getting started with alias.many

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2020-02-11 22:40:44 -05:00
parent dc26ff0e07
commit ea3c35a8d5
4 changed files with 50 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Extra (uncurry3)
import qualified Unison.CommandLine.DisplayValues as DisplayValues
import qualified Control.Error.Util as ErrorUtil
import Unison.Codebase.GitError (GitError)
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
type F m i v = Free (Command m i v)
type Term v a = Term.AnnotatedTerm v a
@ -293,6 +294,8 @@ loop = do
ResetRootI src -> "reset-root " <> hp' src
AliasTermI src dest -> "alias.term " <> hqs' src <> " " <> ps' dest
AliasTypeI src dest -> "alias.type" <> hqs' src <> " " <> ps' dest
AliasManyI srcs dest ->
"alias.many " <> intercalateMap " " hqs srcs <> " " <> p' dest
MoveTermI src dest -> "move.term " <> hqs' src <> " " <> ps' dest
MoveTypeI src dest -> "move.type " <> hqs' src <> " " <> ps' dest
MoveBranchI src dest -> "move.namespace " <> ops' src <> " " <> ps' dest
@ -376,6 +379,7 @@ loop = do
wat = error $ show input ++ " is not expected to alter the branch"
hqs' (p, hq) =
Monoid.unlessM (Path.isRoot' p) (p' p) <> "." <> Text.pack (show hq)
hqs (p, hq) = hqs' (Path' . Right . Path.Relative $ p, hq)
ps' = p' . Path.unsplit'
stepAt = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.stepAt inputDescription
stepManyAt = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.stepManyAt inputDescription
@ -735,6 +739,19 @@ loop = do
p = resolveSplit' src
oldMD r = BranchUtil.getTypeMetadataAt p r root0
AliasManyI srcs dest' -> do
(unknown, actions) <- foldM go mempty srcs
if null unknown then stepManyAt actions
else respond . SearchTermsNotFound . fmap fixupOutput $ unknown
go :: ([Path.HQSplit], [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)])
-> Path.HQSplit
-> Action' m v ([Path.HQSplit], [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)])
go = error "todo" dest'
fixupOutput :: Path.HQSplit -> HQ.HashQualified
fixupOutput = error "todo"
NamesI thing -> do
parseNames0 <- Names3.suffixify0 <$> basicParseNames0
let filtered = case thing of

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@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ data Input
| NamesI HQ.HashQualified
| AliasTermI Path.HQSplit' Path.Split'
| AliasTypeI Path.HQSplit' Path.Split'
| AliasManyI [Path.HQSplit] Path'
-- Move = Rename; It's an HQSplit' not an HQSplit', meaning the arg has to have a name.
| MoveTermI Path.HQSplit' Path.Split'
| MoveTypeI Path.HQSplit' Path.Split'

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@ -184,11 +184,18 @@ parseShortHashOrHQSplit' s =
shError s = "couldn't parse shorthash from " <> s
parseHQSplit :: String -> Either String HQSplit
parseHQSplit s = case parseHQSplit' s of
Right (Path' (Right (Relative p)), hqseg) -> Right (p, hqseg)
Right (Path' Left{}, _) ->
Left $ "Sorry, you can't use an absolute name like " <> s <> " here."
Left e -> Left e
parseHQSplit' :: String -> Either String HQSplit'
parseHQSplit' s =
case Text.breakOn "#" $ Text.pack s of
("","") -> error $ "encountered empty string parsing '" <> s <> "'"
("", _) -> Left "HQSplit' doesn't have a hash-only option."
("", _) -> Left "Sorry, you can't use a hash-only reference here."
(n, "") -> do
(p, rem) <- parsePath'Impl (Text.unpack n)
seg <- definitionNameSegment rem

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns where
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Control.Lens.Cons as Cons
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortOn, isPrefixOf)
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn)
@ -439,6 +440,20 @@ aliasType = InputPattern "alias.type" []
"`alias.type` takes two arguments, like `alias.type oldname newname`."
aliasMany :: InputPattern
aliasMany = InputPattern "alias.many" ["copy"]
[(Required, exactDefinitionQueryArg), (OnePlus, exactDefinitionOrPathArg)]
( (makeExample aliasMany ["", "", "quux"])
<> "creates aliases `` and ``.")
srcs@(_:_) Cons.:> dest -> first fromString $ do
sourceDefinitions <- traverse Path.parseHQSplit srcs
destNamespace <- Path.parsePath' dest
pure $ Input.AliasManyI sourceDefinitions destNamespace
_ -> Left ( aliasMany)
cd :: InputPattern
cd = InputPattern "namespace" ["cd", "j"] [(Required, pathArg)]
@ -1175,6 +1190,15 @@ fuzzyDefinitionQueryArg =
bothCompletors (termCompletor fuzzyComplete)
(typeCompletor fuzzyComplete)
exactDefinitionOrPathArg :: ArgumentType
exactDefinitionOrPathArg =
ArgumentType "definition or path" $
(termCompletor exactComplete)
(typeCompletor exactComplete))
(pathCompletor exactComplete ( Path.toText . Branch.deepPaths))
-- todo: support absolute paths?
exactDefinitionQueryArg :: ArgumentType
exactDefinitionQueryArg =