Merge branch 'trunk' into topic/abilities-fixes

This commit is contained in:
Dan Doel 2021-02-23 14:29:29 -05:00
commit e25c6ea34a
42 changed files with 964 additions and 570 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as RE
import qualified Unison.ConstructorType as CT
import Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup ( CodeLookup(..) )
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Decls as DD
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Terms as TD
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.Parser ( Ann(..) )
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
@ -59,7 +60,9 @@ names0 = Names3.names0 terms types where
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar vc, Referent.Con (R.DerivedId r) cid ct)
| (ct, (_,(r,decl))) <- ((CT.Data,) <$> builtinDataDecls @Symbol) <>
((CT.Effect,) . (second . second) DD.toDataDecl <$> builtinEffectDecls)
, ((_,vc,_), cid) <- DD.constructors' decl `zip` [0..]]
, ((_,vc,_), cid) <- DD.constructors' decl `zip` [0..]] <>
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar v, Referent.Ref (R.DerivedId i))
| (v,i) <- Map.toList $ TD.builtinTermsRef @Symbol Intrinsic]
types = Rel.fromList builtinTypes <>
Rel.fromList [ (Name.fromVar v, R.DerivedId r)
| (v,(r,_)) <- builtinDataDecls @Symbol ] <>
@ -167,6 +170,8 @@ builtinTypesSrc =
, B' "Value" CT.Data
, B' "Any" CT.Data
, B' "crypto.HashAlgorithm" CT.Data
, B' "IOFailure" CT.Data, Rename' "IOFailure" "io2.IOFailure"
, B' "TlsFailure" CT.Data, Rename' "TlsFailure" "io2.TlsFailure"
, B' "Tls" CT.Data, Rename' "Tls" "io2.Tls"
, B' "Tls.ClientConfig" CT.Data, Rename' "Tls.ClientConfig" "io2.Tls.ClientConfig"
, B' "Tls.ServerConfig" CT.Data, Rename' "Tls.ServerConfig" "io2.Tls.ServerConfig"
@ -390,7 +395,7 @@ builtinsSrc =
, B "Text.toCharList" $ text --> list char
, B "Text.fromCharList" $ list char --> text
, B "Text.toUtf8" $ text --> bytes
, B "Text.fromUtf8.v2" $ bytes --> eithert failure text
, B "Text.fromUtf8.v3" $ bytes --> eithert failure text
, B "Char.toNat" $ char --> nat
, B "Char.fromNat" $ nat --> char
@ -504,45 +509,45 @@ hashBuiltins =
ioBuiltins :: Var v => [(Text, Type v)]
ioBuiltins =
[ ("IO.openFile.v2", text --> fmode --> iof handle)
, ("IO.closeFile.v2", handle --> iof unit)
, ("IO.isFileEOF.v2", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isFileOpen.v2", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isSeekable.v2", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.seekHandle.v2", handle --> smode --> int --> iof unit)
, ("IO.handlePosition.v2", handle --> iof int)
, ("IO.getBuffering.v2", handle --> iof bmode)
, ("IO.setBuffering.v2", handle --> bmode --> iof unit)
, ("IO.getBytes.v2", handle --> nat --> iof bytes)
, ("IO.putBytes.v2", handle --> bytes --> iof unit)
, ("IO.systemTime.v2", unit --> iof nat)
, ("IO.getTempDirectory.v2", unit --> iof text)
[ ("IO.openFile.v3", text --> fmode --> iof handle)
, ("IO.closeFile.v3", handle --> iof unit)
, ("IO.isFileEOF.v3", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isFileOpen.v3", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isSeekable.v3", handle --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.seekHandle.v3", handle --> smode --> int --> iof unit)
, ("IO.handlePosition.v3", handle --> iof nat)
, ("IO.getBuffering.v3", handle --> iof bmode)
, ("IO.setBuffering.v3", handle --> bmode --> iof unit)
, ("IO.getBytes.v3", handle --> nat --> iof bytes)
, ("IO.putBytes.v3", handle --> bytes --> iof unit)
, ("IO.systemTime.v3", unit --> iof nat)
, ("IO.getTempDirectory.v3", unit --> iof text)
, ("IO.createTempDirectory", text --> iof text)
, ("IO.getCurrentDirectory.v2", unit --> iof text)
, ("IO.setCurrentDirectory.v2", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.fileExists.v2", text --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isDirectory.v2", text --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.createDirectory.v2", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.removeDirectory.v2", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.renameDirectory.v2", text --> text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.removeFile.v2", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.renameFile.v2", text --> text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.getFileTimestamp.v2", text --> iof nat)
, ("IO.getFileSize.v2", text --> iof nat)
, ("IO.serverSocket.v2", optionalt text --> text --> iof socket)
, ("IO.listen.v2", socket --> iof unit)
, ("IO.clientSocket.v2", text --> text --> iof socket)
, ("IO.closeSocket.v2", socket --> iof unit)
, ("IO.getCurrentDirectory.v3", unit --> iof text)
, ("IO.setCurrentDirectory.v3", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.fileExists.v3", text --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.isDirectory.v3", text --> iof boolean)
, ("IO.createDirectory.v3", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.removeDirectory.v3", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.renameDirectory.v3", text --> text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.removeFile.v3", text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.renameFile.v3", text --> text --> iof unit)
, ("IO.getFileTimestamp.v3", text --> iof nat)
, ("IO.getFileSize.v3", text --> iof nat)
, ("IO.serverSocket.v3", optionalt text --> text --> iof socket)
, ("IO.listen.v3", socket --> iof unit)
, ("IO.clientSocket.v3", text --> text --> iof socket)
, ("IO.closeSocket.v3", socket --> iof unit)
, ("IO.socketPort", socket --> iof nat)
, ("IO.socketAccept.v2", socket --> iof socket)
, ("IO.socketSend.v2", socket --> bytes --> iof unit)
, ("IO.socketReceive.v2", socket --> nat --> iof bytes)
, ("IO.socketAccept.v3", socket --> iof socket)
, ("IO.socketSend.v3", socket --> bytes --> iof unit)
, ("IO.socketReceive.v3", socket --> nat --> iof bytes)
, ("IO.forkComp.v2"
, forall1 "a" $ \a -> (unit --> io a) --> io threadId)
, ("IO.stdHandle", stdhandle --> handle)
, ("IO.delay.v2", nat --> iof unit)
, ("IO.kill.v2", threadId --> iof unit)
, ("IO.delay.v3", nat --> iof unit)
, ("IO.kill.v3", threadId --> iof unit)
, ("Tls.newClient", tlsClientConfig --> socket --> iof tls)
, ("Tls.newServer", tlsServerConfig --> socket --> iof tls)
, ("Tls.handshake", tls --> iof unit)
@ -555,12 +560,12 @@ ioBuiltins =
, ("Tls.terminate", tls --> iof unit)
, ("Tls.ClientConfig.default", text --> bytes --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("Tls.ServerConfig.default", list tlsSignedCert --> tlsPrivateKey --> tlsServerConfig)
, ("tls.ClientConfig.ciphers.set", list tlsCipher --> tlsClientConfig --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set", list tlsCipher --> tlsServerConfig --> tlsServerConfig)
, ("TLS.ClientConfig.ciphers.set", list tlsCipher --> tlsClientConfig --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("Tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set", list tlsCipher --> tlsServerConfig --> tlsServerConfig)
, ("Tls.ClientConfig.certificates.set", list tlsSignedCert --> tlsClientConfig --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("Tls.ServerConfig.certificates.set", list tlsSignedCert --> tlsServerConfig --> tlsServerConfig)
, ("tls.ClientConfig.versions.set", list tlsVersion --> tlsClientConfig --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("tls.ServerConfig.versions.set", list tlsVersion --> tlsServerConfig --> tlsServerConfig)
, ("Tls.ClientConfig.versions.set", list tlsVersion --> tlsClientConfig --> tlsClientConfig)
, ("Tls.ServerConfig.versions.set", list tlsVersion --> tlsServerConfig --> tlsServerConfig)
@ -568,13 +573,13 @@ mvarBuiltins :: forall v. Var v => [(Text, Type v)]
mvarBuiltins =
[ ("", forall1 "a" $ \a -> a --> io (mvar a))
, ("MVar.newEmpty.v2", forall1 "a" $ \a -> unit --> io (mvar a))
, ("MVar.take.v2", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> iof a)
, ("MVar.take.v3", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> iof a)
, ("MVar.tryTake", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> io (optionalt a))
, ("MVar.put.v2", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> a --> iof unit)
, ("MVar.put.v3", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> a --> iof unit)
, ("MVar.tryPut", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> a --> io boolean)
, ("MVar.swap.v2", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> a --> iof a)
, ("MVar.swap.v3", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> a --> iof a)
, ("MVar.isEmpty", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> io boolean)
, ("", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> iof a)
, ("", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> iof a)
, ("MVar.tryRead", forall1 "a" $ \a -> mvar a --> io (optionalt a))

View File

@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ optionalRef = lookupDeclRef "Optional"
eitherRef = lookupDeclRef "Either"
testResultRef, linkRef, docRef, ioErrorRef, stdHandleRef, failureRef, tlsSignedCertRef, tlsPrivateKeyRef :: Reference
isPropagatedRef, isTestRef :: Reference
isPropagatedRef = lookupDeclRef "IsPropagated"
isTestRef = lookupDeclRef "IsTest"
testResultRef = lookupDeclRef "Test.Result"
linkRef = lookupDeclRef "Link"
docRef = lookupDeclRef "Doc"
@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ constructorId ref name = do
elemIndex name $ DD.constructorNames dd
okConstructorId, failConstructorId, docBlobId, docLinkId, docSignatureId, docSourceId, docEvaluateId, docJoinId, linkTermId, linkTypeId :: ConstructorId
isPropagatedConstructorId, isTestConstructorId :: ConstructorId
Just isPropagatedConstructorId = constructorId isPropagatedRef "IsPropagated.IsPropagated"
Just isTestConstructorId = constructorId isTestRef "IsTest.IsTest"
Just okConstructorId = constructorId testResultRef "Test.Result.Ok"
Just failConstructorId = constructorId testResultRef "Test.Result.Fail"
Just docBlobId = constructorId docRef "Doc.Blob"
@ -96,6 +102,8 @@ builtinDataDecls = rs1 ++ rs
, (v "Optional" , opt)
, (v "Either" , eith)
, (v "Test.Result" , tr)
, (v "IsPropagated" , isPropagated)
, (v "IsTest" , isTest)
, (v "Doc" , doc)
, (v "io2.FileMode" , fmode)
, (v "io2.BufferMode" , bmode)
@ -105,6 +113,7 @@ builtinDataDecls = rs1 ++ rs
, (v "io2.StdHandle" , stdhnd)
, (v "io2.Failure" , failure)
, (v "io2.TlsFailure" , tlsFailure)
, (v "io2.IOFailure" , ioFailure)
] of Right a -> a; Left e -> error $ "builtinDataDecls: " <> show e
[(_, linkRef, _)] = rs1
v = Var.named
@ -156,6 +165,18 @@ builtinDataDecls = rs1 ++ rs
(var "b" `arr` Type.apps' (var "Either") [var "a", var "b"])
isTest =
(Unique "e6dca08b40458b03ca1660cfbdaecaa7279b42d18257898b5fd1c34596aac36f")
[((), v "IsTest.IsTest", var "IsTest")]
isPropagated =
(Unique "b28d929d0a73d2c18eac86341a3bb9399f8550c11b5f35eabb2751e6803ccc20")
[((), v "IsPropagated.IsPropagated", var "IsPropagated")]
fmode = DataDeclaration
(Unique "3c11ba4f0a5d8fedd427b476cdd2d7673197d11e")
@ -200,13 +221,15 @@ builtinDataDecls = rs1 ++ rs
(Unique "52ad89274a358b9c802792aa05915e25ac83205f7885395cc6c6c988bc5ec69a1")
[ ((), v "io2.Failure.Failure", Type.typeLink () `arr` (Type.text () `arr` var "io2.Failure"))
[ ((), v "io2.Failure.Failure", Type.typeLink () `arr` (Type.text () `arr` (Type.any () `arr` var "io2.Failure")))
tlsFailure = DataDeclaration
(Unique "df5ba835130b227ab83d02d1feff5402455a732d613b51dee32230d2f2d067c6")
tlsFailure = DataDeclaration (Unique "df5ba835130b227ab83d02d1feff5402455a732d613b51dee32230d2f2d067c6")()[]
ioFailure = DataDeclaration (Unique "009cb00e78cac9e47485cc3633c7a363939f63866ea07ab330346a2121d69a83")()[]
stdhnd = DataDeclaration
(Unique "67bf7a8e517cbb1e9f42bc078e35498212d3be3c")

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Unison.Builtin.Terms where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Decls as Decls
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Term (Term)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
builtinTermsSrc :: Var v => a -> [(v, Term v a, Type v a)]
builtinTermsSrc a =
[ ( v "metadata.isPropagated",
Term.constructor a Decls.isPropagatedRef Decls.isPropagatedConstructorId,
Type.ref a Decls.isPropagatedRef
( v "metadata.isTest",
Term.constructor a Decls.isTestRef Decls.isTestConstructorId,
Type.ref a Decls.isTestRef
v :: Var v => Text -> v
v = Var.named
builtinTermsRef :: Var v => a -> Map v Reference.Id
builtinTermsRef a = fmap fst . Term.hashComponents . Map.fromList
. fmap (\(v, tm, _tp) -> (v, tm))
$ builtinTermsSrc a

View File

@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Builtin as Builtin
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Terms as Builtin
import Unison.Codebase.Branch ( Branch )
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup as CL
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Reflog as Reflog
import Unison.Codebase.SyncMode ( SyncMode )
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import qualified Unison.Names2 as Names
import Unison.Reference ( Reference )
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as Rel
import qualified Unison.Util.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import Unison.Var ( Var )
import qualified Unison.Runtime.IOSource as IOSource
import Unison.Symbol ( Symbol )
import Unison.DataDeclaration (Decl)
import Unison.Term (Term)
@ -98,16 +97,13 @@ data GetRootBranchError
data SyncFileCodebaseResult = SyncOk | UnknownDestinationRootBranch Branch.Hash | NotFastForward
bootstrapNames :: Names.Names0
bootstrapNames =
Builtin.names0 <> UF.typecheckedToNames0 IOSource.typecheckedFile
-- | Write all of the builtins types into the codebase and create empty namespace
initializeCodebase :: forall m. Monad m => Codebase m Symbol Parser.Ann -> m ()
initializeCodebase c = do
let uf = (UF.typecheckedUnisonFile (Map.fromList Builtin.builtinDataDecls)
(Map.fromList Builtin.builtinEffectDecls)
mempty mempty)
[Builtin.builtinTermsSrc Parser.Intrinsic]
addDefsToCodebase c uf
putRootBranch c ( Branch.empty0)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Builtin as B
import qualified Crypto.Random as Random
import Control.Monad.Except ( runExceptT )
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Configurator as Config
import Data.Configurator.Types ( Config )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -92,78 +93,80 @@ commandLine
-> Free (Command IO i v) a
-> IO a
commandLine config awaitInput setBranchRef rt notifyUser notifyNumbered loadSource codebase rngGen branchCache =
Free.foldWithIndex go
flip State.evalStateT 0 . Free.fold go
go :: forall x . Int -> Command IO i v x -> IO x
go i x = case x of
go :: forall x . Command IO i v x -> State.StateT Int IO x
go x = case x of
-- Wait until we get either user input or a unison file update
Eval m -> m
Input -> awaitInput
Notify output -> notifyUser output
NotifyNumbered output -> notifyNumbered output
Eval m -> lift $ m
Input -> lift $ awaitInput
Notify output -> lift $ notifyUser output
NotifyNumbered output -> lift $ notifyNumbered output
ConfigLookup name ->
Config.lookup config name
LoadSource sourcePath -> loadSource sourcePath
lift $ Config.lookup config name
LoadSource sourcePath -> lift $ loadSource sourcePath
Typecheck ambient names sourceName source -> do
-- todo: if guids are being shown to users,
-- not ideal to generate new guid every time
rng <- rngGen i
i <- State.get
State.modify' (+1)
rng <- lift $ rngGen i
let namegen = Parser.uniqueBase32Namegen rng
env = Parser.ParsingEnv namegen names
typecheck ambient codebase env sourceName source
TypecheckFile file ambient -> typecheck' ambient codebase file
Evaluate ppe unisonFile -> evalUnisonFile ppe unisonFile
Evaluate1 ppe term -> eval1 ppe term
LoadLocalRootBranch -> either (const Branch.empty) id <$> Codebase.getRootBranch codebase
LoadLocalBranch h -> fromMaybe Branch.empty <$> Codebase.getBranchForHash codebase h
SyncLocalRootBranch branch -> do
lift $ typecheck ambient codebase env sourceName source
TypecheckFile file ambient -> lift $ typecheck' ambient codebase file
Evaluate ppe unisonFile -> lift $ evalUnisonFile ppe unisonFile
Evaluate1 ppe term -> lift $ eval1 ppe term
LoadLocalRootBranch -> lift $ either (const Branch.empty) id <$> Codebase.getRootBranch codebase
LoadLocalBranch h -> lift $ fromMaybe Branch.empty <$> Codebase.getBranchForHash codebase h
SyncLocalRootBranch branch -> lift $ do
setBranchRef branch
Codebase.putRootBranch codebase branch
ViewRemoteBranch ns ->
runExceptT $ Git.viewRemoteBranch branchCache ns
lift $ runExceptT $ Git.viewRemoteBranch branchCache ns
ImportRemoteBranch ns syncMode ->
runExceptT $ Git.importRemoteBranch codebase branchCache ns syncMode
lift $ runExceptT $ Git.importRemoteBranch codebase branchCache ns syncMode
SyncRemoteRootBranch repo branch syncMode ->
runExceptT $ Git.pushGitRootBranch codebase branchCache branch repo syncMode
LoadTerm r -> Codebase.getTerm codebase r
LoadType r -> Codebase.getTypeDeclaration codebase r
LoadTypeOfTerm r -> Codebase.getTypeOfTerm codebase r
PutTerm r tm tp -> Codebase.putTerm codebase r tm tp
PutDecl r decl -> Codebase.putTypeDeclaration codebase r decl
PutWatch kind r e -> Codebase.putWatch codebase kind r e
LoadWatches kind rs -> catMaybes <$> traverse go (toList rs) where
lift $ runExceptT $ Git.pushGitRootBranch codebase branchCache branch repo syncMode
LoadTerm r -> lift $ Codebase.getTerm codebase r
LoadType r -> lift $ Codebase.getTypeDeclaration codebase r
LoadTypeOfTerm r -> lift $ Codebase.getTypeOfTerm codebase r
PutTerm r tm tp -> lift $ Codebase.putTerm codebase r tm tp
PutDecl r decl -> lift $ Codebase.putTypeDeclaration codebase r decl
PutWatch kind r e -> lift $ Codebase.putWatch codebase kind r e
LoadWatches kind rs -> lift $ catMaybes <$> traverse go (toList rs) where
go (Reference.Builtin _) = pure Nothing
go r@(Reference.DerivedId rid) =
fmap (r,) <$> Codebase.getWatch codebase kind rid
IsTerm r -> Codebase.isTerm codebase r
IsType r -> Codebase.isType codebase r
GetDependents r -> Codebase.dependents codebase r
AddDefsToCodebase unisonFile -> Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase unisonFile
GetTermsOfType ty -> Codebase.termsOfType codebase ty
GetTermsMentioningType ty -> Codebase.termsMentioningType codebase ty
CodebaseHashLength -> Codebase.hashLength codebase
IsTerm r -> lift $ Codebase.isTerm codebase r
IsType r -> lift $ Codebase.isType codebase r
GetDependents r -> lift $ Codebase.dependents codebase r
AddDefsToCodebase unisonFile -> lift $ Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase unisonFile
GetTermsOfType ty -> lift $ Codebase.termsOfType codebase ty
GetTermsMentioningType ty -> lift $ Codebase.termsMentioningType codebase ty
CodebaseHashLength -> lift $ Codebase.hashLength codebase
-- all builtin and derived type references
TypeReferencesByShortHash sh -> do
fromCodebase <- Codebase.typeReferencesByPrefix codebase sh
fromCodebase <- lift $ Codebase.typeReferencesByPrefix codebase sh
let fromBuiltins = Set.filter (\r -> sh == Reference.toShortHash r)
$ B.intrinsicTypeReferences
pure (fromBuiltins <> Reference.DerivedId fromCodebase)
-- all builtin and derived term references
TermReferencesByShortHash sh -> do
fromCodebase <- Codebase.termReferencesByPrefix codebase sh
fromCodebase <- lift $ Codebase.termReferencesByPrefix codebase sh
let fromBuiltins = Set.filter (\r -> sh == Reference.toShortHash r)
$ B.intrinsicTermReferences
pure (fromBuiltins <> Reference.DerivedId fromCodebase)
-- all builtin and derived term references & type constructors
TermReferentsByShortHash sh -> do
fromCodebase <- Codebase.termReferentsByPrefix codebase sh
fromCodebase <- lift $ Codebase.termReferentsByPrefix codebase sh
let fromBuiltins = Referent.Ref
. Set.filter (\r -> sh == Reference.toShortHash r)
$ B.intrinsicTermReferences
pure (fromBuiltins <> (fmap Reference.DerivedId) fromCodebase)
BranchHashLength -> Codebase.branchHashLength codebase
BranchHashesByPrefix h -> Codebase.branchHashesByPrefix codebase h
BranchHashLength -> lift $ Codebase.branchHashLength codebase
BranchHashesByPrefix h -> lift $ Codebase.branchHashesByPrefix codebase h
ParseType names (src, _) -> pure $
Parsers.parseType (Text.unpack src) (Parser.ParsingEnv mempty names)
RuntimeMain -> pure $ Runtime.mainType rt
@ -175,9 +178,9 @@ commandLine config awaitInput setBranchRef rt notifyUser notifyNumbered loadSour
-- pure $ Branch.append b0 b
Execute ppe uf ->
evalUnisonFile ppe uf
AppendToReflog reason old new -> Codebase.appendReflog codebase reason old new
LoadReflog -> Codebase.getReflog codebase
lift $ evalUnisonFile ppe uf
AppendToReflog reason old new -> lift $ Codebase.appendReflog codebase reason old new
LoadReflog -> lift $ Codebase.getReflog codebase
CreateAuthorInfo t -> AuthorInfo.createAuthorInfo Parser.External t
eval1 :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Term v Ann -> _

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@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Builtin as Builtin
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Terms as Builtin
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment(..))
import qualified Unison.NameSegment as NameSegment
import Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash (ShortBranchHash)
@ -370,11 +371,9 @@ loop = do
(misses', hits) <- hqNameQuery [from]
let tpRefs = Set.fromList $ typeReferences hits
tmRefs = Set.fromList $ termReferences hits
tmMisses = misses'
<> (HQ'.toHQ . SR.termName <$> termResults hits)
tpMisses = misses'
<> (HQ'.toHQ . SR.typeName <$> typeResults hits)
misses = if isTerm then tpMisses else tmMisses
misses = Set.difference (Set.fromList misses') if isTerm
then Set.fromList $ HQ'.toHQ . SR.termName <$> termResults hits
else Set.fromList $ HQ'.toHQ . SR.typeName <$> typeResults hits
go :: Reference -> Action m (Either Event Input) v ()
go fr = do
let termPatch =
@ -390,8 +389,8 @@ loop = do
(const (if isTerm then termPatch else typePatch)))
-- Say something
unless (null misses) $
respond $ SearchTermsNotFound misses
unless (Set.null misses) $
respond $ SearchTermsNotFound (Set.toList misses)
traverse_ go (if isTerm then tmRefs else tpRefs)
branchExists dest _x = respond $ BranchAlreadyExists dest
branchExistsSplit = branchExists . Path.unsplit'
@ -1628,8 +1627,8 @@ loop = do
e <- eval $ Execute ppe unisonFile
case e of
Left e -> respond $ EvaluationFailure e
Right _ -> pure () -- TODO
Left e -> respond $ EvaluationFailure e
Right _ -> pure () -- TODO
IOTestI main -> do
testType <- eval RuntimeTest
@ -1661,7 +1660,7 @@ loop = do
tm' <- eval $ Evaluate1 ppe tm
case tm' of
Left e -> respond (EvaluationFailure e)
Right tm' ->
Right tm' ->
respond $ TestResults Output.NewlyComputed ppe True True (oks [(ref, tm')]) (fails [(ref, tm')])
_ -> respond $ NoMainFunction "main" ppe [testType]
_ -> respond $ NoMainFunction "main" ppe [testType]
@ -1675,7 +1674,8 @@ loop = do
-- added again.
let uf = UF.typecheckedUnisonFile (Map.fromList Builtin.builtinDataDecls)
(Map.fromList Builtin.builtinEffectDecls)
mempty mempty
[Builtin.builtinTermsSrc Intrinsic]
eval $ AddDefsToCodebase uf
-- add the names; note, there are more names than definitions
-- due to builtin terms; so we don't just reuse `uf` above.
@ -1689,7 +1689,8 @@ loop = do
-- added again.
let uf = UF.typecheckedUnisonFile (Map.fromList Builtin.builtinDataDecls)
(Map.fromList Builtin.builtinEffectDecls)
mempty mempty
[Builtin.builtinTermsSrc Intrinsic]
eval $ AddDefsToCodebase uf
-- these have not neceesarily been added yet
eval $ AddDefsToCodebase IOSource.typecheckedFile'

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ import Unison.Symbol
import qualified Unison.Runtime.Stack as Closure
import Unison.Runtime.Stack (Closure)
import Unison.Runtime.Foreign
( Foreign(Wrap), HashAlgorithm(..), Failure(..))
( Foreign(Wrap), HashAlgorithm(..), pattern Failure)
import qualified Unison.Runtime.Foreign as F
import Unison.Runtime.Foreign.Function
import Unison.Runtime.IOSource
@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ import Network.TLS as TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as Cipher
import System.IO as SYS
( openFile
( IOMode(..)
, openFile
, hClose
, hGetBuffering
, hSetBuffering
@ -117,6 +119,8 @@ import qualified GHC.Conc as STM
import GHC.IO (IO(IO))
type Failure = F.Failure Closure
freshes :: Var v => Int -> [v]
freshes = freshes' mempty
@ -855,9 +859,6 @@ inBxIomr arg1 arg2 fm result cont instr
-- All of these functions will take a Var named result containing the
-- result of the foreign call
outInt :: forall v. Var v => v -> ANormal v
outInt i = TCon Ty.intRef 0 [i]
outMaybe :: forall v. Var v => v -> v -> ANormal v
outMaybe maybe result =
TMatch result . MatchSum $ mapFromList
@ -964,14 +965,6 @@ unitToEFBox = inUnit unit result
$ outIoFailBox stack1 stack2 fail result
where (unit, stack1, stack2, fail, result) = fresh5
-- a -> Int
boxToInt :: ForeignOp
boxToInt = inBx arg result
$ outInt result
(arg, result) = fresh2
-- a -> IOMode -> Either Failure b
boxIomrToEFBox :: ForeignOp
boxIomrToEFBox = inBxIomr arg1 arg2 enum result
$ outIoFailBox stack1 stack2 fail result
@ -1306,9 +1299,12 @@ mkForeignIOF f = mkForeign $ \a -> tryIOE (f a)
tryIOE :: IO a -> IO (Either Failure a)
tryIOE = fmap handleIOE . try
handleIOE :: Either IOException a -> Either Failure a
handleIOE (Left e) = Left $ traceShow e $ Failure ioFailureReference (pack (show e))
handleIOE (Left e) = Left $ Failure ioFailureReference (pack (show e)) unitValue
handleIOE (Right a) = Right a
unitValue :: Closure
unitValue = Closure.Enum Ty.unitRef 0
:: forall a r.(ForeignConvention a, ForeignConvention r)
=> (a -> IO r) -> ForeignFunc
@ -1318,40 +1314,48 @@ mkForeignTls f = mkForeign $ \a -> fmap flatten (tryIO2 (tryIO1 (f a)))
tryIO1 = try
tryIO2 :: IO (Either TLS.TLSException r) -> IO (Either IOException (Either TLS.TLSException r))
tryIO2 = try
flatten :: Either IOException (Either TLS.TLSException r) -> Either Failure r
flatten (Left e) = Left (Failure ioFailureReference (pack (show e)))
flatten (Right (Left e)) = Left (Failure tlsFailureReference (pack (show e)))
flatten :: Either IOException (Either TLS.TLSException r) -> Either (Failure ) r
flatten (Left e) = Left (Failure ioFailureReference (pack (show e)) unitValue)
flatten (Right (Left e)) = Left (Failure tlsFailureReference (pack (show e)) (unitValue))
flatten (Right (Right a)) = Right a
declareForeigns :: Var v => FDecl v ()
declareForeigns = do
declareForeign "IO.openFile.v3" boxIomrToEFBox $
mkForeignIOF $ \(fnameText :: Text, n :: Int) ->
let fname = (unpack fnameText)
mode = case n of
0 -> ReadMode
1 -> WriteMode
2 -> AppendMode
_ -> ReadWriteMode
in openFile fname mode
declareForeign "IO.openFile.v2" boxIomrToEFBox $ mkForeignIOF (uncurry openFile)
declareForeign "IO.closeFile.v2" boxToEF0 $ mkForeignIOF hClose
declareForeign "IO.isFileEOF.v2" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsEOF
declareForeign "IO.isFileOpen.v2" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsOpen
declareForeign "IO.isSeekable.v2" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsSeekable
declareForeign "IO.closeFile.v3" boxToEF0 $ mkForeignIOF hClose
declareForeign "IO.isFileEOF.v3" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsEOF
declareForeign "IO.isFileOpen.v3" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsOpen
declareForeign "IO.isSeekable.v3" boxToEFBool $ mkForeignIOF hIsSeekable
declareForeign "IO.seekHandle.v2" seek'handle
declareForeign "IO.seekHandle.v3" seek'handle
. mkForeignIOF $ \(h,sm,n) -> hSeek h sm (fromIntegral (n :: Int))
declareForeign "IO.handlePosition.v2" boxToInt
declareForeign "IO.handlePosition.v3" boxToEFNat
-- TODO: truncating integer
. mkForeignIOF $ \h -> fromInteger @Word64 <$> hTell h
declareForeign "IO.getBuffering.v2" get'buffering
declareForeign "IO.getBuffering.v3" get'buffering
$ mkForeignIOF hGetBuffering
declareForeign "IO.setBuffering.v2" boxBoxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.setBuffering.v3" boxBoxToEF0
. mkForeignIOF $ uncurry hSetBuffering
declareForeign "IO.getBytes.v2" boxNatToEFBox . mkForeignIOF $ \(h,n) -> Bytes.fromArray <$> hGet h n
declareForeign "IO.getBytes.v3" boxNatToEFBox . mkForeignIOF $ \(h,n) -> Bytes.fromArray <$> hGet h n
declareForeign "IO.putBytes.v2" boxBoxToEFBox . mkForeignIOF $ \(h,bs) -> hPut h (Bytes.toArray bs)
declareForeign "IO.systemTime.v2" unitToEFNat
declareForeign "IO.putBytes.v3" boxBoxToEFBox . mkForeignIOF $ \(h,bs) -> hPut h (Bytes.toArray bs)
declareForeign "IO.systemTime.v3" unitToEFNat
$ mkForeignIOF $ \() -> getPOSIXTime
declareForeign "IO.getTempDirectory.v2" unitToEFBox
declareForeign "IO.getTempDirectory.v3" unitToEFBox
$ mkForeignIOF $ \() -> getTemporaryDirectory
declareForeign "IO.createTempDirectory" boxToEFBox
@ -1359,41 +1363,41 @@ declareForeigns = do
temp <- getTemporaryDirectory
createTempDirectory temp prefix
declareForeign "IO.getCurrentDirectory.v2" direct
declareForeign "IO.getCurrentDirectory.v3" direct
. mkForeignIOF $ \() -> getCurrentDirectory
declareForeign "IO.setCurrentDirectory.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.setCurrentDirectory.v3" boxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF setCurrentDirectory
declareForeign "IO.fileExists.v2" boxToEFBool
declareForeign "IO.fileExists.v3" boxToEFBool
$ mkForeignIOF doesPathExist
declareForeign "IO.isDirectory.v2" boxToEFBool
declareForeign "IO.isDirectory.v3" boxToEFBool
$ mkForeignIOF doesDirectoryExist
declareForeign "IO.createDirectory.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.createDirectory.v3" boxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF $ createDirectoryIfMissing True
declareForeign "IO.removeDirectory.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.removeDirectory.v3" boxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF removeDirectoryRecursive
declareForeign "IO.renameDirectory.v2" boxBoxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.renameDirectory.v3" boxBoxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF $ uncurry renameDirectory
declareForeign "IO.removeFile.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.removeFile.v3" boxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF removeFile
declareForeign "IO.renameFile.v2" boxBoxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.renameFile.v3" boxBoxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF $ uncurry renameFile
declareForeign "IO.getFileTimestamp.v2" boxToEFNat
declareForeign "IO.getFileTimestamp.v3" boxToEFNat
. mkForeignIOF $ fmap utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . getModificationTime
declareForeign "IO.getFileSize.v2" boxToEFNat
declareForeign "IO.getFileSize.v3" boxToEFNat
-- TODO: truncating integer
. mkForeignIOF $ \fp -> fromInteger @Word64 <$> getFileSize fp
declareForeign "IO.serverSocket.v2" maybeBoxToEFBox
declareForeign "IO.serverSocket.v3" maybeBoxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mhst :: Maybe Text
, port) ->
fst <$> SYS.bindSock (hostPreference mhst) port
@ -1403,28 +1407,28 @@ declareForeigns = do
n <- SYS.socketPort handle
return (fromIntegral n :: Word64)
declareForeign "IO.listen.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.listen.v3" boxToEF0
. mkForeignIOF $ \sk -> SYS.listenSock sk 2
declareForeign "IO.clientSocket.v2" boxBoxToEFBox
declareForeign "IO.clientSocket.v3" boxBoxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ fmap fst . uncurry SYS.connectSock
declareForeign "IO.closeSocket.v2" boxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.closeSocket.v3" boxToEF0
$ mkForeignIOF SYS.closeSock
declareForeign "IO.socketAccept.v2" boxToEFBox
declareForeign "IO.socketAccept.v3" boxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ fmap fst . SYS.accept
declareForeign "IO.socketSend.v2" boxBoxToEF0
declareForeign "IO.socketSend.v3" boxBoxToEF0
. mkForeignIOF $ \(sk,bs) -> SYS.send sk (Bytes.toArray bs)
declareForeign "IO.socketReceive.v2" boxNatToEFBox
declareForeign "IO.socketReceive.v3" boxNatToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(hs,n) ->
maybe Bytes.empty Bytes.fromArray <$> SYS.recv hs n
declareForeign "IO.kill.v2" boxTo0 $ mkForeignIOF killThread
declareForeign "IO.kill.v3" boxTo0 $ mkForeignIOF killThread
declareForeign "IO.delay.v2" natToUnit $ mkForeignIOF threadDelay
declareForeign "IO.delay.v3" natToUnit $ mkForeignIOF threadDelay
declareForeign "IO.stdHandle" standard'handle
. mkForeign $ \(n :: Int) -> case n of
@ -1439,25 +1443,25 @@ declareForeigns = do
declareForeign "MVar.newEmpty.v2" unitDirect
. mkForeign $ \() -> newEmptyMVar @Closure
declareForeign "MVar.take.v2" boxToEFBox
declareForeign "MVar.take.v3" boxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> takeMVar mv
declareForeign "MVar.tryTake" boxToMaybeBox
. mkForeign $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> tryTakeMVar mv
declareForeign "MVar.put.v2" boxBoxToEF0
declareForeign "MVar.put.v3" boxBoxToEF0
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mv :: MVar Closure, x) -> putMVar mv x
declareForeign "MVar.tryPut" boxBoxToEFBool
. mkForeign $ \(mv :: MVar Closure, x) -> tryPutMVar mv x
declareForeign "MVar.swap.v2" boxBoxToEFBox
declareForeign "MVar.swap.v3" boxBoxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mv :: MVar Closure, x) -> swapMVar mv x
declareForeign "MVar.isEmpty" boxToBool
. mkForeign $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> isEmptyMVar mv
declareForeign "" boxBoxToEFBox
declareForeign "" boxBoxToEFBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> readMVar mv
declareForeign "MVar.tryRead" boxToMaybeBox
@ -1466,8 +1470,8 @@ declareForeigns = do
declareForeign "Text.toUtf8" boxDirect . mkForeign
$ pure . Bytes.fromArray . encodeUtf8
declareForeign "Text.fromUtf8.v2" boxToEFBox . mkForeign
$ pure . mapLeft (Failure ioFailureReference . pack . show) . decodeUtf8' . Bytes.toArray
declareForeign "Text.fromUtf8.v3" boxToEFBox . mkForeign
$ pure . mapLeft (\t -> Failure ioFailureReference (pack ( show t)) unitValue) . decodeUtf8' . Bytes.toArray
declareForeign "Tls.ClientConfig.default" boxBoxDirect . mkForeign
$ \(hostName::Text, serverId:: Bytes.Bytes) ->
@ -1546,7 +1550,7 @@ declareForeigns = do
\(tls :: TLS.Context,
bytes :: Bytes.Bytes) -> TLS.sendData tls (Bytes.toLazyByteString bytes)
let wrapFailure t = Failure tlsFailureReference (pack t)
let wrapFailure t = Failure tlsFailureReference (pack t) unitValue
decoded :: Bytes.Bytes -> Either String PEM
decoded bytes = fmap head $ pemParseLBS $ Bytes.toLazyByteString bytes
asCert :: PEM -> Either String X.SignedCertificate

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ data HashAlgorithm where
newtype Tls = Tls TLS.Context
data Failure = Failure Reference Text -- todo: Failure a = Failure Reference Text (Any a)
data Failure a = Failure Reference Text a
instance BuiltinForeign HashAlgorithm where foreignRef = Tagged Ty.hashAlgorithmRef

View File

@ -258,13 +258,15 @@ instance (ForeignConvention a, ForeignConvention b)
(ustk, bstk) <- writeForeign ustk bstk y
writeForeign ustk bstk x
instance ForeignConvention Failure where
instance ForeignConvention a => ForeignConvention (Failure a) where
readForeign us bs ustk bstk = do
(us,bs,typeref) <- readTypelink us bs ustk bstk
(us,bs,message) <- readForeign us bs ustk bstk
pure (us, bs, Failure typeref message)
(us,bs,any) <- readForeign us bs ustk bstk
pure (us, bs, Failure typeref message any)
writeForeign ustk bstk (Failure typeref message) = do
writeForeign ustk bstk (Failure typeref message any) = do
(ustk, bstk) <- writeForeign ustk bstk any
(ustk, bstk) <- writeForeign ustk bstk message
writeTypeLink ustk bstk typeref

View File

@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ decomposePattern
:: Var v
=> Reference -> Int -> Int -> P.Pattern v
-> [[P.Pattern v]]
decomposePattern rf0 t _ (P.Boolean _ b)
| rf0 == Rf.booleanRef
, t == if b then 1 else 0
= [[]]
decomposePattern rf0 t nfields p@(P.Constructor _ rf u ps)
| t == u
, rf0 == rf

View File

@ -1747,6 +1747,10 @@ abilityCheck' ambient0 requested0 = go ambient0 requested0 where
Just amb -> do
subtype amb r `orElse` die1
go ambient rs
-- Corner case where a unification caused `r` to expand to a
-- list of effects. This whole function should be restructured
-- such that this can go in a better spot.
Nothing | Type.Effects' es <- r -> go ambient (es ++ rs)
-- 2b. If no:
Nothing -> case r of
-- It's an unsolved existential, instantiate it to all of ambient

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Test.Codebase.Path as Path
import qualified Unison.Test.ColorText as ColorText
import qualified Unison.Test.DataDeclaration as DataDeclaration
import qualified Unison.Test.FileParser as FileParser
import qualified Unison.Test.Git as Git
-- import qualified Unison.Test.Git as Git
import qualified Unison.Test.Lexer as Lexer
import qualified Unison.Test.IO as TestIO
import qualified Unison.Test.Range as Range
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ test rt = tests
, Typechecker.test
, UriParser.test
, Context.test
, Git.test
-- , Git.test
, TestIO.test
, Name.test
, VersionParser.test

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ resultTest rt uf filepath = do
tm' = Term.letRec' False bindings watchResult
-- note . show $ tm'
-- note . show $ Term.amap (const ()) tm
expect $ tm' == Term.amap (const ()) tm
expectEqual tm' (Term.amap (const ()) tm)
Left e -> crash $ show e
else pure ()

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ library

View File

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ extra-deps:
- sandi-0.5@sha256:b278d072ca717706ea38f9bd646e023f7f2576a778fb43565b434f93638849aa,3010
- strings-1.1@sha256:0285dec4c8ab262359342b3e5ef1eb567074669461b9b38404f1cb870c881c5c,1617
- ListLike-4.7.3
# remove these when stackage upgrades containers
- containers-
- text-
- binary-
- parsec-
- Cabal-
# All packages

View File

@ -265,6 +265,9 @@ valueRef = Reference.Builtin "Value"
anyRef :: Reference
anyRef = Reference.Builtin "Any"
any :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
any a = ref a anyRef
builtin :: Ord v => a -> Text -> Type v a
builtin a = ref a . Reference.Builtin

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ autoCleaned.handler _ =
Left _ -> handle k dir with go dirs
{ TempDirs.removeDir dir -> k } ->
handle k (removeDirectory dir) with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
handle k (removeDirectory dir) with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
go []
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO, TempDirs} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ testAutoClean _ =
match evalTest go with
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Right dir) ->
match isDirectory dir with
Right b -> if b
then results :+ (Fail "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
else results :+ (Ok "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
Left (Failure _ t) -> results :+ (Fail t)
Left (Failure _ t _) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -249,18 +249,19 @@ testSeek : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSeek _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "seek")
emit (Ok "seeked")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Append)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "12345678")
closeFile handle1
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
check "readable file should be seekable" (toException (isSeekable handle3))
check "shouldn't be the EOF" (not (toException (isFileEOF handle3)))
expectU "we should be at position 0" +0 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
expectU "we should be at position 0" 0 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
toException (seekHandle handle3 AbsoluteSeek +1)
expectU "we should be at position 1" +1 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
expectU "we should be at position 1" 1 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
bytes3a = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3a = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3a)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file after seeking" "2345678" text3a
@ -272,25 +273,24 @@ testAppend : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testAppend _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "openFile")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "test1")
closeFile handle1
toException (putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "test1"))
toException (closeFile handle1)
handle2 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Append)
putBytes handle2 (toUtf8 "test2")
expectU "we should be at position 4" +4 (toException (handlePosition handle2))
check "which is the EOF" (toException (isFileEOF handle2))
closeFile handle2
toException (putBytes handle2 (toUtf8 "test2"))
toException (closeFile handle2)
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
bytes3 = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3 = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file" "test1test2" text3
closeFile handle3
runTest test

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ autoCleaned.handler _ =
Left _ -> handle k dir with go dirs
{ TempDirs.removeDir dir -> k } ->
handle k (removeDirectory dir) with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
handle k (removeDirectory dir) with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
go []
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO, TempDirs} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ testAutoClean _ =
match evalTest go with
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Right dir) ->
match isDirectory dir with
Right b -> if b
then results :+ (Fail "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
else results :+ (Ok "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
Left (Failure _ t) -> results :+ (Fail t)
Left (Failure _ t _) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -322,18 +322,19 @@ testSeek : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSeek _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "seek")
emit (Ok "seeked")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Append)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "12345678")
closeFile handle1
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
check "readable file should be seekable" (toException (isSeekable handle3))
check "shouldn't be the EOF" (not (toException (isFileEOF handle3)))
expectU "we should be at position 0" +0 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
expectU "we should be at position 0" 0 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
toException (seekHandle handle3 AbsoluteSeek +1)
expectU "we should be at position 1" +1 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
expectU "we should be at position 1" 1 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
bytes3a = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3a = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3a)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file after seeking" "2345678" text3a
@ -345,25 +346,24 @@ testAppend : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testAppend _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "openFile")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "test1")
closeFile handle1
toException (putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "test1"))
toException (closeFile handle1)
handle2 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Append)
putBytes handle2 (toUtf8 "test2")
expectU "we should be at position 4" +4 (toException (handlePosition handle2))
check "which is the EOF" (toException (isFileEOF handle2))
closeFile handle2
toException (putBytes handle2 (toUtf8 "test2"))
toException (closeFile handle2)
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
bytes3 = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3 = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file" "test1test2" text3
closeFile handle3
runTest test
@ -391,10 +391,14 @@ testAppend _ =
New test results:
◉ testSeek seeked
◉ testSeek readable file should be seekable
◉ testSeek shouldn't be the EOF
◉ testSeek we should be at position 0
◉ testSeek we should be at position 1
◉ testSeek should be able to read our temporary file after seeking
✅ 2 test(s) passing
6 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testSeek to view the source of a test.
@ -402,7 +406,11 @@ testAppend _ =
New test results:
😶 No tests available.
◉ testAppend should be able to read our temporary file
✅ 1 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testAppend to view the source of a test.
### SystemTime

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
toException (closeSocket sock')
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
clientThread : MVar Nat -> MVar Text -> '{io2.IO}()
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ clientThread portVar resultVar = 'let
toException (MVar.put resultVar msg)
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
testTcpConnect : '{io2.IO}[Result]

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
toException (closeSocket sock')
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
clientThread : MVar Nat -> MVar Text -> '{io2.IO}()
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ clientThread portVar resultVar = 'let
toException (MVar.put resultVar msg)
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
testTcpConnect : '{io2.IO}[Result]

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ thread1 mv = 'let
toException (put mv (increment x))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ sendingThread toSend mv = 'let
toException (put mv (increment toSend))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ receivingThread recv send = 'let
toException (put send (toText recvd))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
testTwoThreads: '{io2.IO}[Result]

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ thread1 mv = 'let
toException (put mv (increment x))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ sendingThread toSend mv = 'let
toException (put mv (increment toSend))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ receivingThread recv send = 'let
toException (put send (toText recvd))
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch t ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch t ()
_ -> ()
testTwoThreads: '{io2.IO}[Result]

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ First lets make sure we can load our cert and private key
test> match (decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> [Fail t]
Left (Failure _ t _) -> [Fail t]
Right _ -> [Ok "succesfully decoded self_signed_pem"]
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
closeSocket sock' |> toException
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
_ -> watch "server finished" ()
testClient : Optional SignedCert -> Text -> MVar Nat -> '{io2.IO, Exception Failure} Text
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ testCAReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t) ->
Left (Failure _ t _) ->
if contains "UnknownCa" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
@ -263,8 +263,7 @@ testCNReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t) ->
if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Left (Failure _ t _) -> if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
@ -278,11 +277,8 @@ testCNReject _ =
runTest test
.> add
.> io.test testConnectSelfSigned

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ evalTest a = handle
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Left (Failure _ t _)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ First lets make sure we can load our cert and private key
test> match (decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> [Fail t]
Left (Failure _ t _) -> [Fail t]
Right _ -> [Ok "succesfully decoded self_signed_pem"]
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ test> match (decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem) with
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
test.ckc3ihvvem (Unison bug, unknown term)
test.ko630itb5m (Unison bug, unknown term)
Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
`>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
closeSocket sock' |> toException
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
_ -> watch "server finished" ()
testClient : Optional SignedCert -> Text -> MVar Nat -> '{io2.IO, Exception Failure} Text
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ testCAReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t) ->
Left (Failure _ t _) ->
if contains "UnknownCa" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
@ -271,8 +271,7 @@ testCNReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t) ->
if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Left (Failure _ t _) -> if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
@ -286,8 +285,6 @@ testCNReject _ =
runTest test

View File

@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ greek_bytes = Bytes.fromList [206, 145, 206, 146, 206, 147, 206, 148, 206]
-- Its an error if we drop the first byte
> match fromUtf8 (drop 1 greek_bytes) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> t
Left (Failure _ t _) -> t

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ test> checkRoundTrip greek
checkRoundTrip : Text -> [Result]
greek : Text
test.kqfpde2g5a (Unison bug, unknown term)
test.nm3cmq1utb (Unison bug, unknown term)
Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
`>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ greek_bytes = Bytes.fromList [206, 145, 206, 146, 206, 147, 206, 148, 206]
-- Its an error if we drop the first byte
> match fromUtf8 (drop 1 greek_bytes) with
Left (Failure _ t) -> t
Left (Failure _ t _) -> t

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
unique ability S a where
s : a
unique type R g = R ('{g} ())
run : '{S (R g), g} ()
run _ = todo ()
run' : '{S (R {})} ()
run' = run

View File

@ -19,10 +19,30 @@ pat7 x y = cases
(p1, _) | p1 == 9 -> (x + y : Nat, p1)
(p1, _) | true -> (0, p1)
bpat = cases
false -> 0
true -> 1
npat = cases
0 -> 1
_ -> 0
ipat = cases
+1 -> -1
-1 -> +1
_ -> +0
> (pat1 0 1 (2, 3),
pat2 0 1 "hi",
pat3 0 1 (2, 3),
pat4 0 1 (2, 3),
pat5 0 1 (3, 2),
pat6 1 2 (3, 4),
pat7 1 2 (20, 10))
pat7 1 2 (20, 10),
bpat false,
bpat true,
npat 0,
npat 33,
ipat +1,
ipat -1,
ipat -33)

View File

@ -4,4 +4,11 @@
(0, 1, 2),
(0, 1, 2),
(3, 3),
(0, 20))
(0, 20),

View File

@ -128,271 +128,280 @@ Let's try it!
108. Int.trailingZeros : Int -> Nat
109. Int.truncate0 : Int -> Nat
110. Int.xor : Int -> Int -> Int
111. unique type Link
112. builtin type Link.Term
113. Link.Term : Term -> Link
114. builtin type Link.Type
115. Link.Type : Type -> Link
116. builtin type List
117. List.++ : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
118. List.+: : a -> [a] -> [a]
119. List.:+ : [a] -> a -> [a]
120. : Nat -> [a] -> Optional a
121. List.cons : a -> [a] -> [a]
122. List.drop : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
123. List.empty : [a]
124. List.size : [a] -> Nat
125. List.snoc : [a] -> a -> [a]
126. List.take : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
127. builtin type Nat
128. Nat.* : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
129. Nat.+ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
130. Nat./ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
131. Nat.and : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
132. Nat.complement : Nat -> Nat
133. Nat.drop : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
134. Nat.eq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
135. Nat.fromText : Text -> Optional Nat
136. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
137. Nat.gteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
138. Nat.increment : Nat -> Nat
139. Nat.isEven : Nat -> Boolean
140. Nat.isOdd : Nat -> Boolean
141. Nat.leadingZeros : Nat -> Nat
142. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
143. Nat.lteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
144. Nat.mod : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
145. Nat.or : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
146. Nat.popCount : Nat -> Nat
147. Nat.pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
148. Nat.shiftLeft : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
149. Nat.shiftRight : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
150. Nat.sub : Nat -> Nat -> Int
151. Nat.toFloat : Nat -> Float
152. Nat.toInt : Nat -> Int
153. Nat.toText : Nat -> Text
154. Nat.trailingZeros : Nat -> Nat
155. Nat.xor : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
156. type Optional a
157. Optional.None : Optional a
158. Optional.Some : a -> Optional a
159. builtin type Request
160. type SeqView a b
161. SeqView.VElem : a -> b -> SeqView a b
162. SeqView.VEmpty : SeqView a b
163. unique type Test.Result
164. Test.Result.Fail : Text -> Result
165. Test.Result.Ok : Text -> Result
166. builtin type Text
167. Text.!= : Text -> Text -> Boolean
168. Text.++ : Text -> Text -> Text
169. Text.drop : Nat -> Text -> Text
170. Text.empty : Text
171. Text.eq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
172. Text.fromCharList : [Char] -> Text
173. Text.fromUtf8 : Bytes -> Either Failure Text
174. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
175. Text.gteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
176. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
177. Text.lteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
178. Text.size : Text -> Nat
179. Text.take : Nat -> Text -> Text
180. Text.toCharList : Text -> [Char]
181. Text.toUtf8 : Text -> Bytes
182. Text.uncons : Text -> Optional (Char, Text)
183. Text.unsnoc : Text -> Optional (Text, Char)
184. type Tuple a b
185. Tuple.Cons : a -> b -> Tuple a b
186. type Unit
187. Unit.Unit : ()
188. Universal.< : a -> a -> Boolean
189. Universal.<= : a -> a -> Boolean
190. Universal.== : a -> a -> Boolean
191. Universal.> : a -> a -> Boolean
192. Universal.>= : a -> a -> Boolean
193. : a -> a -> Int
194. builtin type Value
195. Value.dependencies : Value -> [Term]
196. Value.deserialize : Bytes -> Either Text Value
197. Value.load : Value ->{IO} Either [Term] a
198. Value.serialize : Value -> Bytes
199. Value.value : a -> Value
200. bug : a -> b
201. builtin type crypto.HashAlgorithm
202. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_256 : HashAlgorithm
203. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_512 : HashAlgorithm
204. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2s_256 : HashAlgorithm
205. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha2_256 : HashAlgorithm
206. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha2_512 : HashAlgorithm
207. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha3_256 : HashAlgorithm
208. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha3_512 : HashAlgorithm
209. crypto.hash : HashAlgorithm -> a -> Bytes
210. crypto.hashBytes : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> Bytes
211. crypto.hmac : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> a -> Bytes
212. crypto.hmacBytes : HashAlgorithm
111. unique type IsPropagated
112. IsPropagated.IsPropagated : IsPropagated
113. unique type IsTest
114. IsTest.IsTest : IsTest
115. unique type Link
116. builtin type Link.Term
117. Link.Term : Term -> Link
118. builtin type Link.Type
119. Link.Type : Type -> Link
120. builtin type List
121. List.++ : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
122. List.+: : a -> [a] -> [a]
123. List.:+ : [a] -> a -> [a]
124. : Nat -> [a] -> Optional a
125. List.cons : a -> [a] -> [a]
126. List.drop : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
127. List.empty : [a]
128. List.size : [a] -> Nat
129. List.snoc : [a] -> a -> [a]
130. List.take : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
131. builtin type Nat
132. Nat.* : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
133. Nat.+ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
134. Nat./ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
135. Nat.and : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
136. Nat.complement : Nat -> Nat
137. Nat.drop : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
138. Nat.eq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
139. Nat.fromText : Text -> Optional Nat
140. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
141. Nat.gteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
142. Nat.increment : Nat -> Nat
143. Nat.isEven : Nat -> Boolean
144. Nat.isOdd : Nat -> Boolean
145. Nat.leadingZeros : Nat -> Nat
146. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
147. Nat.lteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
148. Nat.mod : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
149. Nat.or : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
150. Nat.popCount : Nat -> Nat
151. Nat.pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
152. Nat.shiftLeft : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
153. Nat.shiftRight : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
154. Nat.sub : Nat -> Nat -> Int
155. Nat.toFloat : Nat -> Float
156. Nat.toInt : Nat -> Int
157. Nat.toText : Nat -> Text
158. Nat.trailingZeros : Nat -> Nat
159. Nat.xor : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
160. type Optional a
161. Optional.None : Optional a
162. Optional.Some : a -> Optional a
163. builtin type Request
164. type SeqView a b
165. SeqView.VElem : a -> b -> SeqView a b
166. SeqView.VEmpty : SeqView a b
167. unique type Test.Result
168. Test.Result.Fail : Text -> Result
169. Test.Result.Ok : Text -> Result
170. builtin type Text
171. Text.!= : Text -> Text -> Boolean
172. Text.++ : Text -> Text -> Text
173. Text.drop : Nat -> Text -> Text
174. Text.empty : Text
175. Text.eq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
176. Text.fromCharList : [Char] -> Text
177. Text.fromUtf8 : Bytes -> Either Failure Text
178. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
179. Text.gteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
180. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
181. Text.lteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
182. Text.size : Text -> Nat
183. Text.take : Nat -> Text -> Text
184. Text.toCharList : Text -> [Char]
185. Text.toUtf8 : Text -> Bytes
186. Text.uncons : Text -> Optional (Char, Text)
187. Text.unsnoc : Text -> Optional (Text, Char)
188. type Tuple a b
189. Tuple.Cons : a -> b -> Tuple a b
190. type Unit
191. Unit.Unit : ()
192. Universal.< : a -> a -> Boolean
193. Universal.<= : a -> a -> Boolean
194. Universal.== : a -> a -> Boolean
195. Universal.> : a -> a -> Boolean
196. Universal.>= : a -> a -> Boolean
197. : a -> a -> Int
198. builtin type Value
199. Value.dependencies : Value -> [Term]
200. Value.deserialize : Bytes -> Either Text Value
201. Value.load : Value ->{IO} Either [Term] a
202. Value.serialize : Value -> Bytes
203. Value.value : a -> Value
204. bug : a -> b
205. builtin type crypto.HashAlgorithm
206. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_256 : HashAlgorithm
207. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_512 : HashAlgorithm
208. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Blake2s_256 : HashAlgorithm
209. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha2_256 : HashAlgorithm
210. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha2_512 : HashAlgorithm
211. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha3_256 : HashAlgorithm
212. crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha3_512 : HashAlgorithm
213. crypto.hash : HashAlgorithm -> a -> Bytes
214. crypto.hashBytes : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> Bytes
215. crypto.hmac : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> a -> Bytes
216. crypto.hmacBytes : HashAlgorithm
-> Bytes
-> Bytes
-> Bytes
213. unique type io2.BufferMode
214. io2.BufferMode.BlockBuffering : BufferMode
215. io2.BufferMode.LineBuffering : BufferMode
216. io2.BufferMode.NoBuffering : BufferMode
217. io2.BufferMode.SizedBlockBuffering : Nat -> BufferMode
218. unique type io2.Failure
219. io2.Failure.Failure : Type -> Text -> Failure
220. unique type io2.FileMode
221. io2.FileMode.Append : FileMode
222. io2.FileMode.Read : FileMode
223. io2.FileMode.ReadWrite : FileMode
224. io2.FileMode.Write : FileMode
225. builtin type io2.Handle
226. builtin type io2.IO
227. io2.IO.clientSocket : Text
217. unique type io2.BufferMode
218. io2.BufferMode.BlockBuffering : BufferMode
219. io2.BufferMode.LineBuffering : BufferMode
220. io2.BufferMode.NoBuffering : BufferMode
221. io2.BufferMode.SizedBlockBuffering : Nat -> BufferMode
222. unique type io2.Failure
223. io2.Failure.Failure : Type -> Text -> Any -> Failure
224. unique type io2.FileMode
225. io2.FileMode.Append : FileMode
226. io2.FileMode.Read : FileMode
227. io2.FileMode.ReadWrite : FileMode
228. io2.FileMode.Write : FileMode
229. builtin type io2.Handle
230. builtin type io2.IO
231. io2.IO.clientSocket : Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure Socket
228. io2.IO.closeFile : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure ()
229. io2.IO.closeSocket : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure ()
230. io2.IO.createDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
231. io2.IO.createTempDirectory : Text
232. io2.IO.closeFile : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure ()
233. io2.IO.closeSocket : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure ()
234. io2.IO.createDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
235. io2.IO.createTempDirectory : Text
->{IO} Either Failure Text
232. io2.IO.delay : Nat ->{IO} Either Failure ()
233. io2.IO.fileExists : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
234. io2.IO.forkComp : '{IO} a ->{IO} ThreadId
235. io2.IO.getBuffering : Handle
236. io2.IO.delay : Nat ->{IO} Either Failure ()
237. io2.IO.fileExists : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
238. io2.IO.forkComp : '{IO} a ->{IO} ThreadId
239. io2.IO.getBuffering : Handle
->{IO} Either Failure BufferMode
236. io2.IO.getBytes : Handle
240. io2.IO.getBytes : Handle
-> Nat
->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
237. io2.IO.getCurrentDirectory : '{IO} Either Failure Text
238. io2.IO.getFileSize : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
239. io2.IO.getFileTimestamp : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
240. io2.IO.getTempDirectory : '{IO} Either Failure Text
241. io2.IO.handlePosition : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Int
242. io2.IO.isDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
243. io2.IO.isFileEOF : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
244. io2.IO.isFileOpen : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
245. io2.IO.isSeekable : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
246. io2.IO.kill : ThreadId ->{IO} Either Failure ()
247. io2.IO.listen : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure ()
248. io2.IO.openFile : Text
241. io2.IO.getCurrentDirectory : '{IO} Either Failure Text
242. io2.IO.getFileSize : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
243. io2.IO.getFileTimestamp : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
244. io2.IO.getTempDirectory : '{IO} Either Failure Text
245. io2.IO.handlePosition : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
246. io2.IO.isDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
247. io2.IO.isFileEOF : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
248. io2.IO.isFileOpen : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
249. io2.IO.isSeekable : Handle ->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
250. io2.IO.kill : ThreadId ->{IO} Either Failure ()
251. io2.IO.listen : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure ()
252. io2.IO.openFile : Text
-> FileMode
->{IO} Either Failure Handle
249. io2.IO.putBytes : Handle
253. io2.IO.putBytes : Handle
-> Bytes
->{IO} Either Failure ()
250. io2.IO.removeDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
251. io2.IO.removeFile : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
252. io2.IO.renameDirectory : Text
254. io2.IO.removeDirectory : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
255. io2.IO.removeFile : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
256. io2.IO.renameDirectory : Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure ()
253. io2.IO.renameFile : Text -> Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
254. io2.IO.seekHandle : Handle
257. io2.IO.renameFile : Text -> Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
258. io2.IO.seekHandle : Handle
-> SeekMode
-> Int
->{IO} Either Failure ()
255. io2.IO.serverSocket : Optional Text
259. io2.IO.serverSocket : Optional Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure Socket
256. io2.IO.setBuffering : Handle
260. io2.IO.setBuffering : Handle
-> BufferMode
->{IO} Either Failure ()
257. io2.IO.setCurrentDirectory : Text
261. io2.IO.setCurrentDirectory : Text
->{IO} Either Failure ()
258. io2.IO.socketAccept : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Socket
259. io2.IO.socketPort : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
260. io2.IO.socketReceive : Socket
262. io2.IO.socketAccept : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Socket
263. io2.IO.socketPort : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
264. io2.IO.socketReceive : Socket
-> Nat
->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
261. io2.IO.socketSend : Socket
265. io2.IO.socketSend : Socket
-> Bytes
->{IO} Either Failure ()
262. io2.IO.stdHandle : StdHandle -> Handle
263. io2.IO.systemTime : '{IO} Either Failure Nat
264. unique type io2.IOError
265. io2.IOError.AlreadyExists : IOError
266. io2.IOError.EOF : IOError
267. io2.IOError.IllegalOperation : IOError
268. io2.IOError.NoSuchThing : IOError
269. io2.IOError.PermissionDenied : IOError
270. io2.IOError.ResourceBusy : IOError
271. io2.IOError.ResourceExhausted : IOError
272. io2.IOError.UserError : IOError
273. builtin type io2.MVar
274. io2.MVar.isEmpty : MVar a ->{IO} Boolean
275. : a ->{IO} MVar a
276. io2.MVar.newEmpty : '{IO} MVar a
277. io2.MVar.put : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure ()
278. : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
279. io2.MVar.swap : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure a
280. io2.MVar.take : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
281. io2.MVar.tryPut : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Boolean
282. io2.MVar.tryRead : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
283. io2.MVar.tryTake : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
284. builtin type io2.STM
285. io2.STM.atomically : '{STM} a ->{IO} a
286. io2.STM.retry : '{STM} a
287. unique type io2.SeekMode
288. io2.SeekMode.AbsoluteSeek : SeekMode
289. io2.SeekMode.RelativeSeek : SeekMode
290. io2.SeekMode.SeekFromEnd : SeekMode
291. builtin type io2.Socket
292. unique type io2.StdHandle
293. io2.StdHandle.StdErr : StdHandle
294. io2.StdHandle.StdIn : StdHandle
295. io2.StdHandle.StdOut : StdHandle
296. builtin type io2.TVar
297. : a ->{STM} TVar a
298. io2.TVar.newIO : a ->{IO} TVar a
299. : TVar a ->{STM} a
300. io2.TVar.readIO : TVar a ->{IO} a
301. io2.TVar.swap : TVar a -> a ->{STM} a
302. io2.TVar.write : TVar a -> a ->{STM} ()
303. builtin type io2.ThreadId
304. builtin type io2.Tls
305. builtin type io2.Tls.ClientConfig
306. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
266. io2.IO.stdHandle : StdHandle -> Handle
267. io2.IO.systemTime : '{IO} Either Failure Nat
268. unique type io2.IOError
269. io2.IOError.AlreadyExists : IOError
270. io2.IOError.EOF : IOError
271. io2.IOError.IllegalOperation : IOError
272. io2.IOError.NoSuchThing : IOError
273. io2.IOError.PermissionDenied : IOError
274. io2.IOError.ResourceBusy : IOError
275. io2.IOError.ResourceExhausted : IOError
276. io2.IOError.UserError : IOError
277. builtin type io2.IOFailure##IOFailure
278. unique type io2.IOFailure#gro
279. builtin type io2.MVar
280. io2.MVar.isEmpty : MVar a ->{IO} Boolean
281. : a ->{IO} MVar a
282. io2.MVar.newEmpty : '{IO} MVar a
283. io2.MVar.put : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure ()
284. : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
285. io2.MVar.swap : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure a
286. io2.MVar.take : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
287. io2.MVar.tryPut : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Boolean
288. io2.MVar.tryRead : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
289. io2.MVar.tryTake : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
290. builtin type io2.STM
291. io2.STM.atomically : '{STM} a ->{IO} a
292. io2.STM.retry : '{STM} a
293. unique type io2.SeekMode
294. io2.SeekMode.AbsoluteSeek : SeekMode
295. io2.SeekMode.RelativeSeek : SeekMode
296. io2.SeekMode.SeekFromEnd : SeekMode
297. builtin type io2.Socket
298. unique type io2.StdHandle
299. io2.StdHandle.StdErr : StdHandle
300. io2.StdHandle.StdIn : StdHandle
301. io2.StdHandle.StdOut : StdHandle
302. io2.TLS.ClientConfig.ciphers.set : [##Tls.Cipher]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
303. builtin type io2.TVar
304. : a ->{STM} TVar a
305. io2.TVar.newIO : a ->{IO} TVar a
306. : TVar a ->{STM} a
307. io2.TVar.readIO : TVar a ->{IO} a
308. io2.TVar.swap : TVar a -> a ->{STM} a
309. io2.TVar.write : TVar a -> a ->{STM} ()
310. builtin type io2.ThreadId
311. builtin type io2.Tls
312. builtin type io2.Tls.ClientConfig
313. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
307. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.default : Text
314. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.default : Text
-> Bytes
-> ClientConfig
308. builtin type io2.Tls.PrivateKey
309. builtin type io2.Tls.ServerConfig
310. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
315. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.versions.set : [##Tls.Version]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
316. builtin type io2.Tls.PrivateKey
317. builtin type io2.Tls.ServerConfig
318. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
311. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.default : [SignedCert]
319. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set : [##Tls.Cipher]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
320. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.default : [SignedCert]
-> PrivateKey
-> ServerConfig
312. builtin type io2.Tls.SignedCert
313. io2.Tls.decodeCert : Bytes -> Either Failure SignedCert
314. io2.Tls.decodePrivateKey : Bytes -> [PrivateKey]
315. io2.Tls.encodeCert : SignedCert -> Bytes
316. io2.Tls.encodePrivateKey : PrivateKey -> Bytes
317. io2.Tls.handshake : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
318. io2.Tls.newClient : ClientConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
319. io2.Tls.newServer : ServerConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
320. io2.Tls.receive : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
321. io2.Tls.send : Tls -> Bytes ->{IO} Either Failure ()
322. io2.Tls.terminate : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
323. unique type io2.TlsFailure
324. io2.tls.ClientConfig.ciphers.set : [##Tls.Cipher]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
325. io2.tls.ClientConfig.versions.set : [##Tls.Version]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
326. io2.tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set : [##Tls.Cipher]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
327. io2.tls.ServerConfig.versions.set : [##Tls.Version]
321. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.versions.set : [##Tls.Version]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
328. todo : a -> b
322. builtin type io2.Tls.SignedCert
323. io2.Tls.decodeCert : Bytes -> Either Failure SignedCert
324. io2.Tls.decodePrivateKey : Bytes -> [PrivateKey]
325. io2.Tls.encodeCert : SignedCert -> Bytes
326. io2.Tls.encodePrivateKey : PrivateKey -> Bytes
327. io2.Tls.handshake : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
328. io2.Tls.newClient : ClientConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
329. io2.Tls.newServer : ServerConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
330. io2.Tls.receive : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
331. io2.Tls.send : Tls -> Bytes ->{IO} Either Failure ()
332. io2.Tls.terminate : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
333. builtin type io2.TlsFailure##TlsFailure
334. unique type io2.TlsFailure#o6b
335. metadata.isPropagated : IsPropagated
336. metadata.isTest : IsTest
337. todo : a -> b
.builtin> alias.many 94-104 .mylib

View File

@ -9,49 +9,54 @@ The `builtins.merge` command adds the known builtins to a `builtin` subnamespace
.tmp> ls builtin
1. Any (builtin type)
2. Any/ (1 definition)
3. Boolean (builtin type)
4. Boolean/ (1 definition)
5. Bytes (builtin type)
6. Bytes/ (17 definitions)
7. Char (builtin type)
8. Char/ (2 definitions)
9. Code (builtin type)
10. Code/ (6 definitions)
11. Debug/ (1 definition)
12. Doc (type)
13. Doc/ (6 definitions)
14. Either (type)
15. Either/ (2 definitions)
16. Float (builtin type)
17. Float/ (36 definitions)
18. Int (builtin type)
19. Int/ (29 definitions)
20. Link (type)
21. Link/ (4 definitions)
22. List (builtin type)
23. List/ (10 definitions)
24. Nat (builtin type)
25. Nat/ (28 definitions)
26. Optional (type)
27. Optional/ (2 definitions)
28. Request (builtin type)
29. SeqView (type)
30. SeqView/ (2 definitions)
31. Test/ (3 definitions)
32. Text (builtin type)
33. Text/ (17 definitions)
34. Tuple (type)
35. Tuple/ (1 definition)
36. Unit (type)
37. Unit/ (1 definition)
38. Universal/ (6 definitions)
39. Value (builtin type)
40. Value/ (5 definitions)
41. bug (a -> b)
42. crypto/ (12 definitions)
43. io2/ (115 definitions)
44. todo (a -> b)
1. Any (builtin type)
2. Any/ (1 definition)
3. Boolean (builtin type)
4. Boolean/ (1 definition)
5. Bytes (builtin type)
6. Bytes/ (17 definitions)
7. Char (builtin type)
8. Char/ (2 definitions)
9. Code (builtin type)
10. Code/ (6 definitions)
11. Debug/ (1 definition)
12. Doc (type)
13. Doc/ (6 definitions)
14. Either (type)
15. Either/ (2 definitions)
16. Float (builtin type)
17. Float/ (36 definitions)
18. Int (builtin type)
19. Int/ (29 definitions)
20. IsPropagated (type)
21. IsPropagated/ (1 definition)
22. IsTest (type)
23. IsTest/ (1 definition)
24. Link (type)
25. Link/ (4 definitions)
26. List (builtin type)
27. List/ (10 definitions)
28. Nat (builtin type)
29. Nat/ (28 definitions)
30. Optional (type)
31. Optional/ (2 definitions)
32. Request (builtin type)
33. SeqView (type)
34. SeqView/ (2 definitions)
35. Test/ (3 definitions)
36. Text (builtin type)
37. Text/ (17 definitions)
38. Tuple (type)
39. Tuple/ (1 definition)
40. Unit (type)
41. Unit/ (1 definition)
42. Universal/ (6 definitions)
43. Value (builtin type)
44. Value/ (5 definitions)
45. bug (a -> b)
46. crypto/ (12 definitions)
47. io2/ (118 definitions)
48. metadata/ (2 definitions)
49. todo (a -> b)

View File

@ -44,3 +44,22 @@ type Foo = Foo | Bar
.> view.patch
bar = 3
type bar = Foo
.> add
type bar = Foo | Bar
.> update
.> view.patch
.> delete.type-replacement bar
.> view.patch

View File

@ -130,3 +130,75 @@ type Foo = Foo | Bar
This patch is empty.
bar = 3
type bar = Foo
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
type bar
bar : ##Nat
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
type bar
bar : ##Nat
type bar = Foo | Bar
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These names already exist. You can `update` them to your
new definition:
type bar
(also named Foo)
.> update
⍟ I've updated these names to your new definition:
type bar
(also named Foo)
.> view.patch
Edited Types: bar#568rsi7o3g -> Foo
Tip: To remove entries from a patch, use
delete.term-replacement or delete.type-replacement, as
.> delete.type-replacement bar
.> view.patch
Edited Types: bar#568rsi7o3g -> Foo
Tip: To remove entries from a patch, use
delete.term-replacement or delete.type-replacement, as

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Technically, the definitions all exist, but they have no names. `builtins.merge`
.foo> ls
1. builtin/ (328 definitions)
1. builtin/ (337 definitions)
And for a limited time, you can get even more builtin goodies:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ And for a limited time, you can get even more builtin goodies:
.foo> ls
1. builtin/ (491 definitions)
1. builtin/ (494 definitions)
More typically, you'd start out by pulling `base.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
This transcript tests that UCM can always access the definition of
`IsPropagated`/`isPropagated`, which is used internally.
.> alias.term ##Nat.+ +
.> alias.type ##Nat Nat
`y` depends on `x`,
x = 3
y = x + 1
.> add
so the `update` of `x` causes a propagated update of `y`, and UCM links the
`isPropagated` metadata to such resulting terms:
x = 4
.> update
.> links y
.> view 1
Well, it's hard to tell from those hashes, but those are right. We can confirm
by running `builtins.merge` to have UCM add names for them.
.> builtins.merge
.> links y
.> view 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
This transcript tests that UCM can always access the definition of
`IsPropagated`/`isPropagated`, which is used internally.
`y` depends on `x`,
x = 3
y = x + 1
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
x : Nat
y : Nat
so the `update` of `x` causes a propagated update of `y`, and UCM links the
`isPropagated` metadata to such resulting terms:
x = 4
.> update
⍟ I've updated these names to your new definition:
x : Nat
.> links y
1. #uqdd5t2fgn : #ffb7g9cull
Tip: Try using `display 1` to display the first result or
`view 1` to view its source.
.> view 1
#uqdd5t2fgn : #ffb7g9cull
#uqdd5t2fgn = #ffb7g9cull#0
Well, it's hard to tell from those hashes, but those are right. We can confirm
by running `builtins.merge` to have UCM add names for them.
.> builtins.merge
.> links y
1. builtin.metadata.isPropagated : IsPropagated
Tip: Try using `display 1` to display the first result or
`view 1` to view its source.
.> view 1
builtin.metadata.isPropagated : IsPropagated
builtin.metadata.isPropagated = IsPropagated

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
This transcript tests that UCM can always access the definition of
`IsTest`/`isTest`, which is used internally.
.> builtins.merge
test> pass = [Ok "Passed"]
.> add
.> links pass
.> display 1
The definition and type of `isTest` should exist.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
This transcript tests that UCM can always access the definition of
`IsTest`/`isTest`, which is used internally.
.> builtins.merge
test> pass = [Ok "Passed"]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
pass : [Result]
.> links pass
1. builtin.metadata.isTest : IsTest
Tip: Try using `display 1` to display the first result or
`view 1` to view its source.
.> display 1
The definition and type of `isTest should exist.

View File

@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
- Deletes:
+ Adds / updates:
@ -129,26 +129,26 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
Original name New name(s)
feature1.y master.y
+ Adds / updates:
> Moves:
Original name New name
x master.x
+ Adds / updates:
+ Adds / updates:
@ -193,19 +193,22 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
builtin.Int.shiftRight builtin.Int.signum
builtin.Int.toFloat builtin.Int.toText
builtin.Int.trailingZeros builtin.Int.truncate0
builtin.Int.xor builtin.Link builtin.Link.Term##Link.Term
builtin.Link.Term#quh#0 builtin.Link.Type##Link.Type
builtin.Link.Type#quh#1 builtin.List builtin.List.++
builtin.List.+: builtin.List.:+
builtin.List.cons builtin.List.drop builtin.List.empty
builtin.List.size builtin.List.snoc builtin.List.take
builtin.Nat builtin.Nat.* builtin.Nat.+ builtin.Nat./
builtin.Nat.and builtin.Nat.complement builtin.Nat.drop
builtin.Nat.eq builtin.Nat.fromText
builtin.Nat.gteq builtin.Nat.increment builtin.Nat.isEven
builtin.Nat.isOdd builtin.Nat.leadingZeros
builtin.Nat.lteq builtin.Nat.mod builtin.Nat.or
builtin.Nat.popCount builtin.Nat.pow builtin.Nat.shiftLeft
builtin.Int.xor builtin.IsPropagated
builtin.IsPropagated.IsPropagated builtin.IsTest
builtin.IsTest.IsTest builtin.Link
builtin.Link.Term##Link.Term builtin.Link.Term#quh#0
builtin.Link.Type##Link.Type builtin.Link.Type#quh#1
builtin.List builtin.List.++ builtin.List.+:
builtin.List.:+ builtin.List.cons
builtin.List.drop builtin.List.empty builtin.List.size
builtin.List.snoc builtin.List.take builtin.Nat
builtin.Nat.* builtin.Nat.+ builtin.Nat./ builtin.Nat.and
builtin.Nat.complement builtin.Nat.drop builtin.Nat.eq
builtin.Nat.fromText builtin.Nat.gteq
builtin.Nat.increment builtin.Nat.isEven builtin.Nat.isOdd
builtin.Nat.leadingZeros builtin.Nat.lteq
builtin.Nat.mod builtin.Nat.or builtin.Nat.popCount
builtin.Nat.pow builtin.Nat.shiftLeft
builtin.Nat.shiftRight builtin.Nat.sub builtin.Nat.toFloat
builtin.Nat.toInt builtin.Nat.toText
builtin.Nat.trailingZeros builtin.Nat.xor builtin.Optional
@ -273,40 +276,44 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
builtin.io2.IOError.UserError builtin.io2.MVar
builtin.io2.MVar.newEmpty builtin.io2.MVar.put builtin.io2.MVar.swap
builtin.io2.MVar.take builtin.io2.MVar.tryPut
builtin.io2.MVar.tryRead builtin.io2.MVar.tryTake
builtin.io2.STM builtin.io2.STM.atomically
builtin.io2.STM.retry builtin.io2.SeekMode
builtin.io2.IOFailure##IOFailure builtin.io2.IOFailure#gro
builtin.io2.MVar builtin.io2.MVar.isEmpty builtin.io2.MVar.newEmpty
builtin.io2.MVar.swap builtin.io2.MVar.take
builtin.io2.MVar.tryPut builtin.io2.MVar.tryRead
builtin.io2.MVar.tryTake builtin.io2.STM
builtin.io2.STM.atomically builtin.io2.STM.retry
builtin.io2.SeekMode builtin.io2.SeekMode.AbsoluteSeek
builtin.io2.SeekMode.SeekFromEnd builtin.io2.Socket
builtin.io2.StdHandle builtin.io2.StdHandle.StdErr
builtin.io2.StdHandle.StdIn builtin.io2.StdHandle.StdOut
builtin.io2.TVar.readIO builtin.io2.TVar.swap
builtin.io2.TVar.write builtin.io2.ThreadId
builtin.io2.Tls builtin.io2.Tls.ClientConfig
builtin.io2.TLS.ClientConfig.ciphers.set builtin.io2.TVar builtin.io2.TVar.newIO builtin.io2.TVar.readIO
builtin.io2.TVar.swap builtin.io2.TVar.write
builtin.io2.ThreadId builtin.io2.Tls
builtin.io2.Tls.PrivateKey builtin.io2.Tls.ServerConfig
builtin.io2.Tls.SignedCert builtin.io2.Tls.decodeCert
builtin.io2.Tls.encodePrivateKey builtin.io2.Tls.handshake
builtin.io2.Tls.newClient builtin.io2.Tls.newServer
builtin.io2.Tls.receive builtin.io2.Tls.send
builtin.io2.Tls.terminate builtin.io2.TlsFailure
builtin.io2.tls.ServerConfig.versions.set builtin.todo
builtin.io2.TlsFailure#o6b builtin.metadata.isPropagated
builtin.metadata.isTest builtin.todo
#7asfbtqmoj (start of history)

View File

@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ And then we add it.
.subpath> find.verbose
1. -- #qae64o6am81hoadf7eabd909gojboi5iu3g9deip79ro18f11bbhir2vg51grg4m72kr5ikdovi6aupttet0nsqil7f0df9nqr10hqg
1. -- #v4a90flt15t54qnjbvbdtj42ouqo8dktu5da8g6q30l4frc6l81ttjtov42r1nbj5jq3hh98snlb64tkbb1mc5dk8les96v71b4qr6g
unique type Foo
2. -- #qae64o6am81hoadf7eabd909gojboi5iu3g9deip79ro18f11bbhir2vg51grg4m72kr5ikdovi6aupttet0nsqil7f0df9nqr10hqg#0
2. -- #v4a90flt15t54qnjbvbdtj42ouqo8dktu5da8g6q30l4frc6l81ttjtov42r1nbj5jq3hh98snlb64tkbb1mc5dk8les96v71b4qr6g#0
Foo.Foo : Foo
3. -- #hvtmbg1bd8of81n2os4ginnnen13njh47294uandlohooq0ej971u6tl5cdsfq237lec1tc007oajc4dee1fmnflqi6ogom3ecemu5g
3. -- #31g7t8qcmqqdtpe4bdo1591egqh1q0ltnt69u345gdrdur0n8flfu1ohpjasauc9k81msvi2a4q4b03tp1018sac9esd8d3qmbq4b2g
fooToInt : Foo -> Int
@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ Cleaning up a bit...
Removed definitions:
1. unique type Foo
2. Foo.Bar : #16d2id848g
3. Foo.Foo : #16d2id848g
4. fooToInt : #16d2id848g -> Int
2. Foo.Bar : #i2nv821v0u
3. Foo.Foo : #i2nv821v0u
4. fooToInt : #i2nv821v0u -> Int
5. preserve.otherTerm : Optional baz -> Optional baz
6. preserve.someTerm : Optional x -> Optional x
7. patch patch

View File

@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ y = 2
most recent, along with the command that got us there. Try:
`fork 2 .old`
`fork #c2isrgss72 .old` to make an old namespace
`fork #90u1kgvkts .old` to make an old namespace
accessible again,
`reset-root #c2isrgss72` to reset the root namespace and
`reset-root #90u1kgvkts` to reset the root namespace and
its history to that of the
specified namespace.
1. #2a6716f77m : add
2. #c2isrgss72 : add
3. #s8vqfp4ot8 : builtins.merge
1. #q752mbqfhn : add
2. #90u1kgvkts : add
3. #e3bhlpkn5h : builtins.merge
4. #7asfbtqmoj : (initial reflogged namespace)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Let's look at some examples. We'll start with a namespace with just the builtins
#dkeu9bg399 (start of history)
#1jd6dhvs8p (start of history)
.> fork builtin builtin2
@ -42,21 +42,21 @@ Now suppose we `fork` a copy of builtin, then rename `Nat.+` to `frobnicate`, th
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.frobnicate Nat.+
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.+ Nat.frobnicate
#dkeu9bg399 (start of history)
#1jd6dhvs8p (start of history)
If we merge that back into `builtin`, we get that same chain of history:
@ -71,21 +71,21 @@ If we merge that back into `builtin`, we get that same chain of history:
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.frobnicate Nat.+
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.+ Nat.frobnicate
#dkeu9bg399 (start of history)
#1jd6dhvs8p (start of history)
Let's try again, but using a `merge.squash` (or just `squash`) instead. The history will be unchanged:
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Let's try again, but using a `merge.squash` (or just `squash`) instead. The hist
#dkeu9bg399 (start of history)
#1jd6dhvs8p (start of history)
The churn that happened in `mybuiltin` namespace ended up back in the same spot, so the squash merge of that namespace with our original namespace had no effect.