improve merge debug output

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2024-04-17 22:29:07 -04:00
parent 5c397dc3fe
commit f1a45ca883
3 changed files with 190 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ dependencies:
- template-haskell
- temporary
- text
- text-ansi
- text-builder
- text-rope
- these

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Text.ANSI qualified as Text
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2 (Branch (..), CausalBranch)
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2.Branch
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2.Causal
@ -53,7 +54,10 @@ import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Cache (newBranchCache)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Conversions
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference, GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.Merge.CombineDiffs (CombinedDiffOp, combineDiffs)
import Unison.Hash qualified as Hash
import Unison.Merge.AliceIorBob (AliceIorBob (..))
import Unison.Merge.AliceXorBob (AliceXorBob (..))
import Unison.Merge.CombineDiffs (CombinedDiffOp (..), combineDiffs)
import Unison.Merge.Database (MergeDatabase (..), makeMergeDatabase, referent2to1)
import Unison.Merge.DeclCoherencyCheck (IncoherentDeclReason (..), checkDeclCoherency)
import Unison.Merge.DeclNameLookup (DeclNameLookup (..), expectConstructorNames)
@ -148,7 +152,7 @@ handleMerge bobBranchName = do
-- Combine the LCA->Alice and LCA->Bob diffs together
let diff = combineDiffs diffs
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugCombinedDiffs diff)
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugCombinedDiff diff)
-- Partition the combined diff into the conflicted things and the unconflicted things
(conflicts, unconflicts) <-
@ -1109,7 +1113,7 @@ data DebugFunctions = DebugFunctions
ThreeWay DeclNameLookup ->
IO (),
debugDiffs :: TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference) -> IO (),
debugCombinedDiffs :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) CombinedDiffOp Referent TypeReference -> IO (),
debugCombinedDiff :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) CombinedDiffOp Referent TypeReference -> IO (),
debugPartitionedDiff ::
TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId) ->
DefnsF Unconflicts Referent TypeReference ->
@ -1127,7 +1131,7 @@ realDebugFunctions =
{ debugDefns = realDebugDefns,
debugDiffs = realDebugDiffs,
debugCombinedDiffs = realDebugCombinedDiffs,
debugCombinedDiff = realDebugCombinedDiff,
debugPartitionedDiff = realDebugPartitionedDiff,
debugDependents = realDebugDependents,
debugMergedDefns = realDebugMergedDefns,
@ -1143,128 +1147,175 @@ realDebugDefns ::
ThreeWay DeclNameLookup ->
IO ()
realDebugDefns defns declNameLookups = do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's definitions ==="
for_ (Map.toList (BiMultimap.range defns.alice.terms)) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList (BiMultimap.range defns.alice.types)) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's definitions === "
for_ (Map.toList (BiMultimap.range defns.bob.terms)) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList (BiMultimap.range defns.bob.types)) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Alice's definitions ===")
debugDefns1 (bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range defns.alice)
when (not (Map.null declNameLookups.alice.declToConstructors)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's constructor names ==="
for_ (Map.toList declNameLookups.alice.declToConstructors) \(typeName, conNames) ->
Text.putStrLn (Name.toText typeName <> " => " <> tShow (map Name.toText conNames))
when (not (Map.null declNameLookups.bob.declToConstructors)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's constructor names ==="
for_ (Map.toList declNameLookups.bob.declToConstructors) \(typeName, conNames) ->
Text.putStrLn (Name.toText typeName <> " => " <> tShow (map Name.toText conNames))
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Bob's definitions ===")
debugDefns1 (bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range defns.bob)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Alice's constructor names ===")
debugConstructorNames declNameLookups.alice.declToConstructors
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Bob's constructor names ===")
debugConstructorNames declNameLookups.bob.declToConstructors
realDebugDiffs :: TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference) -> IO ()
realDebugDiffs diffs = do
when (not (Map.null diffs.alice.terms) || not (Map.null diffs.alice.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's diff ==="
for_ (Map.toList diffs.alice.terms) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow (Synhashed.hash <$> op))
for_ (Map.toList diffs.alice.types) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow (Synhashed.hash <$> op))
when (not (Map.null diffs.bob.terms) || not (Map.null diffs.bob.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's diff ==="
for_ (Map.toList diffs.bob.terms) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow (Synhashed.hash <$> op))
for_ (Map.toList diffs.bob.types) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow (Synhashed.hash <$> op))
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Alice's diff ===")
renderDiff diffs.alice
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Bob's diff ===")
renderDiff diffs.bob
renderDiff :: DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
renderDiff diff = do
renderThings referentLabel diff.terms
renderThings (const "type") diff.types
realDebugCombinedDiffs :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) CombinedDiffOp Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
realDebugCombinedDiffs diff = do
for_ (Map.toList diff.terms) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow op)
for_ (Map.toList diff.types) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow op)
renderThings :: (ref -> Text) -> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) -> IO ()
renderThings label things =
for_ (Map.toList things) \(name, op) ->
let go color action x =
color $
<> " "
<> Text.italic (label (Synhashed.value x))
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " #"
<> Hash.toBase32HexText (Synhashed.hash x)
in Text.putStrLn case op of
DiffOp'Add x -> go "+" x
DiffOp'Delete x -> go "-" x
DiffOp'Update _ x -> go Text.yellow "%" x
realDebugCombinedDiff :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) CombinedDiffOp Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
realDebugCombinedDiff diff = do
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Combined diff ===")
renderThings referentLabel Referent.toText diff.terms
renderThings (const "type") Reference.toText diff.types
renderThings :: (ref -> Text) -> (ref -> Text) -> Map Name (CombinedDiffOp ref) -> IO ()
renderThings label renderRef things =
for_ (Map.toList things) \(name, op) ->
Text.putStrLn case op of
CombinedDiffOp'Add who ref -> $
"+ "
<> Text.italic (label ref)
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> renderRef ref
<> " ("
<> renderWho who
<> ")"
CombinedDiffOp'Delete who ref -> $
"- "
<> Text.italic (label ref)
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> renderRef ref
<> " ("
<> renderWho who
<> ")"
CombinedDiffOp'Update who _ ref ->
Text.yellow $
"% "
<> Text.italic (label ref)
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> renderRef ref
<> " ("
<> renderWho who
<> ")"
CombinedDiffOp'Conflict ref ->
Text.magenta $
"! "
<> Text.italic (label ref.alice)
<> "/"
<> Text.italic (label ref.bob)
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> renderRef ref.alice
<> "/"
<> renderRef ref.bob
renderWho :: AliceIorBob -> Text
renderWho = \case
OnlyAlice -> "Alice"
OnlyBob -> "Bob"
AliceAndBob -> "Alice and Bob"
realDebugPartitionedDiff ::
TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId) ->
DefnsF Unconflicts Referent TypeReference ->
IO ()
realDebugPartitionedDiff conflicts unconflicts = do
when (not (Map.null conflicts.alice.terms) || not (Map.null conflicts.alice.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's conflicts === "
for_ (Map.toList conflicts.alice.terms) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList conflicts.alice.types) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Conflicts ===")
renderConflicts "termid" conflicts.alice.terms Alice
renderConflicts "termid" conflicts.bob.terms Bob
renderConflicts "typeid" conflicts.alice.types Alice
renderConflicts "typeid" conflicts.bob.types Bob
when (not (Map.null conflicts.bob.terms) || not (Map.null conflicts.bob.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's conflicts ==="
for_ (Map.toList conflicts.bob.terms) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList conflicts.bob.types) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Unconflicts ===")
renderUnconflicts "+" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.adds.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts "+" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.adds.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts "+" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.adds.both AliceAndBob
renderUnconflicts "+" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.adds.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts "+" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.adds.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts "+" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.adds.both AliceAndBob
renderUnconflicts "-" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.deletes.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts "-" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.deletes.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts "-" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.deletes.both AliceAndBob
renderUnconflicts "-" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.deletes.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts "-" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.deletes.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts "-" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.deletes.both AliceAndBob
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.updates.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.updates.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" referentLabel Referent.toText unconflicts.terms.updates.both AliceAndBob
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.updates.alice OnlyAlice
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.updates.bob OnlyBob
renderUnconflicts Text.yellow "%" (const "type") Reference.toText unconflicts.types.updates.both AliceAndBob
renderConflicts :: Text -> Map Name Reference.Id -> AliceXorBob -> IO ()
renderConflicts label conflicts who =
for_ (Map.toList conflicts) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn $
Text.magenta $
"! "
<> Text.italic label
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> Reference.idToText ref
<> " ("
<> (case who of Alice -> "Alice"; Bob -> "Bob")
<> ")"
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.adds.alice) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.adds.alice)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's adds === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.adds.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.adds.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.adds.bob) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.adds.bob)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's adds === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.adds.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.adds.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.adds.both) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.adds.both)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's & Bob's adds === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.adds.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.adds.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.deletes.alice) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.deletes.alice)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's deletes === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.deletes.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.deletes.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.deletes.bob) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.deletes.bob)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's deletes === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.deletes.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.deletes.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.deletes.both) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.deletes.both)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's & Bob's deletes === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.deletes.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.deletes.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.updates.alice) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.updates.alice)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's updates === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.updates.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.updates.alice) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.updates.bob) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.updates.bob)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Bob's updates === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.updates.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.updates.bob) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
when (not (Map.null unconflicts.terms.updates.both) || not (Map.null unconflicts.types.updates.both)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Alice's & Bob's updates === "
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.terms.updates.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts.types.updates.both) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
renderUnconflicts :: (Text -> Text) -> Text -> (ref -> Text) -> (ref -> Text) -> Map Name ref -> AliceIorBob -> IO ()
renderUnconflicts color action label renderRef unconflicts who =
for_ (Map.toList unconflicts) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn $
color $
<> " "
<> Text.italic (label ref)
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
<> " "
<> renderRef ref
<> " ("
<> (case who of OnlyAlice -> "Alice"; OnlyBob -> "Bob"; AliceAndBob -> "Alice and Bob")
<> ")"
realDebugDependents :: DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId -> IO ()
realDebugDependents dependents = do
when (not (Map.null dependents.terms) || not (Map.null dependents.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Dependents of deletes and updates ==="
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Dependents of deletes and updates ===")
for_ (Map.toList dependents.terms) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList dependents.types) \(name, ref) ->
@ -1275,22 +1326,33 @@ realDebugMergedDefns ::
Dropped (DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference) ->
IO ()
realDebugMergedDefns mergedDefns droppedDefns = do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Merged definitions ==="
for_ (Map.toList mergedDefns.terms) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList mergedDefns.types) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Merged definitions ===")
debugDefns1 mergedDefns
when (not (Map.null droppedDefns.terms) || not (Map.null droppedDefns.types)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Dropped definitions ==="
for_ (Map.toList droppedDefns.terms) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("term " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
for_ (Map.toList droppedDefns.types) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn ("type " <> Name.toText name <> " => " <> tShow ref)
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Dropped definitions ===")
debugDefns1 droppedDefns
realDebugMergedConstructorNames :: DeclNameLookup -> IO ()
realDebugMergedConstructorNames mergedDeclNameLookup = do
when (not (Map.null mergedDeclNameLookup.declToConstructors)) do
Text.putStrLn "\n=== Merged constructor names ==="
for_ (Map.toList mergedDeclNameLookup.declToConstructors) \(typeName, conNames) ->
Text.putStrLn (Name.toText typeName <> " => " <> tShow (map Name.toText conNames))
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Merged constructor names ===")
debugConstructorNames mergedDeclNameLookup.declToConstructors
debugConstructorNames :: Map Name [Name] -> IO ()
debugConstructorNames names =
for_ (Map.toList names) \(typeName, conNames) ->
Text.putStrLn (Name.toText typeName <> " => " <> Text.intercalate ", " (map Name.toText conNames))
debugDefns1 :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
debugDefns1 defns = do
renderThings referentLabel Referent.toText defns.terms
renderThings (const "type") Reference.toText defns.types
renderThings :: (ref -> Text) -> (ref -> Text) -> Map Name ref -> IO ()
renderThings label renderRef things =
for_ (Map.toList things) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn (Text.italic (label ref) <> " " <> Name.toText name <> " " <> renderRef ref)
referentLabel :: Referent -> Text
referentLabel ref
| Referent'.isConstructor ref = "constructor"
| otherwise = "term"

View File

@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ library
, template-haskell
, temporary
, text
, text-ansi
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
@ -375,6 +376,7 @@ executable transcripts
, template-haskell
, temporary
, text
, text-ansi
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these
@ -521,6 +523,7 @@ test-suite cli-tests
, template-haskell
, temporary
, text
, text-ansi
, text-builder
, text-rope
, these