implemented search

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2014-06-25 16:22:13 -04:00
parent a9359fd5dc
commit e5c40aa0e7
4 changed files with 44 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Unison.Node where
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Text
import Data.Map as M
import Unison.Node.Panel
import Unison.Node.Metadata as M
import Unison.Node.Metadata as MD
import Unison.Edit.Term.Action as A
import Unison.Edit.Term.Path as P
import Unison.Edit.Type.Path as TP
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import Unison.Note as N
data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | Create a new term and provide its metadata
createTerm :: e -> M.Metadata k -> Noted m k,
createTerm :: e -> MD.Metadata k -> Noted m k,
-- | Create a new type and provide its metadata
createType :: t -> M.Metadata k -> Noted m k,
createType :: t -> MD.Metadata k -> Noted m k,
-- | Lookup the direct dependencies of @k@, optionally limited to the given set
dependencies :: Maybe (S.Set k) -> k -> Noted m (S.Set k),
-- | Lookup the set of terms/types depending directly on the given @k@, optionally limited to the given set
@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | Modify the given type, which may fail
editType :: k -> P.Path -> A.Action t -> Noted m (k, t),
-- | Access the metadata for the term or type identified by @k@
metadata :: k -> Noted m (M.Metadata k),
metadata :: k -> Noted m (MD.Metadata k),
-- | Render the term or type identified by @k@ as a panel--
panel :: k -> Noted m (Panel k t e),
-- | Search for a term, optionally constrained to be of the given type
search :: Maybe t -> Query -> Noted m [(k, Metadata k)],
-- and contained in the given set
search :: Maybe t -> (Maybe (S.Set k)) -> Query -> Noted m (Map k (Metadata k)),
-- | Search for a term in local scope, optionally constrained to be of the given type
searchLocal :: Maybe t -> Query -> Noted m [(e, Metadata k)],
-- | Lookup the source of the term identified by @k@
@ -43,13 +44,11 @@ data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | Obtain the type of a constructor argument of a type
typeOfConstructorArg :: k -> TP.Path -> Noted m t,
-- | Update the metadata associated with the given term or type
updateMetadata :: k -> M.Metadata k -> Noted m ()
updateMetadata :: k -> MD.Metadata k -> Noted m ()
-- possibly later
-- editConstructor :: k -> -> A.Action -> m (Either N.Note (k, t)), -- ^ Modify the given type, which may fail
-- examples :: k -> m (Maybe [k]), -- ^
data Query = Query Text

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Unison.Node.Implementations.Common where
import Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Unison.Node.Metadata as MD
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Syntax.Hash as H
@ -48,35 +49,57 @@ node eval store =
writeTypeOf store h t
writeMetadata store h md
pure h
createType t md = let h = T.finalizeHash t in do
writeType store h t
writeMetadata store h md
pure h -- todo: kindchecking
dependencies limit h = let trim = maybe id S.intersection limit in do
e <- readTerm store h
pure $ trim (E.dependencies e)
dependents limit h = do
hs <- hashes store limit
hs' <- mapM (\h -> (,) h <$> dependencies Nothing h)
(S.toList hs)
pure $ S.fromList [x | (x,deps) <- hs', S.member h deps]
edit k path action = do
e <- readTerm store k
e' <- TE.apply eval path action e
pure $ (E.finalizeHash e', e')
editType = error "todo later"
metadata = readMetadata store
panel = error "todo"
search = error "todo"
search t limit query = do
hs <- hashes store limit
hs' <- case t of
Nothing -> pure $ S.toList hs
Just t -> filterM (\h -> flip Type.isSubtype t <$> readTypeOf store h) (S.toList hs)
mds <- mapM (\h -> (,) h <$> metadata h) hs'
pure . M.fromList . filter (\(_,md) -> MD.matches query md) $ mds
searchLocal = error "todo"
term = readTerm store
transitiveDependencies = error "todo"
transitiveDependents = error "todo"
typ = readType store
typeOf h p = case p of
P.Path [] -> readTypeOf store h
P.Path _ -> error "todo: typeOf"
typeOfConstructorArg = error "todo"
updateMetadata = writeMetadata store
in N.Node

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@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ data Metadata k
| Type Names [Names] k k -- ^ @Type names paramNames description kind
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
matches :: Query -> Metadata k -> Bool
matches (Query txt) (Term (Names ns) _ _ _) = txt `elem` ns
matches (Query txt) (Type (Names ns) _ _ _) = txt `elem` ns
data Names = Names [Text] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
data Query = Query Text
-- data Examples k = Examples [(k, k)]

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@ -44,3 +44,8 @@ subtype :: T.Type -> T.Type -> Either Note T.Type
subtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
Left e -> Left e
Right _ -> Right t2
isSubtype :: T.Type -> T.Type -> Bool
isSubtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
Left e -> False
Right _ -> True