Merge pull request #3645 from unisonweb/cp/dont-strip-type-sigs

Don't strip type signatures during synthesis, even if redundant.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2022-12-09 10:48:39 -06:00 committed by GitHub
commit de03baa23a
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 37 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Typechecker as Typechecker
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.Context as Context
import Unison.Typechecker.Extractor (RedundantTypeAnnotation)
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile.Names as UF
@ -165,25 +166,25 @@ synthesizeFile ambient tl fqnsByShortName uf term = do
(topLevelComponents :: [[(v, Term v, Type v)]]) <-
let topLevelBindings :: Map v (Term v)
topLevelBindings = Map.mapKeys Var.reset $ extractTopLevelBindings tdnrTerm
extractTopLevelBindings :: (Term.Term v a -> Map v (Term.Term v a))
extractTopLevelBindings (Term.LetRecNamedAnnotatedTop' True _ bs body) =
Map.fromList (first snd <$> bs) <> extractTopLevelBindings body
extractTopLevelBindings _ = Map.empty
tlcsFromTypechecker :: [[(v, Type.Type v Ann, RedundantTypeAnnotation)]]
tlcsFromTypechecker =
(fmap vars)
[t | Context.TopLevelComponent t <- infos]
vars (v, _, _) = v
strippedTopLevelBinding (v, typ, redundant) = do
addTypesToTopLevelBindings :: (v, c, c1) -> Result (Seq (Note v Ann)) (v, Term v, c)
addTypesToTopLevelBindings (v, typ, _redundant) = do
tm <- case Map.lookup v topLevelBindings of
Nothing ->
Result.compilerBug $ Result.TopLevelComponentNotFound v term
Just (Term.Ann' x _) | redundant -> pure x
Nothing -> Result.compilerBug $ Result.TopLevelComponentNotFound v term
Just x -> pure x
-- The Var.reset removes any freshening added during typechecking
pure (Var.reset v, tm, typ)
in -- use tlcsFromTypechecker to inform annotation-stripping decisions
traverse (traverse strippedTopLevelBinding) tlcsFromTypechecker
in traverse (traverse addTypesToTopLevelBindings) tlcsFromTypechecker
let doTdnr = applyTdnrDecisions infos
let doTdnrInComponent (v, t, tp) = (v, doTdnr t, tp)
let tdnredTlcs = (fmap . fmap) doTdnrInComponent topLevelComponents
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ synthesizeFile ambient tl fqnsByShortName uf term = do
resolve t = case t of
Term.Blank' (Blank.Recorded (Blank.Resolve loc' name))
| Just replacement <- Map.lookup (name, loc') decisions ->
-- loc of replacement already chosen correctly by whatever made the
-- Decision
Just $ replacement
-- loc of replacement already chosen correctly by whatever made the
-- Decision
Just $ replacement
_ -> Nothing

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import qualified Unison.LSP.Queries as LSPQ
import qualified Unison.Lexer.Pos as Lexer
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Lexer as L
@ -34,29 +35,47 @@ test :: Test ()
test =
scope "annotations" . tests . fmap makeNodeSelectionTest $
[ ( "Binary Op lhs",
[here|term = tr|ue && false|],
[here|term = tr^ue && false|],
Left (Term.Boolean True)
( "Binary Op rhs",
[here|term = true && fa|lse|],
[here|term = true && fa^lse|],
Left (Term.Boolean False)
( "Custom Op lhs",
a &&& b = a && b
term = tr|ue &&& false
term = tr^ue &&& false
Left (Term.Boolean True)
( "Simple type annotation on non-typechecking file",
structural type Thing = This | That
term : Thi^ng
term = "this won't typecheck"
Right (Type.Ref (Reference.unsafeFromText "#6kbe32g06nqg93cqub6ohqc4ql4o49ntgnunifds0t75qre6lacnbsr3evn8bkivj68ecbvmhkbak4dbg4fqertcpgb396rmo34tnh0"))
( "Simple type annotation on typechecking file",
structural type Thing = This | That
term : Thi^ng
term = This
Right (Type.Ref (Reference.unsafeFromText "#6kbe32g06nqg93cqub6ohqc4ql4o49ntgnunifds0t75qre6lacnbsr3evn8bkivj68ecbvmhkbak4dbg4fqertcpgb396rmo34tnh0"))
-- | Test helper which lets you specify a cursor position inline with source text as a '|'.
extractCursor :: Text -> Test (Lexer.Pos, Text)
extractCursor txt =
case Text.splitOn "|" txt of
case Text.splitOn "^" txt of
[before, after] ->
let col = Text.length $ Text.takeWhileEnd (/= '\n') before
line = Prelude.length $ Text.lines before
@ -66,20 +85,20 @@ extractCursor txt =
makeNodeSelectionTest :: (String, Text, Bool, Either ((Term.F Symbol Ann Ann (Term Symbol Ann))) (Type.F (Type Symbol Ann))) -> Test ()
makeNodeSelectionTest (name, testSrc, testTypechecked, expected) = scope name $ do
(pos, src) <- extractCursor testSrc
(mayParsedFile, mayTypecheckedFile) <- withTestCodebase \codebase -> do
(notes, mayParsedFile, mayTypecheckedFile) <- withTestCodebase \codebase -> do
let generateUniqueName = Parser.uniqueBase32Namegen <$> Random.getSystemDRG
let ambientAbilities = []
let parseNames = mempty
let lexedSource = (src, L.lexer name (Text.unpack src))
r <- Typecheck.typecheckHelper codebase generateUniqueName ambientAbilities parseNames (Text.pack name) lexedSource
let Result.Result _notes mayResult = r
let Result.Result notes mayResult = r
let (parsedFile, typecheckedFile) = case mayResult of
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
Just (Left uf) -> (Just uf, Nothing)
Just (Right tf) -> (Just $ UF.discardTypes tf, Just tf)
pure (parsedFile, typecheckedFile)
pure (notes, parsedFile, typecheckedFile)
scope "parsed file" $ do
pf <- maybe (crash "Failed to parse") pure mayParsedFile
pf <- maybe (crash (show ("Failed to parse" :: String, notes))) pure mayParsedFile
let pfResult =
UF.terms pf
& firstJust \(_v, trm) ->