Only elide covariant variables in removePureEffects

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Dan Doel 2021-08-19 15:49:52 -04:00
parent b2311bdddf
commit ed3b1402e0

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@ -552,14 +552,29 @@ removeAllEffectVars t = let
removePureEffects :: ABT.Var v => Type v a -> Type v a
removePureEffects t | not Settings.removePureEffects = t
| otherwise =
generalize vs $ removeEffectVars (Set.filter isPure fvs) tu
generalize vs $ removeEffectVars fvs tu
(vs, tu) = unforall' t
fvs = freeEffectVars tu `Set.difference` ABT.freeVars t
-- If an effect variable is mentioned only once, it is on
-- an arrow `a ->{e} b`. Generalizing this to
-- `∀ e . a ->{e} b` gives us the pure arrow `a -> b`.
isPure v = ABT.occurrences v tu <= 1
vss = Set.fromList vs
fvs = freeEffectVars tu `Set.difference` keep
keep = keepVarsT True tu
keepVarsT pos (Arrow' i o)
= keepVarsT (not pos) i <> keepVarsT pos o
keepVarsT pos (Effect1' e o)
= keepVarsT pos e <> keepVarsT pos o
keepVarsT pos (Effects' es) = foldMap (keepVarsE pos) es
keepVarsT pos (ForallNamed' _ t) = keepVarsT pos t
keepVarsT pos (IntroOuterNamed' _ t) = keepVarsT pos t
keepVarsT _ t = freeVars t
-- Note, this only allows removal if the variable was quantified,
-- so variables that were free in `t` will not be removed.
keepVarsE pos (Var' v)
| pos, v `Set.member` vss = mempty
| otherwise = Set.singleton v
keepVarsE pos e = keepVarsT pos e
:: forall v a