Doc.AsHtml: Use lucid to render docs and syntax

This commit is contained in:
Simon Højberg 2021-10-22 13:43:52 -04:00
parent 481a25b3da
commit ece8e77c2f
6 changed files with 169 additions and 431 deletions

View File

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ library:
- safe-exceptions
- mwc-random
- NanoID
- lucid
- servant
- servant-docs
- servant-openapi3

View File

@ -10,51 +10,11 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject (DisplayObject (..))
import Unison.Server.Doc
import Unison.Server.Html
( Html,
import qualified Unison.Server.Html as Html
import Unison.Server.Html.Attribute
( Attribute,
import Unison.Server.Syntax (SyntaxText)
import qualified Unison.Server.Syntax as Syntax
import Lucid
import qualified Lucid as L
import Data.Foldable
data NamedLinkHref
= Href Text
@ -76,13 +36,13 @@ embeddedSource ref =
Term s -> embeddedSource' s
Type s -> embeddedSource' s
inlineCode :: [Attribute] -> Html -> Html
inlineCode attrs content =
pre (class_ "inline-code" : attrs) [code [] [content]]
inlineCode :: [Attribute] -> Html () -> Html ()
inlineCode attrs =
pre_ (class_ "inline-code" : attrs) . code_ []
codeBlock :: [Attribute] -> Html -> Html
codeBlock attrs content =
pre attrs [code [] [content]]
codeBlock :: [Attribute] -> Html () -> Html ()
codeBlock attrs =
pre_ attrs . code_ []
normalizeHref :: NamedLinkHref -> Doc -> NamedLinkHref
normalizeHref href doc =
@ -99,6 +59,7 @@ normalizeHref href doc =
normalizeHref href d_
Join ds ->
foldl' normalizeHref href ds
Special (Link syntax) ->
let folder acc seg =
case acc of
@ -111,22 +72,22 @@ normalizeHref href doc =
data IsFolded
= IsFolded Bool [Html] [Html]
| Disabled Html
= IsFolded Bool [Html ()] [Html ()]
| Disabled (Html ())
foldedToHtml :: [Attribute] -> IsFolded -> Html
foldedToHtml :: [Attribute] -> IsFolded -> Html ()
foldedToHtml attrs isFolded =
case isFolded of
Disabled summary_ ->
details attrs [summary [] [summary_]]
IsFolded isFolded summary_ details_ ->
Disabled summary ->
details_ attrs $ summary_ summary
IsFolded isFolded summary details ->
let attrsWithOpen =
if isFolded
then open : attrs
then open_ "open" : attrs
else attrs
in details attrsWithOpen (summary [] summary_ : details_)
in details_ attrsWithOpen $ summary_ [] $ sequence_ $ summary ++ details
foldedToHtmlSource :: Bool -> EmbeddedSource -> Html
foldedToHtmlSource :: Bool -> EmbeddedSource -> Html ()
foldedToHtmlSource isFolded source =
case source of
Builtin summary ->
@ -134,20 +95,20 @@ foldedToHtmlSource isFolded source =
[class_ "rich source"]
( Disabled
( div_
[class_ "builtin-summary"]
[ codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml summary),
badge (span_ [] [strong [] [text "Built-in "], span_ [] [text "provided by the Unison runtime"]])
[class_ "builtin-summary"] $ do
codeBlock [] $ Syntax.toHtml summary
badge $ do
span_ [] $ strong_ [] "Built-in"
span_ [] "provided by the Unison runtime"
EmbeddedSource summary details ->
[class_ "rich source"]
( IsFolded
foldedToHtml [class_ "rich source"] $ IsFolded
[codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml summary)]
[codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml details)]
[codeBlock [] $ Syntax.toHtml summary]
[codeBlock [] $ Syntax.toHtml details]
-- Merge adjacent Word elements in a list to 1 element with a string of words
-- separated by space— useful for rendering to the dom without creating dom
@ -163,7 +124,7 @@ mergeWords = foldr merge_ [] where
_ ->
d : acc
toHtml :: Doc -> Html
toHtml :: Doc -> Html ()
toHtml document =
let toHtml_ sectionLevel doc =
let -- Make it simple to retain the sectionLevel when recurring.
@ -174,66 +135,64 @@ toHtml document =
sectionContentToHtml renderer doc_ =
case doc_ of
Paragraph _ ->
p [] [renderer doc_]
p_ [] $ renderer doc_
_ ->
renderer doc_
in case doc of
Word word ->
span_ [class_ "word"] [text word]
span_ [class_ "word"] (L.toHtml word)
Code code ->
span_ [class_ "rich source inline-code"] [inlineCode [] (currentSectionLevelToHtml code)]
span_ [class_ "rich source inline-code"] $ inlineCode [] (currentSectionLevelToHtml code)
CodeBlock lang code ->
div_ [class_ "rich source code", class_ $ textToClass lang] [codeBlock [] (currentSectionLevelToHtml code)]
div_ [class_ "rich source code", class_ $ textToClass lang] $ codeBlock [] (currentSectionLevelToHtml code)
Bold d ->
strong [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
strong_ [] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Italic d ->
span_ [class_ "italic"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
span_ [class_ "italic"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Strikethrough d ->
span_ [class_ "strikethrough"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
span_ [class_ "strikethrough"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Style cssclass_ d ->
span_ [class_ $ textToClass cssclass_] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
span_ [class_ $ textToClass cssclass_] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Anchor id' d ->
a [id_ id', target id'] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
a_ [id_ id', target_ id'] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Blockquote d ->
blockquote [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
blockquote_ [] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Blankline ->
div_ [] [br [], br []]
div_ [] $ do
br_ []
br_ []
Linebreak ->
br []
br_ []
SectionBreak ->
hr []
hr_ []
Tooltip triggerContent tooltipContent ->
[class_ "tooltip below arrow-start"]
[ span_ [class_ "tooltip-trigger"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml triggerContent],
div_ [class_ "tooltip-bubble", style "display: none"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml tooltipContent]
[class_ "tooltip below arrow-start"] $ do
span_ [class_ "tooltip-trigger"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml triggerContent
div_ [class_ "tooltip-bubble", style_ "display: none"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml tooltipContent
Aside d ->
[class_ "aside-anchor"]
[ aside [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
[class_ "aside-anchor"] $
aside_ [] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml d
Callout icon content ->
let (cls, ico) =
case icon of
Just (Word emoji) ->
(class_ "callout callout-with-icon", div_ [class_ "callout-icon"] [text emoji])
(class_ "callout callout-with-icon", div_ [class_ "callout-icon"] $ L.toHtml emoji)
_ ->
(class_ "callout", blank)
in div_
[ ico,
[class_ "callout-content"]
[currentSectionLevelToHtml content]
(class_ "callout", "")
in div_ [cls] $ do
div_ [class_ "callout-content"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml content
Table rows ->
let cellToHtml d =
td [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
let cellToHtml =
td_ [] . currentSectionLevelToHtml
rowToHtml cells =
tr [] (map cellToHtml (mergeWords cells))
in table [] [tbody [] (map rowToHtml rows)]
tr_ [] $ mapM_ cellToHtml $ mergeWords cells
in table_ [] $ tbody_ [] $ mapM_ rowToHtml rows
Folded isFolded summary details ->
let content =
if isFolded
@ -248,112 +207,135 @@ toHtml document =
[d] ->
currentSectionLevelToHtml d
ds ->
span_ [class_ "span"] (map currentSectionLevelToHtml (mergeWords ds))
span_ [class_ "span"] $ mapM_ currentSectionLevelToHtml $ mergeWords ds
BulletedList items ->
let itemToHtml d =
li [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
in ul [] (map itemToHtml (mergeWords items))
let itemToHtml =
li_ [] . currentSectionLevelToHtml
in ul_ [] $ mapM_ itemToHtml $ mergeWords items
NumberedList startNum items ->
let itemToHtml d =
li [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml d]
in ol [start startNum] (map itemToHtml (mergeWords items))
let itemToHtml =
li_ [] . currentSectionLevelToHtml
in ol_ [start_ $ Text.pack $ show startNum] $ mapM_ itemToHtml $ mergeWords items
Section title docs ->
let -- Unison Doc allows endlessly deep section nesting with
-- titles, but HTML only supports to h1-h6, so we clamp
-- the sectionLevel when converting
level =
min 6 sectionLevel
titleEl =
Html.element (Text.pack $ "h" ++ show level) [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml title]
in section [] (titleEl : map (sectionContentToHtml (toHtml_ (sectionLevel + 1))) docs)
NamedLink label href_ ->
case normalizeHref InvalidHref href_ of
let titleEl =
h sectionLevel $ currentSectionLevelToHtml title
in section_ [] $ sequence_ (titleEl : map (sectionContentToHtml (toHtml_ (sectionLevel + 1))) docs)
NamedLink label href ->
case normalizeHref InvalidHref href of
Href h ->
a [class_ "named-link", href h, rel "noopener", target "_blank"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml label]
a_ [class_ "named-link", href_ h, rel_ "noopener", target_ "_blank"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml label
ReferenceHref ref ->
a [class_ "named-link", data_ "ref" ref] [currentSectionLevelToHtml label]
a_ [class_ "named-link", data_ "ref" ref] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml label
InvalidHref ->
span_ [class_ "named-link invalid-href"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml label]
Image altText src_ caption ->
span_ [class_ "named-link invalid-href"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml label
Image altText src caption ->
let altAttr =
case altText of
Word t ->
[alt t]
[alt_ t]
_ ->
image =
case src_ of
case src of
Word s ->
img (altAttr ++ [src s])
img_ (altAttr ++ [src_ s ])
_ ->
imageWithCaption c =
[class_ "image-with-caption"]
[ image,
div_ [class_ "caption"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml c]
[class_ "image-with-caption"] $ do
div_ [class_ "caption"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml c
in maybe image imageWithCaption caption
Special specialForm ->
case specialForm of
Source sources ->
[class_ "folded-sources"]
(mapMaybe (fmap (foldedToHtmlSource False) . embeddedSource) sources)
sources' =
(fmap (foldedToHtmlSource False) . embeddedSource)
div_ [class_ "folded-sources"] $ sequence_ sources'
FoldedSource sources ->
[class_ "folded-sources"]
(mapMaybe (fmap (foldedToHtmlSource True) . embeddedSource) sources)
sources' =
(fmap (foldedToHtmlSource True) . embeddedSource)
div_ [class_ "folded-sources"] $ sequence_ sources'
Example syntax ->
span_ [class_ "source rich example-inline"] [inlineCode [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)]
span_ [class_ "source rich example-inline"] $ inlineCode [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
ExampleBlock syntax ->
div_ [class_ "source rich example"] [codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)]
div_ [class_ "source rich example"] $ codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
Link syntax ->
inlineCode [class_ "rich source"] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
Signature signatures ->
[class_ "rich source signatures"]
( map
(\sig -> div_ [class_ "signature"] [Syntax.toHtml sig])
( mapM_
(div_ [class_ "signature"] . Syntax.toHtml)
SignatureInline sig ->
span_ [class_ "rich source signature-inline"] [Syntax.toHtml sig]
span_ [class_ "rich source signature-inline"] $ Syntax.toHtml sig
Eval source result ->
[class_ "source rich eval"]
[codeBlock [] (div_ [] [Syntax.toHtml source, div_ [class_ "result"] [text "", div_ [] [Syntax.toHtml result]]])]
div_ [class_ "source rich eval"] $
codeBlock [] $
div_ [] $ do
Syntax.toHtml source
div_ [class_ "result"] $ do
div_ [] $ Syntax.toHtml result
EvalInline source result ->
[class_ "source rich eval-inline"]
[inlineCode [] (span_ [] [Syntax.toHtml source, span_ [class_ "result"] [text "", Syntax.toHtml result]])]
span_ [class_ "source rich eval-inline"] $
inlineCode [] $
span_ [] $ do
Syntax.toHtml source
span_ [class_ "result"] $ do
Syntax.toHtml result
Embed syntax ->
div_ [class_ "source rich embed"] [codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)]
div_ [class_ "source rich embed"] $ codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
EmbedInline syntax ->
span_ [class_ "source rich embed-inline"] [inlineCode [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)]
span_ [class_ "source rich embed-inline"] $ inlineCode [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
Join docs ->
span_ [class_ "join"] (map currentSectionLevelToHtml (mergeWords docs))
span_ [class_ "join"] (mapM_ currentSectionLevelToHtml (mergeWords docs))
UntitledSection docs ->
section [] (map (sectionContentToHtml currentSectionLevelToHtml) docs)
section_ [] (mapM_ (sectionContentToHtml currentSectionLevelToHtml) docs)
Column docs ->
[class_ "column"]
( map
(\c -> li [] [currentSectionLevelToHtml c])
( mapM_
(li_ [] . currentSectionLevelToHtml)
(mergeWords docs)
Group content ->
span_ [class_ "group"] [currentSectionLevelToHtml content]
in article [class_ "unison-doc"] [toHtml_ 1 document]
span_ [class_ "group"] $ currentSectionLevelToHtml content
in article_ [class_ "unison-doc"] $ toHtml_ 1 document
badge :: Html -> Html
badge content =
span_ [class_ "badge"] [content]
-- Unison Doc allows endlessly deep section nesting with
-- titles, but HTML only supports to h1-h6, so we clamp
-- the sectionLevel when converting
h :: Nat -> (Html () -> Html ())
h n =
case n of
1 -> h1_
2 -> h2_
3 -> h3_
4 -> h4_
5 -> h5_
6 -> h6_
_ -> h6_
badge :: Html () -> Html ()
badge =
span_ [class_ "badge"]
textToClass :: Text -> Text
textToClass =

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-- This is a small Html combinator library for building up an Html document.
-- There exists a few Haskell libraries like this, but we had a preference of
-- an Elm-like API that did not exist.
-- Example:
-- toText $ (
-- article
-- []
-- [ h1 [] [ text "Hello World" ]
-- , p [] [ text "Really cool example!" ]
-- ]
-- )
-- Results in:
-- "<article><h1>Hello World</h1><p>Really cool example!</p></article>"
-- It does not try to do anything fancy with which element is allowed as a
-- child of which.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Server.Html where
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Server.Html.Attribute (Attribute)
import qualified Unison.Server.Html.Attribute as Attribute
data Html = Html Text [Attribute] Element
data Element
= -- The "hidden" textNode that exists within an Element
TextElement Text
| -- Elements that can have children
-- Examples: <div>hello world</div>
Element [Html]
| -- Elements without children. Sometimes called Empty Elements
-- Examples: <hr />, <br />, <img />
-- Elements -------------------------------------------------------------------
element :: Text -> [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
element tagName attrs inner = Html tagName attrs (Element inner)
voidElement :: Text -> [Attribute] -> Html
voidElement tagName attrs = Html tagName attrs VoidElement
text :: Text -> Html
text t = Html "text" [] (TextElement t)
blank :: Html
blank =
text ""
div_ :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
div_ = element "div"
span_ :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
span_ = element "span"
p :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
p = element "p"
a :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
a = element "a"
small :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
small = element "small"
strong :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
strong = element "strong"
em :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
em = element "em"
label :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
label = element "label"
img :: [Attribute] -> Html
img = voidElement "img"
article :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
article = element "article"
header :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
header = element "header"
section :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
section = element "section"
footer :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
footer = element "footer"
h1 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h1 = element "h1"
h2 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h2 = element "h2"
h3 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h3 = element "h3"
h4 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h4 = element "h4"
h5 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h5 = element "h5"
h6 :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
h6 = element "h6"
ol :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
ol = element "ol"
ul :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
ul = element "ul"
li :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
li = element "li"
details :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
details = element "details"
summary :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
summary = element "summary"
pre :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
pre = element "pre"
code :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
code = element "code"
table :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
table = element "table"
thead :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
thead = element "thead"
tbody :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
tbody = element "tbody"
tfoot :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
tfoot = element "tfoot"
tr :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
tr = element "tr"
th :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
th = element "th"
td :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
td = element "td"
aside :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
aside = element "aside"
blockquote :: [Attribute] -> [Html] -> Html
blockquote = element "blockquote"
hr :: [Attribute] -> Html
hr = voidElement "hr"
br :: [Attribute] -> Html
br = voidElement "br"
-- Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------
toText :: Html -> Text
toText html =
let openTag name attrs =
let renderedAttrs =
List.foldl (\acc attr -> acc <> " " <> Attribute.toText attr) "" attrs
in "<" <> name <> renderedAttrs <> ">"
selfClosingTag name attrs =
let renderedAttrs =
List.foldl (\acc attr -> acc <> " " <> Attribute.toText attr) "" attrs
in "<" <> name <> renderedAttrs <> " />"
closeTag name =
"</" <> name <> ">"
renderChildren children =
List.foldl (\acc c -> acc <> toText c) "" children
in case html of
Html _ _ (TextElement t) ->
Html tagName attrs VoidElement ->
selfClosingTag tagName attrs
Html tagName attrs (Element children) ->
openTag tagName attrs <> renderChildren children <> closeTag tagName

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Server.Html.Attribute where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
type Nat = Word64
data Attribute = Attribute Text Text
-- Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------
data_ :: Text -> Text -> Attribute
data_ name = Attribute ("data-" <> name)
class_ :: Text -> Attribute
class_ = Attribute "class"
style :: Text -> Attribute
style = Attribute "style"
id_ :: Text -> Attribute
id_ = Attribute "id"
title :: Text -> Attribute
title = Attribute "title"
src :: Text -> Attribute
src = Attribute "src"
href :: Text -> Attribute
href = Attribute "href"
rel :: Text -> Attribute
rel = Attribute "rel"
start :: Nat -> Attribute
start n = Attribute "start" (Text.pack $ show n)
target :: Text -> Attribute
target = Attribute "target"
alt :: Text -> Attribute
alt = Attribute "alt"
open :: Attribute
open = Attribute "open" "open"
-- Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------
toText :: Attribute -> Text
toText (Attribute attrName attrValue) =
attrName <> "='" <> attrValue <> "'"

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
import Unison.Server.Html (Html, span_, text)
import Unison.Server.Html.Attribute (class_, data_)
import Lucid
import qualified Lucid as L
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText
( AnnotatedText (..),
Segment (..),
@ -164,19 +164,29 @@ toPlain (AnnotatedText at) = join (toList $ segment <$> at)
-- HTML -----------------------------------------------------------------------
toHtml :: SyntaxText -> Html
toHtml :: SyntaxText -> Html ()
toHtml (AnnotatedText segments) =
let renderedSegments =
fmap segmentToHtml segments
in span_ [class_ "syntax"] (toList renderedSegments)
in span_ [class_ "syntax"] $ sequence_ (toList renderedSegments)
nameToHtml :: Name -> Html
nameToHtml =
span_ [class_ "fqn"] . List.intersperse (span_ [class_ "sep"] [text "."])
. map ((\s -> span_ [class_ "segment"] [text s]) . NameSegment.toText)
. Name.segments
nameToHtml :: Name -> Html ()
nameToHtml name =
span_ [class_ "fqn"] $ sequence_ parts
segments =
map (segment . L.toHtml . NameSegment.toText) $ Name.segments name
segmentToHtml :: SyntaxSegment -> Html
segment =
span_ [class_ "segment"]
sep =
span_ [ class_ "sep "] "."
parts =
List.intersperse sep segments
segmentToHtml :: SyntaxSegment -> Html ()
segmentToHtml (Segment segmentText element) =
let sText = Text.pack segmentText
@ -216,14 +226,14 @@ segmentToHtml (Segment segmentText element) =
elementToClassName el
| Text.isInfixOf "->" sText = span_ [class_ "arrow"] [text sText]
| Text.isInfixOf "->" sText = span_ [class_ "arrow"] $ L.toHtml sText
| isFQN = nameToHtml (Name.unsafeFromText sText)
| otherwise = text sText
| otherwise = L.toHtml sText
in case ref of
Just r ->
span_ [class_ className, data_ "ref" r] [content]
span_ [class_ className, data_ "ref" r] content
_ ->
span_ [class_ className] [content]
span_ [class_ className] content
elementToClassName :: Element -> Text
elementToClassName el =

View File

@ -152,8 +152,6 @@ library
@ -252,6 +250,7 @@ library
, http-media
, http-types
, lens
, lucid
, megaparsec >=5.0.0 && <7.0.0
, memory
, mmorph