More simplification

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2021-12-21 11:01:58 -06:00
parent 8226d60983
commit e3843dbed7

View File

@ -1085,16 +1085,17 @@ pushGitBranch srcConn branch repo (PushGitBranchOpts setRoot _syncMode) = Unlift
-- set up the cache dir
pathToCachedRemote <- time "Git fetch" $ throwExceptTWith C.GitProtocolError $ pullRepo (writeToRead repo)
throwEitherMWith C.GitProtocolError . withIsolatedRepo pathToCachedRemote $ \tempRemotePath -> do
throwEitherMWith C.GitProtocolError . withIsolatedRepo pathToCachedRemote $ \isolatedRemotePath -> do
-- Connect to codebase in the cached git repo so we can copy it over.
withOpenOrCreateCodebaseConnection @m "push.cached" pathToCachedRemote $ \cachedRemoteConn -> do
copyCodebase cachedRemoteConn tempRemotePath
-- Copy our cached remote database cleanly into our isolated directory.
copyCodebase cachedRemoteConn isolatedRemotePath
-- Connect to the newly copied database which we know has been properly closed and
-- nobody else could be using.
withConnection @m "push.dest" tempRemotePath $ \destConn -> do
withConnection @m "push.dest" isolatedRemotePath $ \destConn -> do
flip runReaderT destConn $ Q.withSavepoint_ @(ReaderT _ m) "push" $ do
throwExceptT $ doSync tempRemotePath srcConn destConn
void $ push tempRemotePath repo
throwExceptT $ doSync isolatedRemotePath srcConn destConn
void $ push isolatedRemotePath repo
doSync :: FilePath -> Connection -> Connection -> ExceptT C.GitError (ReaderT Connection m) ()
doSync remotePath srcConn destConn = do