Move local info rendering inside term explorer

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-11-17 16:20:10 -05:00
parent 51f845282c
commit d90a815e52

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ data Action
make :: (MonadWidget t m, Reflex t)
=> Event t Int
-> Event t (m (LocalInfo (Term V) (Type V)))
-> Event t (LocalInfo (Term V) (Type V))
-> Dynamic t S
-> m (Dynamic t S, Event t (Maybe Action))
make keydown localInfo s =
@ -76,8 +76,11 @@ make keydown localInfo s =
filtered <- combineDyn f keyed txt
-- todo parse txt and emit accept / cancel / accept-and-advance
pure $ (\r -> Explorer.Results r 0) <$> updated filtered
formatLocalInfo (i@Node.LocalInfo{..}) = i <$ do
S {..} <- sample (current s)
pure () -- todo, fill in with formatting of current, admissible type, etc
Explorer.explorer keydown processQuery localInfo s
Explorer.explorer keydown processQuery (fmap formatLocalInfo localInfo) s
formatResult :: MonadWidget t m
=> (Reference -> Symbol View.DFO) -> Path -> Term V -> a -> (m a -> b) -> (String, b)
@ -109,4 +112,3 @@ formatSearch name path results = fromMaybe [] $ go <$> results
go (Node.SearchResults {..}) =
[ formatResult name path e () Left | e <- fst illTypedMatches ] ++
[ formatResult name path e (Replace path e) Right | e <- fst matches ]