -> hd : go (drop 1 tl)
scope :: String -> Test a -> Test a
scope msg (Test t) = Test $ do
env <- ask
let messages' = msg : messages env
dropRight1 [] = []
dropRight1 xs = init xs
case (null (allow env) || [msg] `isSuffixOf` allow env) of
False -> putResult Skipped >> pure Nothing
True -> liftIO $ runReaderT t (env { messages = messages', allow = dropRight1 (allow env) })
scope msg t = foldr go t (parseMessages msg) where
go :: String -> Test a -> Test a
go msg (Test t) = Test $ do
env <- ask
let messages' = msg : messages env
dropRight1 [] = []
dropRight1 xs = init xs
case (null (allow env) || [msg] `isSuffixOf` allow env) of
False -> putResult Skipped >> pure Nothing
True -> liftIO $ runReaderT t (env { messages = messages', allow = dropRight1 (allow env) })
note :: String -> Test ()
note msg = do