more final cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-08-30 19:18:44 -04:00
parent 20c39ce084
commit e9eceff67a

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@ -70,20 +70,6 @@ no xa = SubseqExtractor' $ \note ->
go (rs, Just r0) (l, r) =
(if r0 + 1 <= l - 1 then Ranged () (r0 + 1) (l - 1) : rs else rs, Just r)
_isAdjacent :: Ranged a -> Ranged b -> Bool
_isAdjacent (Ranged _ _ endA) (Ranged _ startB _) = endA + 1 == startB
_isAdjacent _ _ = False
_followedBy :: SubseqExtractor' n a
-> SubseqExtractor' n b
-> SubseqExtractor' n (a,b)
_followedBy xa xb = SubseqExtractor' $ \note ->
let as = runSubseq xa note
bs = runSubseq xb note in do
ra <- as
rb <- bs
whenM (_isAdjacent ra rb) [Ranged (get ra, get rb) (start ra) (end rb)]
any :: SubseqExtractor v loc ()
any = any' (\n -> pathLength n - 1)
@ -100,6 +86,7 @@ pathStart = SubseqExtractor' $ \_ -> [Ranged () (-1) (-1)]
pathLength :: C.Note v loc -> Int
pathLength = length . toList . C.path
-- unused / untested
_many :: forall n a. Ord a => SubseqExtractor' n a -> SubseqExtractor' n [a]
_many xa = SubseqExtractor' $ \note ->
let as = runSubseq xa note in fmap reverse <$> toList (go Set.empty as)
@ -113,22 +100,24 @@ _many xa = SubseqExtractor' $ \note ->
go seen (Pure _ : t) = go seen t
go' :: Ranged a -> Ranged [a] -> Maybe (Ranged [a])
go' new group =
if _isAdjacent group new
if isAdjacent group new
then Just (Ranged (get new : get group) (start group) (end new))
else Nothing
isAdjacent :: forall a b. Ranged a -> Ranged b -> Bool
isAdjacent (Ranged _ _ endA) (Ranged _ startB _) = endA + 1 == startB
isAdjacent _ _ = False
-- SubseqExtractors --
-- Scopes --
_fromPathExtractor :: PathExtractor v loc a -> SubseqExtractor v loc a
_fromPathExtractor ex = subseqExtractor $
join . fmap go . (`zip` [0..]) . toList . C.path
where go (e,i) = case runPath ex e of
Just a -> [Ranged a i i]
Nothing -> []
asPathExtractor :: (C.PathElement v loc -> Maybe a) -> SubseqExtractor v loc a
asPathExtractor = _fromPathExtractor . PathExtractor
asPathExtractor = fromPathExtractor . PathExtractor
fromPathExtractor :: PathExtractor v loc a -> SubseqExtractor v loc a
fromPathExtractor ex = subseqExtractor $
join . fmap go . (`zip` [0..]) . toList . C.path
where go (e,i) = case runPath ex e of
Just a -> [Ranged a i i]
Nothing -> []
inSynthesize :: SubseqExtractor v loc (C.Term v loc)
inSynthesize = asPathExtractor $ \case