add NameBasedDiff, nameBasedDiff

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2022-12-12 14:47:40 -05:00
parent 2c8f323d35
commit eb1e3234d5
2 changed files with 94 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ toReference = \case
Ref termRef -> termRef
Con typeRef _ -> typeRef
toTermReference :: Referent' termRef typeRef -> Maybe termRef
toTermReference = \case
Ref termRef -> Just termRef
Con _ _ -> Nothing
type Id = Id' Hash Hash
data Id' hTm hTp

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@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ module U.Codebase.Branch.Diff
NameChanges (..),
DefinitionDiffs (..),
Diff (..),
NameBasedDiff (..),
@ -20,10 +22,13 @@ import qualified U.Codebase.Branch.Type as Branch
import qualified U.Codebase.Causal as Causal
import U.Codebase.Reference (Reference)
import U.Codebase.Referent (Referent)
import qualified U.Codebase.Referent as Referent
import Unison.Name (Name)
import qualified Unison.Name as Name
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as Relation
data Diff a = Diff
{ adds :: Set a,
@ -83,56 +88,71 @@ data NameChanges = NameChanges
instance Semigroup NameChanges where
(NameChanges a b c d) <> (NameChanges a2 b2 c2 d2) =
NameChanges a b c d <> NameChanges a2 b2 c2 d2 =
NameChanges (a <> a2) (b <> b2) (c <> c2) (d <> d2)
instance Monoid NameChanges where
mempty = NameChanges mempty mempty mempty mempty
-- | A name-based diff for namespaces `N1` and `N2` is (for both terms and types) a relation between references, where
-- `a R b` if:
-- 1. `a` has name `n` in `N1` and `b` has the same name `n` in `N2`
-- 2. `a` != `b`
data NameBasedDiff = NameBasedDiff
{ terms :: Relation Reference Reference,
types :: Relation Reference Reference
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
instance Monoid NameBasedDiff where
mempty = NameBasedDiff mempty mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup NameBasedDiff where
NameBasedDiff terms0 types0 <> NameBasedDiff terms1 types1 =
NameBasedDiff (terms0 <> terms1) (types0 <> types1)
-- | Diff two Branches, returning a tree containing all of the changes
diffBranches :: forall m. Monad m => Branch m -> Branch m -> m TreeDiff
diffBranches from to = do
let termDiffs = diffMap (terms from) (terms to)
let typeDiffs = diffMap (types from) (types to)
let termDiffs = diffMap (Branch.terms from) (Branch.terms to)
let typeDiffs = diffMap (Branch.types from) (Branch.types to)
let defDiff = DefinitionDiffs {termDiffs, typeDiffs}
childDiff <- do
Align.align (children from) (children to)
& wither
( \case
This ca -> do
-- TODO: For the names index we really don't need to know which exact
-- names were removed, we just need to delete from the index using a
-- prefix query, this would be faster than crawling to get all the deletes.
removedChildBranch <- Causal.value ca
Just . unTreeDiff <$> diffBranches removedChildBranch Branch.empty
That ca -> do
newChildBranch <- Causal.value ca
Just . unTreeDiff <$> diffBranches Branch.empty newChildBranch
These fromC toC
| Causal.valueHash fromC == Causal.valueHash toC -> do
-- This child didn't change.
pure Nothing
| otherwise -> do
fromChildBranch <- Causal.value fromC
toChildBranch <- Causal.value toC
diffBranches fromChildBranch toChildBranch >>= \case
Lens.Empty -> pure Nothing
TreeDiff cfr -> pure . Just $ cfr
& wither \case
This ca -> do
-- TODO: For the names index we really don't need to know which exact
-- names were removed, we just need to delete from the index using a
-- prefix query, this would be faster than crawling to get all the deletes.
removedChildBranch <- Causal.value ca
Just . unTreeDiff <$> diffBranches removedChildBranch Branch.empty
That ca -> do
newChildBranch <- Causal.value ca
Just . unTreeDiff <$> diffBranches Branch.empty newChildBranch
These fromC toC
| Causal.valueHash fromC == Causal.valueHash toC -> do
-- This child didn't change.
pure Nothing
| otherwise -> do
fromChildBranch <- Causal.value fromC
toChildBranch <- Causal.value toC
diffBranches fromChildBranch toChildBranch >>= \case
Lens.Empty -> pure Nothing
TreeDiff cfr -> pure . Just $ cfr
pure $ TreeDiff (defDiff :< childDiff)
diffMap :: forall ref. Ord ref => Map NameSegment (Map ref (m MdValues)) -> Map NameSegment (Map ref (m MdValues)) -> Map NameSegment (Diff ref)
diffMap l r =
Align.align l r
& fmap
( \case
(This refs) -> (Diff {removals = Map.keysSet refs, adds = mempty})
(That refs) -> (Diff {removals = mempty, adds = Map.keysSet refs})
(These l' r') ->
let lRefs = Map.keysSet l'
rRefs = Map.keysSet r'
in (Diff {removals = lRefs `Set.difference` rRefs, adds = rRefs `Set.difference` lRefs})
& fmap \case
This refs -> Diff {removals = Map.keysSet refs, adds = mempty}
That refs -> Diff {removals = mempty, adds = Map.keysSet refs}
These l' r' ->
let lRefs = Map.keysSet l'
rRefs = Map.keysSet r'
in Diff {removals = lRefs `Set.difference` rRefs, adds = rRefs `Set.difference` lRefs}
-- | Get a summary of all of the name adds and removals from a tree diff.
@ -144,22 +164,19 @@ nameChanges ::
nameChanges namePrefix (TreeDiff (DefinitionDiffs {termDiffs, typeDiffs} :< children)) =
let (termNameAdds, termNameRemovals) =
( termDiffs
& ifoldMap \ns diff ->
let name = appendName ns
in (listifyNames name $ adds diff, listifyNames name $ removals diff)
& ifoldMap \ns diff ->
let name = appendName ns
in (listifyNames name $ adds diff, listifyNames name $ removals diff)
(typeNameAdds, typeNameRemovals) =
( typeDiffs
& ifoldMap \ns diff ->
let name = appendName ns
in (listifyNames name $ adds diff, listifyNames name $ removals diff)
& ifoldMap \ns diff ->
let name = appendName ns
in (listifyNames name $ adds diff, listifyNames name $ removals diff)
childNameChanges =
( children
& ifoldMap \ns childTree ->
nameChanges (Just $ appendName ns) (TreeDiff childTree)
& ifoldMap \ns childTree ->
nameChanges (Just $ appendName ns) (TreeDiff childTree)
in NameChanges {termNameAdds, termNameRemovals, typeNameAdds, typeNameRemovals} <> childNameChanges
appendName :: NameSegment -> Name
@ -172,3 +189,27 @@ nameChanges namePrefix (TreeDiff (DefinitionDiffs {termDiffs, typeDiffs} :< chil
& Set.toList
& fmap (name,)
-- | Get a 'NameBasedDiff' from a 'TreeDiff'.
nameBasedDiff :: TreeDiff -> NameBasedDiff
nameBasedDiff (TreeDiff (DefinitionDiffs {termDiffs, typeDiffs} :< children)) =
let NameBasedDiff childrenTerms childrenTypes =
foldMap (nameBasedDiff . TreeDiff) children
in NameBasedDiff
{ terms = foldMap nameBasedTermDiff termDiffs <> childrenTerms,
types = foldMap nameBasedTypeDiff typeDiffs <> childrenTypes
nameBasedTermDiff :: Diff Referent -> Relation Reference Reference
nameBasedTermDiff Diff {adds, removals} =
let termAdds = mapMaybe Referent.toTermReference (Set.toList removals)
termRemovals = mapMaybe Referent.toTermReference (Set.toList adds)
in ((,) <$> termRemovals <*> termAdds)
& filter (\(r0, r1) -> r0 /= r1)
& Relation.fromList
nameBasedTypeDiff :: Diff Reference -> Relation Reference Reference
nameBasedTypeDiff Diff {adds, removals} =
((,) <$> Set.toList removals <*> Set.toList adds)
& filter (\(r0, r1) -> r0 /= r1)
& Relation.fromList